If, a spy drone went into the air space of the U.S.A I do not doubt that it would be shot down unless there was some agreement
Why would there be an agreement?
if warships entered USA govern waters would the U.S.A not attack in defence of the country?
It would warn or capture. Failure to heed, the U.S.A. would attack. In time of war no waiting, just destroy. What's your point? CM
Preparation for War: The Dog Is About To Wag Its Tail.
My point was partly to respond to a post on page 2 of this thread where someone made the comment that Iran had attacked USA drones and warships. Of course foreign drones flying over Iran would be attacked, what country would not take down spy and war drones in their air space if they could.
Iraq parliament has revoked the 2014 invitation for foreign Western military forces to assist in the fight against ISIS. The USA military forces simply say they will not retreat and leave ... nice "friends and guests" who take over the house when the host asks them to go home because the party is over 🙃
And the USA commander-in-chief wants to first be paid trillions of US$ for having carpet bombed Mossul and destroyed other areas of the country ... as they "fought" a foe whom they had initially created (according to H. Clinton and other high profile former regime members).
Incidentally, has there ever been a country where the USSA military after getting a foot on the ground has actually left and gone home ? Vietnam perhaps the only one since they were able to kick them out ?
Deceptive Wolfgang. The parliament voted to urge the Prime Minister to expel the troops but the PM has not done so. So no, we are not staying uninvited.
Deceptive Wolfgang. The parliament voted to urge the Prime Minister to expel the troops but the PM has not done so. So no, we are not staying uninvited.
that's how the procedure was put in motion ....some news reports here already mention the next steps being done.
Anyways, the USA has already announced that it will not retreat their military from Iraq ... thus making clear that it regards (and has done so from the invasion based on lies propagated by then secretary Colin Powell in 2003) Iraq as its "colony" ... the British Empire all over again under a different flag.
The PM said he would leave it up to the NEXT government. So again, you are wrong.
The PM said he would leave it up to the NEXT government. So again, you are wrong.
Point was: The USA has already announced that its military forces ain't going to depart ... no matter what any Iraq PM or Parliament decides and votes on. USA regime has made clear that it will stay and considers itself the power which decides ... previous contracts or agreements mean little to nothing and are cancelled in one-sided steps .. typical USA track record for most of the time of its existence 😪
What is sold to its citizens by the "higher powers" is a bunch of patriotic non-sense about their nation being "exceptional", the "greatest", the "best" (just never mention in which regard) ... from the start the citizenship is programmed to think of themselves as "we are the world", and thus unfortunately most of the people behave completely in severe arrogance toward and almost equally severe ignorance of the rest of the world.
Why don't they just go home and live peaceably and content on the land between east coast and west coast? Let other countries work out their problems ... and concentrate on working out its own problems within those coast lines?
Why don't they just go home and live peaceably and content on the land between east coast and west coast? Let other countries work out their problems ... and concentrate on working out its own problems within those coast lines?
Who blew up the World Trade Centers? Isn't that why the U.S. is in the region?
Who blew up the World Trade Centers? Isn't that why the U.S. is in the region?
Is the region actually responsible 9/11?
On the other hand Japan was responsible the attack on base in pearl harbor, BUT did that justify the dropping of two atomic bombs, the fire bombing of Tokyo, the bombing Osaka, the bombing of Nagoya, the battle of Okinawa, and other bombing of other cities across japan, and to this very day the continuing occupation of military bases on the islands of Japan? Sure, the US military is in Japan because of the WII, but decadeds after the war why is the US military still here today?
In short,
- Japan want them there. e.g. economy, etc.
- Japan need them. e.g. North Korea/Russia
- The U.S. a NATO member there to protect/serve.
Any other questions? CM
1) Is that why the atomic bombs were used and why numerous cities were bombed. Seem to be the US of that time went way too far. The US went as far as even rounding up US citizens of Japanese descent, compensating their land, and putting them on internment camps.
By the way In Okinawa people do not seem so happy about the bases(link)
(2) Before the W2 did Japan need US help?
Today Article 9 of the US-drafted constitution of Japan limits Japan's military to only a defense force thus creating the artificial need you speak of. However Japan unrestricted can deal with China and North Korea which is at least part of the reason why those countries protest every time Japan talks about amending its constitution.
(3) Of Japan has benefited from the US-Japan alliance, but I doubt the present of the bases have had much to do with that. NATO is a good thing and I hope the USA continues to co-operated with it and other agreements they have made. It appears that some agreements or at least one recent one was broken.
The US is still in Japan because we have joint operations with them and South Korea regarding China and North Korea.
Who blew up the World Trade Centers? Isn't that why the U.S. is in the region?
well, according to USA sources and US claims coming after the event, it was 19 SAUDI ARABIANS who did it ... is the USA regime so stupid or so evil to mistake Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Iran for Saudi-Arabia ?
The US is still in Japan because we have joint operations with them and South Korea regarding China and North Korea.
The USA with its military is still wherever they are because establishing military presence in those countries essentially means ocupation and securing global hegemony .... any country not willing to be a vassal "partner" of USA is regarded to be an enemy and on their list of eventuallyy being next invaded.
War crimes are only committed by non-USA and non-USA allies ... the militarily totally unneccessary and uncalled for carpet bombings of cities in Germany and Japan should have resulted in the hanging of Churchill and Roosevelt and their high military command IF the allied rules of law established at the Nuernberg trials after WWII had been equally applied to all.
By the way, after 1990 in the process of uniting GDR and FRG, the only occupying military that left the country was Russian military ... why did the USAS not leave?? Because Germany asked for them to stay???? How about, because Bush sr. USA president demanded it and would not agree to anything different .... as has been the case with USA presidents in the decades before.