Facts about Covid-19
https://swprs.org/a-swiss-doctor-on-covid-19/#latestFully referenced facts about Covid-19, provided by experts in the field, to help our readers make a realistic risk assessment. (Updated daily, see below)
Corona related deaths ... in Germany (as also in some other countries) figures for "corona infections" and "corona deaths" are published ...but what do these figures actually tell? what about any %stats calculated from these figures?
The president of the Robert-Koch-Institute which publishes the figures finally admitted in a press conference in an answer to a question, that they count ALL DEATHS of persons where a test has been positive (thus making the person "corona infected" ... which most hearers or readers subconsciously turn into "corona sick") is counted as a "corona death".
In other words, a person who had tested positive and was under house arrest and fell down some stairs and broke his neck is actually now a "corona death" in the published stats .... HELLO??? The 85 years old patient for a heart rhythm problem in a hospital whose corona test was positive (sometimes tests ar even taken after the person is dead) who died is a "corona death" case ... anyone recognize perehaps a motive for such manipulative "counting"? These folks are highly salaried government employees with "Prof. Dr." titles ... The average age of "corona deaths" is above 80+ years, that is above the current average life expectancy ... What is abnormal or catastrophic about that to warrant emergency state restriction steps of the general public and a shut down of large parts of the economy? NOTHING! Why is there no distinction made between death BECAUSE OF Corona virus and death WITH corona virus ??????
The TV published figure for "corona infected" by that institute of course is higher and higher by each day .... despite the fact that a statistic of "NEW infections" has been in decline for a few days ...how can that be? Very simple ... fix your stats and hope that nobody reading them will think .... When I want to know the number of males in Germany's population and base my figures on counts I conduct, I might have the following: On day 1 I took 10 persons in my survey, and had 4 males. Next day, the survey was 20 persons and it showed 9 males. Next day, my survey had 50 persons revealing 23 males .... WOW! Germany's male population is growing exponentially each day ... REALLY?? NO! But that is the type of illogic and pseudo "scientific" stupidity sold to the general public by mainstream TV.
Also, these folks know very well that "test positive" does NOT mean that a person is sick ... the "sick effects" of the virus in perhaps most cases are countered by the immune system of many people ... thus the situation that many "corona positive" people (estimates differ but are about 80%) have very mild or even no especially noticeable effects!
Another point about the validity of the currently in Germany used "corona test": It was never properly validated before it was applied (with the excuse that due to the rapid spread of corona virus, tests could just be conducted anyways .... Yeah, sure! Yes, the test does not harm a person (unlike a vaccination which might have sever side effects), but it is UNRELIABLE regarding the result it gives!! There are "false positive" results possible in 50% of the tests conducted! DOn't think so? Well, our chancellor Angela Merkel was recently tested positive and even isolated herself for a few days ... but a few days later the news reported that now a second test was negative !! Which of the two test result is actually correct? Was there the miracle healing, or is the test used simply unreliable?
Keep thinking critically ...
@Wolfgang posted:
In other words, a person who had tested positive and was under house arrest and fell down some stairs and broke his neck is actually now a "corona death" in the published stats .... HELLO???
An article in the Philadelphia Inquirer I happened upon this morning addresses this issue directly. In essence, the article says professional medical examiners and elected coroners across the U.S. (and around the world) are wrestling with how to label causes of death that might in some way be related to COVID-19.
The point I take from the article, Wolfgang, is that the issue you raise is an inevitable outcome of the rise of a novel virus such as COVID-19, and NOT necessarily - or even likely - some conspiracy of government authorities to defraud their citizens.
As for Germany's more expansive cause-of-death definitions, I think it noteworthy that at least in the U.S., Germany's COVID-19 death rate is envied, one that calls for our nation's leaders to learn from the actions and circumstances that contribute to your nation's results.
@Bill_Coley The point I take from the article, Wolfgang, is that the issue you raise is an inevitable outcome of the rise of a novel virus such as COVID-19, and NOT necessarily - or even likely - some conspiracy of government authorities to defraud their citizens.
The matter is for some strange reason not an issue with various other kinds of flu and influenza virus waves, we've had over the yearss ... why now? That the government os admitting to count a dead person with corona virus presence ALWAYS as a corona death (thereby misleading the general public by implying that corona virus whenever present is ALWAYS the cause of death) is a straight forward intentional action by those promoting such. And whether the government consists of people who are totally ignorant is doubtful, thus conspiracy is definitely a possible explanation for such willful action.
As for Germany's more expansive cause-of-death definitions, I think it noteworthy that at least in the U.S., Germany's COVID-19 death rate is envied, one that calls for our nation's leaders to learn from the actions and circumstances that contribute to your nation's results.
One should note that it is totally unclear whether the restrictions actually are the cause for lower test positive numbers and death numbers ... Many experts here (except of course the government's folks and media) have a rather simple explanation for the extraordinary figures in Italy or Spain compared to Germany => the overall situation with elements such asa ahigh air polution, very poor health facility situation, different social structures with larger families living together, etc. ... in addition to the strange way of counting which was adapted in Germany when the Germany figures began to decline ... change the method of what you count and how you report and the figures can be used once again to stir death fear and panic in order to keep the strict measures destroying hundres if not thousands of small businesses each day.
Don't be fooled ... a USA president Roosevelt once stated that NOTHING in politics "just happens", rather it has all been planned somewhere in some form. Guess what such planning is before it enters a stage of more transparent or publicly known status??
Some more of what's happening in Germany in the current crisis ....
While public radio&TV flood the population with information that gives the impression that hospitals are overflowing with corona patient treatments of various degrees, the ministry of health had an executive order passed through parlament last week which provides the following to hospitals from now on until September 30 (!??!): (a) beds which are kept empty are being compensated with €560/day, (b) beds which are newly generated are sponsored with €50.000. Did you get that?
Hospitals are encouraged to reschedule surgeries and other treatments to keep empty beds available with financial "help" ... and that in a crisis where supposedly capacities are being stretched to the limit ?? Currently, most hospitals already have basically closed for regular normal cases sand are waiting for the big bang of corona patients pouring in ....in the meantime they are using this time where they are operating not even at a normal level, to send personnel into short time work or have staff take time off in compensation for accumulated overtime and replacement for overtime pay.
And the show must obviously go on until September 30 (!!) ... Now, when nothing is happening in hospital and the summer season with normally fewer normal sickness cases, they are just about forbidden to do scheduled surgeries and other normal treatments, and then by October when the colder season with more normal hospital cases starts, they can then use their beds again for normal patients and break down if another influenza type virus wave begins???
Seems like folks who propose and make such laws and orders are plain incompetent ... or else are pursuing agends and following orders that are kept secret from the people.
Politicians ordering restrictions on the population are once again not under such restrictions .... see picture below of health minister Spahn and NRW prime minister Laschet visiting a corona patient hospital in Düsseldorf !
Where is their "social distancing"? IN addition they have their entourage of journalists and security personnel also close by their side. Do you notice their smirky smile (real appropriate for a deadly crisis, isn't it) ???
My grandma used to say (among some other excellent advice): "Listen to a person's DEEDS, not just to their words!" These two top rulers provide a great example by their actions (obviously not realizing what they are actually telling to anyone awake and thinking)
When I mentioned to someone earlier this morning that the annual flu / influenza and this corona virus are similar, the person was agitated and very quick to tell me that such comparing was no good and I was trying to minimize or neglects the dangers because "corona is far more infectious and deadly than influenza!" Hmn ... after a moment to allow him to settle down, I told him that I had just read the statistics by the Robert-Koch-Institue for the influeneza infections/death toll, and that it was far worse for the recent months than their statistics for the corona infections/death .... ooops, After a moment of silence he shook his head and mumbled something into his face mask that did not sound like a "thank you, for the figures and shedding some light", but rather like "don't disturb my panic and hiysteric mode and my "goody two shoes" feeling for doing more than most to prevent the spread of corona.
Interesting, isn't it? People think I am using influenza as an example of less dangerous disease, when in reality I point out with official figures that it is the more dangerous disease ... and these people then elevate the dangers of corona sky high with the claim that it is non-comparable to influenza, implying influenza to be the less dangerous disease .... crazy, isn't it?
Here is a video (a bit lengthy but - as I find - very informative by Dr John Ioannidis of Stanford University on perspectives on the pandemic.
And it is not in German but English ... so most here should be able to follow along without difficulties.
Some more information in English ... as of April 3, 2020 (from a Swiss source)
In my view, the gentleman made a strong case for mass testing and data collection. CM
In recent days, more experts in various virus related fields and general medical professionals have voiced critical opinions to the current lock down and other restrictions imposed by the Merkel regime on the population in Germany. One of the demands of many of these voices has been to stop using phantom figures in statistics to propagate that Corona virus causing CoVid-19 is a deadly virus. Demands arre mage that autopsies be performed to determine the real cause of death among those who have died with a Corona test positive result.
Now, on Friday, April 3, the chief of the Hamburg pathology department and forensic medicine, Prof. Püschel, gave an interview which was published in a Hamburg paper (Hamburger Morgenpost) in which he made public his findings after having conducted postmortem examinations of a number of those who have died in Hamburg hospitals who were declared "Corona dead". His findings showed that NO person had died because of the virus, all had died of other causes due to old age and previous conditions. Strangely, the article has now completely disappeared from the only platform of the paper .... wonder why? 😉
In other words, the figures by the government controlled Robert-Koch-Institute used by the government for doing away with constitutional rights of the people and ordering restrictions on the whole population for protection from this terrible deadly virus are utter nonsense, purposely manipulated to obviously press other agendas, kept secret from the population (is that called a "conspiracy"?)
As more data comes in from China and Italy, as well as Washington state and New York, more cardiac experts are coming to believe the COVID-19 virus can infect the heart muscle. An initial study found cardiac damage in as many as 1 in 5 patients, leading to heart failure and death even among those who show no signs of respiratory distress.
That could change the way doctors and hospitals need to think about patients, particularly in the early stages of illness. It also could open up a second front in the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic, with a need for new precautions in people with preexisting heart problems, new demands for equipment and, ultimately, new treatment plans for damaged hearts among those who survive.
Over the course of the last week, America somehow went from being a country where very few people were willing to wear masks for health … to one where regular people are trading mask-making patterns like sourdough starter.
But the messaging about mask usage remains muddled. That’s true for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which updated its public recommendations to include wearing masks whenever you go out in public on the same day President Trump announced he would not be wearing one. It’s also true in the scientific community, where dueling experts both urge widespread public face mask usage and dismiss face masks as useless and potentially dangerous.
Then why the "shelter in place" order around the country? Why aren't there more testing? Is there really a problem? CM
There's not more testing because there aren't tests available yet for widespread testing. This is not rocket science.
Have a look at the following video with interview on Perspectives on the Pandemic with Professor Knut Wittkowski (Episode 2)
Warmer weather would do aware with Covid 19. See clip: https://www.foxnews.com/science/coronavirus-unlikely-to-diminish-with-warmer-weather-new-study-finds
Where is the truth? CM
Google's worldwide map => https://google.com/covid19-map/ shows cases increasing all over the world (appears warmer weather may slow spread of Covid 19, but a number of countries with equitorial and summer weather are experiencing virus cases)
God's timing shows in National Park of American Samoa Quarter => https://www.usmint.gov/coins/coin-medal-programs/america-the-beautiful-quarters/national-park-of-american-samoa and Isaiah 2:19-20 => https://www.breakingisraelnews.com/148019/how-a-new-u-s-silver-quarter-with-a-bat-on-it-was-foretold-in-book-of-isaiah/
Thankful for Pesach in Israel yesterday inside individual family homes to remember original Pesach story in Exodus 12-13 (original passover happened in individual Egyptian homes during the night: either a lamb OR firstborn child died in every household). Praying for every human heart to truly seek One Holy Gd during Pesach and Resurrection Celebration (Easter) this year. Praying for everyone to remember Gd's deliverance from Egypt: Ten Plagues followed by Israel crossing Gulf of Aqaba and drowning of Egyptian army. Thankful for Jesus being the Holy lamb of God for the sin of the world (so we have reason to turn our hearts to Holy God for healing from our sins). Social distancing has removed many worldly distractions along with many families weeping from pandemic deaths: tears in the evening 😥can be followed by Joy in the Morning 😍
Keep Smiling 😊
Thankful for a Sunday service broadcast that began with remembering original Resurrection had disciples in their homes grieving death of Jesus (not knowing what was next for each of them). Also many who had believed in Jesus, as miraculous works of God were done, were in their homes wondering what was next after brutal death. Women went to the tomb with spices for a dead body. They were not expecting Jesus to be Alive !!!
TV broadcast service shows band playing/Praising God (with social distancing) and Sun rising outside the windows. Pandemic stay at home has caused both Pesach (Passover) and Resurrection Sunday to be remembered like the original events around the world (Wow). Praying for human hearts to repent of sinful self with turning to Holy God. Loving God well shows in loving neighbors well (both in our actions and our words).
(Rhetorical) Wonder how many complainers staying at home are accepting Holy God's instruction. Whose wisdom (ideas) should we cherish ?
Isaiah 29:13-24 (NLT) And so the Lord says, “These people say they are mine. They honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. And their worship of me is nothing but man-made rules learned by rote. Because of this, I will once again astound these hypocrites with amazing wonders. The wisdom of the wise will pass away, and the intelligence of the intelligent will disappear.”
What sorrow awaits those who try to hide their plans from the Lord, who do their evil deeds in the dark! “The Lord can’t see us,” they say. “He doesn’t know what’s going on!”
How foolish can you be? He is the Potter, and he is certainly greater than you, the clay! Should the created thing say of the one who made it, “He didn’t make me”? Does a jar ever say, “The potter who made me is stupid”?
Soon—and it will not be very long—the forests of Lebanon will become a fertile field, and the fertile field will yield bountiful crops. In that day the deaf will hear words read from a book, and the blind will see through the gloom and darkness. The humble will be filled with fresh joy from the Lord. The poor will rejoice in the Holy One of Israel. The scoffer will be gone, the arrogant will disappear, and those who plot evil will be killed. Those who convict the innocent by their false testimony will disappear. A similar fate awaits those who use trickery to pervert justice and who tell lies to destroy the innocent. That is why the Lord, who redeemed Abraham, says to the people of Israel, “My people will no longer be ashamed or turn pale with fear. For when they see their many children and all the blessings I have given them, they will recognize the holiness of the Holy One of Jacob. They will stand in awe of the God of Israel. Then the wayward will gain understanding, and complainers will accept instruction.
1 Corinthians 1:18-31 (NLT) The message of the cross is foolish to those who are headed for destruction! But we who are being saved know it is the very power of God. As the Scriptures say, “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and discard the intelligence of the intelligent.”
So where does this leave the philosophers, the scholars, and the world’s brilliant debaters? God has made the wisdom of this world look foolish. Since God in his wisdom saw to it that the world would never know him through human wisdom, he has used our foolish preaching to save those who believe. It is foolish to the Jews, who ask for signs from heaven. And it is foolish to the Greeks, who seek human wisdom. So when we preach that Christ was crucified, the Jews are offended and the Gentiles say it’s all nonsense.
But to those called by God to salvation, both Jews and Gentiles, Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God. This foolish plan of God is wiser than the wisest of human plans, and God’s weakness is stronger than the greatest of human strength.
Remember, dear brothers and sisters, that few of you were wise in the world’s eyes or powerful or wealthy when God called you. Instead, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful. God chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all, and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important. As a result, no one can ever boast in the presence of God.
God has united you with Christ Jesus. For our benefit God made him to be wisdom itself. Christ made us right with God; he made us pure and holy, and he freed us from sin. Therefore, as the Scriptures say, “If you want to boast, boast only about the Lord.”
Jude 24-25 (NLT) Now all glory to God, who is able to keep you from falling away and will bring you with great joy into his glorious presence without a single fault. All glory to him who alone is God, our Savior through Jesus Christ our יהוהLord. All glory, majesty, power, and authority are his before all time, and in the present, and beyond all time! Amen.
Keep Smiling 😊
I have deleted the initial text of this post. @Wolfgang
News from some sources mention a live interview by U.S Surgeon General Adams, in which he mentions that the adiministration is now adhering to available data rather than the fear mongering predictive models of Bill GAtes / CDC / WHO. It seems like Mr. Adams is in essence announcing that the panic propaganda propagated by the vaccination promoters Gates /CDC/ WHO is being dumped in favor of more actual data considerations which are passedon to communities and local authorities so they can make more data informed decisions regarding the current crisis situation. Mr. Adams thus informed in the interview that businesses could already open in May and June, whereas the Gates / Dr. Faucé elinked CD/ WHO ina recent media campaign painted a panic picture that the lockdown would have to last 6 months or longer until vaccination (of course developed by associates of thes horror scenario promotion trio) would be ready for mandatory vaccination, etc ...
A rather unexpected turn of events on the horizon? Or will the Gates /CDC / WHO with mainstream media and political puppets crush this attempt and establish further their enslavement of the American people ??
@Wolfgang posted:
News from some sources mention a live interview by U.S Surgeon General Adams, in which he mentions that the adiministration is now adhering to available data rather than the fear mongering predictive models of Bill GAtes / CDC / WHO. It seems like Mr. Adams is in essence announcing that the panic propaganda propagated by the vaccination promoters Gates /CDC/ WHO is being dumped in favor of more actual data considerations which are passedon to communities and local authorities so they can make more data informed decisions regarding the current crisis situation. Mr. Adams thus informed in the interview that businesses could already open in May and June, whereas the Gates / Dr. Faucé elinked CD/ WHO ina recent media campaign painted a panic picture that the lockdown would have to last 6 months or longer until vaccination (of course developed by associates of thes horror scenario promotion trio) would be ready for mandatory vaccination, etc ...
A rather unexpected turn of events on the horizon? Or will the Gates /CDC / WHO with mainstream media and political puppets crush this attempt and establish further their enslavement of the American people ??
As I'm sure you know, Wolfgang, the models that predicted the most dire outcomes - in the millions of deaths - assumed no implementation of mitigation strategies. Fortunately, Americans by and large HAVE implemented social distancing and other mitigation strategies (stay at home orders in many states, for example). Therefore, there is now good reason to believe that the final, horrific result of the pandemic in the U.S. will be less horrific than it would have been had we not implemented mitigation strategies. It's also clear - as matters of pure common sense - that had we launched those efforts earlier, even fewer people would have died, and if we back away from those strategies too quickly or haphazardly, more people will die.
At the moment, more than 2,000 Americans are dying a day from the virus. At that rate more Americans will die in 2-1/2 weeks than die in an entire three month flu season. In my view, those number endanger the accuracy of your suggestion made in THIS POST that COVID-19 and the flu are "similar," and that the flu is "the more dangerous disease."
@Bill_Coley Fortunately, Americans by and large HAVE implemented social distancing and other mitigation strategies (stay at home orders in many states, for example). Therefore, there is now good reason to believe that the final, horrific result of the pandemic in the U.S. will be less horrific than it would have been had we not implemented mitigation strategies.
Well, more and more it becomes clear that there social distancing and lockdown/shutdown measures in essence make no difference in regards to the cirus related medical situation .... they make a hell of a difference in that economies have been wrecked / ruined.
My facts? Comparing Germany (strict lockdown and society distancing measures and Sweden with no such lockdown but normal life going on with some common sense steps observed by the population, the curves for corona infection statss are just about identical ... in fact, have been already sharply decreasing in both countries. The virus and its danger is obviously the same in both countries ... the measures taken to supposedly decrease the "ah so terrible" predicted effects were not needed in Sweden (while implemented in many other countries) to have the same results ... or looking at it from the other perspective, the mitigation measures produced NO better results and in essence caused terrible damage in other areas of lie to society, companies, businesses and individuals.
One example, where did the horrendous increase in unemployment come from? from the virus and people being sick? NO! From stupid or planned (careful, conspiracy theory?) steps taken by certain elements of government!!!!
@Wolfgang posted:
My facts? Comparing Germany (strict lockdown and society distancing measures and Sweden with no such lockdown but normal life going on with some common sense steps observed by the population, the curves for corona infection statss are just about identical ... in fact, have been already sharply decreasing in both countries. The virus and its danger is obviously the same in both countries ... the measures taken to supposedly decrease the "ah so terrible" predicted effects were not needed in Sweden (while implemented in many other countries) to have the same results ... or looking at it from the other perspective, the mitigation measures produced NO better results and in essence caused terrible damage in other areas of lie to society, companies, businesses and individuals.
From my quick review, your assertions of fact here simply aren't accurate:
And I hope you will respond directly to the information I provided in my previous post:
At the moment, more than 2,000 Americans are dying a day from the virus. At that rate more Americans will die in 2-1/2 weeks than die in an entire three month flu season. In my view, those number endanger the accuracy of your suggestion made in THIS POST that COVID-19 and the flu are "similar," and that the flu is "the more dangerous disease."
Exactly Reformed!
As for the situation in Sweden and Germany ... in BOTH countries the number of infections are equally decreasing ... no indication that the totalitarian restrictions have produced or are producing any better results.
As a matter of fact, it seems clear that "Corona / Covid 19" is nothing more than another of annual occurring different respiratory virus waves ... as temperatures outside are rising and the % of immune population is growing the virus is dying out as is the case with every "new" virus each year.
But then folks, many seem so programmed that they are willing slaves who may be told anything and everything and the more weird and nonsensical the more they seem to "like" it. They almost beg for Bill Gates (CEO "behind th escenes" of WHO and Satanist) vaccinations ... and are totally ignorant of the millions of crimes this "philanthropist" has committed with his vaccination campaigns in Kenia and India, etc.
Enough written .... anyone want to hear some more sound and simple advice, again take a look at what Prof. Knut Whittkowski had to say in an interview regarding the matter
Anyone know about the following which just is making the news?
Want to get an overview over corona cases in relation to population in different countries?
Covid-19 cases per 1 million citizens .... oh dead, oh dear, the officially reported numbers (as of a few days ago) don't quite match the panic and hysteria propagated in the mainstream news
Also, we can see that Sweden with no such highly restricted lockdown regulations is doing just as well as mot other European countries and the USA with their destructive measures ....
Here are some figures for Germany comparing the traditional annual deaths figures to the current corona related deaths figures for other recent years ... the corona related curvee shows by far lower figures compared to other years and traditionally occurring deaths ...
So much for the supposedly "far more deadly and dangerous and totally new" horror virus "corona covid-19"
@Wolfgang posted:
As for the situation in Sweden and Germany ... in BOTH countries the number of infections are equally decreasing ... no indication that the totalitarian restrictions have produced or are producing any better results.....
1) If, as you claim, COVID-19 is "nothing more than another of annual occurring different respiratory virus waves," and less "dangerous" than the flu, why are more than 2,000 Americans a day dying from the virus, a rate at which more Americans will die in 2-1/2 weeks than die in an entire typical three month flu season? [NOTE: This is the third time I've asked you this question. I hope you'll address it directly this time.]
2) I provided links to my sources of information. You did not. I am particularly interested in the source of the cartoonish-like world map whose copyright holder is cryptically named "ZZ." Please provide links to your data sources.
3) As for Sweden, as the data to which I referred make clear, the death rate in Sweden is HIGHER - significantly higher - than in neighboring Scandanavian countries, in Germany, or the U.S. If that country's relaxed approach to COVID-19 is so successful, what explains its much higher death rate?
@Bill_Coley 1) If, as you claim, COVID-19 is "nothing more than another of annual occurring different respiratory virus waves," and less "dangerous" than the flu, why are more than 2,000 Americans a day dying from the virus, a rate at which more Americans will die in 2-1/2 weeks than die in an entire typical three month flu season? [NOTE: This is the third time I've asked you this question. I hope you'll address it directly this time.]
First matter to clear up, do they people die FROM the virus or do they die WITH the virus? Here in Germany, we've been told by the "offical government source" (Robert-Koch-Institue) about hundreds of "Corono dead" totally disregarding what the real cause of death actually was. Then, a pathologist in Hamburg (chief of the law department for autopsies, etc.) finally did some testing on "Corona dead" corpses in Hamburg to determine the cause of death ... result, all of those who died had died "with" the corona virus, but due to other causes, such as cancer, heart problems, etc. which were not directly related to the virus. "Not one of these died because of the virus," the pathologist declared in a televised interview.
Secondly, one must view any numbers in their appropriate contect to determine if a number is to be regarded as high or normal or low, etc. So then, after (1) having determined how many of those 2000 dead have actually died from the virus. one must (2) compare that number to the normal or average number of total deaths from all causes, and perhaps (3) compare that number to the total of deaths related to other respiratory infections, etc. .... in order to determine if that actual number of corona dead is far above normal or average and within what one would have with or without "corona". For Germany, when comparing the numbers of this year's corona and this year's flu etc with previous years, this year is totally "normal" in terms of virus danger and related number of infected and number of dead. One source here mentions for the USA the following: the normal mortality rate in the USA is about 8000/day ... annual flu mortality in the USA is up to 80000/winter season ...
Now, how does the number of real corona dead in the USA (by far most in rather very old age and with serious previous conditions) relate to the perhaps 10 or 20 million unemployed as direct and immediate result of "corona panic shutdown orders"????
Thirdly, one should not go by computer models ... but by actual data, the moment they become available. All the panic of governments around Europe and in the USA has been based on "models and predictions" issued by the WHO (largely influenced and basically directed by "the vaccination god" Bill Gates) and they disregard actual data and continue to follow FALSE MODELS in order to keep lockdown in place and the population basically under house arrest until (observe carefully !!!) "the vaccination against the virus is available and can be given to all" (Angela Merkel in her recent press conference announcing the continuation of the prison sentence with essentially meaningless lifts for over 80 million healthy people) ...
3) As for Sweden, as the data to which I referred make clear, the death rate in Sweden is HIGHER - significantly higher - than in neighboring Scandanavian countries, in Germany, or the U.S. If that country's relaxed approach to COVID-19 is so successful, what explains its much higher death rate?
Hmn ... why are the lockdown governments here in EUrope rather critical and sort of envious of what Sweden is doing?? why are the mainstream media here not really reporting on Sweden, since a higher death toll in Sweden would be THE MOST WELCOME NEWS over here for "See, we told you so .... See, we shut down our economy and locked up our people ... thus we are doing so much better than you ..." ???? Very simple reason, the lockdown governments try to "silence" Sweden news over herer, because once the information and more facts become more widely known, the politicians over here have a severe problem ....
Have a look at the latest Updates on Corona Covid-19 ...from
It is debateable whether or not they are actually dying FROM the virus.... I heard a news report that said people are being counted even if they were not tested and are just suspected to have the virus.