Preparation for War: The Dog Is About To Wag Its Tail.

The changing of Trump's Cabinet is the signs of the times. President Clinton was accused of it, but with this administration, it's real.
Most of you have heard the term "Wag the dog." To 'wag the dog' means to purposely divert attention from what would otherwise be of greater importance, to something else of lesser significance. By doing so, the lesser-significant event is catapulted into the limelight, drowning proper attention to what was originally the more important issue.
The expression comes from the saying that 'a dog is smarter than its tail', but if the tail were smarter, then the tail would 'wag the dog'. The expression 'wag the dog' was elaborately used as the theme of the movie. 'Wag the Dog', a 1997 film starring Robert de Niro and Dustin Hoffman, produced and directed by Barry Levinson.
In the 1997 film Wag the Dog, a fictional and unnamed US president is engulfed in an underage sex scandal, forcing his top aide to enlist the help of a spin doctor to divert attention, by fabricating a war in Albania.
We're experiencing early signs of the wag with the "Friday Firings"-- changing of the cabinet. Mr. Trump is emboldened with his erratic behavior in ruining America. CM
PS. Any questions?
@C_M_ said:
We're experiencing early signs of the wag with the "Friday Firings"-- changing of the cabinet. Mr. Trump is emboldened with his erratic behavior in ruining America. CM
PS. Any questions?
Oops, running America. CM
@C_M_ said:
The changing of Trump's Cabinet is the signs of the times. President Clinton was accused of it, but with this administration, it's real.Most of you have heard the term "Wag the dog." To 'wag the dog' means to purposely divert attention from what would otherwise be of greater importance, to something else of lesser significance. By doing so, the lesser-significant event is catapulted into the limelight, drowning proper attention to what was originally the more important issue.
The expression comes from the saying that 'a dog is smarter than its tail', but if the tail were smarter, then the tail would 'wag the dog'. The expression 'wag the dog' was elaborately used as the theme of the movie. 'Wag the Dog', a 1997 film starring Robert de Niro and Dustin Hoffman, produced and directed by Barry Levinson.
In the 1997 film Wag the Dog, a fictional and unnamed US president is engulfed in an underage sex scandal, forcing his top aide to enlist the help of a spin doctor to divert attention, by fabricating a war in Albania.
We're experiencing early signs of the wag with the "Friday Firings"-- changing of the cabinet. Mr. Trump is emboldened with his erratic behavior in ruining America. CM
PS. Any questions?
No questions, but once again, your bias is showing. This is just ridiculous.
Time will tell. The men who were removed wouldn't do what Trump wanted. I know what I am talking about. Pray America, Pray! CM
Five things to know about new Trump adviser John Bolton
Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations (U.N.) John Bolton, President Trump’s new national security adviser pick, will enter the White House next month carrying a host of views revered by some and feared by others.
Bolton over the years has advocated for a pre-emptive strike on North Korea, called for the U.S. to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal, pushed to expand the Iraq War into Iran, dismissed accusations of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and accused Cuba of having an active biological weapons program.
“During my career, I have written I don’t know how many articles and op-eds and opinion pieces. I have given — I can't count the number of speeches, I’ve had countless interviews ... They’re all out there on the public record. I’ve never been shy about what my views are,” Bolton said on Fox News hours after news of his White House appointment broke.
Bolton, who made a name for himself as a controversial official under former President George W. Bush, has served as an informal adviser to Trump, been a frequent Fox News commentator and has worked as a senior fellow at the conservative American Enterprise Institute.
Here are five things to know about Bolton's past and present views as the hawkish new senior aide moves to take over for H.R. McMaster as Trump's third national security adviser on April 9:
Bolton has favored pre-emptive military strikes
Bolton has repeatedly called for a pre-emptive strike on North Korea, arguing as recently as last month that the United States must use force to resolve the nuclear standoff with Pyongyang.
“It is perfectly legitimate for the United States to respond to the current ‘necessity’ posed by North Korea’s nuclear weapons by striking first,” Bolton wrote in a Feb. 28 op-ed for The Wall Street Journal.
“Given the gaps in U.S. intelligence about North Korea, we should not wait until the very last minute. That would risk striking after the North has deliverable nuclear weapons, a much more dangerous situation.”
Bolton has taken just as hard a stance against Iran, writing in a Wall Street Journal op-ed in January that the United States should “end the Islamic Republic before its 40th anniversary."
In numerous television appearances and op-eds, Bolton has called for bombing Iran as the best way to stop Tehran’s nuclear arms research... NEED I SAY MORE? CM
@C_M_ said:
Five things to know about new Trump adviser John BoltonHe is a warmonger of the highest degree ... with him getting in office, the takeover of the government/administration by the neocons/military-industrial complex/etc. has been completed ... the ideas of president Trump for having better relations with countries and improve along peaceful ways have been done away with and the deep state appears to have succeeded in their coup against the president.
@Wolfgang said:
@C_M_ said:
Five things to know about new Trump adviser John BoltonHe is a warmonger of the highest degree ... with him getting in office, the takeover of the government/administration by the neocons/military-industrial complex/etc. has been completed ... the ideas of president Trump for having better relations with countries and improve along peaceful ways have been done away with and the deep state appears to have succeeded in their coup against the president.
If you are half right, what sadness will befall the people of the targeted countries and the morals of America? The real shame is there are some Christians who support these men and claimed to be pro-life. What contradiction! CM
@C_M_ said:
If you are half right, what sadness will befall the people of the targeted countries and the morals of America?Have a good look at what has befallen countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, Syria, etc where the USA/NATO has already done it (with puppet presidents giving their approvals) ...
A look at developments within the USA and its society in recent decades provides you with what has already befallen the morals of America. -
I have an American passport and am thankful for that, but in fact, I am a card-carrying citizen of the Kingdom of God and just an expat everywhere else. I don't want people blowing each other up, but that is just what people have always done and still do and probably will for a while yet--because that is how the lord of the Kingdoms of this world operates. But I belong to another kingdom where people don't do that (although some quibble about that badly).
Wolfgang is right about the deep state and dark forces and whatever he says about such things, but the forces are spiritual, not physical. If you can see it, good. If not, well....not everyone can.
Does America or Russia or Narnia have moral problems? Mmhhmmm. They all do. Sinners sin. No surprise there.
Have a look at what is already being publicized in the USA ... getting things ready for the next war ("bringing USA democracy") to another country ...
Here's John Bolton Promising Regime Change in Iran ...What has Iran done to the USA to warrant such plans and steps (except not voluntarily submitted to its hegemony plans) ? And don't come with "it's a nuclear threat" when the greatest nuclear threat in the Middle East area is Israel (has nuclear weapons and refuses to be part to any treaty, etc.) ...
Any country not voluntarily submitting to USA dictatorship (of course, not called that) is declared an enemy and a threat to USA security and must be "regime changed" by any and all means ...
@Wolfgang said:
Have a look at what is already being publicized in the USA ... getting things ready for the next war ("bringing USA democracy") to another country ...
Here's John Bolton Promising Regime Change in Iran ...What has Iran done to the USA to warrant such plans and steps (except not voluntarily submitted to its hegemony plans) ? And don't come with "it's a nuclear threat" when the greatest nuclear threat in the Middle East area is Israel (has nuclear weapons and refuses to be part to any treaty, etc.) ...
Wolfgang, Thanks for sharing this. You're seeing better than many Americans.
PS. "Israel (has nuclear weapons...)", leave her alone for now. She has so much to protect. She will prove to be a blessing to the nations around, just give her some time. CM
@C_M_ said:
PS. "Israel (has nuclear weapons...)", leave her alone for now. She has so much to protect. She will prove to be a blessing to the nations around, just give her some time.How much time do you want to give the top warmongers? How much of a blessing has that "artificial" Anglo/Zionist construct been to any nation around it? Currently, they are in co-op with the USA and the worst dictators (supposedly their enemies) Saudi-Arabia, Qatar etc in order to dispose of the elected government and president in Syria ... what kind of a blessing to Syria is that? Who authorized them to bomb another country's (Syria's) territory at their liking ?
It's high time to wake up to reality ... instead of dreaming on having fallen victim to false interpretations and claims of Biblical records by those "Israeli/Zionist" rejectors of God and His Messiah ... Do you know how much the regime in Israel hates Christians ?
It's high time to wake up to reality ... instead of dreaming on having fallen victim to false interpretations and claims of Biblical records by those "Israeli/Zionist" rejectors of God and His Messiah ... Do you know how much the regime in Israel hates Christians?
Time-out, Wolfgang! Your feelings may want to register itself in a PM first. Can we believe more than we say, here? Are you reflecting verifiable history or there is something personal? Let's cool off a bit. Peace...CM
@C_M_ said:
Time-out, Wolfgang! Your feelings may want to register itself in a PM first. Can we believe more than we say, here? Are you reflecting verifiable history or there is something personal? Let's cool off a bit.Nothing personal at all ... a simple look at history and more current events reveals it
The American people need to wake up and see what Mr. Trump is doing. Especially, the Christians. The crumbs of words and attention, he throws to faith-based groups are small in comparison to the war he's willing to wage at the expense of all. Mr. Trump is in trouble: Morally, spiritually, emotionally, administratively, socially, and legally. In his plight, I take no delight, but his seemingly unchecked behaviors, I will highlight. He's not as successful as some purport him to be. He is desperate. He needs a distraction and a win. War seems to be the solution to America's chagrin. The change of his cabinet makes it more likely a reality.
You know American is at a new low when the President can't be held up to the children as a role model and parents have to shield their children from the nightly news; World Leaders can't trust his words; and when the sitting President of USA, sues a "Porn Star", American has fallen too far.
Are American Christian Leaders are too willing, to overlook, too much? Why is the character no longer matters in an American President? Have the evangelicals soul their soul for a few Presidential executive orders and support of the NRA? Money is not everything. The love of it is the root of all evil. Wake up America! Can you see what's happening? CM
@C_M_ said:
The American people need to wake up and see what Mr. Trump is doing. Especially, the Christians. The crumbs of words and attention, he throws to faith-based groups are small in comparison to the war he's willing to wage at the expense of all. Mr. Trump is in trouble: Morally, spiritually, emotionally, administratively, socially, and legally. In his plight, I take no delight, but his seemingly unchecked behaviors, I will highlight. He's not as successful as some purport him to be. He is desperate. He needs a distraction and a win. War seems to be the solution to America's chagrin. The change of his cabinet makes it more likely a reality.You know American is at a new low when the President can't be held up to the children as a role model and parents have to shield their children from the nightly news; World Leaders can't trust his words; and when the sitting President of USA, sues a "Porn Star", American has fallen too far.
Are American Christian Leaders are too willing, to overlook, too much? Why is the character no longer matters in an American President? Have the evangelicals soul their soul for a few Presidential executive orders and support of the NRA? Money is not everything. The love of it is the root of all evil. Wake up America! Can you see what's happening? CM
Great points! I didn't know you were a poet too...." In his plight, I take no delight, but his seemingly unchecked behaviors, I will highlight."
@C_M_ said:
The American people need to wake up and see what Mr. Trump is doing. Especially, the Christians. The crumbs of words and attention, he throws to faith-based groups are small in comparison to the war he's willing to wage at the expense of all. Mr. Trump is in trouble: Morally, spiritually, emotionally, administratively, socially, and legally. In his plight, I take no delight, but his seemingly unchecked behaviors, I will highlight. He's not as successful as some purport him to be. He is desperate. He needs a distraction and a win. War seems to be the solution to America's chagrin. The change of his cabinet makes it more likely a reality.This is ridiculous. How do you know the President's emotional state? You bring out poetry, that's really cute, but your poetry is not reality. What are his unchecked behaviors? How has he not been successful? Don't bring out the nonsense argument that a term is 4 years. You don't have to wait 4 years to see if something has been a success. That's ridiculous. How is he desperate? What is he desperate for? What do you base this off of? What does he need to win? He has already won. Reagan changed his cabinet too.
You know American is at a new low when the President can't be held up to the children as a role model and parents have to shield their children from the nightly news; World Leaders can't trust his words; and when the sitting President of USA, sues a "Porn Star", American has fallen too far.
- Did you say the same thing when Clinton was in office? He wasn't exactly a stellar role model either. If not, you are a hypocrite with a double standard.
- He didn't sue her. His attorney sued her. There is a difference. At least get the facts straight.
Are American Christian Leaders are too willing, to overlook, too much? Why is the character no longer matters in an American President? Have the evangelicals soul their soul for a few Presidential executive orders and support of the NRA? Money is not everything. The love of it is the root of all evil. Wake up America! Can you see what's happening? CM
What is being overlooked? Why do you bring the NRA up again? Oh right, you are obsessed with the NRA. Who said anything about money?
Yes, we see what is happening. Liberals have lost their minds and don't focus on anything worth focusing on. They focus on stuff that doesn't matter in the long run.
@Dave_L said:
@C_M_ said:
The American people need to wake up and see what Mr. Trump is doing. Especially, the Christians. The crumbs of words and attention, he throws to faith-based groups are small in comparison to the war he's willing to wage at the expense of all. Mr. Trump is in trouble: Morally, spiritually, emotionally, administratively, socially, and legally. In his plight, I take no delight, but his seemingly unchecked behaviors, I will highlight. He's not as successful as some purport him to be. He is desperate. He needs a distraction and a win. War seems to be the solution to America's chagrin. The change of his cabinet makes it more likely a reality.You know American is at a new low when the President can't be held up to the children as a role model and parents have to shield their children from the nightly news; World Leaders can't trust his words; and when the sitting President of USA, sues a "Porn Star", American has fallen too far.
Are American Christian Leaders are too willing, to overlook, too much? Why is the character no longer matters in an American President? Have the evangelicals soul their soul for a few Presidential executive orders and support of the NRA? Money is not everything. The love of it is the root of all evil. Wake up America! Can you see what's happening? CM
Great points! I didn't know you were a poet too...." In his plight, I take no delight, but his seemingly unchecked behaviors, I will highlight."
Name one good point he brought up?
@davidtaylorjr said:
@C_M_ said:
The American people need to wake up and see what Mr. Trump is doing. Especially, the Christians. The crumbs of words and attention, he throws to faith-based groups are small in comparison to the war he's willing to wage at the expense of all. Mr. Trump is in trouble: Morally, spiritually, emotionally, administratively, socially, and legally. In his plight, I take no delight, but his seemingly unchecked behaviors, I will highlight. He's not as successful as some purport him to be. He is desperate. He needs a distraction and a win. War seems to be the solution to America's chagrin. The change of his cabinet makes it more likely a reality.This is ridiculous. How do you know the President's emotional state? You bring out poetry, that's really cute, but your poetry is not reality. What are his unchecked behaviors? How has he not been successful? Don't bring out the nonsense argument that a term is 4 years. You don't have to wait 4 years to see if something has been a success. That's ridiculous. How is he desperate? What is he desperate for? What do you base this off of? What does he need to win? He has already won. Reagan changed his cabinet too.
You know American is at a new low when the President can't be held up to the children as a role model and parents have to shield their children from the nightly news; World Leaders can't trust his words; and when the sitting President of USA, sues a "Porn Star", American has fallen too far.
- Did you say the same thing when Clinton was in office? He wasn't exactly a stellar role model either. If not, you are a hypocrite with a double standard.
- He didn't sue her. His attorney sued her. There is a difference. At least get the facts straight.
Are American Christian Leaders are too willing, to overlook, too much? Why is the character no longer matters in an American President? Have the evangelicals soul their soul for a few Presidential executive orders and support of the NRA? Money is not everything. The love of it is the root of all evil. Wake up America! Can you see what's happening? CM
What is being overlooked? Why do you bring the NRA up again? Oh right, you are obsessed with the NRA. Who said anything about money?
Yes, we see what is happening. Liberals have lost their minds and don't focus on anything worth focusing on. They focus on stuff that doesn't matter in the long run.
@Dave_L said:
@C_M_ said:
The American people need to wake up and see what Mr. Trump is doing. Especially, the Christians. The crumbs of words and attention, he throws to faith-based groups are small in comparison to the war he's willing to wage at the expense of all. Mr. Trump is in trouble: Morally, spiritually, emotionally, administratively, socially, and legally. In his plight, I take no delight, but his seemingly unchecked behaviors, I will highlight. He's not as successful as some purport him to be. He is desperate. He needs a distraction and a win. War seems to be the solution to America's chagrin. The change of his cabinet makes it more likely a reality.You know American is at a new low when the President can't be held up to the children as a role model and parents have to shield their children from the nightly news; World Leaders can't trust his words; and when the sitting President of USA, sues a "Porn Star", American has fallen too far.
Are American Christian Leaders are too willing, to overlook, too much? Why is the character no longer matters in an American President? Have the evangelicals soul their soul for a few Presidential executive orders and support of the NRA? Money is not everything. The love of it is the root of all evil. Wake up America! Can you see what's happening? CM
Great points! I didn't know you were a poet too...." In his plight, I take no delight, but his seemingly unchecked behaviors, I will highlight."
Name one good point he brought up?
I think they are all good points. But I think "Evangelicalism" is giving itself a black eye supporting either party. And it already is coming back on the churches as being as sleazy as the politicians they support.
@C_M_ said:
The American people need to wake up and see what Mr. Trump is doing. Especially, the Christians. The crumbs of words and attention, he throws to faith-based groups areThe American people need to wake up and see what the string pullers are doing ... they have taken over and the USA is politically back to where it was before the election and where they wanted it to be after the election ...
What held them up for a short while was the votes of the American people ... in that "the wrong person" (that is, not the already groomed and instructed Hillary Clinton) won the election.
But their "war" against the president (powered by DNC, Clinton club, military/industrial complex, high finance directed from the city of London, fueled by such main fake media as NY Times, Washington Post and cohorts) appears to have succeeded. The USA is back on the war path it was on under the previous administration(s) ... -
@Wolfgang said:
@C_M_ said:
The American people need to wake up and see what Mr. Trump is doing. Especially, the Christians. The crumbs of words and attention, he throws to faith-based groups areThe American people need to wake up and see what the string pullers are doing ... they have taken over and the USA is politically back to where it was before the election and where they wanted it to be after the election ...
But their "war" against the president (powered by DNC, Clinton club, military/industrial complex, high finance directed from the city of London, fueled by such main fake media as NY Times, Washington Post and cohorts) appears to have succeeded. The USA is back on the warpath it was on under the previous administration(s) ...
The "'war" against the president" are not the ones you listed. In my opinion, they are of his own household and Whitehouse Staff. They never wanted Trump. His party wants Mr. Pence.
Mr. Trump hurt too many people in general and too many Republicans, in particular, coming in and since. Who do you think paid for all these big nationwide rallies? Mr. Trump with all his money, he can't hire a decent lawyer to represent him. Why do you thank so? I believe, in his Party's eyes, Mr. Trump is "toasted", "damaged goods", "toxic". They want him gone, like yesterday.
Why do you think Republicans are taking the lead to start Impeachment Proceedings if he fires Bob Mueller? They want him investigated. They want him out. Mr. Trump and the Republican Party is in a known dead marriage and too ashamed to walk away. The only way is a war, to keep the appearances of a unified Party. "Oh, say, can you see?" CM
@C_M_ said:
The "'war" against the president" are not the ones you listed. In my opinion, they are of his own household and Whitehouse Staff. They never wanted Trump. His party wants Mr. Pence.really? how come they nominated Mr. Trump? I am pretty sure, some in his party actually wanted Hillary ... why? "Personal profit" of whatever kind certainly had a role in it. After their initial dreams did not materialize, these "elephants" changed into "donkeys" ...
Mr. Pence was also the choice of the deep state ... maybe Trump got away with the nomination only because he chose Pence as his co-runner?Mr. Trump hurt too many people in general and too many Republicans, in particular, coming in and since. Who do you think paid for all these big nationwide rallies?
Most likely not the "donations" as in the case of Hillary .... foreign money in large sums being part of it.
Mr. Trump with all his money, he can't hire a decent lawyer to represent him. Why do you thank so? I believe, in his Party's eyes, Mr. Trump is "toasted", "damaged goods", "toxic". They want him gone, like yesterday.
See above ... some never wanted him ever ... now, their goals have largely been achieved in that the "Empire string pullers" are in control and have turned Trump into nothing more than a puppet. It is doubtful that he can do anything about it ... would he try, he most likely would receive the "Kennedy treatment".
Why do you think Republicans are taking the lead to start Impeachment Proceedings if he fires Bob Mueller? They want him investigated. They want him out. Mr. Trump and the Republican Party is in a known dead marriage and too ashamed to walk away. The only way is a war, to keep the appearances of a unified Party. "Oh, say, can you see?"
The war is needed by the Military/industrial complex and the high finance mafia from the city of London in co-op with their subsidiaries in NY, else the USA and other Western economies are going to fall apart and collapse (which they will do anyway, if no drastic ECONOMIC changes are made). They are in the process of preparing their public for war by current false flag operations and constant badgering and making out Iran, Russia, etc as the enemy of the USA.
Keep on dreaming ..... or else, wake up, America!
@Wolfgang said:
See above ... some never wanted him ever ... now, their goals have largely been achieved in that the "Empire string pullers" are in control and have turned Trump into nothing more than a puppet. It is doubtful that he can do anything about it ... would he try, he most likely would receive the "Kennedy treatment".
No, No, I wouldn't suggest or go that far. They have the women and Mueller to bring him down. Remember, Mr. Trump is his own worst enemy. They psychologically studied him. They know how to push his buttons. Why do you think Kim Jung Un went to China the other day? I am sorry to say, Trump is going to get "played." The US President doesn't listen to his own team, he's impulsive, too "thin-skinned", desperate for a distraction and a win, and above all; he's currently, surrounded by too many "yes men" (go along to get alone) in his cabinet. A recipe for disaster.
The war is needed by the Military/industrial complex and the high finance mafia from the city of London in co-op with their subsidiaries in NY, else the USA and other Western economies are going to fall apart and collapse (which they will do anyway, if no drastic ECONOMIC changes are made). They are in the process of preparing their public for war by current false flag operations and constant badgering and making out Iran, Russia, etc as the enemy of the USA.
I don't know about all you said above, but I would concur an "economic collapse" in the US between now and definitely 2020 when the Dems take back over. It's going to be as bad as the last one or worst. Of course, when the US Economic sneezes, the other countries catch pneumonia. No, this is not thinking darkly. It's considering the factors and connecting the dots. Mark my words and time will reveal its truth. CM
stay in your donkey and elephant scheme ... which seems to dominate so many US citizens thinking and "patriotism" ...
There is more to things than those two parties ... especially since in many regards the "career elites" in those parties pursue the exact same policies and goals (no two party politics in existence, except in the main media propaganda keeping US "patriots" thinking that they have choices -
You may have a point, Wolfgang. Time is a revealer of all truths. CM
Your President seems to have gotten along with President Obama very well.
She (4th term) seems to tolerate today's US President (Mr. Trump). CM -
@C_M_ said:
Your President seems to have gotten along with President Obama very well.
She (4th term) seems to tolerate today's US President (Mr. Trump). CMActually, the woman is not our president, but the chancellor of the government (sort of like the prime minister) ...
She is a worse puppet steered and controlled from those very same string pullers ... a very willing servant of those interests, against the best interests of Germany and the German people. She deserves to be put in front of a grand jury for high treason. She has been violating not only her oath of office, but has violated several laws in our constitution, several laws of the EU, etc ... -
Thanks for the correction. What country would you be happy in, if you were required to reveal such? CM
@C_M_ said:
No, No, I wouldn't suggest or go that far. They have the women and Mueller to bring him down. Remember, Mr. Trump is his own worst enemy. They psychologically studied him. They know how to push his buttons. Why do you think Kim Jung Un went to China the other day? I am sorry to say, Trump is going to get "played." The US President doesn't listen to his own team, he's impulsive, too "thin-skinned", desperate for a distraction and a win, and above all; he's currently, surrounded by too many "yes men" (go along to get alone) in his cabinet. A recipe for disaster.
I don't know about all you said above, but I would concur an "economic collapse" in the US between now and definitely 2020 when the Dems take back over. It's going to be as bad as the last one or worst. Of course, when the US Economic sneezes, the other countries catch pneumonia. No, this is not thinking darkly. It's considering the factors and connecting the dots. Mark my words and time will reveal its truth. CM
Oh CM, what happened to Ps 71? The hope is gone so soon? Chin up!
I am concerned that you have made yourself a slave to Trump, he controls your life and you have fallen into the pit you dug for him. Look at your posts, full of accusation and despair! From the looks of this forum you have chained yourself to him. That diet must be just awful for you or your loved ones. There is hope, a way out and it isn't your beloved Democrat Party. Try Ps 71 again. Look up! You can get free if you believe!
@GaoLu said:
I am concerned that you have made yourself a slave to Trump, he controls your life and you have fallen into the pit you dug for him. Look at your posts, full of accusation and despair! From the looks of this forum you have chained yourself to him. That diet must be just awful for you or your loved ones. There is hope, a way out and it isn't your beloved Democrat Party. Try Ps 71 again. Look up! You can get free if you believe!
I am a slave to no man. I am not attached to Dems or Republican Parties. Why you seem to be obsessed with labeling or ascribing things to or on me? The sad truth is, you're not correct.
Why can you be more hopeful of my being as balanced as you? That is if you are? Unlike some, view a situation, assess the situation and evaluated without denying reality or evidential patterns. I am not one subject, one theme or one forum man. Don't box me in.
May I repeat what I said how I view the American President's situation and the trend of America, from my view and understanding. I believed that an "economic collapse" will occur in the US again, between now and definitely 2020 when the Dems take back over. The great Charles Spurgeon (19 June 1834 – 31 January 1892) was an English Particular Baptist preacher and is known as the "Prince of Preachers", said a "preacher should have the Bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other." One should keep up with the times.
I guess if you're a Republican this is bad news. This downturn is going to be, as bad as, the last one or worst. Of course, when the US Economic sneezes, the other countries catch pneumonia. No, this is not thinking darkly. It's considering the factors and connecting the dots. Mark my words and time will reveal its truth. CM
PS. "I am Ok, and you're Ok." There is enough room in these forums for you and me, others and our point of views. Abandon your self-imposed mission to defined or remake me into your image. If I am like you, it makes one of us unimportant in these forums. ENJOY! CM
@C_M_ said:
I am a slave to no man.
My outside observation is that you are chained as a slave to your President Trump. His every word and move rattles your chain and pains you through and through. You seem almost as driven a slave before Trump as is Bill. If that is not so, then show some evidence to the contrary.
I am not attached to Dems or Republican Parties. Why you seem to be obsessed with labeling or ascribing things to or on me? The sad truth is, you're not correct.
Is that sad? Why? Actually, I also am not connected to either party. I don't know a lot about them and don't have a lot of interest. I don't think it occurred to me until now to consider whether you belonged to any party at all. You seem to defend what I know of the Democrat position with enthusiasm, but then, to be honest, I don't know much about Democrats or any other party.
Why can you be more hopeful of my being as balanced as you? That is if you are?
Unlike some, view a situation, assess the situation and evaluated without denying reality or evidential patterns. I am not one subject, one theme or one forum man. Don't box me in.
I missed your point. "Don't fence me in?" My take is that you are a thinking man of many interests. I like that.
May I repeat what I said how I view the American President's situation and the trend of America, from my view and understanding. I believed that an "economic collapse" will occur in the US again, between now and definitely 2020 when the Dems take back over. The great Charles Spurgeon (19 June 1834 – 31 January 1892) was an English Particular Baptist preacher and is known as the "Prince of Preachers", said a "preacher should have the Bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other." One should keep up with the times.
Agreed. Eventually an economic collapse will occur. Someone will fall down a well. A meteor will strike the planet. Etc. You are not wrong.
I guess if you're a Republican this is bad news. This downturn is going to be, as bad as, the last one or worst. Of course, when the US Economic sneezes, the other countries catch pneumonia. No, this is not thinking darkly. It's considering the factors and connecting the dots. Mark my words and time will reveal its truth. CM
All true, but there are two sides to a coin. Why not give at least some time to peace and hope and joy and Ps 71?
PS. "I am Ok, and you're Ok." There is enough room in these forums for you and me, others and our point of views.
That is what forums are for....
Abandon your self-imposed mission to defined or remake me into your image.
I always thought having a twin would be cool, but my twin might not think so.
If I am like you, it makes one of us unimportant in these forums. ENJOY! CM
You are important.
@C_M_ said:
I don't know about all you said above, but I would concur an "economic collapse" in the US between now and definitely 2020 when the Dems take back over. It's going to be as bad as the last one or worst. Of course, when the US Economic sneezes, the other countries catch pneumonia. No, this is not thinking darkly. It's considering the factors and connecting the dots. Mark my words and time will reveal its truth. CM
Just a Reminder. See the full l article...
How Debt Could Blow Up the Trump Economy
... Though “booming” is Trumpian overstatement, it’s undeniable that by many criteria, the President’s agenda is proving remarkably successful. In Trump’s first three full quarters in the White House, GDP clocked growth just shy of his vaunted goal of 3%, a performance that by recent standards looks stellar. The stock market has added a quarter to its value since the election, a $5 trillion vote of confidence. The jaunty outlook is recharging animal spirits in corner offices: In its January survey of small companies, the National Federation of Independent Business found that 32% of the enterprises rated the present climate “a good time to expand”; that was a record high and a threefold increase from late 2016.
Fueling the giddiness is the President’s signature legislative achievement: the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which slashed rates for corporations from 35% to 21%. The new law is a runaway hit with business leaders. Companies as varied as American Airlines (aal, +3.42%), Walmart (wmt, +1.50%), and Verizon (vz, +0.70%) predict that the measure will swell their earnings for years to come, and marquee CEOs from JPMorgan Chase’s (jpm, +1.36%) Jamie Dimon to Boeing’s (ba, +2.59%) Dennis Muilenburg laud it as a powerful tonic for American competitiveness. The looming profit surge has prompted more than 200 Fortune 500 companies to raise their minimum pay (U.S. Bancorp, Humana), issue one-time bonuses to employees (Home Depot, Walt Disney), or both ....
By 2028, America’s government debt burden could explode from this year’s $15.5 trillion to a staggering $33 trillion—more than 20% bigger than it would have been had Trump’s agenda not passed. At that point, interest payments would absorb more than $1 in $5 of federal revenue, crippling the government’s capacity to bolster the economy, and constraining the private sector too. Contrary to the claims of the President and his supporters, the U.S. can’t grow fast enough to shed this burden; indeed, Trump’s agenda on immigration and trade looks likely to stunt that growth. (More on that later.) “This is almost like climate change,” says Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics. “It doesn’t do you in this year, or next year, but you’ll see the ill effects in a day of reckoning.
In the absence of decisive, quick action to tackle this slow-motion crisis, the best-case scenario for the next few years is that America becomes a much riskier place to do business. A high debt load will limit our flexibility to keep the economy on an even course. “Countries with high debt don’t respond aggressively to downturns,” says Harvard economist Kenneth Rogoff. If the U.S. slips into recession, we’ll lack the option of lowering taxes or increasing spending on infrastructure, for example, as tools to revive growth. And as the debt load grows, efforts by the Federal Reserve to stimulate the economy with lower rates would be more likely to feed runaway inflation. “Then, investors will dump Treasuries,” says John Cochrane, an economist at the Hoover Institution. “That will drive rates far higher, and make the budget picture even worse.” ... CM
Whine whine whine as the economy climbs ever higher. Chin up, Dearie! It's not so bad! The sky isn't falling!