Former President Trump -- In Shame, Ineffective, and in Trouble



  • "Lies have short legs ...." is a literal rendering of a German saying, I think in English it is called "Truth will come out". Jan 6, '21 could be biting Democrats in their behind ....

  • A few more thoughts ...

    Americans, being essentially an insouciant people due to America’s post-WW II success as the reserve currency country that dictates to the world, might not fathom what Trump’s impeachment is really about. The attack on Trump is a veiled attack on Free Speech. The Democrats intend to destroy the First Amendment to the US Constitution and the Second Amendment. This intention clearly places Democrats and the whore media in the category of “domestic enemies of the United States.” But instead Trump is placed as the enemy. 

    First of all, the “insurrection at the Capitol” was not an insurrection. It was a pre-planned trespass by individuals unknown to Trump. The FBI warned the Capitol police the day before Trump’s speech to his supporters that a few people were planning a disruption. The disruption took place at the Capitol while Trump was speaking at the Washington Monument.

    What does Alan Dershowitz, the most famous of Harvard’s law professors, say? Dershowitz is unequivocal that the Constitution is crystal clear that impeachment is only for removal from office and cannot be applied retroactively to a person who is not in office as the entire purpose is to remove a person from office.

    Dershowitz says that the Senate’s crystal clear responsibility is to dismiss the impeachment charge on grounds of lack of jurisdiction. 

    Dershowitz goes on to point out that Trump’s impeachment trial is an attack on the First Amendment, nothing else. 

    The American people, divided and disunited by the Democrats’ Identity Politics, are faced with the devastating fact that neither the Democrat majority leader in the US Senate nor the Republican minority leader in the US Senate have any regard whatsoever for the Constitution of the United States or for the unity of the country. Both are mere servants of the ruling Establishment that is determined to make an example for all time of the fate of an American president whose First Loyalty is not to the ruling Oligarchy.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited February 2021

    Trump’s Lawyer Uses Video Montage of Dems to Absolutely DESTROY Their Case

    Who are actually the real usurpers and instigators of violence and riots????

  • Trump Just Thumped the Democrats and That's a "Win" for the Country

    Mike Whitney • February 14, 2021

    The Democrats approached the impeachment with the same cockiness that they approach everything. They thought they’d stomp their feet and run around with their hair on fire, and eventually people would see the righteousness of their cause. But it didn’t go down like that. Instead, the Trump defense team opened a can of whoop ass on the lot of them leaving the Dems wondering what hit them. They seemed surprised that they couldn’t win a conviction based on vitriol, character assassination and slanted news coverage. And they were genuinely shocked when their doctored videos and fake evidence was exposed to the public as the fraud it was. This was supposed to be the final drubbing of Donald Trump, instead, it turned out to be a revealing window into the degraded soul of declining party. In the end, Trump walked away unscathed while the Dems were left licking their wounds. Hurrah for Trump!

    Now Trump is more powerful than when he was in the White House. His following has grown, his reputation as a fighter has ballooned, and his Democratic opposition has been exposed as incompetent, vindictive and thoroughly corrupt.


  • USA Sitrep – President’s Day in a Divided Nation

    5646 Views February 15, 2021 32 Comments

    by John Lockwood for the Saker Blog

    February 15th is Presidents’ Day.

    America has two Presidents on this day, besides Washington and Lincoln.

    One half of the country believes Trump rightfully won.

    Yet the events of Jan. 6th still hang like a cloud over Washington.

    Critics fault his claims of a stolen election for provoking the protests.

    But what if the Democrats really did steal the election? Wouldn’t the fault be theirs?

    And how can we know whether they really stole it?

    Claims of “Massive fraud” on one side vs. “No sign of fraud” on the other — who is right?

    One thing is crystal clear:

    Unconstitutional, illegal changes to voting laws generated millions of irregular ballots — a hundred times greater than the margin between the candidates, in some swing states. If the balloting is illegal, there is no way the count can be correct.

    An unconstitutional vote can only produce an unconstitutional result. Everything that followed — the certification of the popular vote, the electoral college vote, and the inauguration — none of these steps had any legal foundation.

    Bad data makes bad decisions. Since Nov. 3, our machinery of government has been spinning off course on erroneous, unlawful inputs.

    The only solution in such cases is to correct the error.

    Until runoff elections are held in conformity with the law, we will still have two Presidents.

    Only one of them can be the rightful one.


  • reformed
    reformed Posts: 3,176

    Once Joe Biden was sworn in on January 20th that is that. He is the rightful President of the United States even if he got there by illegal means.

  • Bill_Coley
    Bill_Coley Posts: 2,675

    @reformed posted:

    Once Joe Biden was sworn in on January 20th that is that. He is the rightful President of the United States even if he got there by illegal means.

    On November 6, 2020, you posted: "Biden is not the rightful President Elect, you will never convince me otherwise. There is so much evidence that this is all a sham." So, immediately after the election you declared that we would "never convince" you that Biden was "the rightful president-elect," yet today you acknowledge that he is "the rightful president of the United States." Do those two posts reflect a change of heart on your part, or do you instead claim that a person can be the "rightful" president even if he or she wasn't the "rightful" president-elect?

  • reformed
    reformed Posts: 3,176

    On November 6th he was not the rightful president-elect. On January 20th there was no more chance of any cure to the problem so he is the rightful President of the United States despite getting there by illegal means.

  • Bill_Coley
    Bill_Coley Posts: 2,675
    edited February 2021

    @reformed posted:

    On November 6th he was not the rightful president-elect. On January 20th there was no more chance of any cure to the problem so he is the rightful President of the United States despite getting there by illegal means.

    Thanks for responding directly to my question.

    So that I completely understand your view, I have one other set of questions:

    • At 11:59 a.m. on January 20, 2021, in the last seconds before he took the oath of office with the help of Chief Justice Roberts, in your view was Joe Biden still "not the rightful president-elect"? That is, at ANY TIME before he became "the rightful president of the United States," was Joe Biden EVER the "rightful president-elect"?
    • If Biden never was, then in your view at any time between election day 2020 and inauguration day 2021 was ANYONE AT ANY TIME the "rightful president-elect"? If so, who?
  • At 11:59 a.m. on January 20, 2021, in the last seconds before he took the oath of office with the help of Chief Justice Roberts, in your view was Joe Biden still "not the rightful president-elect"? That is, at ANY TIME before he became "the rightful president of the United States," was Joe Biden EVER the "rightful president-elect"?

    I suppose one could state that after Jan 6, Biden was the officially House approved "president-elect" ... between Nov election day and Jan 6, Biden was rather disputed and unapproved non-recognized as such.

    If Biden never was, then in your view at any time between election day 2020 and inauguration day 2021 was ANYONE AT ANY TIME the "rightful president-elect"? If so, who?

    See above ...

    The question about whether or not Biden was "rightful" president-elect or after Jan 20 inauguration is "rightful" president of the USA is touching a different matter .... as we most likely all know, sometimes people are "legally" in positions due to fraud and actual illegal activities as usurpers ... and if such is the case, they would not rightfully hold that position.

    Now, I do not know if USA constitution and law has provisions to "make right" and dispose of persons fraudulently holding positions which they achieved by criminal unconstitutional activity.

  • reformed
    reformed Posts: 3,176

    Let me clarify Bill. After January 6th, Joe Biden was the President-Elect. But I do not believe he was the rightful President-Elect. We will never know who the rightful President-Elect was because election laws were not followed in multiple states.

  • C Mc
    C Mc Posts: 4,463


    Stop the back-n-forth non-sense! Biden was rightfully elected President of the USA. You don't believe God put him there? Give the man a chance to settle in. Your Trump was given two years to adjust.

    Don't be like Trump. Accept it! Accept It! If you don't two things are going to happen:

    1. Nothing is going to change. In your heart, you know this. Trump will not be returned to the Presidency of the USA, NEVER!
    2. You're going to make yourself sick.

    Stop being a sore-loser. If one can't take being voted out, then one shouldn't be voted in. The American people have spoken. So, put on your "big-boy" pants and let's discuss something of real substance. Trump is DONE! CM

  • Bill_Coley
    Bill_Coley Posts: 2,675

    @reformed posted:

    Let me clarify Bill. After January 6th, Joe Biden was the President-Elect. But I do not believe he was the rightful President-Elect. We will never know who the rightful President-Elect was because election laws were not followed in multiple states.

    Thanks for the additional clarity about your views.

    As for who was the "rightful" president-elect on January 20 in the moments before Biden took the oath of office, since I know of no serious claim by any group anywhere in the country that someone other than Joe Biden or Donald Trump won even a single electoral vote in the November 2020 election, I think there are only three choices: Biden, Trump, or no one. From what I've read, Biden's in the lead and no one's close.

  • You don't believe God put him there?

    NO, I do NOT believe that God put him there! Also, his actions over years have demonstrated his ungodly character ....

  • reformed
    reformed Posts: 3,176

    I'm saying much of the election was illegitimate because laws were not followed. That is being taken up in the Supreme Court, albeit too little too late.

  • reformed
    reformed Posts: 3,176

    It amuses me when people use the "God put him there" argument as if that means we should not push back against a leader. What would you say about Hitler?

  • Bill_Coley
    Bill_Coley Posts: 2,675

    @reformed posted:

    It amuses me when people use the "God put him there" argument as if that means we should not push back against a leader. What would you say about Hitler?

    In March 2018, the former CD poster named Gao Lu contended that assessing the state of the American nation was not about what he called "Party Water or foibles of the President," but rather about "watching God at work, trusting Him, about obeying Him in praying for our leaders and not passing on gossip or speaking ill of 'the king' whom God has set up." Am I correct to presume that had you been active in these forums when Gao Lu created that post about Donald Trump, you would have issued a caution similar to the one you have issued about Joe Biden? That you would have expressed your amusement when people use the "king whom God has set up" argument "as if that means we should not push back against a leader"?

  • reformed
    reformed Posts: 3,176

    I believe that was before my time here so I don't know the context. But I don't think that we are called to blindly follow any leader. I think that is taking the verses about God putting that leader in place grossly out of context.

  • reformed
    reformed Posts: 3,176

    How is any of the back and forth @Bill_Coley and and myself have been having constitute me being a sore loser and not accepting that Biden is President?

  • Bill_Coley
    Bill_Coley Posts: 2,675

    @reformed posted:

    I believe that was before my time here so I don't know the context. But I don't think that we are called to blindly follow any leader. I think that is taking the verses about God putting that leader in place grossly out of context.

    The full context of Gao Lu's post is available at the link I provided in my previous post, but essentially, in response to critical comments @C Mc offered about then-President Trump, Gao Lu offered his view that "it" - which I took to refer to assessing the state of a nation and/or its leadership - isn't about "passing on gossip or speaking ill of 'the king' whom God has set up."

    We have unexpected (at least to me) common ground in the areas of not following leaders blindly and the meaning of verses about God's role in the placement of leaders. Your previous example was Hitler, whose rise to power and infamy certainly highlights the matter clearly. In the intersection of my politics and faith, the rise to power of the narcissistic pathological liar Donald Trump also makes the point. Particular leaders aside, I think Scripture is clear that God does not endorse all leaders or leadership styles.

  • @C Mc Stop being a sore-loser. If one can't take being voted out, then one shouldn't be voted in. The American people have spoken. So, put on your "big-boy" pants and let's discuss something of real substance. Trump is DONECM

    Luke 6:27-31 (LEB) “But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. To the one who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also, and from the one who takes away your cloak, do not withhold your tunic also. Give to everyone who asks you, and from the one who takes away your things, do not ask for them back. And just as you want people to do to you, do the same to them.

    Real substance question: Wondering about current applicability of Holy Righteous יהוה words in Luke 6:27-31 ?

    Keep Smiling 😊

  • C Mc
    C Mc Posts: 4,463

    Keep Smiling,

    NO hate here. I'm just holding up a mirror (Today's news from America's High Court). Besides, Trump promised he would release his taxes before he was elected. I guess the audit is finished. CM

    PS. This affirms the OP: Former President Trump -- In Shame, Ineffective, and in Trouble.

  • C Mc
    C Mc Posts: 4,463

    In Shame, Ineffective, and in Trouble. CM

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