Coronavirus: Pandemic, Hype, or "Much-to-do about nothing"?

What is the Coronavirus? Where did it originated and what's the root cause? What are the systoms? What makes the virus a historic challenge to contain? How is it spread?
Would Israel escape this life destroying disease? If not, what does this mean for the Israeli government and her people? I would hate to think about refugee camps around the world?
The U. S. seems to be on the verge of making a mess of dealing with this thing. Trump needs to get it right because many people travel back and forth to Israel. Is this disease worst than "H5N1", or “avian flu”, "SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) or "MERS" (Middle East respiratory syndrome)?
Is this a plague upon the lands of those would not hear God's voice? CM
The Latest on the coronavirus:
The new coronavirus (known technically as SARS-CoV-2) that has been spreading around the world can cause a respiratory illness that can be severe.
Coronaviruses are similar to influenza viruses in that they both contain single strands of RNA.* Four coronaviruses commonly infect humans, causing colds. These are believed to have evolved in humans to maximize their own spread—which means sickening, but not killing, people. By contrast, the two prior novel coronavirus outbreaks—SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) and MERS (Middle East respiratory syndrome, named for where the first outbreak occurred)—were picked up from animals, as was H5N1. These diseases were highly fatal to humans. If there were mild or asymptomatic cases, they were extremely few. Had there been more of them, the disease would have spread widely. Ultimately, SARS and MERS each killed fewer than 1,000 people.
This thing is spreading faster than many are willing or able to say in a timely manner. CM
What does Israel have to do with any of this?
Jewish persecutions during the Black Death
The Black Death persecutions and massacres were a series of violent attacks on Jewish communities blamed for outbreaks of the Black Death in Europe from 1348 to 1351.
History of persecutions
The official church policy at the time was to protect Jews because Jesus was born into the Jewish race, but in reality Jews were often targets of Christian loathing.[1] As the plague swept across Europe in the mid-14th century, annihilating nearly half the population, people had little scientific understanding of the disease and were looking for an explanation.
Jews were often taken as scapegoats and accusations spread that Jews had caused the disease by deliberately poisoning wells.[2][3] This is likely because they were affected less than other people,[4][5] since many Jews chose not to use the common wells of towns and cities[1] and because Jews confessed to poisoning wells under torture.[1]
The first massacres directly related to the plague took place in April 1348 in Toulon, Provence where the Jewish quarter was sacked, and forty Jews were murdered in their homes; the next occurred in Barcelona.[6] In 1349, massacres and persecution spread across Europe, including the Erfurt massacre, the Basel massacre, massacres in Aragon, and Flanders.[7][8] 2,000 Jews were burnt alive on 14 February 1349 in the "Valentine's Day" Strasbourg massacre, where the plague had not yet affected the city. While the ashes smouldered, Christian residents of Strasbourg sifted through and collected the valuable possessions of Jews not burnt by the fires.[9][10] Many hundreds of Jewish communities were destroyed in this period. Within the 510 Jewish communities destroyed in this period, some members killed themselves to avoid the persecutions.[11]In the spring of 1349 the Jewish community in Frankfurt am Main was annihilated. This was followed by the destruction of Jewish communities in Mainz and Cologne. The 3,000 strong Jewish population of Mainz initially defended themselves and managed to hold off the Christian attackers. But the Christians managed to overwhelm the Jewish ghettoin the end and killed all of its Jews.[9]
At Speyer, Jewish corpses were disposed in wine casks and cast into the Rhine. By the close of 1349 the worst of the pogroms had ended in Rhineland. But around this time the massacres of Jews started rising near the Hansa townships of the Baltic Coast and in Eastern Europe. By 1351 there had been 350 incidents of anti-Jewish pogroms and 60 major and 150 minor Jewish communities had been exterminated. All of this caused the eastward movement of Northern Europe's Jewry to Poland and Lithuania, where they remained for the next six centuries. King Casimir III of Poland enthusiastically gave refuge and protection to the Jews. The motives for this action is unclear. The king was well disposed to Jews and had a Jewish mistress. He was also interested in tapping the economic potential of the Jewry.[12]
From the reading above, you see, it's so easy to blame jews when things go wrong in society on a large scale. Let's learn from history and not repeat it. CM
PS. Don't blame the Coronavirus on the Jews, I warn! CM
As far as I am aware no one in the media here in Japan has placed any of the blame on the modern state of Israel nor on the Jewish communities. However, a number of people have placed the blame on city of Wuhan (or ぶかんし/Bukanshi in Jp pronunciation) in China and specifically some the animal ingredients used in TCM (traditional Chinese Medicine) found in open meat markets in China.
@Mitchell posted:
As far as I am aware no one in the media here in Japan has placed any of the blame on the modern state of Israel nor on the Jewish communities. However, a number of people have placed the blame on city of Wuhan (or ぶかんし/Bukanshi in Jp pronunciation) in China and specifically some the animal ingredients used in TCM (traditional Chinese Medicine) found in open meat markets in China.
A VERY helpful post, Brian. Thanks for some perspective that we can't easily access in the West.
Although isn't that the same thing we have been hearing in the West as well?
In answer to the title of this thread I want to say that the Coronavirus is neither Hype, nor "Much-to-do about nothing for those who have died (currently almost 3,000), those who have lost loved ones, or those are in some way affected by it. Several Public k12 schools have already closed in Hokkaido prefecture and the prime minister is tentatively requesting that schools nationwide close from March 3rd till sometime in April. Meaning that the Japanese government is(or at least has started) taking the coronavirus seriously enough to take action. The government is still denying that the Olympics will be canceled, but I think it is obvious that unless something changes the Tokyo Olympics will be canceled or attendance will be very low. Actually, according to one poll, 40% of the population does not even desire to attend the Olympics.
So far no case of the virus have been reported in the prefecture I live in, however we know it is not hype or something to joke about or make light of. And, being that this virus has spread out to many counties now I would assume that most people know this is a pandemic or something very very close to it.
Thanks for taking this topic and thread seriously. CM
I believe the IOC said if it is not contained within three m onths the games would either be postponed or cancelled outright. Can't remember where I read that this week.
What's the source of coronavirus?
You said:
"A number of people have placed the blame on city of Wuhan ... in China and specifically some the animal ingredients used meat markets in China.
Is there any truth to this clip and/or could this situation be a contributing factor to the root cause the Coronavirus?
- Watch "Wuhan China Meat Market Before the Coronavirus in China." on YouTube
In addition, what are its symptoms and how is this thing spread? CM
PS. Some scenes may be disturbing.
It can be spread by physical contact or droplet transfer.
Here's another clip explaining how the Coronavirus kills -- the destruction of the lungs.
coronavirus #coronavirustreatment #ARDS
How Coronavirus Kills: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) & Treatment
The length (11 minutes). You may find it worth your time. CM
To be more precise this is a TYPE of Coronavirus. Covid-19 to be exact. SARS is also a coronavirus
reformed posted: To be more precise this is a TYPE of Coronavirus. Covid-19 to be exact. SARS is also a coronavirus
Exactly Reformed!
"Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). A novel coronavirus (nCoV) is a new strain that has not been previously identified in humans. " (LINK)
reformed posted: I believe the IOC said if it is not contained within three months the games would either be postponed or cancelled outright. Can't remember where I read that this week.
Yes, you are correct again! Richard (Dick) w. Pound the longest serving member of the IOC made the comment that Tokyo Olympics could be cancelled. I agree with him I think the risk of going on with Olympics now greatly out weigh the benefits.
C_M_ Posted: Is there any truth to this clip and/or could this situation be a contributing factor to the root cause the Coronavirus?
Yes, markets like these can be found very easily out side of the major cities of China and away from the tourist spots. You may have already heard that 'some' Chinese eat pangolins (a type of ant eater) and Bats but some eat many other type of animals either because they simply like it or because they think it is healthy. Take this with a grain of salt this is simply my opinion.
What To Put In A Coronavirus Preparedness Kit
Now is the time for US businesses, hospitals, and communities to begin preparing for the possible spread of #COVID19. CDC continues to work with business, education & healthcare sectors, encouraging employers to be prepared. Learn more:
Before assembling a kit, it's helpful to have an understanding of what you can expect to use it for. (As of Thursday, the CDC believes that symptoms may appear in as little as two days or in as many as 14.)
It may be worth looking at these guidelines if you want to prepare for the possibility:
1. Flu supplies.
- There are no approved vaccines or medications to treat coronavirus, but that it is is marked by fever, coughing, difficulty breathing, and pneumonia.
- Purchasing supplies like "pain relievers, stomach remedies, cough and cold medicines, fluids with electrolytes, and vitamins".
2. Two weeks worth of food and water.
- Stock up on frozen goods or foods like crackers and tuna that don't have expiration dates in the next few months. You may also want to grab extra toiletries you're running low on, like soap, toilet paper, paper towels, and tissues.
- Also consider electrolyte-enhanced fluids like Gatorade if someone in your household does develop symptoms. Buy foods that you'll find easier to eat if you develop symptoms, like crackers, bread, and soup.
3. Two weeks worth of medication you normally take.
- This includes prescription medications like birth control, antidepressants, anxiety medications, and medications used to treat ongoing medical conditions...Barring that, it may be useful to look into prescription delivery as a backup option to make sure you have access.
4. Your health records.
- Collecting and maintaining your health records, for the sake of having them on hand in case of an emergency — if you're unsure of how to do that, the department recommends using the healthcare initiative Blue Button to get started.
Consider buying the minimum of what you think you or your household will need online.
Please share this with others, family members, friends and co-workers, etc. Thanks. CM
Coronavirus forecasts are grim: ‘It’s going to get worse’
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DON'T TAKE MY WORDS. Read and be wise.
Don't follow Trump. CM:
‘He’s gonna get us all killed’: sense of unease after Trump coronavirus speech
The president began his speech as many leaders do, then reverted to his familiar nationalism and threw in a bit of campaigning
David SmithThu 12 Mar 2020 00.00 EDT
Trump announces travel ban from Europe to the US in bid to stem coronavirus – video
Donald Trump’s first Oval Office address – that almost sacred altar for US presidents on prime time television – came in January 2019 amid a partial government shutdown and asserted that only a border wall can keep out dangerous illegal immigrants.
His second such address on Wednesday night was again couched in terms around the need to resist a foreign invasion that is someone else’s fault. The problem is that the coronavirus is already inside America and spreading.
And the message was delivered by a 73-year-old man with a sniffing habit who did not seem to be a glowing picture of health nor entirely at ease reading from a TelePrompter. His bold assertion last week – “I like this stuff. I really get it … Maybe I have a natural ability.” – seemed even more incredible than before.
Addresses to the nation from the Oval Office are meant to be defining moments for a president to act as commander in chief or consoler in chief. After the crew of the space shuttle Challenger perished in a disaster in 1986, Ronald Reagan promised: “We will never forget them, nor the last time we saw them, this morning, as they prepared for their journey and waved goodbye and ‘slipped the surly bonds of earth’ to ‘touch the face of God’.”
George W Bush made half a dozen Oval Office addresses, including on the night of the September 11 terrorist attacks. Barack Obama delivered three. Trump has typically resisted conventions – it has been exactly a year since the last White House press briefing – but even he finds some of them necessary or useful.
On Wednesday he wore a blue suit, white shirt and blue patterned tie – not his favourite red. He also sported a stars and stripes pin and had hands his folded before him (he said nothing about the potential perils of shaking hands). His face looked undeniably orange. Behind him were framed photos, including portraits of his parents, and flags and gold curtains.
At 9.02pm, Trump began as presidents so often do: “My fellow Americans.” But in the next breath, he reverted to his familiar us-versus-them nationalism, referring to the coronavirus outbreak “that started in China” and is now spreading throughout the world. “This is the most aggressive and comprehensive effort to confront a foreign virus in modern history.” Not just a virus. A foreign virus.
The president touted his own sweeping travel restrictions on China and, far from expressing sympathy and solidarity with allies, argued the European Union “failed to take the same precautions and restrict travel from China and other hotspots. As a result, a large number of new clusters in the United States were seeded by travelers from Europe.”
Trump announced the US will bebanning travelers from many European countries to the US for the next 30 days with exemptions for Americans, permanent residents and family of US citizens who have undergone screenings and, mysteriously, the UK, despite it having a higher caseload than some other European countries. Could Brexit be the new TSA PreCheck?
The president then made an awful bungle. He said “these prohibitions will not only apply to the tremendous amount of trade and cargo, but various other things as we get approval”. Such words could trigger global economic panic. Trump was forced to hastily clarify on Twitter: “... very important for all countries & businesses to know that trade will in no way be affected by the 30-day restriction on travel from Europe. The restriction stops people not goods.”
He went on to talk of the pathogen as if it was a foreign army or terrorist network. “The virus will not have a chance against us,” he said. “No nation is more prepared or more resilient than the United States.”
And seen in the midst of an emergency, Trump could not resist some campaigning. “Because of the economic policies that we have put into place over the last three years, we have the greatest economy anywhere in the world by far,” he said.
“This is not a financial crisis, this is just a temporary moment of time that we will overcome together as a nation and as a world.”
Many observers found the address unreassuring and downright weird. Susan Glasser, a staff writer from the New Yorker, tweeted: “The militaristic, nationalistic language of Trump’s speech tonight is striking: a ‘foreign virus,’ keeping out China and Europe.”...
@C_M_ are you scared?
Trump announced the US will bebanning travelers from many European countries to the US for the next 30 days with exemptions for Americans, permanent residents and family of US citizens who have undergone screenings and, mysteriously, the UK, despite it having a higher caseload than some other European countries. Could Brexit be the new TSA PreCheck?
This only reveals that there seem to be other agendas being pursued in the wake of and with Corona "hype" ... of course, we all know that only citizens of some countries can get infected while citizens from other countries are immune ... makes also a lot of sensee to have someone screened today and let go because apparently they can't or won't come in the future into a situation where they might "catch the bug" .... <smile>
1/2 CDC Director Robert Redfield admitted some Americans who seemingly died from influenza were tested positive for novel #coronavirus in the posthumous diagnosis, during the House Oversight Committee Wednesday. #COVID19
2/2 CDC was caught on the spot. When did patient zero begin in US? How many people are infected? What are the names of the hospitals? It might be US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan. Be transparent! Make public your data! US owe us an explanation!
Source: ...
When did "patient 0" begin in the US? Could it be that he was part of the US military athletes delegation that participated in Oct 2019 in the Military Athletic Games held in Wuhan, China??
Did the origin and spread of a virus influenza once again start up in the USA and was spread by soldiers of US military abroad and other countries in the world?? I say "once again", because the so-called "Spanish influenza" which is linked to the death of many millions of people during 1918-1920 originated in Ft. Riley, KS where soldiers were training for their deployment to WW I battlefields in Europe ... and then with infected soldiers brought the virus with them and caused medical havoc as the virus spread in Europe in the period following the war.
Europe now center of coronavirus pandemic, death toll has passed 5,000 – WHO chief
The death toll from the coronavirus pandemic has surpassed 5,000 worldwide and Europe has become the epicenter of the outbreak, the head of the World Health Organization has said.
5000 deaths worldwide .... terrible pandemic. For some strange reason, the WHO chief seems not concerned about the much higher number of deaths from the flu in the USA alone ... cp. the following from
Flu season is hitting its stride right now in the US. So far, the CDC has estimated (based on weekly influenza surveillance data) that at least 12,000 people have died from influenza between Oct. 1, 2019 through Feb. 1, 2020, and the number of deaths may be as high as 30,000.
WHO is kidding who, folks?
THey claim it is because we don't know the extent yet of COVID 19
THey claim it is because we don't know the extent yet of COVID 19
Of course .... and with that reasoning they can claim just about anything that is "don't' know yet" ...
We also already know that especially vary senior people with previous conditions have died due to worsening of their medical condition because of the virus infection, whereas for by far most cases the adverse effects have been rather mild (actually not much different from what is the case with other influenza cases).
As for this situation, we also are now learning that in China the situation is already reversing and the number of infections is going down drastically ... and things are hopefully beginning to bounce back to normality (at least in terms of health conditions of the population) ...
The whole matter of non-medical effects and consequences of politicians' decisions is a different story ...
Something to consider about the aspect of "Corona tests" to determine whether someone is infected with corona virus or not.
On March 4th, there was a vote for minister president in the state parliament in Thuringia. The situation of finding a majority for the rather controversial candidate. Now, only a few days prior to the date of the vote, the news reported that one of the parliament members had been tested positive for corona. Next, the news reported that this might lead to the parliament session and vote needing to be postponed. And here comes the "punch" => the next day, that parliament member was apparently tested again and -- miraculously ? -- the test result for that man was negative ... with a big sigh of relief of those in the parliament who absolutely wanted that vote to take place "now".
To someone awake while thinking about such news, the question arises whether such tests are really worth anything, if one day they produce one result and the next day the opposite result. Another question, should the test actually be realiable and if it produced the same result, one must wonder which medical personnel is totally unqualified to "read results" or who is actually trying to fool the public with hysterical news. Obviously, the session happened, the man has been well and in him no corona infection has followed ...
"The King is naked ..."
Here's a short video from a German medical expert regarding the current corona situation: The video is in German, but there is an English translation given on screen (subtitle style).
Stunning insights into the Corona-panic by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg.
Something to think about and consider in light of political steps that are taken and information that would be helpful
The panic propagators and hysteria infected folks fantasize about the virus more dangerous than any other before, and throw around death tolls and figures that are supposed to prove and substantiate their danger claims. Below find the current official mortality rate and number statistics for European countries ....
You will easily notice on the charts, that the mortality levels in the different countries all are overall very close to the annual average levels or even slightly below the average ... certainly below the levels of the influenza levels in some previous years. Yes, there is one exception => the curve for 65+ year old persons in Italy is now above last year's level but still below the peak levels of the influenza waves 2017/18.
As one professor pointed out: If we had not been told a name (CoVid-19) and without the immediate media hysteria, everyone - including politicians and medical profession - would have concluded that this year's season with influenza and related health problems was as normal as ever and actually below recent year averages. No lock downs, no politically forced economy breakdown, etc ...
Those who favor the currenty hysteria and panic of politics should mark in their calendars a date in late October to write to their senator or representative to please announce a lockdown, because the influenza season is starting and some people might die ... 😏
Well, here we are about 6 weeks into the politically created panic phase of so-called "Corona" crisis ...
In mid February the politicians' prognosis was that within 2 weeks we would have a "Zombie" catastrophe and breakdown of the German health system ... Well, 2 weeks later at the beginning of March, no breakdown and no real catastrophe in sight, so the mainstream propaganda media proclaimed that the incubation period was longer than 2 weeks, and disaster was going to hit by middle of March .... Middle of March came and still no disaster catastrophe, except that the federal government now issued via the state president puppets a ban on a number of liberties guaranteed by our basic law (equivalent of constitution in other countries as the disaster catastrophe will be upon us by the end of March. Now, end of March has come and still no catastrophe and breakdown of hospitals etc., but the "democtators" higher powers continue to drive the economy against the wall into ruin.
The fake mainstream media are nothing but corrupt government mouthpieces proclaiming straight forward lies, even in the face of plain figures proving them wrong. Example? We constantly hear in the media that hospitals are overrun and doctors sand nurses in emergency and intensive care units are close to breakdown for the many Corona patients. Well, have a look at the official listing of all hospitals in Germany and their current ICU capacities at the following website (it's in German, but you can understand the little colored circles - red=>full, yellow=>close to full, green=>open capacities):
You will immediately notice that by far most hospitals are green light for all categories of intensive care ... the opposite of what we are told. Now, people have directly requested information from hospitals in their area and learn that there is currently very little going on because the regular patient treatments and surgeries etc have been postponed and all are maded to wait for the phantom Corona cases flood (which has not been seen anywhere). Some hospitals even use the time to give personnel time off as compensation for previously accumulated overtime hours.
Obviously, the current Corona problem is NOT cause for lockdown and shutdown of the economy, the issue is a different one, as became rather evident last Friday when the government all of a sudden within days and in highspeed mode pushed through laws which further undermine our basic law and guaranteed freedoms ...
The worst of it all .... the vast majority of the population in Germany are "sleep-sheep" and even welcome being restricted and evene ask for more and report others to the police who only keep a distance of 1,5m instead of the 2m, etc. They willingly stay at home and do not go out of the house (even though that is only a request, and we still can take walks at most in pairs ... instead of going out to get fresh air and some sun and thereby strengthening their immune system. Instead they are hoping for a law for mandatory vaccination ... Rather crazy .....
Just to clarify, this post is NOT an April fools joke ... I actually wish it were.
By the way, did you know about the involvement of Bill Gates in big pharma? If you take a look from that perspective, you can understand more of the evil intentions behind the current doings of higher powers (such as governments being directly influenced by the WHO ...with smarty Bill smiling in the background about the return to be expected from his investments in the industry via the philanthropy posing "Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation" ....
Thank you Wolfgang for celebrating your version of Aprils fools on the threads. I have no idea how things are in Germany nor for that matter what kind of news on T.V. there.
However I can confirm that here in Japan numerous events have been canceled causing business to lose money including the one I work for. My kids and many many others are out of school because of how people are reacting to the virus. Flights have been cancled, and it is impossible to enter other countries. In fact if I were to return to my home country I would not be able to re-enter Japan at moment. The Olympic has officially been postponed till next year and I hope that the virus and the craziness caused by it will be gone before the new year. Those who are chasing in on this are most likely doctors, drug stores, those who make toilet paper, tissue,face-mask, and sanitizers. With my own eyes I can see that effects on society around me are not Hype, Much-to-do about nothing, nor fake news.
@Mitchell However I can confirm that here in Japan numerous events have been canceled causing business to lose money including the one I work for. My kids and many many others are out of school because of how people are reacting to the virus. Flights have been cancled, and it is impossible to enter other countries. In fact if I were to return to my home country I would not be able to re-enter Japan at moment. The Olympic has officially been postponed till next year and I hope that the virus and the craziness caused by it will be gone before the new year. Those who are chasing in on this are most likely doctors, drug stores, those who make toilet paper, tissue,face-mask, and sanitizers. With my own eyes I can see that effects on society around me are not Hype, Much-to-do about nothing, nor fake news.
No April fools day stuff from my side ... What you describe for Japan is the same panic hysteria driven restrictions imposed by government as we have here in Germany. The fake news are the mainstream media news as twisted statistics and selected pictures and opinions are pushed and anyone with some sound thinking who dares to question the official story is defamed and their reputation attacked. There have been several esteemed professors in the fields of virology, microbiology, epidemiology, etc. been thrown into "conspiracy theorist corner. because they dared to voice criticism of the government's measures (which are based on info from a government directed "department" (Robert-Koch-Institue ... under the jurisdiction of the ministry of health) and an apparently pharma lobby influenced prof (Prof Drosten).
The measures of the government's politics are based on a panic hysteric hype of "corona" threat ... which lacks any comparison with anything else. To evaluate the real danger pf this particular virus, one ought to compare to other causes of similar infections and diseases or overall figures for infection rates or death rates. You know, when I speak about 100 of something, is that a lot? Is that cause for overall concern? or is that actually normal average or perhaps even below average or maybe even very little?? How could one honestly determine? Only by real validated data that are checked by comparison. 100$ are a very very small amount in a billionaire's account, however 100$ would be a very high amount for a single corn of rice. 100 deaths per day by one cause sounds like terribly high figure if normally on the average only 2 deaths overall per day occur, but 100 deaths per day are not a terribly high figure if in a city of 4 million people there are 400 deaths of a similar cause and 2000 deaths per day occur.
Thus, more people here begin to see the inconsistencies and more or less destructive measures for society and economy as not really adequate but completely overboard ... so completely overboard that more and more people voice their criticism and incompetence of the government that almost visibly pursues a different agenda in a direction of dictatorship by curtailing constitutional rights and liberties of the people.
Yes, those measures you describe a real and the regimes impose them by force on their people ... that is not fake news. To blame such measures which ar enot even helpful but destructive on a virus is blatant fake news in order to disguise the real culprits and their agenda.