Heartless America!
Your meds, C_M_. Take your meds.
I am willing to look beyond your faults and try to discern your needs. Consider with me the situation. The USA is spending about 1.5 million dollars a day imprisoning children. Where is this money coming from? Because of meanness and not well thought out plans, the US will rack up a total of a half-billion dollars, if not already. Why is so much money being wasted? Let the parents and able-bodied young adults work. The children have to go back to their parents-- a new court order issued, recently. The trauma that being done to the children, America will pay.GaoLu, is it too much for you to show some heart for the children? They are outside the womb and alive. The mothers want to raise their children. They are not looking for a handout, welfare, or a free ride; just work. Your cries about abortions in comparison for the living breathing (on its own) children outside the womb, rings hollow, Mr. GaoLu. Do you not have a conscience? How could you agree, supposedly enclosed in your Christian, mind, with Stephen Miller and Mr. Trump? How could two (three) walk together, lets they agree (Amos 3:3)? Why try to work with migrant-workers when you can't issue a condemnation of the actions of your administration against those seeking asylum and betterment for their families? This will make your humanitarian work, wherever, appears to be hypocritical, at best. Let your better-self speak for God and for the children.
Any old "jack-ass" can be nasty, mean or say something insulting, but it takes love, heart and Christian spirit to speak and stand with the children. What are you going to do? I challenged you to be Christian and mature in your response. CM
PS. Your surrogate's (Reformed) response won't do.
@C_M_ said:
I am willing to look beyond your faults and try to discern your needs. Consider with me the situation. The USA is spending about 1.5 million dollars a day imprisoning children. Where is this money coming from? Because of meanness and not well thought out plans, the US will rack up a total of a half-billion dollars, if not already. Why is so much money being wasted? Let the parents and able-bodied young adults work. The children have to go back to their parents-- a new court order issued, recently. The trauma that being done to the children, America will pay.GaoLu, is it too much for you to show some heart for the children? They are outside the womb and alive. The mothers want to raise their children. They are not looking for a handout, welfare, or a free ride; just work. Your cries about abortions in comparison for the living breathing (on its own) children outside the womb, rings hollow, Mr. GaoLu. Do you not have a conscience? How could you agree, supposedly enclosed in your Christian, mind, with Stephen Miller and Mr. Trump? How could two (three) walk together, lets they agree (Amos 3:3)? Why try to work with migrant-workers when you can't issue a condemnation of the actions of your administration against those seeking asylum and betterment for their families? This will make your humanitarian work, wherever, appears to be hypocritical, at best. Let your better-self speak for God and for the children.
Any old "jack-ass" can be nasty, mean or say something insulting, but it takes love, heart and Christian spirit to speak and stand with the children. What are you going to do? I challenged you to be Christian and mature in your response. CM
PS. Your surrogate's (Reformed) response won't do.
Yes, it is sad that we have to spend so much money because people can't respect our laws. Personally I say we send them all back. Tell them to take a hike.
Cold-hearted! CM
Here is the irony. I have two friends directly affected by all this.
One came years ago from Mexico as an illegal alien to work harvest fields. He later married an American girl (a good friend of mine) and became a Christian. He turned himself in hoping for leniency and got none. He agrees that what has happened is not what he wishes would have happened, but acknowledges it is fair and right. He has become a missionary in Mexico. Pretty easy to see God's hand in all that.
The other friend is an American who married a Mexican girl. They tried to pull some strings to get her in America and got caught. They admit now what they did was not right and openly tell others that there is a right way to do things. Meanwhile, all them stay in Mexico, working and waiting for a better day.
Maybe someone would care to comment on how they think these 2 families feel about illegal immigrants.
@C_M_ said:
Cold-hearted! CMCold Hearted? No, what is cold hearted is that you put the well-being of criminals over actual citizens to the harm of actual citizens. That is cold-hearted.
You want to reward sin. That is just evil.
And to enable an incredible market in human trafficking. Which is also evil.
@GaoLu said:
Here is the irony. I have two friends directly affected by all this...Maybe someone would care to comment on how they think these 2 families feel about illegal immigrants.Nice distraction and deviation, GaoLu. You're oleaginously slick, but not enough to slide.
The facts and the challenge remains:@C_M_ said:
... The USA is spending about 1.5 million dollars a day imprisoning children...Why is so much money being wasted? Let the parents and able-bodied young adults work. The children have to go back to their parents...The trauma that being done to the children, America will pay.GaoLu, is it too much for you to show some heart for the children? They are outside the womb and alive. The mothers want to raise their children. They are not looking for a handout, welfare, or a free ride; just work... Mr. GaoLu. Do you not have a conscience? How could you agree, supposedly enclosed in your Christian, mind, with Stephen Miller and Mr. Trump?... Why try to work with migrant-workers when you can't issue a condemnation of the actions of your administration against those seeking asylum and betterment for their families? ... your humanitarian work, wherever, appears to be hypocritical, at best...
Any old "jack-ass" can be nasty, mean or say something insulting, but it takes love, heart and Christian spirit to speak and stand with the children. What are you going to do? I challenged you to be Christian and mature in your response. CM
You seem to love Mr. Trump more than you love the children. They committed no crimes. The two families you cited, were adults who made a choice. Deny the adults at the border entry, but don't take their children from them. Why can't you see the wrongness in this?
Jesus had compassion on the multitude on the hillside gathered all day without food in search of teaching and healing. GaoLu, you can't weasel your way out of this. You have to condemn the separation of the children from their parents, even if you can't or think you can't do anything.
How could you stand before a congregation or sit with a small group and justify what your President is doing to families? How could you pray with such a hard heart toward mothers without their small children? You can't admit I am right about the cruelty of this practice in these forums (Current News Events or biblically).
How could you as a Christian, teacher, counselor, or whatever title you claim to be, let stand, these cold words from your sometimes surrogate:
> @reformed said: "... it is sad that we have to spend so much money because people can't respect our laws. Personally I say we send them all back. Tell them to take a hike.
The day will come when the parents, but above all, the children, now in cages and imprisoned, away from their parents, will read your words as adults. It would be like a dagger into their hearts, to know that a man who professed to know Christ can pen such words.
Comfort the parents and the children with your words of hope, even if you don't have the key to release them or documents for citizenship.
Oh, GaoLu! by CM
Oh, GaoLu, how do you do?
Tis true, many parents came to the US Southern Borders, hoping to get through;
No fault of the children, everyone knew.Oh, GaoLu, if you only knew, how painful your view;
To keep children in cages, like animals, in a zoo.The mental scars itched in their heads like a corkscrew;
I pray that soon, there is a breakthrough.Oh, GaoLu, you need to change your worldview,
To reflect the Christian others may want to look to; would you?"Send them all back" are words may as well be from you;
"Tell them to take a hike", something you would say to a shrew;
What unkind thing to say, to the parents and the children, to the many or to a few.Oh, GaoLu, can you give tongue to the many parents that are blue?
Hopefully, their case the US would review.
Oh, GaoLu, what will you do? ---CMPost edited by C Mc on -
@C_M_ said:
@GaoLu said:
Here is the irony. I have two friends directly affected by all this...Maybe someone would care to comment on how they think these 2 families feel about illegal immigrants.Nice distraction and deviation, GaoLu. You're oleaginously slick, but not enough to slide.
The facts and the challenge remains:@C_M_ said:
... The USA is spending about 1.5 million dollars a day imprisoning children...Why is so much money being wasted? Let the parents and able-bodied young adults work. The children have to go back to their parents...The trauma that being done to the children, America will pay.GaoLu, is it too much for you to show some heart for the children? They are outside the womb and alive. The mothers want to raise their children. They are not looking for a handout, welfare, or a free ride; just work... Mr. GaoLu. Do you not have a conscience? How could you agree, supposedly enclosed in your Christian, mind, with Stephen Miller and Mr. Trump?... Why try to work with migrant-workers when you can't issue a condemnation of the actions of your administration against those seeking asylum and betterment for their families? ... your humanitarian work, wherever, appears to be hypocritical, at best...
Any old "jack-ass" can be nasty, mean or say something insulting, but it takes love, heart and Christian spirit to speak and stand with the children. What are you going to do? I challenged you to be Christian and mature in your response. CM
You seem to love Mr. Trump more than you love the children. They committed no crimes. The two families you cited, were adults who made a choice. Deny the adults at the border entry, but don't take their children from them. Why can't you see the wrongness in this?
Going to have to call bull crap here. They DID COMMIT A CRIME.
Jesus had compassion on the multitude on the hillside gathered all day without food in search of teaching and healing. GaoLu, you can't weasel your way out of this. You have to condemn the separation of the children from their parents, even if you can't or think you can't do anything.
Jesus also said follow the law. This is not an equal comparison.
How could you stand before a congregation or sit with a small group and justify what your President is doing to families? How could you pray with such a hard heart toward mothers without their small children? You can't admit I am right about the cruelty of this practice in these forums (Current News Events or biblically).
It is THEIR FAULT. They shouldn't break the law. The fact that you can't or won't admit that is amazing. Where is your outrage against the law breakers?
How could you as a Christian, teacher, counselor, or whatever title you claim to be, let stand, these cold words from your sometimes surrogate:
> @reformed said: "... it is sad that we have to spend so much money because people can't respect our laws. Personally I say we send them all back. Tell them to take a hike.
How can you as a Christian support law breaking?
The day will come when the parents, but above all, the children, now in cages and imprisoned, away from their parents, will read your words as adults. It would be like a dagger into their hearts, to know that a man who professed to know Christ can pen such words.
They are not in cages. Let's not go crazy here. Why do you lie? You should repent of your lies.
@C_M_ said:
That was a really weird post. Makes me wonder more than ever just how many "Sybil" identities one man can bother to use and why. I don't think your marbles are intact.
I know they aren't. He's a few fries short of a Happy Meal.
@reformed said:
Going to have to call bull crap here. They DID COMMIT A CRIME.
Reformed, is this the word-choice you used around your family and fellow Christians, wherever you live? Is it possible for you to put forth a greater effort to use a higher grade? The "street" or "earthly language" is not necessary to express a disagreement in these forums. Be considerate of others and silent readers.
Jesus had compassion on the multitude on the hillside gathered all day without food in search of teaching and healing. GaoLu, you can't weasel your way out of this. You have to condemn the separation of the children from their parents, even if you can't or think you can't do anything.
Jesus also said follow the law. This is not an equal comparison.
It is THEIR FAULT. They shouldn't break the law. The fact that you can't or won't admit that is amazing. Where is your outrage against the law breakers?
You know this is not so. What crimes can toddlers and a year old child can commit? Is not there an age of accountability-- knowing right from wrong? You can't be that out of touch or cold-hearted. Can you?
> @reformed said: "... it is sad that we have to spend so much money because people can't respect our laws. Personally I say we send them all back. Tell them to take a hike.
How can you as a Christian support law breaking?
Again, it seems, you are obsessed with your own deception. What you failed to grasp is my call for compassion to be shown to the families. CM
If you have any authentic compassion for families and children you would not support abortion or child trafficking masquerading as illegal immigration. C_M_ you do not come across at all authentic.
@reformed said:
I know they [CM's "marbles"] aren't [intact]. He's a few fries short of a Happy Meal.
Does that make it a "super-Happy Meal"?
@C_M_ said:
@reformed said:
Going to have to call bull crap here. They DID COMMIT A CRIME.
Reformed, is this the word-choice you used around your family and fellow Christians, wherever you live? Is it possible for you to put forth a greater effort to use a higher grade? The "street" or "earthly language" is not necessary to express a disagreement in these forums. Be considerate of others and silent readers.
I love how you ignored the fact that I called out your lie. THEY DID COMMIT A CRIME. Be honest and quit with the distractions.
Jesus had compassion on the multitude on the hillside gathered all day without food in search of teaching and healing. GaoLu, you can't weasel your way out of this. You have to condemn the separation of the children from their parents, even if you can't or think you can't do anything.
Jesus also said follow the law. This is not an equal comparison.
It is THEIR FAULT. They shouldn't break the law. The fact that you can't or won't admit that is amazing. Where is your outrage against the law breakers?
You know this is not so. What crimes can toddlers and a year old child can commit? Is not there an age of accountability-- knowing right from wrong? You can't be that out of touch or cold-hearted. Can you?If a toddler kills someone, did they break the law? Yes. Age doesn't define whether or not a law was broken. It may define punishment but not whether the law was broken. And, it is the parents I am primarily discussing. You keep distracting rather than speaking out against the criminals. Shame on you.
> @reformed said: "... it is sad that we have to spend so much money because people can't respect our laws. Personally I say we send them all back. Tell them to take a hike.
How can you as a Christian support law breaking?
Again, it seems, you are obsessed with your own deception. What you failed to grasp is my call for compassion to be shown to the families. CM
Why are you not outraged that they are ACTIVELY engaging in criminal activity?
@reformed said:
It is THEIR FAULT. They shouldn't break the law. The fact that you can't or won't admit that is amazing. Where is your outrage against the law breakers?
See my post/thread: "Another Cardinal (Theodore McCarrick) Getting to the bottom: Self-Investigation or Special Counsel?" Don't say what you don't know. Can you join me in expressing your outrage? Do you have the independence and courage? I consistently across the forums stands for truth, fairness, and compassion. More than I can say for you. I am not too close or attached to any institution that I can't see the truth and call it as it is. CM
How can you as a Christian support law breaking?
I don't. These are your words and you need to stop it. I call for compassion to be shown to those at the borders. A toddler can't and will not commit crimes. You need to avoid the unrealistic hypothetical examples about babies and crimes. Keep it real. CM
@C_M_ said:
@reformed said:
It is THEIR FAULT. They shouldn't break the law. The fact that you can't or won't admit that is amazing. Where is your outrage against the law breakers?
See my post/thread: "Another Cardinal (Theodore McCarrick) Getting to the bottom: Self-Investigation or Special Counsel?" Don't say what you don't know. Can you join me in expressing your outrage? Do you have the independence and courage? I consistently across the forums stands for truth, fairness, and compassion. More than I can say for you. I am not too close or attached to any institution that I can't see the truth and call it as it is. CM
The truth is those people are breaking the law. Yes or no?
How can you as a Christian support law breaking?
I don't. These are your words and you need to stop it. I call for compassion to be shown to those at the borders. A toddler can't and will not commit crimes. You need to avoid the unrealistic hypothetical examples about babies and crimes. Keep it real. CM
I'm not talking about them, I'm talking about their parents. And yes, you have made it clear you support breaking the law or you would call for them all to be sent back.
@C_M_ said:
Where is your outrage against the law breakers?I am beginning to feel like it is almost blasphemy to talk about Jesus to you. But I will try again. Jesus offers peace to displace your outrage.
@Bill_Coley said:
@reformed said:
I know they [CM's "marbles"] aren't [intact]. He's a few fries short of a Happy Meal.
Does that make it a "super-Happy Meal"?
If anything, what GaoLu and his side-kick, Reformed are attempting to do in this thread is to create a "super"-distraction. They are trying to take attention away from the 500-600 children that the Trump Administration can't or refused to reunite with their parents. Continuous refusal to reunite the children, they will be placed in permanent foster care. For the US State to do public child-abduction, is on a lower level than that of the deeds of Chairman Mao Zedong, Chinese communist leader, the founding father of the People's Republic of China.I am not deceived or buying into either of the two-member, tagged-team, wanna-be-psychotherapists (GaoLu/Reformed). I don't encourage playing their game. Neither of them has a degree, license, or training in the general area, not to say in a specifics area of psychology. This I know for a fact! They throw around psychological terms where they picked up from books, on the job in-services, or from a few hours/certificate workshops. They picked up a few words from someone in the profession or from their own one-on-one session with their therapists. If by chance, any one of them, can produce of a degree, of any kind, in the area of mental hygiene; I can assure you, it's from a "diploma mill" (outright bogus) or from an unaccredited school. Having a counselor doesn't make one a counselor. At best, they are patients or clients. It's not wrong or bad, they're just not who they make themselves, out-to-be. At best, they are poor actors shown to be mean-spirited pretenders. Qualified people don't behave the way these two have conducted themselves, recently, in these forums. If by the slightest chance, I am wrong, about their education, they are ill-trained, unethical, and unprofessional, at best.
You and I must have struck a nerve, in our posts, where they can't or unable to appropriately cope. Or maybe, they are just at a desperate point, where they have an insatiable appetite to be superior, crying out for help or need to be needed. People who don't understand something or someone has a tendency to "fight or flight".
I know they are free to say what they want, as CD affords all users, but it's unfortunate, it seems they have become a slave to that freedom. They are like some gun owners, having a killer weapon in hand while suffering from anger-management issues. It would be nice if they would check themselves and monitor their tone better for the potential newcomers and the silent readers of CD. They are probably good men in other areas of their lives, but poor representatives of one who understands the science of the human mind. What happened to civility and maturity? CM
@C_M_ said:
I know they [CM's "marbles"] aren't [intact]. He's a few fries short of a Happy Meal.
If anything, what GaoLu and [blah blah blah] ...I am not deceived or buying into either of the two-member, tagged-team, wanna-be-psychotherapists (GaoLu/Reformed). I don't encourage playing their game. Neither of them has a degree, license, or training in the general area, not to say in a specifics area of psychology.Hmmm. The wicked flee when no man pursueth.
This I know for a fact! They throw around psychological terms where they picked up from books, on the job in-services, or from a few hours/certificate workshops. They picked up a few words from someone in the profession or from their own one-on-one session with their therapists. If by chance, any one of them, can produce of a degree, of any kind, in the area of mental hygiene; I can assure you, it's from a "diploma mill" (outright bogus) or from an unaccredited school. Having a counselor doesn't make one a counselor.
Great Fear
At best, they are patients or clients. It's not wrong or bad, they're just not who they make themselves, out-to-be. At best, they are poor actors shown to be mean-spirited pretenders. Qualified people don't behave the way these two have conducted themselves, recently, in these forums. If by the slightest chance, I am wrong, about their education, they are ill-trained, unethical, and unprofessional, at best.
Uncontrolled Anger
[Bill] You and I [C_M_]
must have struck a nerve, in our posts, where they can't or unable to appropriately cope. Or maybe, they are just at a desperate point, where they have an insatiable appetite to be superior, crying out for help or need to be needed. People who don't understand something or someone has a tendency to "fight or flight".
Lashing out in feelings of helplessness
I know they are free to say what they want, as CD affords all users, but it's unfortunate, it seems they have become a slave to that freedom.
Projection (the actual meaning of the term)
They are like some gun owners, having a killer weapon in hand while suffering from anger-management issues. It would be nice if they would check themselves and monitor their tone better for the potential newcomers and the silent readers of CD.
Hysteria. Felt need to attack perceived enemies.
They are probably good men in other areas of their lives,
Oh, my yes.
but poor representatives of one who understands the science of the human mind.
Pure Billium. Internet fact minus the link.
What happened to civility and maturity? CM
Jer 10:21
For the shepherds have become stupid, they do not seek Yahweh. Therefore they do not have insight...Some people find that taking their meds helps. Others use therapy kittens or group hugs.
There is an even better way that works and the invitation stands.
@C_M_ said:
@Bill_Coley said:
@reformed said:
I know they [CM's "marbles"] aren't [intact]. He's a few fries short of a Happy Meal.
Does that make it a "super-Happy Meal"?
If anything, what GaoLu and his side-kick, Reformed are attempting to do in this thread is to create a "super"-distraction. They are trying to take attention away from the 500-600 children that the Trump Administration can't or refused to reunite with their parents. Continuous refusal to reunite the children, they will be placed in permanent foster care. For the US State to do public child-abduction, is on a lower level than that of the deeds of Chairman Mao Zedong, Chinese communist leader, the founding father of the People's Republic of China.I am not deceived or buying into either of the two-member, tagged-team, wanna-be-psychotherapists (GaoLu/Reformed). I don't encourage playing their game. Neither of them has a degree, license, or training in the general area, not to say in a specifics area of psychology. This I know for a fact! They throw around psychological terms where they picked up from books, on the job in-services, or from a few hours/certificate workshops. They picked up a few words from someone in the profession or from their own one-on-one session with their therapists. If by chance, any one of them, can produce of a degree, of any kind, in the area of mental hygiene; I can assure you, it's from a "diploma mill" (outright bogus) or from an unaccredited school. Having a counselor doesn't make one a counselor. At best, they are patients or clients. It's not wrong or bad, they're just not who they make themselves, out-to-be. At best, they are poor actors shown to be mean-spirited pretenders. Qualified people don't behave the way these two have conducted themselves, recently, in these forums. If by the slightest chance, I am wrong, about their education, they are ill-trained, unethical, and unprofessional, at best.
You know this for a fact? How do you know this for a fact? Because the fact is I DO have training in this area. From an accredited school too. But I don't talk in these forums in an official capacity. These are opinions.
You and I must have struck a nerve, in our posts, where they can't or unable to appropriately cope. Or maybe, they are just at a desperate point, where they have an insatiable appetite to be superior, crying out for help or need to be needed. People who don't understand something or someone has a tendency to "fight or flight".
Oh we can cope. We have pointed out that you lie in your posts, deceive, twist, change, and report anything but factual truth. I understand exactly what is going on.
I know they are free to say what they want, as CD affords all users, but it's unfortunate, it seems they have become a slave to that freedom. They are like some gun owners, having a killer weapon in hand while suffering from anger-management issues. It would be nice if they would check themselves and monitor their tone better for the potential newcomers and the silent readers of CD. They are probably good men in other areas of their lives, but poor representatives of one who understands the science of the human mind. What happened to civility and maturity? CM
Now you throw gun owners under the bus. Good grief. You are bleeding out liberalism. And we are talking about the science of the human mind? Says who?
@reformed said:
You know this for a fact? How do you know this for a fact? Because the fact is I DO have training in this area. From an accredited school too. But I don't talk in these forums in an official capacity. These are opinions.
Ha! Unverified, yet. "You can't have your cake and eat it too." "That dog just won't hunt".
Oh we can cope. We have pointed out that you lie in your posts, deceive, twist, change, and report anything but factual truth. I understand exactly what is going on.
As a "responsible person", you have to stop this. If you are going to insist on saying the above, you will have to itemize, a list of two columns, these things showing facts vs errors. What right you have to try to smear my name in these forums?
Now you throw gun owners under the bus. Good grief. You are bleeding out liberalism. And we are talking about the science of the human mind? Says who?
Again, I don't speak "liberalism". I don't or need you to ascribe a label to me. CM is the name what I gave you and to the forums, please use it. "Liberal" or "liberalism" is NOT on my birth certificate.
Reformed, be the responsible user and man in these forums you profess to be. Since you claim to know better, do better in your exchanges. If only one, you be that one. Don't continue what David Taylor said his reasons for leaving or continue what you found. You commit yourself to do and to be better, upon your entry at CD, keep your word. "Yield not to temptation..." CM
@C_M_ said:
@reformed said:
You know this for a fact? How do you know this for a fact? Because the fact is I DO have training in this area. From an accredited school too. But I don't talk in these forums in an official capacity. These are opinions.
Ha! Unverified, yet. "You can't have your cake and eat it too." "That dog just won't hunt".
Oh we can cope. We have pointed out that you lie in your posts, deceive, twist, change, and report anything but factual truth. I understand exactly what is going on.
As a "responsible person", you have to stop this. If you are going to insist on saying the above, you will have to itemize, a list of two columns, these things showing facts vs errors. What right you have to try to smear my name in these forums?
Now you throw gun owners under the bus. Good grief. You are bleeding out liberalism. And we are talking about the science of the human mind? Says who?
Again, I don't speak "liberalism". I don't or need you to ascribe a label to me. CM is the name what I gave you and to the forums, please use it. "Liberal" or "liberalism" is NOT on my birth certificate.
Reformed, be the responsible user and man in these forums you profess to be. Since you claim to know better, do better in your exchanges. If only one, you be that one. Don't continue what David Taylor said his reasons for leaving or continue what you found. You commit yourself to do and to be better, upon your entry at CD, keep your word. "Yield not to temptation..." CM
Let's just start with the fact that you say the governmetn is kidnapping. That is a bold faced lie, twist deceit.
@reformed said:
Let's just start with the fact that you say the governmetn is kidnapping. That is a bold faced lie, twist deceit.
- You just don't get it, overall.
- Please note, make list, not just "Let's just start".
- You're silent on the other matters in this post about change, civility, and maturity.
- It appears you're not serious about doing better.
- Reformed, your reform shouldn't be based on others reformation. This is on you!
- Look up the word you're concern about. Done by an individual, small group or government the outcome is the same.
- Are you, Reformed, plan to change your ways here in CD? The ball is in your court. CM
Is C_M_ the forum Mother or Bully or both?
Mother Bull asked you a question, @reformed!
Sorry, I couldn't help that
Your remarks above may be cute or even humorous, to some, but overall they're not helpful to Mr. Reformed or to the Reformation to get CD back to a greater level of civility, maturity, and accountability; away from unnecessary name-calling, labeling, immaturity, and "down-right" childishness.
GaoLu, do I take your remarks above as having no interest or desire to improve Christian Discourse.net with the "debates" and exchanges with the possibility of making it conducive for others to join the current group?
Regardless, let me allay any concerns you may have of my role in these forums:
- I am not the owner, creator or an administrator of CD.
- I have not written the rules or guidelines for users to follow.
- I have not selected the users or demand anyone to pass a litmus test to participate.
- I don't have any power to make anyone, do anything, in these forums. I can only make suggestions, like any other users.
- On the Users in these forums, I gave birth to none.
- I don't live with or near any user of CD.
- I don't employ, rule over, have any unusual or undue influence of any.
- I don't control any CD User's movement, to pay or block anyone from receiving payment of any kind.
- I have no veto power or control over any member's comings or goings.
- I persecuted, oppressed, tormented, intimidated, none in CD.
So, you see, Mr. GaoLu, I am the father of two sons, but none in CD, I can claim as my own. I can claim all as my Christian brothers, none as my sons. Definitely, I can't ever be anyone's "mother" (figurative or literal). I can't hold your poorly crafted humor (if that what it supposed to be) against you, but your failure to grasp what I am doing is somewhat disappointing.
Therefore, Mr. GaoLu, the short answer to your question is, I am neither father, mother, or bully, as if, you were seeking answers. Please don't let your political affiliation color everything in CD. Can you see the possible greater good these forums can produce? I solicit your help and cooperation.
Join me in making what is good; until the better, is best. CM
I wish you were sincere. Your posts including this one don't come across that way. Mainly because you are prone to ridiculously liberal unorthodox views and perpetually making belittling comments or assumptions--that appears like trolling. Admittedly, I am likely a bit jaded by experience. There was a time when CD had a range of players with a range of ideas. Capable people discussed meaningful questions. It never got off the ground strongly because trolls ruined that. People with heretical views plastered junk all over anything sensible that was written. Sensible people quietly left. Efforts at positive discourse were met with disinterest or sabotaged. Logos chose, wisely, to abandon the forum. Jan chose to keep it alive but rarely interacts.
Honestly, I don't see you as contributing positively most of the time. Occasionally you do. I suspect you are quite capable and choose not to do so.
There are other forums where there is reasonably good interaction, but trolls are rejected. Sounds tough, but so it just about has to be. I enjoy those. I remain slightly hopeful that one-day things could improve here.
In the past, there have been players that apparently used multiple identities--even trolling themselves. This may still be the case. I don't know. I keep hanging out hoping it may change. I don't mind pointing out periodically the fakeness of certain writers. Everything in me says ignore the place and move on, but I keep hoping.
@C_M_ said:
@reformed said:
Let's just start with the fact that you say the governmetn is kidnapping. That is a bold faced lie, twist deceit.
- You just don't get it, overall.
- Please note, make list, not just "Let's just start".
- You're silent on the other matters in this post about change, civility, and maturity.
- It appears you're not serious about doing better.
- Reformed, your reform shouldn't be based on others reformation. This is on you!
- Look up the word you're concern about. Done by an individual, small group or government the outcome is the same.
- Are you, Reformed, plan to change your ways here in CD? The ball is in your court. CM
I love how you decided to distract from the fact that I actually brought up a point. Instead you lectured about maturity. Yet, the immaturity was in your red herring distraction.
I say again, let's start the list by the fact you say the government is kidnapping children. They are not. That is a lie, twist, deceit, or perhaps ignorance.> @GaoLu said:
Is C_M_ the forum Mother or Bully or both?
Mother Bull asked you a question, @reformed!
Sorry, I couldn't help that
Yeah, the funny thing is I was civil and rather than answering the accusation he gave a lecture. How exactly are we supposed to take that seriously?
@C_M_ said:
Your remarks above may be cute or even humorous, to some, but overall they're not helpful to Mr. Reformed or to the Reformation to get CD back to a greater level of civility, maturity, and accountability; away from unnecessary name-calling, labeling, immaturity, and "down-right" childishness.
GaoLu, do I take your remarks above as having no interest or desire to improve Christian Discourse.net with the "debates" and exchanges with the possibility of making it conducive for others to join the current group?
Regardless, let me allay any concerns you may have of my role in these forums:
- I am not the owner, creator or an administrator of CD.
Glad you realize that.
- I have not written the rules or guidelines for users to follow.
- I have not selected the users or demand anyone to pass a litmus test to participate.
- I don't have any power to make anyone, do anything, in these forums. I can only make suggestions, like any other users.
Should be done in PM
- On the Users in these forums, I gave birth to none.
- I don't live with or near any user of CD.
How do you know?
- I don't employ, rule over, have any unusual or undue influence of any.
Glad you realize this.
- I don't control any CD User's movement, to pay or block anyone from receiving payment of any kind.
- I have no veto power or control over any member's comings or goings.
Thank goodness.
- I persecuted, oppressed, tormented, intimidated, none in CD.
Gonna call you out on that one. You do, it is just passive aggressive like Bill.
So, you see, Mr. GaoLu, I am the father of two sons, but none in CD, I can claim as my own. I can claim all as my Christian brothers, none as my sons. Definitely, I can't ever be anyone's "mother" (figurative or literal). I can't hold your poorly crafted humor (if that what it supposed to be) against you, but your failure to grasp what I am doing is somewhat disappointing.
We know exactly what you are doing. Avoiding the point I made.
Therefore, Mr. GaoLu, the short answer to your question is, I am neither father, mother, or bully, as if, you were seeking answers. Please don't let your political affiliation color everything in CD. Can you see the possible greater good these forums can produce? I solicit your help and cooperation.
Bully: verb
use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants. -
@reformed said: > Bully: verb 1. use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants.
Mr. Reformed,
It appears that you can't think and type at the same time--reader's internal thoughts. Please don't tell me they were intentional.
As for your definition of "bully", you either have the wrong definition or the wrong person. What "superior strength or influence" do I have in these forums? Name one! You seem to be overly anxious to shame and blame. What a bad trait for a Reformed Christian.
Step away from this foolishness and enjoy what CD has to offer. CM
In many cases, such as this one, the superiority is purely imagined and easily exposed.