Jesus ? "Not God" ? Savior ?



  • English language separates pronouns from verbs & nouns, but Hebrew language word formation has suffixed pronouns attached to words.

    Jeremiah 23:6 ends with three Hebrew words: קראו יהוה צדקנו 

    קראו - verb קָרָא, Qal, yiqtōl (imperfect), 3rd person, masculine, singular, call, & pronoun הוּא, suffixed, 3rd person, masculine, singular, he

    יהוה - Tetragrammaton, the proper name of the God of Israel

    צדקנו - noun צֶדֶק common, singular, construct, righteousness & pronoun אֲנַחְנוּ, suffixed, 1st person, plural, we

    Last two Hebrew words in Jeremiah 23:6 could be translated: 'יהוה Yahweh righteousness We' that shows me יהוה Father & יהוה Salvation share Holy יהוה name, which is The Name above every other name.

    Keep Smiling 😊

  • Brother Rando
    Brother Rando Posts: 1,488

    "In fact, Moses said: ‘Jehovah your God will raise up for you from among your brothers a prophet like me. You must listen to whatever he tells you.  Indeed, anyone who does not listen to that Prophet will be completely destroyed from among the people.’" (Acts 3:22)

    Jehovah raises up a Savior and therefore, can be called 'Savior'.

    Judges 3:9

    When the Israelites called to Jehovah for help, Jehovah raised up a savior to rescue the Israelites, Othʹni·el the son of Keʹnaz, the younger brother of Caʹleb.

    Judges 3:15

    Then the Israelites called to Jehovah for help, so Jehovah raised up for them a savior, Eʹhud the son of Geʹra, a Benʹja·min·ite who was left-handed. In time the Israelites sent tribute through him to Egʹlon the king of Moʹab.

    To claim, Jesus, Moses, Othniel, and Ehud are Saviors is fine, but they are not Jehovah. Jehovah raised them and deserves credit.

    John 5:30

    I cannot do a single thing of my own initiative. Just as I hear, I judge, and my judgment is righteous because I seek, not my own will, but the will of him who sent me.

    Thankful for Google transliterates יהוה in English as Jehovah. Visit about whom Jesus Christ calls the Only True God in (John 17:3)

  • Brother Rando
    Brother Rando Posts: 1,488


    קראו - verb קָרָא, Qal, yiqtōl (imperfect), 3rd person, masculine, singular, call, & pronoun הוּא, suffixed, 3rd person, masculine, singular, he

    Yes, I meant 3rd person... he in the context was about another person. are used to speak about another person or thing - he, she, it, they, them, him, her, hers, his, its, their, theirs.


    Last two Hebrew words in Jeremiah 23:6 could be translated: 'יהוה Yahweh righteousness We' 

    But the scripture is not translated that way. Jeremiah 23:6

    "In his days Judah will be saved, and Israel will reside in security. And this is the name by which he will be called: Jehovah Is Our Righteousness.”

    Thankful for Google transliterates יהוה in English as Jehovah. Visit about whom Jesus Christ calls the Only True God in (John 17:3)

  • Acts 3:1-26 LEB (with Hebrew words usually translated by Jewish scholars in LXX: יהוה as Lord & אלהים as God) =>

    Now Peter and John were going up to the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour. And a certain man was being carried who was lame ⌊from birth⌋. ⌊He⌋ was placed every day at the gate of the temple called “Beautiful,” so that he could ask for charitable gifts from those who were going into the temple courts. When he saw Peter and John about to go into the temple courts, he began asking to receive alms.

    And Peter looked intently at him, together with John, and said, “Look at us!”

    So he fixed his attention on them, expecting to receive something from them.

    But Peter said, “Silver and gold ⌊I do not possess⌋, but what I have, this I give to you — in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, walk!”

    And taking hold of him by the right hand, he raised him up, and immediately his feet and ankles were made strong.

    And leaping up, he stood and began walking around and entered into the temple courts with them, walking and leaping and praising אלהים God.

    And all the people saw him walking and praising אלהים God,

    And they recognized him, that this one was the one who used to sit asking for alms at the Beautiful Gate of the temple, and they were filled with awe and astonishment at what had happened to him. 

    And while he was holding fast to Peter and John, all the people ran together to them in the portico called Solomon’s, utterly astonished.

    And when he saw it, Peter replied to the people, “Men and Israelites, why are you astonished at this? Or why are you staring at us, as if by our own power or godliness we have made him walk? The אלהים God of Abraham and of Isaac and of Jacob, the אלהים God of our fathers, has glorified his servant Jesus, whom you handed over and denied in the presence of Pilate, after he had decided to release him. But you denied the Holy and Righteous One and demanded that a man — a murderer — be granted to you. And you killed the originator of life, whom אלהים God raised from the dead, of which we are witnesses! And on the basis of faith in his name, his name has made this man strong, whom you see and know, and the faith that is through him has given him this perfect health in the presence of you all. And now, brothers, I know that you acted in ignorance, just as your rulers did also. But the things which אלהים God foretold through the mouth of all the prophets, that his Christ would suffer, he has fulfilled in this way. Therefore repent and turn back, so that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the יהוה Lord, and he may send the Christ appointed for you — Jesus, whom heaven must receive until the times of the restoration of all things, about which אלהים God spoke through the mouth of his holy prophets from earliest times. Moses said, ‘The יהוה Lord אלהים God will raise up for you a prophet like me from your brothers. You will listen to him in everything that he says to you. And it will be that every soul who does not listen to that prophet will be destroyed utterly from the people.’ And indeed, all the prophets from Samuel and all those who followed him have spoken about and proclaimed these days. You are the sons of the prophets and of the covenant that God ordained with your fathers, saying to Abraham, ‘And in your offspring all the nations of the earth will be blessed.’ אלהים God, after he had raised up his servant, sent him to you first, to bless you by turning each of you back from your wickedness!” 

    Deuteronomy 18:15-22 LEB =>

    יהוה Yahweh your אלהים God will raise up for you a prophet like me from your midst, from your countrymen, and to him you shall listen. This is ⌊according to all that you asked⌋ from Yahweh your God at Horeb, on the day of the assembly, ⌊saying⌋, ‘⌊I do not want again to hear⌋ the voice of יהוה Yahweh my אלהים God, and I do not want to see again this great fire, so that I may not die!’ And יהוה Yahweh said to me, ‘They are right in what they have said. I will raise up a prophet for them ⌊from among their countrymen⌋ like you, and I will place my words into his mouth, and he shall speak to them ⌊everything that I command him⌋. ⌊And then⌋ the man that will not listen to my words that he shall speak in my name, I will hold accountable. However, the prophet that behaves presumptuously by speaking a word in my name that I have not commanded him to speak, and who speaks in the name of other gods, then that prophet shall die.’ And if you say ⌊to yourself⌋, ‘How can we know the word that יהוה Yahweh has not spoken it?’ Whenever what the prophet spoke in the name of יהוה Yahweh, the thing does not take place and does not come about, that is the thing that יהוה Yahweh has not spoken it. Presumptuously the prophet spoke it; you shall not fear him.” is untrustworthy because "their communication channel with god" has presumptuously spoken many times, which has not happened as predicted => Unfulfilled Watch Tower Society predictions (correct communication channel with the eternally True God has correct predictions).

    Two situational deliverers are described in Judges 3:1-30 LEB =>

    These are the nations that יהוה Yahweh left, to test Israel by them (that is, to test all those who ⌊had not experienced⌋ any of the wars of Canaan, in order that the generations of Israel would know war, to teach those ⌊who had not experienced it⌋ before): the five rulers of the Philistines, all the Canaanites, the Sidonians, and the Hivites living on Mount Lebanon, from Mount Baal Hermon up to Lebo-Hamath. They were left for testing Israel, to know whether they would keep the commands of יהוה Yahweh that he commanded their ancestors through the hand of Moses. And the ⌊Israelites⌋ lived in the midst of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites. And they took their daughters as wives for themselves, and they gave their daughters to their sons, and they served their gods. 

    The ⌊Israelites⌋ did evil in the eyes of יהוה Yahweh. They forgot יהוה Yahweh their אלהים God, and they served the Baals and the Asheroth. And ⌊the anger of יהוה Yahweh was kindled⌋ against Israel, and he sold them into the hand of Cushan-Rishathaim, the king of Aram Naharaim; and the ⌊Israelites⌋ served Cushan-Rishathaim eight years. The ⌊Israelites⌋ cried out to יהוה Yahweh, and יהוה Yahweh raised up a deliverer for the ⌊Israelites⌋ who delivered them, Othniel son of Kenaz, Caleb’s younger brother. And the spirit of יהוה Yahweh came upon him, and he judged Israel. He went out to war, and יהוה Yahweh gave Cushan-Rishathaim king of Aram into his hand, and ⌊he prevailed over⌋ Cushan-Rishathaim. So the land rested forty years. Then Othniel son of Kenaz died. 

    And again the ⌊Israelites⌋ did evil in the eyes of יהוה Yahweh. So יהוה Yahweh strengthened Eglon king of Moab against Israel, because they did evil in the eyes of יהוה Yahweh. He gathered to himself the ⌊Ammonites and Amalekites⌋, and he went and defeated Israel, and they took possession of the city of palms. And the ⌊Israelites⌋ served Eglon king of Moab eighteen years. 

    And the ⌊Israelites⌋ cried out to יהוה Yahweh, and יהוה Yahweh raised up for them a deliverer, Ehud son of Gera, a Benjaminite and ⌊a left-handed man⌋. And the ⌊Israelites⌋ sent a tribute to Eglon king of Moab ⌊through him⌋. Ehud made for himself a short, ⌊two-edged⌋ sword (a cubit in length), and he fastened it under his clothes on his right thigh. Then he presented the tribute to Eglon king of Moab. Now Eglon was a very fat man. When Ehud had finished presenting the tribute, he sent away the people who carried the tribute. But he turned back from the sculptured stones that were near Gilgal, and he said, “I have ⌊a secret message⌋ for you, O king.” And he said, “Silence!” So all those standing in his presence went out, and Ehud came to him while he was sitting alone in his cool upper room. And Ehud said, “I have a ⌊message from God⌋ for you.” So he got up from his seat. Then Ehud reached with his left hand for the sword on his right thigh, and he thrust it into his stomach. And the handle also went in after the blade, and the fat closed over the blade because he did not draw back the sword from his stomach; and it went protruding out the back. And Ehud went out the vestibule, and he closed the doors of the upper room and locked them behind him. 

    After he left, his servants returned. When they saw that the doors of the upper room were locked, ⌊they thought⌋, “Surely he is ⌊relieving himself⌋ in the cool inner room.” And they waited so long they became embarrassed because he did not open the doors of the upper room. So they took the key and opened the doors, and there their lord was lying on the ground dead. 

    And Ehud escaped while they delayed. He passed by the sculptured stones and escaped to Seirah. And when he arrived he sounded the trumpet in the hill country of Ephraim, and the ⌊Israelites⌋ went down from the hill country with him leading them. And he said to them, “Follow after me! יהוה Yahweh has given Moab your enemies into your hand.” So they went down after him, and they captured the fords of the Jordan toward Moab; and they did not allow anyone to cross over. And they struck Moab at that time, about ten thousand men, ⌊all strong and able men⌋; no one escaped. And Moab was subdued on that day under the hand of Israel. And the land rested eighty years. 

    Contrast is יהוה Salvation birth announcement in Matthew 1:18-25 LEB (with Hebrew words usually translated by Jewish scholars in LXX: יהוה as Lord & אלהים as God) =>

    Now the birth of Jesus Christ occurred in this way. His mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found ⌊to be pregnant⌋ by the Holy Spirit. So Joseph her husband, being righteous and not wanting to disgrace her, intended to divorce her secretly. But as he was considering these things, behold, an angel of the יהוה Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for what has been conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. And she will give birth to a son, and you will call his name ‘Jesus,’ because he will save his people from their sins.” Now all this happened in order that what was spoken by the יהוה Lord through the prophet would be fulfilled, saying, 

    “Behold, the virgin ⌊will become pregnant⌋ and will give birth to a son, and they will call his name Emmanuel,” 

    which is translated, “אלהים God with us.” And Joseph, when he woke up from sleep, did as the angel of the יהוה Lord commanded him, and he took his wife and ⌊did not have sexual relations with⌋ her until she gave birth to a son. And he called his name Jesus. 

    Philippians 2:5-18 LEB (with Hebrew words usually translated by Jewish scholars in LXX: יהוה as Lord & אלהים as God) =>

    Think this in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who, existing in the form of אלהים God, did not consider being equal with אלהים God something to be grasped, but emptied himself by taking the form of a slave, by becoming in the likeness of people. And being found in appearance like a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, that is, death on a cross. Therefore also אלהים God exalted him and graciously granted him the name above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven and of those on earth and of those under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is יהוה Lord, to the glory of אלהים God the Father. Therefore my dear friends, just as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For the one at work in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure, is אלהים God. Do all things without grumbling and disputing, in order that you may become blameless and innocent, children of אלהים God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverted generation, among whom you shine as stars in the world, holding fast to the word of life, for a source of pride to me in the day of Christ, that I did not run in vain or labor in vain. But even if I am being poured out as a drink offering on the sacrifice and service of your faith, I rejoice and rejoice with all of you. And in the same way also you rejoice and rejoice with me.

    What did/does The Word, יהוה Salvation (Jesus) know about eternally existing in the form of אלהים God ?

    Truly, what is humility ? (includes John 5:30 willful choice for doing the Will of יהוה Father)

    Keep Smiling 😊

  • Brother Rando
    Brother Rando Posts: 1,488


    Truly, what is humility ? (includes John 5:30 willful choice for doing the Will of יהוה Father)

    2 Timothy 2:8

    Remember that Jesus Christ was raised up from the dead and was David’s offspring, according to the good news I preach,

    Zechariah 6:12

    And say to him, “‘This is what Jehovah of armies says: “Here is the man whose name is Sprout. He will sprout from his own place, and he will build the temple of Jehovah.

    Isaiah 61:11

    For as the earth brings forth its sprouts And as the garden makes what is sown in it sprout, So will the Sovereign Lord Jehovah Cause righteousness and praise to sprout before all the nations.

    יהוה - He Causes to Become - JEHOVAH

    Matthew 1:21

    She will give birth to a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.”

    Exodus 23:21

    Pay attention to him, and obey his voice. Do not rebel against him, for he will not pardon your transgressions, because my name is in him.

    Thankful for Google transliterates יהוה in English as Jehovah. Visit about whom Jesus Christ calls the Only True God in (John 17:3)

  • Following hall of faith in Hebrews 11 is joyful reason for humble obedience by יהוה Salvation (Jesus) in Hebrews 12:1-11 LEB (with Hebrew words usually translated by Jewish scholars in LXX: יהוה as Lord & אלהים as God) =>

    Therefore, since we also have such a great cloud of witnesses surrounding us, putting aside every weight and ⌊the sin that so easily ensnares us⌋, let us run with patient endurance the race that has been set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the originator and perfecter of faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, disregarding the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of אלהים God. For consider the one who endured such hostility by sinners against himself, so that you will not grow weary in your souls and give up. You have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood as you struggle against sin. And have you completely forgotten the exhortation which instructs you as sons? 

    “My son, do not make light of the יהוה Lord’s discipline, or give up when you are corrected by him. 

    For the Lord disciplines the one whom he loves, and punishes every son whom he accepts.” 

    Endure it for discipline. אלהים God is dealing with you as sons. For what son is there whom a father does not discipline? But if you are without discipline, in which all legitimate sons have become participants, then you are illegitimate and not sons. Furthermore, we have had ⌊our earthly fathers⌋ who disciplined us, and we respected them. Will we not much rather subject ourselves to the Father of spirits and live? For they disciplined us for a few days according to what seemed appropriate to them, but he does so for our benefit, in order that we can have a share in his holiness. Now all discipline seems for the moment not to be joyful but painful, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness for those who are trained by it.

    To me, the originator & perfecter of faith is the creator of wisdom because אלהים God's Wisdom is one of the tools for prefecting faith (& belief & trust) in the One unique Holy אלהים God, who has three voices: יהוה Father, יהוה Salvation, Ruach HaKodesh

    Paul writing to Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:1-13 LEB (with Hebrew words usually translated by Jewish scholars in LXX: יהוה as Lord & אלהים as God) =>

    You, therefore, my child, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and the things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these things to faithful people who will be competent to teach others also. Suffer together with me as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No one who serves as a soldier is entangled in the activities of everyday life, so that he may please the one who enlisted him. And also if anyone competes he is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules. The farmer who works hard must be the first to receive a share of the crops. Consider what I am saying, for the יהוה Lord will grant you understanding in all these things

    Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, a descendant of David according to my gospel, in connection with which I suffer misfortune to the point of ⌊imprisonment⌋ as a criminal, but the אלהים word of God is not bound. Because of this, I endure all things for the sake of the chosen, in order that they also may obtain salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory. The saying is trustworthy: 

    For if we died with him, we will also live with him

    if we endure, we will also reign with him

    if we deny him, he also will deny us; 

    if we are unfaithful, he remains faithful — ⌊he cannot deny himself⌋. 

    To me, if I deny יהוה Salvation (Jesus) being my יהוה Lord, then Jesus will deny knowing me & send me to be eternally tormented. I choose to believe scripture being literally true for my worship of 'יהוה Yahweh righteousness We' having יהוה Father & יהוה Salvation share Holy יהוה name, which is The Name above every other name.

    Zechariah 6:9-7:14 LEB =>

    And the word of יהוה Yahweh came to me, saying, “Collect from the exiles—from Heldai, Tobijah, and from Jedaiah, all of whom came from Babylon — and go on that day, go to the house of Josiah son of Zephaniah. Take the silver and gold and make a crown, and set it on the head of Joshua son of Jehozadak, the high priest. And say to him, ‘Thus says יהוה Yahweh of hosts: “Look, here is a man whose name is Branch, and from his place he will sprout, and he will build the temple of יהוה Yahweh. And he will build the temple of יהוה Yahweh, and he will bear majesty and will sit and rule on his throne. And he shall be a priest on his throne, and the counsel of peace will be between the two of them.” ’ And the crown will be for Helem, for Tobijah, for Jedaiah, and for Hen son of Zephaniah, as a memorial in the temple of Yahweh. And those who are far off will come and build the temple of יהוה Yahweh, and you will know that יהוה Yahweh of hosts has sent me to you. And it will happen if you will listen diligently to the voice of יהוה Yahweh your אלהים God.” 

    ⌊And then⌋, in the fourth year of King Darius, the word of יהוה Yahweh came to Zechariah on the fourth day of the ninth month, which is Kislev. And the people of Bethel sent Sharezer and Regem-Melech, and their men, to entreat ⌊the favor⌋ of יהוה Yahweh, saying to the ⌊priests of the house of יהוה Yahweh of hosts⌋ and to the prophets, “Should I mourn in the fifth month and keep myself separate as I have done for these many years?” And the word of יהוה Yahweh of hosts came to me, saying, “Say to all the people of the land and to the priests: ‘When you fasted and lamented in the fifth and seventh months for these seventy years, did you really fast for me? And when you eat and drink, are you not eating and drinking for yourselves? Are not these the words that יהוה Yahweh proclaimed ⌊through⌋ the former prophets, when Jerusalem and ⌊its surrounding towns⌋ were inhabited and at ease, and the Negev and the Shephelah were inhabited?’ ” 

    And the word of יהוה Yahweh came to Zechariah, saying, “Thus says יהוה Yahweh of hosts: ‘Judge with trustworthy justice, and show steadfast love and compassion ⌊to one another⌋. You must not oppress the widow, the orphan, the foreigner, and the needy. You must not devise evil in your heart ⌊against one another⌋.’ But they refused to listen, and turned a stubborn shoulder and ⌊stopped their ears from listening⌋. ⌊They made their hearts adamant⌋ in order not to hear the law and the words that יהוה Yahweh of hosts had sent by his spirit through the former prophets; therefore great wrath came from יהוה Yahweh of hosts. ‘Thus, just as I called and they would not hear, so they will call and I will not hear,’ says יהוה Yahweh of hosts. ‘And I scattered them with a wind among all the nations that they had not known; the land was made desolate behind them — no one crossing through it or returning — and they made the desirable land a desolation.’ ” 

    To me, the Watchtower Society ( has chosen to turn a stubborn shoulder against eternal truth. My faith believes "יהוה Yahweh of hosts" = The Word, who chose to leave Holy אלהים God's throne to be clothed in human flesh for the purpose of יהוה Salvation (substitionary sin sacrifice for humans so Holy אלהים God provided the narrow way to Righteous Holiness, which requires human free will choice to repent from sin & turn to Holy אלהים God for forgiveness with cleansing from unrighteousness).

    FYI: sadly stubborn shoulder also reminds me of arrogant pride in the United States of America so later this year may have the land experience supply chain failure for famine of diesel, food, gas, .... (if American arrogant pride continues refusal for repenting from sin & believing in Holy אלהים God's יהוה Salvation for forgiveness from sin with cleansing from unrighteousness). Lack of modern transportation would hamper door to door visitation by Watchtower adherents (& many other activities).

    @Brother Rando June 27 יהוה - He Causes to Become - JEHOVAH

    Hebrew verbs do not express time of action. Meaning of יהוה is expressed as "the one who was and the one who is and the one who is coming" in Revelation 4:8 LEB (with Hebrew words usually translated by Jewish scholars in LXX: יהוה as Lord & אלהים as God) =>

    “Holy, holy, holy is the יהוה Lord אלהים God All-Powerful, the one who was and the one who is and the one who is coming!” 

    Greek verb "was" is imperfect tense: continous action in past time while the "is" & "is coming" are present tense participles: continous action in present time with "is coming" expressing future expectation.

    Exodus 23:21 has historical context for the Israelite journey from Egypt to the promised land over 3,000 years ago. Exodus 23:20-33 LEB =>

    “ ‘Look, I am about to send an angel before you to guard you on the way and to bring you to the place that I have prepared. Be attentive to him and listen to his voice; do not rebel against him, because he will not forgive your transgression, for my name is in him. But if you listen attentively to his voice and do all that I say, I will be an enemy to your enemies and a foe to your foes. When my angel goes before you and brings you to the Amorites and the Hittites and the Perizzites and the Canaanites and the Hivites and the Jebusites, I will wipe them out. 

    “ ‘You will not bow to their אלהים gods, and you will not serve them, and you will not act according to their actions, because you will utterly demolish them, and you will utterly break their stone pillars. And you will serve יהוה Yahweh your אלהים God, and he will bless your bread and your water, and I will remove sickness from among you. There will be no one suffering miscarriage or infertile in your land. I will make full the number of your days. 

    “ ‘I will release my terror before you, and I will throw into confusion all the people against whom you come, and I will ⌊make all your enemies turn their back to you⌋. And I will send the hornet before you, and it will drive out the Hivites, the Canaanites, and the Hittites from before you. I will not drive them out from before you in one year, lest the land become a desolation and ⌊the wild animals⌋ multiply against you. Little by little I will drive them out from before you until you are fruitful and take possession of the land. 

    “ ‘And I will set your boundary from the ⌊Red Sea⌋ and up to the sea of the Philistines and from the desert up to the river, because I will give the inhabitants of the land into your hand, and you will drive them out from before you. You will not make a covenant with them and with their gods. They will not live in your land, lest they cause you to sin against me when you serve their gods, for it will be a snare to you.’ ” 

    Angel created by יהוה having the name of יהוה does not have the ability to forgive sin against יהוה

    Keep Smiling 😊

  • Brother Rando
    Brother Rando Posts: 1,488
    edited June 2022

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus Angel created by יהוה having the name of יהוה does not have the ability to forgive sin against יהוה

    Not only did this messanger have יהוה in him, those whom obeyed his voice would be forgiven. And those whom disobeyed him, were destroyed by death.

     “I am sending an angel יהוה ahead of you to guard you on the way and to bring you into the place that I have prepared.  Pay attention to him, and obey his voice. Do not rebel against him, for he will not pardon your transgressions, because my name יהוה is in him." (Exodus 23:20-21)

    "Nevertheless, God was not pleased with most of them, for they were struck down in the wilderness." (Corinthians 10:5) Notice the angel is called God.

    Also notice the angel יהוה says I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

    Thankful for Google transliterates יהוה in English as Jehovah. Visit about whom Jesus Christ calls the Only True God in (John 17:3)

  • @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus June 27 Angel created by יהוה having the name of יהוה does not have the ability to forgive sin against יהוה

    @Brother Rando June 27 Not only did this messanger have יהוה in him, those whom obeyed his voice would be forgiven. And those whom disobeyed him, were destroyed by death.

    Puzzling assertion is "those whom obeyed his voice would be forgiven" so curious about scripture support ?

    My reading of the Exodus 23 historical context for the Israelite journey from Egypt to the promised land over 3,000 years ago does not find this forgiven idea because living righteously by hearing & obeying Holy אלהים God does not need forgiveness.

    @Brother Rando June 27 Notice the angel is called God.

    Noticed the word "angel" (Greek lemma ἄγγελος) does not appear in 1 Corinthians 10:1-33 LEB (with Hebrew words usually translated by Jewish scholars in LXX: יהוה as Lord & אלהים as God) =>

    For I do not want you to be ignorant, brothers, that our fathers were all under the cloud and all went through the sea, and all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea, and all ate the same spiritual food, and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank from the spiritual rock that followed them, and the rock was Christ. But אלהים God was not pleased with the majority of them, for they were struck down in the desert. 

    Now these things happened as examples for us, so that we should not be desirers of evil things, just as those also desired them, and not become idolaters, as some of them did, just as it is written, “The people sat down to eat and drink, and stood up to play,” nor commit sexual immorality, as some of them committed sexual immorality, and twenty-three thousand fell in one day, nor put Christ to the test, as some of them tested him, and were destroyed by snakes, nor grumble, just as some of them grumbled, and were destroyed by the destroyer. Now these things happened to those people as an example, but are written for our instruction, on whom the ends of the ages have come. Therefore, the one who thinks that he stands must watch out lest he fall. Temptation has not come upon you except what is common to humanity. But אלהים God is faithful, who will not permit you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but will also make a way out together with the temptation, so that you may be able to endure it

    Therefore, my dear friends, flee from idolatry. I am speaking as to sensible people; you judge what I am saying. The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not a participation in the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not a participation in the body of Christ? Because there is one bread, we who are many are one body, for we all share from the one bread. Consider Israel according to the flesh: are not the ones who eat the sacrifices sharers in the altar? Therefore, what am I saying? That food sacrificed to idols is anything, or that an idol is anything? No, but that the things which they sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons and not to אלהים God, and I do not want you to become sharers with demons. You are not able to drink the cup of the יהוה Lord and the cup of demons. You are not able to share the table of the יהוה Lord and the table of demons. Or are we attempting to provoke the יהוה Lord to jealousy? We are not stronger than he is, are we

    All things are permitted, but not all things are profitable. All things are permitted, but not all things build up. Let no one seek ⌊his own good⌋ but the good of the other. Eat everything that is sold in the meat market, ⌊asking no questions⌋ for the sake of the conscience, for “the earth is the יהוה Lord’s, and its fullness.” If any of the unbelievers invites you, and you want to go, eat everything that is set before you, ⌊asking no questions⌋ for the sake of the conscience. But if someone says to you, “This is offered to idols,” do not eat it, for the sake of that one who informed you and the conscience. Now I am not speaking about your own conscience, but the conscience of the other person. For why is my freedom judged by another’s conscience? If I partake with thankfulness, why am I slandered concerning that for which I give thanks? 

    Therefore, whether you eat or you drink or whatever you do, do all things for the glory of אלהים God. ⌊Give no offense⌋ both to Jews and to Greeks and to the church of אלהים God, just as I also please all people in all things, not seeking my own benefit, but the benefit of the many, in order that they may be saved. 

    The destroyer in 1 Corinthians 10:10 could be an angel of יהוה (for destroying grumblers, who complained).

    Could believing the Watchtower society be a form of idolatry against יהוה ? (seems JW adherents place more faith in Watchtower teachings at than Holy Scripture inspired by יהוה).

    Noticed those who put Christ to the test were bitten by snakes as described in Numbers 21:4-9 LEB =>

    They set out from Mount Hor by the way of the ⌊Red Sea⌋ to go around the land of Edom; but ⌊the people became impatient⌋ along the way. The people spoke against אלהים God and against Moses, “Why have you brought us from Egypt to die in the desert? There is no food and no water, and our hearts detest this miserable food.” 

    And יהוה Yahweh sent among the people poisonous snakes; they bit the people, and many people from Israel died. The people came to Moses and said, “We have sinned because we have spoken against יהוה Yahweh and against you. Pray to יהוה Yahweh and let him remove the snakes from among us.” So Moses prayed for the people. And יהוה Yahweh said to Moses, “Make for yourself a snake and place it on a pole. When anyone is bitten and looks at it, that person will live.” So Moses made a snake of bronze, and he placed it on the pole; whenever a snake bit someone, and that person looked at the snake of bronze, he lived. 

    יהוה Salvation (Jesus) was lifted up to die as the Holy substitutionary sin sacrifice so anyone choosing to repent from their sins & look up to יהוה Salvation (Jesus) can have their sins forgiven by יהוה along with cleansing from unrighteousness for eternal righteous life.

    @Brother Rando June 27 Also notice the angel יהוה says I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

    The word "angel" (Greek lemma ἄγγελος) does not appear in John 14 so word substitution apparently shows personal faith belief while lacking scripture support.

    John 14:1-31 LEB (with Hebrew words usually translated by Jewish scholars in LXX: יהוה as Lord & אלהים as God) =>

    “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in אלהים God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places; but if not, I would have told you, because I am going away to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to myself, so that where I am, you may be also. And you know the way where I am going.”

    Thomas said to him, “יהוה Lord, we do not know where you are going. How are we able to know the way?”

    Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you know him and have seen him.”

    Philip said to him, “יהוה Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us.”

    Jesus said to him, “Am I with you so long a time and you have not known me, Philip? The one who has seen me has seen the Father! How can you say, ‘Show us the Father?’ Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I say to you I do not speak from myself, but the Father residing in me does his works. Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; but if not, believe because of the works themselves. Truly, truly I say to you, the one who believes in me, the works that I am doing he will do also, and he will do greater works than these because I am going to the Father. And whatever you ask in my name, I will do this, in order that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it. If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, in order that he may be with you forever — the Spirit of truth, whom the world is not able to receive, because it does not see him or know him. You know him, because he resides with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans; I am coming to you. Yet a little time and the world will see me no longer, but you will see me; because I live, you also will live. On that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you. The one who has my commandments and keeps them — that one is the one who loves me. And the one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and will reveal myself to him.”

    Judas (not Iscariot) said to him, “יהוה Lord, why is it that you are going to reveal yourself to us and not to the world?”

    Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves me he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and will take up residence with him. The one who does not love me does not keep my words, and the word that you hear is not mine, but the Father’s who sent me. These things I have spoken to you while residing with you. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name — that one will teach you all things, and will remind you of everything that I said to you. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you — not as the world gives, I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid. You have heard that I said to you, ‘I am going away, and I am coming to you.’ If you loved me, you would have rejoiced that I am going to the Father, because the Father is greater than I am. And now I have told you before it happens, so that when it happens, you may believe. I will no longer speak much with you, for the ruler of the world is coming, and he has no power over me. But so that the world may know that I love the Father, and just as the Father has commanded me, thus I am doing. Get up, let us go from here!

    If יהוה Salvation (Jesus) knew he was not eternal Theon (θεὸν), then why would יהוה Salvation (Jesus) command to be believing in יהוה Salvation (Jesus) the same as believing in the Theon (θεὸν) ?

    πιστεύετε εἰς τὸν θεόν, καὶ εἰς ἐμὲ πιστεύετε

     Holmes, M. W. (2011–2013). The Greek New Testament: SBL Edition (Jn 14:1). Lexham Press; Society of Biblical Literature.

    Be Ye Believing in The Theon, also in Me Be Ye Believing (my literal translation showing continuous believing action command in present time)

    If יהוה Salvation is a portion of eternal Theon (θεὸν) so the whole spirit inside the human body of Jesus is Holy Theon (θεὸν) while Holy Theon (θεὸν) is more than The Word (Jesus), then believing in יהוה Salvation (Jesus, The Word) is the same as believing in the Theon (θεὸν).

    Keep Smiling 😊

  • Brother Rando
    Brother Rando Posts: 1,488

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus  The Word) is the same as believing in the Theon (θεὸν).

    No otherwise Jesu swould called Ton THEON and he is not. " In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God ton theon, and the Word was a god theos.

    If Jesus was ton theon the scriptures would say so.

    Thankful for Google transliterates יהוה in English as Jehovah. Visit about whom Jesus Christ calls the Only True God in (John 17:3)

  • @Brother Rando June 24 Doesn't the Bible call יהוה (Theon) ?

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus June 25 Bible Search of the Lexham Hebrew Bible for <Lemma = lbs/he/יהוה> finds 6,828 results in 5,790 verses.

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus June 25 Morph Search of LXX Swete for lemma:יהוה finds 6,758 results in 5,727 verses (reverse interlinear alignments could be expanded/improved)

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus June 25 Morph Search of LXX Swete for lemma:יהוה INTERSECTS lemma:κύριος finds 6,076 results in 5,251 verses where יהוה is translated Lord (κύριος)

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus June 25 Morph Search of LXX Swete for lemma:יהוה INTERSECTS lemma:θεός finds 247 results in 240 verses where יהוה is translated God (θεός)

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus June 25 Morph Search of LXX Swete for lemma:יהוה INTERSECTS lemma:θεός INTERSECTS <LogosMorphGr ~ NA???> finds 28 results in 28 verses where יהוה is translated God using accusative grammatical spelling Theon (θεὸν). Noticed 12 results are the prepositional phrase πρὸς τὸν θεόν (e.g. Moses replied to Pharoah that Moses would pray "to the God" "πρὸς τὸν θεόν" "pros ton theon" in Exodus 8:29Exodus 8:30Exodus 10:18)

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus June 25 Greek changes word spelling to show grammatical usage. The answer to @Brother Rando question "Doesn't the Bible call יהוה (Theon) ?" is Yes (in 0.4 % of Greek Septuagint translations for יהוה)

    Question "Doesn't the Bible call יהוה (Theon) ?" has four related questions (with the same answer of Yes):

    • Doesn't the Bible call יהוה (Theos) ?
    • Doesn't the Bible call יהוה (Theou) ?
    • Doesn't the Bible call יהוה (Theō) ?
    • Doesn't the Bible call יהוה (Thee) ?

    Morph Search of LXX Swete for lemma:יהוה INTERSECTS lemma:θεός INTERSECTS <LogosMorphGr ~ NN???> finds 114 results in 112 verses where יהוה is translated God using nominative grammatical spelling Theos (θεὸς)

    Morph Search of LXX Swete for lemma:יהוה INTERSECTS lemma:θεός INTERSECTS <LogosMorphGr ~ NG???> finds 71 results in 70 verses where יהוה is translated God using genitive grammatical spelling Theou (θεοῦ)

    Morph Search of LXX Swete for lemma:יהוה INTERSECTS lemma:θεός INTERSECTS <LogosMorphGr ~ ND???> finds 32 results in 32 verses where יהוה is translated God using dative grammatical spelling Theō (θεῷ)

    Morph Search of LXX Swete for lemma:יהוה INTERSECTS lemma:θεός INTERSECTS <LogosMorphGr ~ NV???> finds 2 results in 2 verses where יהוה is translated God using vocative grammatical spelling Thee (θεὲ)

    Greek - Transliteration - Translation

    θεὸς - Theos - God

    θεοῦ - Theou - of/from God

    θεῷ - Theō - in/by/to God

    θεόν - Theov - God (direct object of a verb OR object of some prepositions: e.g. πρὸς)

    θεὲ - Thee - God (direct address to God as in Isaiah 38:20 and Ezekiel 4:14)

    Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος, καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν θεόν, καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος. (Greek text)

    En archē ēn ho logos, kai ho logos ēn pros ton theon, kai theos ēn ho logos. (Transliteration)

    In beginning was being The Word, and The Word was being with/in The God, and God was being The Word. (Translation)

    Note: my literal translation has "was being" for expressing imperfect (continuous action in past time) verb tense ἦν (en) and "with/in" for πρὸς (pros) preposition range of meaning.

    Theov is accusative spelling of God, which has a range of meaning with pros =>

    4314. πρός prŏs, pros; a strengthened form of 4253; a prep. of direction; forward to, i.e. toward (with the genit. the side of, i.e. pertaining to; with the dat. by the side of, i.e. near to; usually with the accus. the place, time, occasion, or respect, which is the destination of the relation, i.e. whither or for which it is predicated):—about, according to, against, among, at, because of, before, between, ([where-]) by, for, × at thy house, in, for intent, nigh unto, of, which pertain to, that, to (the end that), + together, to ([you]) -ward, unto, with (-in). In comp. it denotes essentially the same applications, namely, motion towards, accession to, or nearness at.

     James Strong, A Concise Dictionary of the Words in the Greek Testament and The Hebrew Bible (Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software, 2009), 61.

    Contrast πρός prŏs (4314) with εἰς ĕis (1519) & μετά mĕta (3326)

    1519. εἰς ĕis, ice; a prim. prep.; to or into (indicating the point reached or entered), of place, time, or (fig.) purpose (result, etc.); also in adv. phrases:—[abundant-] ly, against, among, as, at, [back-] ward, before, by, concerning, + continual, + far more exceeding, for [intent, purpose], fore, + forth, in (among, at, unto, -so much that, -to), to the intent that, + of one mind, + never, of, (up-) on, + perish, +set at one again, (so) that, therefore (-unto), throughout, till, to (be, the end, -ward), (here-) until (-to), … ward, [where-] fore, with. Often used in composition with the same general import, but only with verbs (etc.) expressing motion (lit. or fig.).

     James Strong, A Concise Dictionary of the Words in the Greek Testament and The Hebrew Bible (Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software, 2009), 26.

    3326. μετά mĕta, met-ah´; a prim. prep. (often used adv.); prop. denoting accompaniment; “amid” (local or causal); modified variously according to the case (gen. association, or acc. succession) with which it is joined; occupying an intermediate position between 575 or 1537 and 1519 or 4314; less intimate than 1722, and less close than 4862):—after (-ward), × that he again, against, among, × and, + follow, hence, hereafter, in, of, (up-) on, + our, × and setting, since, (un-) to, + together, when, with (+ -out). Often used in composition, in substantially the same relations of participation or proximity, and transfer or sequence.

     James Strong, A Concise Dictionary of the Words in the Greek Testament and The Hebrew Bible (Bellingham, WA: Logos Bible Software, 2009), 47.

    If יהוה Salvation (Jesus) knew he was not eternal God (e.g. archangel Michael), then why would יהוה Salvation (Jesus) command to be believing in יהוה Salvation (Jesus) the same as believing in the eternal God ?

    πιστεύετε εἰς τὸν θεόν, καὶ εἰς ἐμὲ πιστεύετε

     Holmes, M. W. (2011–2013). The Greek New Testament: SBL Edition (Jn 14:1). Lexham Press; Society of Biblical Literature.

    Be Ye Believing in The God, also in Me Be Ye Believing (my literal translation showing continuous believing action command in present time)

    If יהוה Salvation is a portion of the eternal God so the whole spirit inside the human body of Jesus is Holy God while Holy God is more than The Word (Jesus) as it is written in John 1:1, then believing in יהוה Salvation (Jesus, The Word) is the same as believing in the eternal God.

    Keep Smiling 😊

  • Brother Rando
    Brother Rando Posts: 1,488


    All the titles are shared with angels and men expect one THEON  (θεὸν).

    Even elohim is given to Moses and Angels.... but יהוה is never rendered to Jesus

    However... we can easily render Exodus 23:21 to Jesus.... "Pay attention to him, and obey his voice. Do not rebel against him, for he will not pardon your transgressions, because my name יהוהis in him." 

    Jesus would pardon transgressions to prove he is the Son of Man.

    But in order for You to know that the Son of man has authority to forgive sins on earth—” he said to the paralytic: Mark 2:10

    Thankful for Google transliterates יהוה in English as Jehovah. Visit about whom Jesus Christ calls the Only True God in (John 17:3)

  • @Brother Rando June 28 All the titles are shared with angels and men expect one THEON (θεὸν).

    @Brother Rando June 28 Even elohim is given to Moses and Angels.... but יהוה is never rendered to Jesus

    Thank you for expressing your faith belief again.

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus June 26 Truly, יהוה Father described יהוה Salvation as being Righteous in Jeremiah 23:5-6 LEB =>

    “Look, days are coming,” declares יהוה Yahweh, “when I will raise up for David a righteous branch, and he will reign as king, and he will achieve success, and he will do justice and righteousness in the land. In his days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell in safety, and this is his name by which he will be called: ‘יהוה Yahweh is our righteousness.’

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus June 26 Jeremiah 23:6 ends with three Hebrew words: קראו יהוה צדקנו 

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus June 26 קראו - verb קָרָא, Qal, yiqtōl (imperfect), 3rd person, masculine, singular, call, & pronoun הוּא, suffixed, 3rd person, masculine, singular, he

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus June 26 יהוה - Tetragrammaton, the proper name of the God of Israel

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus June 26 צדקנו - noun צֶדֶק common, singular, construct, righteousness & pronoun אֲנַחְנוּ, suffixed, 1st person, plural, we

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus June 26 Last two Hebrew words in Jeremiah 23:6 could be translated: 'יהוה Yahweh righteousness We' 

    @Brother Rando June 26 But the scripture is not translated that wayJeremiah 23:6

    @Brother Rando June 26 "In his days Judah will be saved, and Israel will reside in security. And this is the name by which he will be called: Jehovah Is Our Righteousness.”

    Human translation is the intersection of source language range of meaning & target language range of meaning within human belief boundaries.

    Human Watchtower organization shows their belief of יהוה being Jehovah (not a word used by Jewish predecessors who wanted to avoid treating the efficable Holy name יהוה in vain due to Holy אלהים God's Righteous judgment). English phrase "Jehovah Is Our Righteousness" includes a present tense verb for a verbless Hebrew clause, which expresses a state of being. Phrase also includes interpretation of plural pronoun suffix being grammatically genitive Our (alternative is nominative We). Hebrew names describe the one named: הוה צדקנו describes Lord King Righteous (Melchizedek) branch of David. To me, "יהוה Righteousness We" truly rules on Holy אלהים God's throne: יהוה Father & יהוה Salvation in One unique Holy אלהים God. Hebrew name הוה צדקנו is also correct for the King Righteous over the Universe being Our righteousness for we humans who repent from sin against יהוה & believe/want יהוה Salvation to be our יהוה Lord, which is the narrow way to Holy Righteousness for eternal life in Holy אלהים God (few there be that find the only way to eternal life).

    @Brother Rando June 26 Jesus would pardon transgressions to prove he is the Son of Man.

    "Son of Man" describes everlasting King Righteous (Melchizedek) in Daniel 7:13-14 LEB => “⌊I continued watching⌋ in the visions of the night, and look, with the clouds of heaven one like a son of man was coming, and he came to the Ancient of Days, and ⌊was presented⌋ before him. And to him was given dominion and glory and kingship that all the peoples, the nations, and languages would serve him; his dominion is a dominion ⌊without end⌋ that will not cease, and his kingdom is one that will not be destroyed.

    Keep Smiling 😊

  • Brother Rando
    Brother Rando Posts: 1,488

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus June 26 Truly, יהוה Father described יהוה Salvation as being Righteous in Jeremiah 23:5-6 LEB =>

    “Look, days are coming,” declares יהוה Yahweh, “when I will raise up for David a righteous branch, and he will reign as king, and he will achieve success, and he will do justice and righteousness in the land. In his days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell in safety, and this is his name by which he will be called: ‘יהוה Yahweh is our righteousness.’

    Thank you for clearing that up. I agree that actual scripture read יהוה Yahweh is our righteousness.’ And not "יהוה Righteousness We" as you falsely claim. Even though I think you really do understand the scripture and just trying to spin and promote the error of the Apostate faith of your forefathers.

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus "Son of Man" describes everlasting King Righteous (Melchizedek) in Daniel 7:13-14 LEB => “⌊I continued watching⌋ in the visions of the night, and look, with the clouds of heaven one like a son of man was coming, and he came to the Ancient of Days, and ⌊was presented⌋ before him. And to him was given dominion and glory and kingship that all the peoples, the nations, and languages would serve him; his dominion is a dominion ⌊without end⌋ that will not cease, and his kingdom is one that will not be destroyed.

    Psalm 110:4

    Jehovah has sworn an oath, and he will not change his mind: “You are a priest forever In the manner of Mel·chizʹe·dek!”

    Hebrews 6:20

    where a forerunner has entered in our behalf, Jesus, who has become a high priest in the manner of Mel·chizʹe·dek forever.

    Daniel 7:13-14 foreshadows the coming of Jesus, the Son of man coming as the Messiah and that he would become High Priest in the fullfilment of prophecy. Jesus as High Priest would be the mediator between (the Ancient of Days יהוה and the Congreagtion).

    1 Timothy 2:5

    For there is one יהוה, and one mediator between יהוה and men, a man, Christ Jesus,

    Jesus would pardon transgressions to prove he is the Son of Man.

    But in order for You to know that the Son of man has authority to forgive sins on earth—” he said to the paralytic: Mark 2:10

    Weymouth New Testament

    But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to pardon sins" --He turned to the paralytic, and said,

    NASB 1995

    “For if you forgive others for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.

    NASB 1977

    “For if you forgive men for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.

    NET Bible

    "For if you forgive others their sins, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.

    Thankful for Google transliterates יהוה in English as Jehovah. Visit about whom Jesus Christ calls the Only True God in (John 17:3)

  • @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus June 26 Truly, יהוה Father described יהוה Salvation as being Righteous in Jeremiah 23:5-6 LEB =>

    “Look, days are coming,” declares יהוה Yahweh, “when I will raise up for David a righteous branch, and he will reign as king, and he will achieve success, and he will do justice and righteousness in the land. In his days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell in safety, and this is his name by which he will be called: ‘יהוה Yahweh is our righteousness.’

    @Brother Rando June 30 Thank you for clearing that up. I agree that actual scripture read יהוה Yahweh is our righteousness.’ And not "יהוה Righteousness We" as you falsely claim.

    One English translation of two Hebrew words יהוה צדקנו is "יהוה Yahweh is our righteousness" while another English translation is "יהוה Righteousness We" (plural pronoun suffix does not specify grammatical usage: Our = genitive, We = nominative). A couple centuries before יהוה Word took on human flesh to become יהוה Salvation (Son), Hebrew scholars translated יהוה צדקנו as Κύριος Ἰωσέδεκ "Lord Salvation He"


    Iōsedek, n.p., Jozadak. 1×

    Hebrew Alignment

    צֶ֫דֶק—accuracy, what is correct; right thing, what is honest; equity, what is right; communal loyalty; salvation, well-being (1): Jer 23:6


    Ἰωσέδεκ NNSM (1) Ἰωσέδεκ

     The Lexham Analytical Lexicon of the Septuagint (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2012).

    NNSM = Noun, Nominative, Singular, Masculine

    My translation "יהוה Righteousness We" agrees with Jewish Hebrew scholars choosing Greek Nominative for grammatical usage, but We is plural while Ἰωσέδεκ is singular He (shows Jewish interpretation of plural pronoun over 2,000 years ago).

    FYI: Hebrew has 2,586 plural אלהים that was translated into Greek lemma θεός (Theos, Theou, Theō, Theov, Thee) using singular spelling in 80% of reverse interlinear alignments in LXX Swete. Logos Morph Search => lemma:אֱלֹהִים@N??P INTERSECTS lemma:θεός@N?S has 2,066 results.

    @Brother Rando June 30 Even though I think you really do understand the scripture and just trying to spin and promote the error of the Apostate faith of your forefathers.

    Puzzling words "promote the error of the Apostate faith of your forefathers" lack context & substance. To me, the puzzling words describe a fictional view from the Watchtower society that does not describe a real person: i.e. internet search for apostate forefathers finds many results. Another internet search is charles taze russell hell whose results include an eye witness account describing current cursed condition =>

    We continued walking and the Lord showed me a man whose hands were stretched out and the surprising thing about this man is that he had a very fine sword inside his tongue and this sword crossed through his head and was coming out of his body. His feet were grabbed by chains and his back was full of blades set in different positions in a way that no matter how he moved, he would be cut. When I saw this man in this condition, I told Jesus, “Lord, please help him. Do something Lord Jesus. Look at the terrible pain that this man is going through.”

    The Lord asked me- “You don’t know who this man is?

    “No, Lord”, I said. I saw how the knives got through his skin and then through the bones and how they came out of his body. The man only screamed in agony.

    The Lord told me, “Judgment against this man has been established. Now I am going to tell you the identity of this man.”

    Because of that revelation, the Lord said ‘You will have to run from city to city because this will cause you a great persecution but I will be with you.”

    He went on to say “Rodolfo, this man is Charles T. Russell”.

    I said “Lord, who is he?”

    The Lord said that this man was the founder of the Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    I pleaded “Lord, please help him”

    and the Lord said: “No, Rodolfo”.

    And as the Lord moved his hands, immediately I saw that many souls were falling into hell in every way possible: they were falling head first, feet first, stomach first etc“.

    Rodolfo, for that cursed man, all these souls are entering into hell. This man taught that God was only a God of love. The Bible says that God is a consuming fire. This man Charles Russell took the word hell from the Bible and he took out all the words sheol and Abadon. Also, he denied the deity of Jesus Christ and also denied the deity of the Holy Spirit and he put only the Word Jehovah in the Bible. He took out Jesus and the Holy Spirit. For this cursed man, all these souls are falling into hell.” (Revelation 22:18-19)

    Then the Lord said: “I curse that man”.

    Every human will be judged for their choice of words & deeds that show what that human ❤️ loved most. Matthew 25:31-46 LEB =>

    Now when the Son of Man comes in his glory and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. And all the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate them from one another like a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. And he will place the sheep on his right and the goats on the left.

    Then the king will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world! For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me as a guest, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you cared for me, I was in prison and you came to me.

    Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you as a guest, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and come to you?’

    And the king will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, in as much as you did it to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me.’

    Then he will also say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you accursed ones, into the eternal fire that has been prepared for the devil and his angels! For I was hungry and you did not give me anything to eat, I was thirsty and you did not give me anything to drink, I was a stranger and you did not welcome me as a guest, naked and you did not clothe me, sick and in prison and you did not care for me.’

    Then they will also answer, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and not serve you?’

    Then he will answer them, saying, ‘Truly I say to you, in as much as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.’

    And these will depart into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.” 

    My intense desire is being a Holy sheep of יהוה Salvation (Lord Jesus) who clearly hears & obeys Holy אלהים God. 🙏 Praying for multitude of humans to repent from their sin against יהוה אלהים יהוה for forgiveness with Holy cleansing by the blood of יהוה Salvation 🙏

    Humanly anticipating awful changes in America later this year: e.g. diesel engines not being usable due to fluid shortages (fuel, oil, & exhaust fluid) so America experiences famine, which would be righteous judgment for murdering millions of babies.

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus June 30 "Son of Man" describes everlasting King Righteous (Melchizedek) in Daniel 7:13-14 LEB => “⌊I continued watching⌋ in the visions of the night, and look, with the clouds of heaven one like a son of man was coming, and he came to the Ancient of Days, and ⌊was presented⌋ before him. And to him was given dominion and glory and kingship that all the peoples, the nations, and languages would serve him; his dominion is a dominion ⌊without end⌋ that will not cease, and his kingdom is one that will not be destroyed.

    @Brother Rando June 30 Psalm 110:4 Jehovah has sworn an oath, and he will not change his mind: “You are a priest forever In the manner of Mel·chizʹe·dek!”

    @Brother Rando June 30 Hebrews 6:20 where a forerunner has entered in our behalf, Jesus, who has become a high priest in the manner of Mel·chizʹe·dek forever.

    @Brother Rando June 30 Daniel 7:13-14 foreshadows the coming of Jesus, the Son of man coming as the Messiah and that he would become High Priest in the fullfilment of prophecy. Jesus as High Priest would be the mediator between (the Ancient of Days יהוה and the Congreagtion).

    To me, Daniel 7:13-14 describes the Son of Man return to Holy Heaven after completing Holy sin sacrifice: human body death on an execution stake, burial in a rich man's tomb, and human body resurrection. Today יהוה Salvation rules on Holy אלהים God's throne with יהוה Father.

    We agree the Son of Man has authority & ability to forgive sin against יהוה אלהים יהוה

    Every human has free will to choose faith belief: lots of thoughts congeal into personal faith belief, which shows in words and deeds. My prayers include: 🙏 יהוה אלהים יהוה please help me to ❤️ Love You with all of me: my mind (mental), my heart (emotional), my soul (social), my strength (physical) so I can truly worship (spiritual) יהוה אלהים יהוה as You designed & desire ❤️ that enables Holy Living ❤️ Love to flow into me for me to ❤️ Love myself as You ❤️ Love me & Righteously flow out to ❤️ Love others as myself.

    Keep Smiling 😊

  • Brother Rando
    Brother Rando Posts: 1,488

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus To me, Daniel 7:13-14 describes the Son of Man return to Holy Heaven after completing Holy sin sacrifice: human body death on an execution stake, burial in a rich man's tomb, and human body resurrection. Today יהוה Salvation rules on Holy אלהים God's throne with יהוה Father.

    @Brother Rando June 30 Psalm 110:4 Jehovah has sworn an oath, and he will not change his mind: “You are a priest forever In the manner of Mel·chizʹe·dek!”

    @Brother Rando June 30 Hebrews 6:20 where a forerunner has entered in our behalf, Jesus, who has become a high priest in the manner of Mel·chizʹe·dek forever.

    @Brother Rando June 30 Daniel 7:13-14 foreshadows the coming of Jesus, the Son of man coming as the Messiah and that he would become High Priest in the fullfilment of prophecy. Jesus as High Priest would be the mediator between (the Ancient of Days יהוה and the Congreagtion).

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus We agree the Son of Man has authority & ability to forgive sin against יהוה אלהים יהוה

    Rev 18:1  After this I saw another angel descending from heaven with great authority, and the earth was illuminated by his glory.

    John 17:1  Jesus spoke these things, and raising his eyes to heaven, he said: “Father, the hour has come. Glorify your son so that your son may glorify you,"

    Thankful for Google transliterates יהוה in English as Jehovah. Visit about whom Jesus Christ calls the Only True God in (John 17:3)

  • @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus July 3 To me, Daniel 7:13-14 describes the Son of Man return to Holy Heaven after completing Holy sin sacrifice: human body death on an execution stake, burial in a rich man's tomb, and human body resurrection. Today יהוה Salvation rules on Holy אלהים God's throne with יהוה Father.

    @Brother Rando July 4 @Brother Rando June 30 Daniel 7:13-14 foreshadows the coming of Jesus, the Son of man coming as the Messiah and that he would become High Priest in the fullfilment of prophecy. Jesus as High Priest would be the mediator between (the Ancient of Days יהוה and the Congreagtion).

    Thank you for repeating your foreshadow interpretation of Daniel 7:13-14 that apparently is different from my prophecy fulfillment view. Curious about your belief for prophecy fulfillment timing of Daniel 7:13-14 LEB =>

    “⌊I continued watching⌋ in the visions of the night, and look, with the clouds of heaven one like a son of man was coming, and he came to the Ancient of Days, and ⌊was presented⌋ before him. And to him was given dominion and glory and kingship that all the peoples, the nations, and languages would serve him; his dominion is a dominion ⌊without end⌋ that will not cease, and his kingdom is one that will not be destroyed.

    Psalm 110 about Melchizedek (King Righteous) being forever agrees with my "Son of Man" describes everlasting King Righteous (Melchizedek).

    Larger context for Hebrews 6:20 is Hebrews 6:13-7:10 LEB =>

    For when God made a promise to Abraham, since he had no one greater to swear by, he swore by himself, saying, 

    “Surely ⌊I will greatly bless⌋ you, and ⌊I will greatly multiply⌋ you.” 

    And so, by persevering, he obtained the promise. For people swear by what is greater than themselves, and the oath for confirmation is the end of all dispute for them. In the same way God, because he wanted to show even more to the heirs of the promise the unchangeableness of his resolve, guaranteed it with an oath, in order that through two unchangeable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have taken refuge may have powerful encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us, which we have like an anchor of the soul, both firm and steadfast, and entering into the inside of the curtain, where Jesus, the forerunner for us, entered, because he became a high priest ⌊forever⌋ according to the order of Melchizedek. 

     For this Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of the most high God, who met Abraham as he was returning from the slaughter of the kings and blessed him, to whom also Abraham apportioned a tenth of everything — in the first place, his name is translated “king of righteousness,” and then also “king of Salem,” that is, “king of peace”; without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but resembling the Son of God — he remains a priest for all time. 

    But see how great this man was, to whom Abraham the patriarch gave a tenth from the spoils! And indeed those of the sons of Levi who receive the priesthood have a commandment to collect a tenth from the people according to the law, that is, from their brothers, although ⌊they are descended from Abraham⌋. But the one who did not trace his descent from them collected tithes from Abraham and blessed the one who had the promises. Now without any dispute the inferior is blessed by the more prominent. And in this case mortal men receive tithes, but in that case it is testified that he lives. And, ⌊so to speak⌋, even Levi, the one who receives tithes, has paid tithes through Abraham. For he was still in the loins of his father when Melchizedek met him. 

    Notice Melchizedek description lacks angelic being, but describes eternal Holy אלהים God.

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus July 3 We agree the Son of Man has authority & ability to forgive sin against יהוה אלהים יהוה

    @Brother Rando July 4 Rev 18:1  After this I saw another angel descending from heaven with great authority, and the earth was illuminated by his glory.

    Every word in scripture has context in a sentence. Every sentence has context in a paragraph. Every paragraph has context in a larger unit.

    Artificial chapter & verse numbers were added about 500 years ago (for use with a concordance).

    Revelation 18:1 context for an angelic being with great authority does NOT mention forgiveness, but does describe destruction.

    Judgment context for Revelation 18:1 is Revelation 17:1-18:24 LEB =>

    And one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and spoke with me, saying, “Come, I will show you the judgment of the great prostitute who is seated on many waters, with whom the kings of the earth committed sexual immorality, and those who live on the earth became drunk with the wine of her sexual immorality.” And he carried me away into the wilderness in the Spirit, and I saw a woman seated on a scarlet beast that was full of blasphemous names, having seven heads and ten horns. And the woman was dressed in purple and scarlet and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, holding a golden cup in her hand full of detestable things and the unclean things of her sexual immorality. And on her forehead a name was written, a mystery: “Babylon the great, the mother of prostitutes and of the detestable things of the earth.” And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the witnesses to Jesus. 

    And ⌊I was greatly astonished when I saw her⌋. And the angel said to me, “Why are you astonished? I will tell you the mystery of the woman and of the beast that has the seven heads and the ten horns that carries her. The beast that you saw was, and is not, and is going to come up from the abyss, and he is going to destruction. And those who live on the earth, whose names are not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, will be astonished when they see the beast that was, and is not, and will be present. Here is the mind that has wisdom: the seven heads are seven mountains ⌊on which the woman sits⌋ and they are seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come, and whenever he comes it is necessary for him to remain a short time. And the beast that was, and is not, is also himself an eighth, and is of the seven, and he is going to destruction. And the ten horns that you saw are ten kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but they will receive authority as kings for one hour with the beast. These have one opinion, and they will give their power and authority to the beast. These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will conquer them, because he is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those with him are called and chosen and faithful.” 

    And he said to me, “The waters that you saw, where the prostitute is seated, are peoples and crowds and nations and languages. And the ten horns that you saw and the beast, these will hate the prostitute and will make her desolate and naked, and they will eat her flesh and will burn her up with fire. For God put into their hearts to carry out his purpose and to make ⌊a unanimous decision⌋ and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled. And the woman that you saw is the great city that has sovereignty over the kings of the earth. 

     After these things I saw another angel descending from heaven, who had great authority, and the earth was illuminated by his splendor. And he cried out with a powerful voice, saying, 

    “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great, and it has become a dwelling place of demons and a haunt of every unclean spirit and a haunt of every unclean bird and a haunt of every unclean and detested animal. For all the nations have drunk from the wine of the passion of her sexual immorality, and the kings of the earth have committed sexual immorality with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich from the power of her sensuality.” 

    And I heard another voice from heaven saying, 

    “Come out from her, my people, so that you will not participate in her sins, and so that you will not receive her plagues, because her sins have reached up to heaven, and God has remembered her crimes. Pay back to her as she herself also paid out, and ⌊pay back double⌋ according to her deeds; in the cup that she mixed, mix double for her. As much as she glorified herself and lived in luxury, give to her so much torment and mourning, because in her heart she said, ‘I sit as a queen, and am not a widow, and I will never see mourning!’ Because of this her plagues will come in one day — death and mourning and famine — and she will be burned up with fire, because the Lord God who passes judgment on her is powerful!” 

    And the kings of the earth will weep and mourn over her, those who committed sexual immorality and lived sensually with her, when they see the smoke of her burning, standing ⌊far off⌋ because of the fear of her torment, saying, 

    “Woe, woe, the great city, Babylon the powerful city, because in one hour your judgment has come!” 

    And the merchants of the earth weep and mourn over her, because no one buys their cargo any more — cargo of gold and silver and precious stones and pearls and fine linen and purple cloth and silk and scarlet cloth and all kinds of scented wood and all kinds of ivory goods and all kinds of goods of precious wood and bronze and iron and marble and cinnamon and amomum and incense and ointment and frankincense and wine and olive oil and fine wheat flour and wheat and domesticated animals and sheep and horses and carriages and ⌊slaves⌋ and human lives. 

    “And ⌊the fruit your soul desires⌋ has departed from you, and all the luxury and the splendor has perished from you, and they will never find them any more.” 

    The merchants of these things, who became rich from them, will stand ⌊far off⌋, weeping and mourning because of the fear of her torment, saying, 

    “Woe, woe, the great city, dressed in fine linen and purple cloth and scarlet cloth, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, because in one hour such great wealth has been laid waste!” 

    And every shipmaster and ⌊every seafarer⌋ and sailors and all those who labor on the sea stood ⌊far off⌋ and began to cry out when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, “Who is like the great city?” And they threw dust on their heads and were crying out, weeping and mourning, saying, 

    “Woe, woe, the great city, in which all those who had ships on the sea became rich from her prosperity, because in one hour she has been laid waste!” 

    Rejoice over her, heaven and the saints and the apostles and the prophets, because God has pronounced your judgment on her!” 

    And one powerful angel picked up a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the sea, saying, 

    “In this way Babylon the great city will be thrown down with violence, and will never be found again! And the sound of harpists and musicians and flute players and trumpeters will never be heard in you again! And every craftsman of every trade will never be found in you again! And the sound of a mill will never be heard in you again! And the light of a lamp will never shine in you again! And the sound of a bridegroom and bride will never be heard in you again! For your merchants were the most important people of the earth, because with your sorcery they deceived all the nations. And in her was found the blood of prophets and saints and all those who had been slaughtered on the earth. 

    Rome is often referred to as the City of Seven Hills due to its geographic location. The book "Foxe's Book of Martyrs" describes persecution spanning centuries (the blood of saints, holy ones, from their belief in יהוה Salvation as יהוה Lord אלהים God & their agreement/confession/repentence of sin having freely received Holy healing).

    Noticed John 17:1 snippet from beginning of prayer spoken by יהוה Salvation (Jesus). John 17:1-26 LEB (with Hebrew word usually translated by Jewish scholars in LXX: אלהים as God) =>

    Jesus said these things, and lifting up his eyes to heaven he said, “Father, the hour has come! Glorify your Son, in order that your Son may glorify you — just as you have given him authority over all flesh, in order that he would give eternal life to them — everyone whom you have given him. Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true אלהים God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. I have glorified you on earth by completing the work that you have given me to do. And now, Father, you glorify me at your side with the glory that I had at your side before the world existed. “I have revealed your name to the men whom you gave me out of the world. They were yours, and you have given them to me, and they have kept your word. Now they understand that all the things that you have given me are from you, because the words that you gave to me I have given to them, and they received them and know truly that I have come from you, and they have believed that you have sent me. I am asking on behalf of them. I am not asking on behalf of the world, but on behalf of those whom you have given me, because they are yours, and all my things are yours, and your things are mine, and I have been glorified in them. And I am no longer in the world, and they are in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, keep them in your name, which you have given to me, so that they may be one, just as we are. When I was with them, I kept them in your name, which you have given to me, and guarded them, and none of them has perished except the son of destruction, in order that the scripture would be fulfilled. And now I am coming to you, and I am saying these things in the world so that they may have my joy completed in themselves. I have given them your word, and the world has hated them, because they are not of the world just as I am not of the world. I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. Sanctify them in the truth — your word is truth. Just as you sent me into the world, I also have sent them into the world. And for them I sanctify myself, so that they themselves also may be sanctified in the truth. “And I do not ask on behalf of these only, but also on behalf of those who believe in me through their word, that they all may be one, just as you, Father, are in me and I am in you, that they also may be in us, in order that the world may believe that you sent me. And the glory that you have given to me, I have given to them, in order that they may be one, just as we are one—I in them, and you in me, in order that they may be completed in one, so that the world may know that you sent me, and you have loved them just as you have loved me. “Father, those whom you have given to me — I want that those also may be with me where I am, in order that they may see my glory that you have given me because you loved me before the foundation of the world. Righteous Father, although the world does not know you, yet I have known you, and these men have come to know that you sent me. And I made known to them your name, and will make it known, in order that the love with which you loved me may be in them, and I may be in them.

    What did יהוה Salvation truly know about אלהים God's Glory & ❤️ Love before the foundation of the world ?

    If Jesus knew he was not eternal God (e.g. archangel Michael OR annointed human), why would Jesus pray "your things are mine" to The Father ?

    Humanly challenging for me to describe יהוה Salvation at the side of יהוה Father when the physical realm had not yet been created by אלהים God.

    Keep Smiling 😊

  • Brother Rando
    Brother Rando Posts: 1,488

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus Notice Melchizedek description lacks angelic being, but describes eternal Holy אלהים God.

    Not at all since the angel would have God's Name יהוה in him.

    Hebrews 5:5 So, too, the Christ did not glorify himselfe by becoming a high priest, but was glorified by the One יהוה who said to him: “You are my son; today I have become your father.”f  As he also says in another place, “You are a priest forever in the manner of Mel·chizʹe·dek.”

     During his life on earth,* Christ offered up supplications and also petitions, with strong outcries and tears,h to the One יהוה who was able to save him out of death, and he was favorably heard for his godly fear.  Although he was a son, he learned obedience from the things he suffered.i  And after he had been made perfect,j he became responsible for everlasting Salvation to all those Obeying him,k 10  because he has been designated by God יהוה a high priest in the manner of Mel·chizʹe·dek.

    Exodus 23:20  “I am sending an angel ahead of youw to guard you on the way and to bring you into the place that I have prepared.x 21  Pay attention to him, and Obey his voice. Do not rebel against him, for he will not pardon your transgressions,y because my name יהוה is in him.

    Jesus is the Angel of God's Presence that that was mistreated by your forefathers who denied him and refused to listen and obey him. “Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared. Beware of him, and obey his voice, provoke him not; for he will not pardon your transgressions: for my name is in him” (Exodus 23:20-21 KJV)

    "He was oppressed and he let himself be afflicted, But he would not open his mouth. He was brought like a sheep to the slaughter, Like a ewe that is silent before its shearers, And he would not open his mouth." (Isaiah 53:7)

    "And he was given a burial place with the wicked, And with the rich in his death, Although he had done no wrong And there was no deception in his mouth." (Isaiah 53:9)

    To deny the Angel of God’s Presence you would have to reject Jesus Christ as the Word of God. “In all their affliction he was afflicted, and the Angel of his Presence saved them: in his love and in his pity he redeemed them; and he bore them and carried them all the days of old.” (Isaiah 63:9 ASV)

    1. You would have to reject that Jesus Christ was afflicted with our sins.
    2. You would have to reject that Jesus Christ is our Salvation.
    3. You would have to reject that Jesus Christ loved us or felt pity for us.
    4. You would have to reject that Jesus Christ is our Redeemer.
    5. You would have to reject that Jesus Christ died for our sins once and for all time.

    Then a voice came out of the cloud, saying: “This is my Son, the one who has been chosen. Listen to him.” (Luke 9:35)  Accepting Jesus as the Christ can add a profound meaning for your Life. Jesus warned the wicked Religious Leaders of his day, “For I say to you, you will by no means see me from now until you say, ‘Blessed is the one who comes in Jehovah’s name!’” (Matthew 23:39)

    "But they Rebelled, and grieved his Holy Spirit: therefore he was turned to be their enemy, [and] himself fought against them." (Isaiah 63:10)

    Thankful for Google transliterates יהוה in English as Jehovah. Visit about whom Jesus Christ calls the Only True God in (John 17:3)

  • @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus July 4 Notice Melchizedek description lacks angelic being, but describes eternal Holy אלהים God.

    @Brother Rando July 5 Not at all since the angel would have God's Name יהוה in him.

    Thank you for expressing personal faith belief in the angel, which simply disagrees with Scripture.

    The Letter to the Hebrews includes angels near the beginning and ending of the Letter to the Hebrews, but NOT when describing Melchizedek (King of Righteousness). Larger context for Hebrews 5:5-5:10 includes God calling men to be priests in Hebrews 4:14-5:14 LEB (with Hebrew word usually translated by Jewish scholars in LXX: אלהים as God) =>

    Therefore, because we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of אלהים God, let us hold fast to our confession. For we do not have a high priest who is not able to sympathize with our weaknesses, but who has been tempted in all things in the same way, without sin. Therefore let us approach with confidence to the throne of grace, in order that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. 

    For every high priest taken from among men is appointed on behalf of people in the things relating to אלהים God, in order that he can offer both gifts and sacrifices on behalf of sins, being able to deal gently with those who are ignorant and led astray, since he himself also is surrounded by weakness, and because of it he is obligated to offer sacrifices for sins for himself also, as well as for the people. And someone does not take for himself the honor, but is called by אלהים God, just as Aaron also was. Thus also Christ did not glorify himself to become high priest, but the one who said to him, 

    “You are my Son, today I have begotten you,” 

    just as also in another place he says, 

    “You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek,” 

    who in the days of his flesh offered up both prayers and supplications, with loud crying and tears, to the one who was able to save him from death, and he was heard as a result of his reverence. Although he was a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered, and being perfected, he became the source of eternal salvation to all those who obey him, being designated by אלהים God a high priest according to the order of Melchizedek. 

    Concerning this we have much to say and it is difficult to explain, since you have become sluggish in hearing. For indeed, although you ought to be teachers by this time, you have need of someone to teach you again the beginning elements of the oracles of אלהים God, and you have need of milk, not solid food. For everyone who partakes of milk is unacquainted with the message of righteousness, because he is an infant. But solid food is for the mature, who because of practice have trained their faculties for the distinguishing of both good and evil. 

    Every son inherits their father's name for identification, which is consistent with יהוה Father describing יהוה Salvation as "יהוה Righteous We" in Jeremiah 23:5-6 (יהוה Father & יהוה Salvation share Holy יהוה name in One eternal אלהים God).

    @Brother Rando July 5 To deny the Angel of God’s Presence you would have to reject Jesus Christ as the Word of God. 

    We disagree about what should be rejected. Phrase "the Angel of God's Presence" is not in any of the 1,023 Bibles in my Logos library. Basic search for angel NEAR God NEAR Presence in Type:Bible found results in 117 Bibles: e.g. Luke 1:18-20 LEB =>

    And Zechariah said to the angel, “By what will I know this? For I am an old man, and my wife is advanced in years!”

    And the angel answered and said to him, “I am Gabriel, who stands in the presence of God, and I was sent to speak to you and to announce to you this good news. And behold, you will be silent and not able to speak until the day these things take place, because you did not believe my words, which will be fulfilled in their time.” 

    Opening the seventh seal describes seven angels who stand before God in Revelation 8:1-5 LEB =>

     And when he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. And I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and seven trumpets were given to them. And another angel who had a golden censer came and stood at the altar, and a large amount of incense was given to him, in order that he could offer the prayers of all the saints on the golden altar that is before the throne. And the smoke of the incense went up before God with the prayers of the saints from the hand of the angel. And the angel took the censer and filled it with the fire from the altar and threw it to the earth, and there were thunders and sounds and lightnings and an earthquake. 

    My faith believes יהוה Salvation is a voice in One unique אלהים God. יהוה Will was spoken by יהוה The Word so Breath The Holy (Ruach HaKodesh) created everything: wisdom, physical realm, beings (angelic & human), ... One unique Holy אלהים God created everything. If יהוה The Word had not spoken, then nothing would have been created. The יהוה Will became יהוה Father when יהוה The Word took on human flesh to become יהוה Salvation, the Son of Man & the Son of אלהים God.

    Colossians 1:3-1:23 LEB (with Hebrew words usually translated by Jewish scholars in LXX: יהוה as Lord & אלהים as God) =>

    We give thanks always to אלהים God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ when we pray for you, since we heard about your faith in Christ Jesus and the love that you have for all the saints, because of the hope reserved for you in heaven, which you have heard about beforehand in the word of truth, the gospel, that has come to you, just as also in all the world it is bearing fruit and increasing, just as also among you from the day you heard about and understood the grace of אלהים God in truth, just as you learned it from Epaphras, our dear fellow slave who is a faithful minister of Christ on our behalf, who also made clear to us your love in the Spirit. 

    Because of this also we, from the day we heard about it, did not cease praying for you, and asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual insight, so that you may live in a manner worthy of the יהוה Lord, ⌊to please him in all respects⌋, bearing fruit in every good deed and increasing in the knowledge of אלהים God, enabled with all power, according to his glorious might, for all steadfastness and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father who has qualified you for a share of the inheritance of the saints in light, who has rescued us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of the Son ⌊he loves⌋, in whom we have the redemption, the forgiveness of sins, who is the image of the invisible אלהים God, the firstborn over all creation, because all things in the heavens and on the earth were created by him, things visible and things invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or powers, all things were created through him and for him, and he himself is before all things, and in him all things are held together, and he himself is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that he himself may become first in everything, because he was well pleased for all the fullness to dwell in him, and through him to reconcile all things to himself, by making peace through the blood of his cross, through him, whether things on earth or things in heaven. 

    And ⌊although you were formerly alienated⌋ and enemies in attitude, because of your evil deeds, but now you have been reconciled by ⌊his physical body⌋ through death, to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him, if indeed you remain in the faith, established and steadfast and not shifted away from the hope of the gospel that you heard, which was proclaimed in all creation under heaven, of which I, Paul, became a minister. 

    The Apostle Paul penned Koine Greek words for "other" in other letters, but the Letter to the Colossians does not have any Koine Greek word for "other".

    Also, the Apostle Paul warned about being taken captive by philosophy, empty deceit, & human tradition in Colossians 2:6-15 LEB (with Hebrew words usually translated by Jewish scholars in LXX: יהוה as Lord & אלהים as God) =>

    Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the יהוה Lord, live in him, firmly rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding with thankfulness. Beware lest ⌊anyone take you captive⌋ through philosophy and empty deceit, according to ⌊human tradition⌋, according to the elemental spirits of the world and not according to Christ, because in him all the fullness of deity dwells bodily, and you are filled in him, who is the head over every ruler and authority, in whom also you were circumcised with a circumcision not made by hands, by the removal of the body of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ, having been buried with him in baptism, in which also you were raised together with him through faith in the working of God, who raised him from the dead. And ⌊although you were dead⌋ in the trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, he made you alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, having destroyed the certificate of indebtedness in ordinances against us, which was hostile to us, and removed it out of the way by nailing it to the cross. When he had disarmed the rulers and the authorities, he made a display of them in public, triumphing over them by it. 

    Being cognizant of Watchtower preference for translating יהוה as Jehovah, corresponding translation in Colossians 2:6 would be => Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Jehovah, live in him, ...

    An angel of God's presence does not match Paul's description: "... Christ, because in him all the fullness of deity dwells bodily, ..." because an angel lacks the fullness of deity: e.g. Exodus 23:20-21 angel could not forgive sin against יהוה אלהים יהוה while deity fullness can forgive sin: e.g. the Son of Man.

    @Brother Rando July 5 1. You would have to reject that  Jesus Christ was afflicted with our sins.

    @Brother Rando July 5 2. You would have to reject that  Jesus Christ is our Salvation.

    @Brother Rando July 5 3. You would have to reject that  Jesus Christ loved us or felt pity for us.

    @Brother Rando July 5 4. You would have to reject that  Jesus Christ is our Redeemer.

    @Brother Rando July 5 5. You would have to reject that  Jesus Christ died for our sins once and for all time.

    Nothing in your list is rejected by me. Rejection conclusions from a faulty premise (phrase "the Angel of God’s Presence" is not in Scripture) are also faulty.

    Keep Smiling 😊

  • Brother Rando
    Brother Rando Posts: 1,488

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus An angel of God's presence does not match Paul's description: "... Christ, because in him all the fullness of deity dwells bodily, ..." because an angel lacks the fullness of deity: e.g. Exodus 23:20-21 angel could not forgive sin against יהוה אלהים יהוה while deity fullness can forgive sin: e.g. the Son of Man.

    Angels are called elohim in pluarl. (gods)

    Or like god - as god, a god in singular.

    Deity actually means Godhead which angels are part of... especially when it comes to judging or pardoning... Angels are spirits in the manner that God is a Spirit. (John 4:24)

    The Head of Christ is God. Christ is the angel of Jehovah. (Exodus 3:2)

    Those who disobeyed the Angel after entering into the Wildnerness were destroyed but just a few... others were offpring of those destroyed.

    1 Cor10:1  Now I want you to know, brothers, that our forefathers were all under the clouda and all passed through the seab 2  and all got baptized into Moses by means of the cloud and of the sea, 3  and all ate the same spiritual foodc 4  and all drank the same spiritual drink.d For they used to drink from the spiritual rock that followed them, and that rock meant the Christ.


     10  Neither be murmurers,l as some of them murmured,m only to perish by the destroyer.

    Thankful for Google transliterates יהוה in English as Jehovah. Visit about whom Jesus Christ calls the Only True God in (John 17:3)

  • Brother Rando
    Brother Rando Posts: 1,488

    Other transaltions naming sins in Exodus 23:21

    Douay-Rheims Bible

    Take notice of him, and hear his voice, and do not think him one to be contemned: for he will not forgive when thou hast sinned, and my name is in him.

    Peshitta Holy Bible Translated

    Beware of him and listen to his voice; do not contend against him, lest he will not forgive your sins, because my Name is upon him.

    for he will not pardon your transgressions:

    or suffer them to pass unchastised and uncorrected, but will, as he did, take vengeance on their inventions, and on them because of them, though he forgave their iniquities; for that he was such an Angel as could forgive sin, which none but God can do, is evident; because it would be absurd to say he will not pardon, if he could not pardon their transgressions, see ( Matthew 9:6 ) ,

    6 But I want you to know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.” So he said to the paralyzed man, “Get up, take your mat and go home.”

    In Jesus pre-exsistence he appeared to the prophets as the angel of Jehovah, having the authority to forgive sins. Coming to earth he wanted others to know that as the Son of Man (Christ) he would do this and that is why he is Lord of the Sabbath which is also called Christ's Millinieal Regin.

    Peshitta Holy Bible Translated

    Beware of him and listen to his voice; do not contend against him, lest he will not forgive your sins, because my Name is upon him.

    He was such an Angel as could forgive sin, see ( Matthew 9:6 )

    Jesus when translated means (Jehovah is Salvation) John 5:43 I have come in the name of my Father, but you do not receive me. If someone else came in his own name, you would receive that one.

    Take Care.


    Thankful for Google transliterates יהוה in English as Jehovah. Visit about whom Jesus Christ calls the Only True God in (John 17:3)

  • @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus July 5 An angel of God's presence does not match Paul's description: "... Christ, because in him all the fullness of deity dwells bodily, ..." because an angel lacks the fullness of deity: e.g. Exodus 23:20-21 angel could not forgive sin against יהוה אלהים יהוה while deity fullness can forgive sin: e.g. the Son of Man.

    @Brother Rando July 5 Angels are called elohim in pluarl. (gods)

    @Brother Rando July 5 Or like god - as god, a god in singular.

    Thank you for expressing personal faith belief interpretation filter about אלהים (elohim). Noticeably lacking is any Scripture support.

    Logos Bible search for (<Root = lbs/he/אֱלֹהִים> NOT INTERSECTS <Person God>) AND angel in the Lexham Hebrew Bible finds 4 verses (with corresponding words highlighted in LEB)

    Genesis 31:11 LEB Then the angel of God said to me in the dream, ‘Jacob,’ and I said, ‘Here I am.’ 

    Exodus 14:19 LEB And the angel of God who was going before the camp of Israel set out and went behind them. And the column of cloud set out ahead of them, and it stood still behind them,

    2 Kings 1:3 LEB Then the angel of Yahweh spoke to Elijah the Tishbite, “Get up, go up to meet the messengers of the king of Samaria and speak to them, ‘Is it because there is no God in Israel that you are going to inquire of Baal-Zebub, the god of Ekron?’

    2 Chronicles 32:21 LEB Then Yahweh sent an angel, and he destroyed every mighty warrior of strength, commander, and officer in the camp of the king of Assyria. And he returned with shamed face to his land and went into the house of his god. And some of the offspring of his loins fell upon him there with the sword.

    @Brother Rando July 5 Deity actually means Godhead which angels are part of... especially when it comes to judging or pardoning... Angels are spirits in the manner that God is a Spirit. (John 4:24)

    Thanks for posting personal faith belief about deity meaning. The Gospel of John has Koine Greek words for angel in John 1:51, John 12:29, and John 20:12. God receives worship, but an angel of Yahweh refused worship as it is written in Revelation 22:8-9 LEB =>

    And I, John, am the one who heard and who saw these things. And when I heard and saw them, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel who showed these things to me. And he said to me, “Do not do that! I am your fellow slave, and of your brothers the prophets, and of those who keep the words of this book. Worship God!”

    @Brother Rando July 5 The Head of Christ is God. Christ is the angel of Jehovah. (Exodus 3:2)

    Bible Search for "angel of Yahweh" OR "Yahweh of hosts" in the Lexham English Bible finds 299 verses (includes Exodus 3:2).

    Zechariah 1:12 LEB The angel of Yahweh answered and said, “O Yahweh of hosts, how long will you have no compassion on Jerusalem and the cities of Judah, with which you showed fury these seventy years?”

    To me, phrase "Yahweh of hosts" = יהוה The Word. Two subjects (voices in one unique Holy אלהים God) are in Isaiah 44:6 LEB =>

    Thus says יהוה Yahweh, the king of Israel, and its redeemer, יהוה Yahweh of hosts: 

    “I am the first, and I am the last, and there is no אלהים god besides me. 

    Isaiah 44:6 declares angelic beings are NOT god, but יהוה Yahweh, the king of Israel, and its redeemer, יהוה Yahweh of hosts is one Holy אלהים God.

    To me, when Isaiah 44:6 was written, יהוה The Word knew Holy אלהים God's plan for יהוה The Word to take on human flesh as יהוה Salvation for substitutionary sin sacrifice, which is freely available for every human to choose for Holy redemption from their sins to become Holy as אלהים God is Holy.

    @Brother Rando July 5 Those who disobeyed the Angel after entering into the Wildnerness were destroyed but just a few... others were offpring of those destroyed.

    Thank you for expressing personal faith, which shows the angel of Yahweh cannot forgive sin, but can destroy. In contrast, the Son of Man = יהוה Salvation, who can forgive sin against  יהוה אלהים יהוה 

    Keep Smiling 😊

  • Brother Rando
    Brother Rando Posts: 1,488

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus Thank you for expressing personal faith, which shows the angel of Yahweh cannot forgive sin, but can destroy. In contrast, the Son of Man = יהוה Salvation, who can forgive sin against יהוה אלהים יהוה 

    What do you think the Passover was all about? Those who obeyed were Passed Over and not destroyed. 20Behold, I am sending a Messenger before you, for he will keep you on the path and he will bring you to the land that I have prepared. 21Beware of him and listen to his voice; do not contend against him, lest he will not forgive your sins, because my Name יהוה is upon him. 

    John 20:23

    If you forgive the sins of anyone, they are forgiven; if you retain those of anyone, they are retained.”

    30But Yeshua did many other signs before his disciples, which are not written in this scripture. 31But these things are also written that you may believe that Yeshua is The Messiah, the Son of God, and when you believe, you shall have eternal life in his name.

    Thankful for Google transliterates יהוה in English as Jehovah. Visit about whom Jesus Christ calls the Only True God in (John 17:3)

  • @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus July 6 Thank you for expressing personal faith, which shows the angel of Yahweh cannot forgive sin, but can destroy. In contrast, the Son of Man = יהוה Salvation, who can forgive sin against יהוה אלהים יהוה 

    @Brother Rando July 6 What do you think the Passover was all about? Those who obeyed were Passed Over and not destroyed.

    Basic Search of Haggadah resources for Exodus 23 found three results, including:

    Parashat Mishpatim: The Covenant in Legal Form

    The gerut, avdut, innuy formula makes another striking appearance in the legal portion of Exodus (chapters 21–23), which the Torah itself calls Sefer ha-Berit (The Book of the Covenant) (Exod. 24:7). This section begins with the laws of Hebrew servitude: a male serves for six years and is released in the seventh (21:2–6), while a female is either wedded to her master with all the rights of a free woman or discharged (21:7–11). Fundamentally, the Torah seems to be engaged in a process of redefining slavery. In subsequent verses and chapters, the Torah presents a wide range of statutes, the majority of which pertain to the establishment and implementation of a fair and just social order. In this context, the prohibition to oppress the stranger features twice, showcasing the concepts of both gerut and innuy.

    In Exodus 22, the Torah attributes this directive to the Israelites’ own historical experience, citing Egypt as a lesson by way of contrast:

    וְגֵר לֹא תוֹנֶה וְלֹא תִלְתָצֶנּוּ כִּי גֵרִים הֱיִיתֶם בְּאֶרֶץ מִצְרָיִם׃ כָּל אַלְמָנָה וְיָתוֹם לֹא תְעַנּוּן׃ אִם עַנֵּה תְעַנֶּה אֹתוֹ כִּי אִם צָעֹק יִצְעַק אֵלַי שָׁמֹעַ אֶשְׁמַע צַעֲקָתוֹ׃ וְחָרָה אַפִּי וְהָרַגְתִּי אֶתְכֶם בֶּחָרֶב וְהָיוּ נְשֵׁיכֶם אַלְמָנוֹת וּבְנֵיכֶם יְתֹמִים׃

    You shall not cheat a sojourner and you shall not oppress him, for you were sojourners in the land of Egypt. No widow nor orphan shall you abuse. If you indeed abuse them, when they cry out to Me, I will surely hear their outcry. And My wrath shall flare up and I will kill you by the sword, and your wives shall be widows and your children orphans. (Exod. 22:20–23)

    The allusion to God’s anger in the final verse of this passage is arresting, and its distinctiveness is magnified by the emphatic forms of the verbs in the previous verse: עַנֵּה תְעַנֶּה (to abuse), צָעֹק יִצְעַק (to cry out), שָׁמֹעַ אֶשְׁמַע (to hear). This language and imagery constitute a break from the standard tone of the legal sections of the Torah, which are typically straightforward and dispassionate. It seems clear that the Torah wants to mark these directives as uniquely significant.

    In chapter 23, just before the end of the civil laws of Sefer ha-Berit, the Torah again instructs:

    וְגֵר לֹא תִלְחָץ וְאַתֶּם יְדַעְתֶּם אֶת נֶפֶשׁ הַגֵּר כִּי גֵרִים הֱיִיתֶם בְּאֶרֶץ מִצְרָיִם׃

    No sojourner shall you oppress, for you know the sojourner’s heart, since you were sojourners in the land of Egypt. (Exod. 23:9)

    This formulation of the prohibition to oppress the stranger is even more personal than the previous one. It suggests that one purpose of the Egypt experience was to sensitize the People of Israel to the suffering of others, to teach them what it means to be alienated and oppressed, so that when they set up their own society, they will be sure not to impose such suffering on others. The presentation of these laws draws upon a distinct historical and psychological experience, suggesting that if the lessons of that experience were not internalized, it would all be for naught.


    In alluding to the terms of God’s covenant with Abraham and his descendants, Deuteronomy speaks first of gerut, then of innuy, and finally of avdut. As in the other passages we have examined, the ordering of these terms is significant. By opening with gerut, Deuteronomy 26 echoes the formulation of Berit bein ha-Betarim in which exile is presented as the basis for subsequent enslavement and affliction. In Deuteronomy, gerut comes first because in contrast to both Jacob and the People of Israel, who were not capable of identifying their own alienation while enmeshed in the experience, the pilgrim who recites these verses when bringing first-fruits to the Temple many years after the events described, has attained the necessary distance and perspective to recognize this condition. The allusion to innuy before avdut follows the order of the Exodus narrative, intimating that this national experience (rather than Abraham’s and Jacob’s individual stories) was the ultimate instantiation of God’s covenant with Israel. Thus it is no surprise that the Egyptian enslavement and the Exodus are evoked with such frequency as the inspiration for codes of social engagement, ritual practice, and religious faith.

    The Haggadah itself posits that history is cyclical. Every generation faces an oppressor, and every generation is dependent on God’s salvation. The reiteration of God’s covenant with Abraham and his descendants throughout the books of Genesis and Exodus speaks not only to the eternal nature of the relationship between human and divine, but also to its conditionality. Those who accept their destiny, along with the suffering entailed, will merit redemption, perhaps because they will have learned the principles for building an ideal society. Those who reject God’s terms will not.

     David Silber and Rachel Furst, A Passover Haggadah: Go Forth and Learn (Philadelphia, PA: The Jewish Publication Society, 2011), 32–34.

    FYI: my favorite Jewish Haggadah is The Dry Bones Passover Haggadah, which includes numerous humorous cartoons illustrating Passover. Missing from Jewish Haggadah is what יהוה Salvation did with the cup of Elijah as it is written in Matthew 26:17-30 LEB =>

    Now on the first day of the feast of Unleavened Bread the disciples came up to Jesus, saying, “Where do you want us to prepare for you to eat the Passover?”

    And he said, “Go into the city to a certain man and tell him, ‘The Teacher says, “My time is near. I am celebrating the Passover with you with my disciples.” ’

    And the disciples did as Jesus directed them, and they prepared the Passover. And when it was evening, he was reclining at table with the twelve disciples.

    And while they were eating he said, “Truly I say to you, that one of you will betray me.”

    And greatly distressed, each one began to say to him, “Surely I am not he, am I, Lord?”

    And he answered and said, “The one who dips his hand in the bowl with me — this one will betray me. The Son of Man is going just as it is written about him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would be better for him if that man had not been born.”

    And Judas, the one who was betraying him, answered and said, “Surely I am not he, am I, Rabbi?”

    He said to him, “You have said it.” 

    Now while they were eating Jesus took bread and, after giving thanks, he broke it, and giving it to the disciples, he said, “Take, eat, this is my body.”

    And after taking the cup and giving thanks he gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you, for this is my blood of the covenant which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. But I tell you, from now on I will never drink of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in the kingdom of my Father.

    And after they had sung the hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives. 

    The יהוה messenger (angelic creature) in Exodus 23:20-21 is NOT יהוה Salvation, who established a covenant with יהוה אלהים יהוה  for the forgiveness of sins.

    Scripture context for John 20:23, 30, 31 snippets is John 20:19-31 LEB (with Hebrew words usually translated by Jewish scholars in LXX: יהוה as Lord & אלהים as God) =>

    Now when it was evening on that day — the first day of the week — and the doors had been shut where the disciples were because of fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them, “Peace to you.”

    And when he had said this, he showed his hands and his side to them. Then the disciples rejoiced when they saw the יהוה Lord.

    So Jesus said to them again, “Peace to you. As the Father has sent me, I also send you.”

    And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them. If you retain the sins of any, they are retained.” 

    Now Thomas, one of the twelve, who was called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came. So the other disciples said to him, “We have seen the יהוה Lord!”

    But he said to them, “Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails, and put my finger into the mark of the nails, and put my hand into his side, I will never believe!” 

    And after eight days his disciples were again inside, and Thomas with them. Although the doors had been shut, Jesus came and stood in their midst and said, “Peace to you.”

    Then he said to Thomas, “Place your finger here and see my hands, and place your hand and put it into my side. And do not be unbelieving, but believing!

    Thomas answered and said to him, “My יהוה Lord and my אלהים God!”

    Jesus said to him, “Because you have seen me, have you believed? Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.” 

    Now Jesus also performed many other signs in the presence of the disciples which are not recorded in this book, but these things are recorded in order that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of אלהים God, and that by believing you may have life in his name. 

    Keep Smiling 😊

  • Brother Rando
    Brother Rando Posts: 1,488

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus things are recorded in order that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of אלהים God, and that by believing you may have life in his name. 

    Yet rejecting the angel that was sent in יהוה name.

    Jesus said to him: “Why do you call Me good? Nobody is good except one, God." Mark 10:18

    30 But Yeshua did many other signs before his disciples, which are not written in this scripture. 31 But these things are also written that you may believe that Yeshua is The Messiah, the Son of God, and when you believe, you shall have eternal life in his name.

    Thankful for Google transliterates יהוה in English as Jehovah. Visit about whom Jesus Christ calls the Only True God in (John 17:3)

  • Brother Rando
    Brother Rando Posts: 1,488

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus Thomas answered and said to him, “My יהוה Lord and my אלהים God!”

    In the Same Manner that Moses is God. (Exodus 7:1) He will speak to the people for you. He will be your spokesman, and it will be as if you were God to him. Exodus 4:16

    American Standard Version

    and Aaron spake all the words which Jehovah יהוה had spoken unto Moses, and did the signs in the sight of the people.

    Thankful for Google transliterates יהוה in English as Jehovah. Visit about whom Jesus Christ calls the Only True God in (John 17:3)

  • @Brother Rando July 6 Yet rejecting the angel that was sent in יהוה name.

    My faith worships יהוה אלהים יהוה , but does not worship angels (including ones sent in יהוה name) like the Apostle Paul wrote in Colossians 2:16-23 LEB (with Hebrew word usually translated by Jewish scholars in LXX: אלהים as God) =>

    Therefore do not let anyone judge you with reference to eating or drinking or participation in a feast or a new moon or a Sabbath, which are a shadow of what is to come, but the reality is Christ. Let no one condemn you, taking pleasure in humility and the worship of angels, going into detail about the things which he has seen, inflated without cause by his fleshly mind, and not holding fast to the head, from whom the whole body, supported and held together by the ligaments and sinews, grows with the growth of אלהים God. 

    If you have died with Christ to the elemental spirits of the world, why do you submit to them as if living in the world? “Do not handle, do not taste, do not touch,” which things are all meant for destruction by consuming according to human commandments and teachings, which things although they have, to be sure, an appearance of wisdom in self-made religion and humility and unsparing treatment of the body, do not have any value against the indulgence of the flesh. 

    Mark 10:18 context is Mark 10:17-31 LEB (with Hebrew word usually translated by Jewish scholars in LXX: אלהים as God) =>

    And as he was setting out on his way, one individual ran up and knelt down before him and asked him, “Good Teacher, what must I do so that I will inherit eternal life?”

    So Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except אלהים God alone. You know the commandments: ‘Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony, do not defraud, honor your father and mother.’ ”

    And he said to him, “Teacher, all these I have observed from my youth.”

    And Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, “You lack one thing: Go, sell all that you have, and give the proceeds to the poor—and you will have treasure in heaven — and come, follow me.”

    But he looked gloomy at the statement and went away sorrowful, because he had many possessions. 

    And Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, “How difficult it is for those who possess wealth to enter into the kingdom of אלהים God!

    And the disciples were astounded at his words.

    But Jesus answered and said to them again, “Children, how difficult it is to enter into the kingdom of God! It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter into the kingdom of אלהים God.”

    And they were very astounded, saying to one another, “And who can be saved?”

    Jesus looked at them and said, “With human beings it is impossible, but not with אלהים God. For all things are possible with אלהים God.”

    Peter began to say to him, “Behold, we have left everything and followed you.”

    Jesus said, “Truly I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields on account of me and on account of the gospel who will not receive a hundred times as much now in this time — houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and fields, together with persecutions — and in the age to come, eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and the last first.” 

    To me, יהוה Salvation asked the rich young man a question that the rich young man did not answer, which reminds me of a question for @Brother Rando: If יהוה Salvation (Jesus) knew he was not eternal God (e.g. the angel sent in יהוה name), then why would יהוה Salvation (Jesus) command be believing in יהוה Salvation (Jesus) the same as be believing in the eternal God ?

    πιστεύετε εἰς τὸν θεόν, καὶ εἰς ἐμὲ πιστεύετε

     Holmes, M. W. (2011–2013). The Greek New Testament: SBL Edition (Jn 14:1). Lexham Press; Society of Biblical Literature.

    Be Ye Believing in The God, also in Me Be Ye Believing (my literal translation showing continuous believing action command in present time)

    If יהוה Salvation is a portion of the eternal God so the whole spirit inside the human body of Jesus is Holy God while Holy God is more than The Word (Jesus) as it is written in John 1:1, then believing in יהוה Salvation (Jesus, The Word) is the same as believing in the eternal God.

    Scripture context for John 20:28 is John 20:19-31 LEB (with Hebrew words usually translated by Jewish scholars in LXX: יהוה as Lord & אלהים as God) =>

    Now when it was evening on that day — the first day of the week — and the doors had been shut where the disciples were because of fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them, “Peace to you.”

    And when he had said this, he showed his hands and his side to them. Then the disciples rejoiced when they saw the יהוה Lord.

    So Jesus said to them again, “Peace to you. As the Father has sent me, I also send you.”

    And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them. If you retain the sins of any, they are retained.” 

    Now Thomas, one of the twelve, who was called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came. So the other disciples said to him, “We have seen the יהוה Lord!”

    But he said to them, “Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails, and put my finger into the mark of the nails, and put my hand into his side, I will never believe!” 

    And after eight days his disciples were again inside, and Thomas with them. Although the doors had been shut, Jesus came and stood in their midst and said, “Peace to you.”

    Then he said to Thomas, “Place your finger here and see my hands, and place your hand and put it into my side. And do not be unbelieving, but believing!

    Thomas answered and said to him, “My יהוה Lord and my אלהים God!”

    Jesus said to him, “Because you have seen me, have you believed? Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.” 

    Now Jesus also performed many other signs in the presence of the disciples which are not recorded in this book, but these things are recorded in order that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of אלהים God, and that by believing you may have life in his name. 

    @Brother Rando July 6  (replying to John 20:28) In the Same Manner that Moses is God. 

    Puzzling assertion because Moses did not choose to be as a god to Aaron & Pharaoh (specific role that ended with the death of Pharaoh). In contrast, Thomas responded to directive of יהוה Salvation to be believing, which was followed by Thomas choosing to say to יהוה Salvation: “My יהוה Lord and my אלהים God!” (belief declaration confirmed years later as Thomas became a martyr for יהוה Salvation)

    XIII. St. Thomas

    He was called by this name in Syriac, but Didymus in Greek; he was an apostle and martyr, and preached in Parthia and India, where displeasing the pagan priests, he was martyred by being thrust through with a spear. His death is commemorated on the 21st of December.

     John Foxe, Foxe’s Book of Martyrs (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 2000).

    Keep Smiling 😊

  • Brother Rando
    Brother Rando Posts: 1,488

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus Puzzling assertion because Moses did not choose to be as a god to Aaron & Pharaoh (specific role that ended with the death of Pharaoh). In contrast, Thomas responded to directive of יהוה Salvation to be believing, which was followed by Thomas choosing to say to יהוה Salvation: “My יהוה Lord and my אלהים God!” (belief declaration confirmed years later as Thomas became a martyr for יהוה Salvation)

    Interesting how you changed scripture about Moses being God into (a god). Although you fasely claim 'Jesus is God' when that statement is NOWHERE in the BIBLE. One should note that you are unable to recify that "No Man has ever Seen God at Any time" (John 1:18)

    Where does it say that ELOHIM is a god?? Maybe it's time to reconsider that theos can also mean (a god) in a similar manner speaking about the MESSENGER that represents יהוה the one whom has God's Name יהוה in him.

    • In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with יהוה God, and the Word was a god.”—John 1:1
    • Both bodies were never found, neither Moses nor Jesus.
    • and when they did not find his body, they came saying that they had also seen a supernatural sight of angels, who said he is alive.
    • That's why Thomas asked to SEE the nail prints, he did not believe they saw him because they did not find his body

    Proverbs 8: 22 Yahweh created me, the first of his ways,

    before his acts ⌊of old⌋.i

    23 From eternity, I was set up from the first,

    from the beginningj of the earth.

    24 When there were no depths, I was brought forth,

    when there were no springs of ⌊abounding⌋k water.

    25 Before mountains had been shaped,

    before hills, I was brought forth.

    Thankful for Google transliterates יהוה in English as Jehovah. Visit about whom Jesus Christ calls the Only True God in (John 17:3)

  • @Brother Rando July 6 (replying to John 20:28) In the Same Manner that Moses is God. 

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus July 7 Puzzling assertion because Moses did not choose to be as a god to Aaron & Pharaoh (specific role that ended with the death of Pharaoh). In contrast, Thomas responded to directive of יהוה Salvation to be believing, which was followed by Thomas choosing to say to יהוה Salvation: “My יהוה Lord and my אלהים God!” (belief declaration confirmed years later as Thomas became a martyr for יהוה Salvation)

    @Brother Rando July 8 Interesting how you changed scripture about Moses being God into (a god).  ... Where does it say that ELOHIM is a god?? 

    Lexham English Bible (LEB) translators choose "a god" in Exodus 4:16, which has context of Exodus 4:1-17 =>

    And Moses answered, and he said, “And if they do not believe me and they do not listen to my voice, but they say, ‘יהוה Yahweh did not appear to you?’ ”

    And יהוה Yahweh said to him, “What is this in your hand?

    And he said, “A staff.”

    And he said, “Throw it onto the ground.”

    And he threw it onto the ground, and it became a snake, and Moses fled from it.

    And יהוה Yahweh said to Moses, “Reach out your hand and grasp it by its tail

    — ” (And he reached out his hand and grabbed it, and it became a staff in his palm.)

    — “so that they may believe that יהוה Yahweh, the God of their ancestors, appeared to you, the אלהים God of Abraham, the אלהים God of Isaac, and the אלהים God of Jacob.” 

    And יהוה Yahweh said to him again, “Put your hand into the fold of your garment.”

    And he put his hand into the fold of his garment, and he took it out, and, to his surprise, his hand was afflicted with a skin disease, like snow.

    And he said, “Return your hand to the fold of your garment.”

    And he returned his hand to the fold of his garment, and he took it out from the fold of his garment, and, to his surprise, it was restored like the rest of his body.

    And if they do not believe you and they will not listen to the voice of the former sign, then they will believe the voice of the latter sign. And if they also do not believe the second of these signs and they will not listen to your voice, then you must take water from the Nile and pour it onto the dry ground, and the water that you take from the Nile will become blood on the dry ground.” 

    And Moses said to אלהים Yahweh, “Please, Lord, I am not a man of words, neither recently nor in the past nor since your speaking to your servant, because I am heavy of mouth and of tongue.”

    And יהוה Yahweh said to him, “Who gave a mouth to humankind, or who makes mute or deaf or sighted or blind? Is it not I, יהוה Yahweh? So then go, and I myself will be with your mouth, and I will teach you what you must speak.”

    And he said, “Please, Lord, do send anyone else whom you wish to send.”

    And יהוה Yahweh was angry with Moses and said, “Is there not Aaron your brother the Levite? I know that he certainly can speak, and also there he is coming out to meet you, and when he sees you, he will rejoice in his heart. And you will speak to him, and you will put words in his mouth, and I myself will be with your mouth and with his mouth, and I will teach you what you must do. And he will speak for you to the people, and then he will be to you as a mouth, and you will be to him as אלהים a god. And you must take this staff in your hand, with which you will do the signs.

    Translation is the intersection of original word range of meaning and target word range of meaning within belief boundaries of translator(s).

    By the way, people capturing snakes grab the head first. Grabbing the tail allows snake to turn and bite.

    @Brother Rando July 8 Although you fasely claim 'Jesus is God' when that statement is NOWHERE in the BIBLE.

    We agree the phrase "Jesus is God" is not in Scripture, but searching 1,025 Bibles in my Logos library found phrase "Jesus is God's Son" in nine English Bibles, notably verse 1 John 4:15 in seven Bibles:

    If any of us confess that Jesus is God’s Son, God remains in us and we remain in God. (Common English Bible)

    Everyone who confesses that Jesus is God’s Son participates continuously in an intimate relationship with God. (The Message)

    Whenever one takes his stand on the fact that Jesus is God’s son, God is present in him and he in God. (The Cotton Patch Gospel)

    Whoever confesses that Jesus is God’s Son is one in whom God remains, and he in God. (Christian Counselor's New Testament)

    Whoever confesses that Jesus is God’s Son is one in whom God remains, and he in God. (The Gospel of John, The Letters of John and Jesus: Text))

    Anyone who confesses that Jesus is God’s son, God abides in them and they abide in God. (The Bible for Everyone: A New Translation)

    If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is God’s Son, God dwells in him and he in God. (The Revised English Bible)

    Repeating question: If יהוה Salvation (Jesus) knew he was not eternal God (e.g. the angel sent in יהוה name), then why would יהוה Salvation (Jesus) command be believing in יהוה Salvation (Jesus) the same as be believing in the eternal God ?

    πιστεύετε εἰς τὸν θεόν, καὶ εἰς ἐμὲ πιστεύετε (John 14:1 Greek phrase spoken by יהוה Salvation)

    Be Ye Believing in The God, also in Me Be Ye Believing (my literal translation showing continuous believing action command in present time)

    @Brother Rando July 8 Maybe it's time to reconsider that theos can also mean (a god) in a similar manner speaking about the MESSENGER that represents יהוה the one whom has God's Name יהוה in him.

    @Brother Rando July 8In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god.”—John 1:1

    Appears your belief interpretation of Greek phrase "καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος" (and God was The Word) is "The Word was an angel" (where angel is the MESSENGER that represents יהוה, which is consistent with Watchtower (WT) Society deceptive teachings).

    Thread John 1:1 and the words of JESUS thruout that book! includes a question repeated 12 times for @the_MadJw

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus June 6 Repeating question for @the_MadJw => The question revolves solely on what does the WT officially say, if anything, the Greek wording of the John 1:1 third clause needs to be in order to express "...the Word was God"

    @the_MadJw June 7 I don't know or care, KS!

    How would you, @Brother Rando, answer: The question revolves solely on what does the WT officially say, if anything, the Greek wording of the John 1:1 third clause needs to be in order to express "...the Word was God"

    Question about Proverbs 8, which existed first: Wisdom OR The Word ?

    John 1:1-5 LEB =>

     In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. This one was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through him, and apart from him not one thing came into being that has come into being. In him was life, and the life was the light of humanity. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. 

    To me, while doing יהוה Will, all things came into being as spoken by The Word, who was/is/will be fully God. Fullness of God has three voices: Father, The Word, Breath The Holy.

    Keep Smiling 😊

  • Brother Rando
    Brother Rando Posts: 1,488

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus We agree the phrase "Jesus is God" is not in Scripture, but searching 1,025 Bibles in my Logos library found phrase "Jesus is God's Son" in nine English Bibles, notably verse 1 John 4:15 in seven Bibles:

    If any of us confess that Jesus is God’s Son, God remains in us and we remain in God. (Common English Bible)

    Everyone who confesses that Jesus is God’s Son participates continuously in an intimate relationship with God. (The Message)

    Whenever one takes his stand on the fact that Jesus is God’s son, God is present in him and he in God. (The Cotton Patch Gospel)

    Whoever confesses that Jesus is God’s Son is one in whom God remains, and he in God. (Christian Counselor's New Testament)

    Whoever confesses that Jesus is God’s Son is one in whom God remains, and he in God. (The Gospel of John, The Letters of John and Jesus: Text))

    Anyone who confesses that Jesus is God’s son, God abides in them and they abide in God. (The Bible for Everyone: A New Translation)

    If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is God’s Son, God dwells in him and he in God. (The Revised English Bible)

    I notice every time you quote you fall short what the Bible actually states "Whoever confesses that Jesus is God’s Son"

    Also Elohim never means (a god) because there is no (a) in the Hebrew language, but rather God to Pharoah and also God to Aaron.

    In regards to (theos) it can be rendered (a god) is factual and can be found.

    Strong's Concordance

    theos: God, a god

    Original Word: θεός, οῦ, ὁ

    Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine; Noun, Masculine

    Transliteration: theos

    Phonetic Spelling: (theh'-os)

    Definition: God, a god

    Usage: (a) God, (b) a god, generally.

    Thankful for Google transliterates יהוה in English as Jehovah. Visit about whom Jesus Christ calls the Only True God in (John 17:3)

  • @Brother Rando July 8 I notice every time you quote you fall short what the Bible actually states "Whoever confesses that Jesus is God’s Son"

    1 John 4:15 LEB => Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God resides in him and he in God.

    1 John 4:15 SBLGNT => ὃς ἐὰν ὁμολογήσῃ ὅτι Ἰησοῦς ἐστιν ὁ υἱὸς τοῦ θεοῦ, ὁ θεὸς ἐν αὐτῷ μένει καὶ αὐτὸς ἐν τῷ θεῷ.

    Who if confesses that Jesus is The Son of/from The God, The God in him resides and he in The God. (my stilted literal translation includes the Greek definite article, which is often not shown in English translations)

    Note: of/from expresses grammatical meaning for genitive/ablative spelling τοῦ θεοῦ (tou theou).

    FYI: Greek word ὁμολογήσῃ translated "confesses" is literally "same speaks". Preposition ὁμο homo means same (kind, nature).

    Searching 1 John for Greek <Lemma = lbs/el/ἄγγελος> finds nothing. The 1st Letter of John does NOT have the word for an angelic creature.

    @Brother Rando July 8 Also Elohim never means (a god) because there is no (a) in the Hebrew language, but rather God to Pharoah and also God to Aaron.

    We agree there is no (a) in the Hebrew language. Also the Aramaic & Koine Greek languages do not have an indefinite article (a, an).

    @Brother Rando July 8 In regards to (theos) it can be rendered (a god) is factual and can be found.

    English translation "a god" is a human interpretation of original langauge Scripture context.

    Searching Lexham English Bible (LEB) for "a god" has 47 results. Searching LEB for "a god" INTERSECTS <Lemma = lbs/he/אֱלֹהִים> (Hebrew Strong's 430) has 22 results in 20 verses. Searching LEB for "a god" INTERSECTS <Lemma = lbs/he/אֵל:5> (Hebrew Strong's 410) finds 17 results. Searching LEB for "a god" INTERSECTS <Lemma = lbs/he/אֱלוֹהַּ> (Hebrew Strongs 433) finds 3 results: Nehemiah 9:17, Isaiah 44:8, & Daniel 11:38

    Searching LEB for "a god" INTERSECTS <Lemma = lbs/arc/אֱלָהּ> (Hebrew Strongs 426) finds 2 results: Daniel 2:28 and Daniel 3:25 (portions of Daniel were written in Aramaic).

    Searching LEB for "a god" INTERSECTS <Lemma = lbs/el/θεός> has 2 results: Acts 12:22 and Acts 28:6

    For smooth English in 1 Corinthians 14:33, LEB adds "a God of" =>

    For God is not a God of disorder but of peace. As in all the churches of the saints,

    @Brother Rando July 8 Strong's Concordance

    What is the bibliography information for this Strong's Concordance ?

    Over many years has had many publications of Strong's Concordance.

    @Brother Rando July 8 Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine; Noun, Masculine

    Thayer's lexicon entry about θεός includes the one feminine use being in Acts 19:37 (goddess reference for Artemis of the Ephesians, which is notably missing from @Brother Rando Strong's Concordance summary)

    θεός, -οῦ, ὁ and ἡ, voc. θεέ, once in the N. T., Mt. 27:46; besides in Deut. 3:24; Judg. [16:28;] 21:3; [2 S. 7:25; Is. 38:20]; Sir. 23:4; Sap. 9:1; 3 Macc. 6:3; 4 Macc. 6:27; Act. Thom. 44 sq. 57; Eus. h. e. 2, 23, 16; [5, 20, 7; vit. Const. 2, 55, 1. 59]; cf. W. § 8, 2 c.; [B. 12 (11)]; ([on the eight or more proposed derivations see Vaniček p. 386, who follows Curtius (after Döderlein) p. 513 sqq. in connecting it with a root meaning to supplicate, implore; hence the implored; per contra cf. Max Müller, Chips etc. iv. 227 sq.; L. and S. s. v. fin.]); [fr. Hom. down]; Sept. for אֱל, אֱלֹהִים and יְהוָה; a god, a goddess;

    1. a general appellation of deities or divinities: Acts 28:6; 1 Co. 8:4; 2 Th. 2:4; once ἡ θεός, Acts 19:37 G L T Tr WH; θεοῦ φωνὴ καὶ οὐκ ἀνθρώπου, Acts 12:22; ἄνθρωπος ὢν ποιεῖς σεαυτὸν θεόν, Jn. 10:33; plur., of the gods of the Gentiles: Acts 14:11; 19:26; λεγόμενοι θεοί, 1 Co. 8:5; οἱ φύσει μὴ ὄντες θεοί, Gal. 4:8; τοῦ θεοῦ Ῥεφάν [q. v.], Acts 7:43; of angels: εἰσὶ θεοὶ πολλοί, 1 Co. 8:5 (on which cf. Philo de somn. i. § 39 ὁ μὲν ἀληθείᾳ θεὸς εἷς ἐστιν, οἱ δʼ ἐν καταχρήσει λεγόμενοι πλείους). [On the use of the sing. θεός (and Lat. deus) as a generic term by (later) heathen writ., see Norton, Genuinen. of the Gosp. 2d ed. iii. addit. note D; cf. Dr. Ezra Abbot in Chris. Exam. for Nov. 1848, p. 389 sqq.; Huidekoper, Judaism at Rome, ch. i. § ii.; see Bib. Sacr. for July 1856, p. 666 sq., and for addit. exx. Nägelsbach, Homer. Theol. p. 129; also his Nachhomerische Theol. p. 139 sq.; Stephanus, Thes. s. v.; and reff. (by Prof. Abbot) in Journ. Soc. Bibl. Lit. and Exeg. i. p. 120 note.] For θεοί in application to (deceased) Christians, see Theoph. ad Antol. 2, 27; Hippol. refut. omn. haer. 10, 34; Iren. haer. 3, 6, 1 fin.; 4, 1, 1; 4, 38, 4; cf. esp. Harnack, Dogmengesch. i. p. 82 note.

    2. Whether Christ is called God must be determined from Jn. 1:1; 20:28; 1 Jn. 5:20; Ro. 9:5; Tit. 2:13; Heb. 1:8 sq., etc.; the matter is still in dispute among theologians; cf. Grimm, Institutio theologiae dogmaticae, ed. 2, p. 228 sqq. [and the discussion (on Ro. 9:5) by Professors Dwight and Abbot in Journ. Soc. Bib. Lit. etc. u. s., esp. pp. 42 sqq. 113 sqq.]. On patristic usage cf. Harnack, Dogmengesch. i. pp. 131, 695; Bp. Lghtft. Ignat. vol. ii. p. 26.

    3. spoken of the only and true God: with the article, Mt. 3:9; Mk. 13:19; Lk. 2:13; Acts 2:11, and very often; with prepositions: ἐκ τοῦ θ. Jn. 8:42, 47 and often in John’s writ.; ὑπὸ τοῦ θ. Lk. 1:26 [T Tr WH ἀπό]; Acts 26:6; παρὰ τοῦ θ. Jn. 8:40; 9:16 [L T Tr WH here om. art.]: παρὰ τῷ θ. Ro. 2:13 [Tr txt. om. and L WH Tr mrg. br. the art.]; 9:14; ἐν τῷ θ. Col. 3:3; ἐπὶ τῷ θ. Lk. 1:47; εἰς τὸν θ. Acts 24:15 [Tdf. πρός]; ἐπὶ τὸν θ. Acts 15:19: 26:18, 20; πρὸς τὸν θ. Jn. 1:2; Acts 24 [15 Tdf.], 16, and many other exx. without the article: Mt. 6:24; Lk. 3:2; 20:38; Ro. 8:8, 33; 2 Co. 1:21; 5:19: 6:7; 1 Th. 2:5, etc.; with prepositions: ἀπὸ θεοῦ, Jn. 3:2; 16:30; Ro. 13:1 [L T Tr WH ὑπό]; παρὰ θεοῦ, Jn. 1:6; ἐκ θεοῦ, Acts 5:39; 2 Co. 5:1; Phil. 3:9; παρὰ θεῷ, 2 Th. 1:6; 1 Pet. 2:4; κατὰ θεόν, Ro. 8:27; 2 Co. 7:9 sq.; cf. W. § 19 s. v. ὁ θεός τινος (gen. of pers.), the (guardian) God of any one, blessing and protecting him: Mt. 22:32; Mk. 12:26 sq. [29 WH mrg. (see below)]; Lk. 20:37; Jn. 20:17; Acts 3:13; 13:17; 2 Co. 6:16; Heb. 11:16; Rev. 21:3 [without ὁ; but G T Tr WH txt. om. the phrase]; ὁ θεός μου, i. q. οὗ εἰμί, ᾧ καὶ λατρεύω (Acts 27:23): Ro. 1:8; 1 Co. 1:4 [Tr mrg. br. the gen.]; 2 Co. 12:21; Phil. 1:3; 4:19; Philem. 4; κύριος ὁ θεός σου, ἡμῶν, ὑμῶν, αὐτῶν (in imit. of Hebr. יְהוהָ אֱלֹהֶיךָ, י״ אֱלֹהֵינוּ, י״ אֱלֹהֵיכֶם, י״ אֱלֹהֵיהֶם): Mt. 4:7; 22:37; Mk. 12:29 [see above]; Lk. 4:8, 12; 10:27; Acts 2:39; cf. Thilo, Cod. apocr. Nov. Test. p. 169; [and Bp. Lghtft. as quoted s. v. κύριος, c. a. init.]; ὁ θεὸς κ. πατὴρ τοῦ κυρίου ἡμῶν Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ: Ro. 15:6; 2 Co. 1:3; 11:31 [L T Tr WH om. ἡμ. and Χρ.]; Eph. 1:3; Col. 1:3 [L WH om. καί]; 1 Pet. 1:3; in which combination of words the gen. depends on ὁ θεός as well as on πατήρ, cf. Fritzsche on Rom. 3. p. 232 sq.; [Oltramare on Ro. l. c.; Bp. Lghtft. on Gal. 1:4; but some would restrict it to the latter; cf. e.g. Meyer on Ro. l. c., Eph. l. c.; Ellic. on Gal. l. c., Eph. l. c.]; ὁ θεὸς τοῦ κυρ. ἡμ. Ἰησ. Χρ. Eph. 1:17; ὁ θεὸς κ. πατὴρ ἡμῶν, Gal. 1:4; Phil. 4:20; 1 Th. 1:3; 3:11, 13; θεὸς ὁ πατήρ, 1 Co. 8:6; ὁ θεὸς κ. πατήρ, 1 Co. 15:24; Eph. 5:20; Jas. 1:27; 3:9 [Rec.; al. κύριος κ. π.]; ἀπὸ θεοῦ πατρὸς ἡμῶν, Ro. 1:7; 1 Co. 1:3; 2 Co. 1:2; Eph. 1:2; Phil. 1:2; Col. 1:2; 2 Th. 1:2; 1 Tim. 1:2 [Rec., al. om. ἡμ.]; Philem. 3; [ὁ θεὸς πατήρ, Col. 3:17 LT Tr WH (cf. Bp. Lghtft. ad loc.); elsewhere without the art. as] θεοῦ πατρός (in which phrase the two words have blended as it were into one, equiv. to a prop. name, Germ. Gottvater [A. V. God the Father]): Phil. 2:11; 1 Pet. 1:2; ἀπὸ θεοῦ πατρός, Gal. 1:3; Eph. 6:23; 2 Tim. 1:2; Tit. 1:4; παρὰ θεοῦ πατρός, 2 Pet. 1:17; 2 Jn. 3; cf. Wieseler, Com. üb. d. Brief a.d. Galat. p. 10 sqq. ὁ θεός w. gen. of the thing of which God is the author [cf. W. § 30, 1]: τῆς ὑπομονῆς κ. τῆς παρακλήσεως, Ro. 15:5; τῆς ἐλπίδος, ib. 13; τῆς ειρήνης, 33; 1 Th. 5:23; τῆς παρακλήσεως, 2 Co. 1:3. τὰ τοῦ θεοῦ, the things of God, i.e.

    α. his counsels, 1 Co. 2:11.

    β. his interests, Mt. 16:23; Mk. 8:33.

    γ. things due to God, Mt. 22:21; Mk. 12:17; Lk. 20:25. τὰ πρὸς τὸν θεόν, things respecting, pertaining to, God,—contextually i. q. the sacrificial business of the priest, Ro. 15:17; Heb. 2:17; 5:1; cf. Xen. rep. Lac. 13, 11; Fritzsche on Rom. 3. p. 262 sq. Nom. ὁ θεός for the voc.: Mk. 15:34; Lk. 18:11, 13; Jn. 20:28; Acts 4:24 [R G; Heb. 1:8?]; 10:7; cf. W. § 29, 2; [B. 140 (123)]. τῷ θοῷ, God being judge [cf. W. § 31, 4 a.; 248 (232 sq.); B. § 133, 14]: after δυνατός, 2 Co. 10:4; after ἀστεῖος, Acts 7:20, (after ἄμεμπτος, Sap. 10:5; after μέγας, Jon. 3:3; see ἀστεῖος, 2). For the expressions ἄνθρωπος θεοῦ, δύναμις θεοῦ, υἱὸς θεοῦ, etc., θεὸς τῆς ἐλπίδος etc., ὁ ζῶν θεός etc., see under ἄνθρωπος 6, δύναμις a., υἱὸς τοῦ θεοῦ, ἐλπίς 2, ζάω Ι, ι., etc. On ὁ θεός and θεός, esp. in the writings of John, see Westcott, Epp. of St. John, p. 165 sqq.

    4. θεός is used of whatever can in any respect be likened to God, or resembles him in any way: Hebraistically i. q. God’s representative or vicegerent, of magistrates and judges, Jn. 10:34 sq. after Ps. 81 (82):6, (of the wise man, Philo de mut. nom. § 22; quod omn. prob. lib. § 7; [ὁ σοφὸς λέγεται θεὸς τοῦ ἄφρονος … θεὸς πρὸς φαντασίαν κ. δόκησιν, quod det. pot. insid. § 44]; πατὴρ κ. μήτηρ ἐμφανεῖς εἰσι θεοὶ, μιμουμενοι τὸν ἀγέννητον ἐν τῷ ζωοπλαστεῖν, de decal. § 23; ὠνομάσθη (i.e. Moses) ὅλου τοῦ ἔθνους θεὸς κ. βασιλεύς, de vita Moys. i. § 28; [de migr. Abr. § 15; de alleg. leg. i. § 13]); of the devil, ὁ θεὸς τοῦ αἰῶνος τούτου (see αἰών, 3), 2 Co. 4:4; the pers. or thing to which one is wholly devoted, for which alone he lives, e.g. ἡ κοιλία, Phil. 3:19.

     Joseph Henry Thayer, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament: Being Grimm’s Wilke's Clavis Novi Testamenti (New York: Harper & Brothers., 1889), 287–288.

    Keep Smiling 😊

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