Are You Prepared to Lose Your Social Benefits?

Many Countries offer Social Benefits to their citizens to give them a helping hand. These Benefits were meant to be given for a limited time. Those precious benefits will come to an abrupt end as the Political Kings of the earth turn against the World of False Religion to confiscate and plunder her Wealth.

  • Look! I am about to throw her into a sickbed, and those committing adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent of her deeds. (Rev 2:22)
  • And I heard another voice out of heaven say: “Get out of her, my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues. (Rev 18:4)
  • “And the kings of the earth who committed sexual immorality with her and lived with her in shameless luxury will weep and beat themselves in grief over her when they see the smoke from her burning. (Rev 18:19)

The Wealth and goods obtained will be used to fund their armies and enforcers to do a house to house check to see if you and your family are bending your knees to the Wild Beast in worship. (Rev 13:4) By the time of the Enforcement comes, your assets will have already been confiscated to weaken your resistance and your family members could be used as bargaining chips for your cooperation whether you are willing or unwilling. "Whoever seeks to keep his life safe will lose it, but whoever loses it will preserve it alive." (Luke 17:33)

The Bible points to who makes up the members of Gog of Magog, and if you are uninformed, what is coming your way will make you shutter. The shock that will overcome you will be such a traumatic experience you will look for death but not able to find it. (Rev 9:6) If you have faith, it will severely be tested and if you have no faith, you will be swept away not knowing which way to turn like a caged wild animal.

Your Social Benefits will cease and be used to fund the Enforcement. Maybe your Health Benefit expires, then all of a sudden your food benefit. Your complex in not knowing what is going on and then your shelter benefit is removed. Maybe you are forcibly removed from your house for not paying your taxes. You can't buy or sell anything, your funds no longer exist that were in your bank account, all access is closed and you're locked out. The Bank will not respond or answer any questions. The government issues a notice if you have any cash to exchange it with the Wild Beast for pennies on the dollar. Those who have cash but refuse to exchange their cash will lose it because there will be a certain date of expiration on all currency in any form, including precious metals such as gold and silver. (Daniel 11:43) No matter how much you have saved or stored up for yourself, you will lose it. If you worship any god other than the Wild Beast, you and your family will be thrown into the lion's pit sort to speak.

  • All the royal officials, prefects, satraps, high royal officers, and governors have consulted together to establish a royal decree and to enforce a ban, that for 30 days whoever makes a petition to any god or man except to you, O king, should be thrown into the lions’ pit. (Daniel 6:7)

It won't matter what religion you are or even if you're an Athiest. Worship the Wild Beast or start losing your family and friends one by one while you stand there motionless in shock as the life drains away from your loved ones. AS the members of Gog and Magog are gathered by the demonic forces to get ready for the Enforcement, there will be one people left. Those who are holding onto their integrity to the One True God which enrages Satan to Act:

  • You will say: “I will invade the land of unprotected settlements. I will come against those living in security, without disturbance, all of them living in settlements unprotected by walls, bars, or gates.” (Ezekiel 38:11)

According to Bible Prophecy, it is Jehovah's Anointed One that will Destroy Gog of Magog for coming after his Named People. The scriptures give us insight and a warning regarding to listening to instruction from the two spies whom gave specific directions to Rahab. "You should gather your father, your mother, your brothers, and all your father’s household with you into the house. Then if anyone goes out the doors of your house into the open, his blood will be on his own head, and we will be free from guilt. But if harm comes to anyone who remains with you in the house, his blood will be on our heads." (Joshua 2:18-19)

Let the scripture interpret scripture. Compare the Spies instruction to Rahab to the following:

  • Go, my people, enter your inner rooms, And shut your doors behind you. Hide yourself for a brief moment Until the wrath has passed by. (Isaiah 6:20)

Rahab and her family were saved while those on the outside were destroyed. And sanctuary is promised to those who enter our congregations of inner rooms meaning they have a good standing with Jehovah. But notice the scripture that we often use for the great tribulation.

  • Jehovah said to him: “Go through the city, through Jerusalem, and put a mark on the foreheads of the men who are sighing and groaning over all the detestable things that are being done in the city.” And to the others he said in my hearing: “Go through the city after him and strike. Do not let your eye feel sorry, and do not feel any compassion." (Ezekiel 9:4-5)

The marking on the foreheads is the mark for survival. These ones keep on living through the great tribulation and enter into the new world as survivors known as the great crowd. But notice it happens at a time of 'sighing and groaning over all the detestable things that are being done'. Also, notice where the slaughter of the wicked starts from?

  • Old man, young man, virgin, little child, and women you should kill off completely. But do not go near to any man on whom there is the mark. You should start from my sanctuary. So they started with the elders who were in front of the house. (Ezekiel 9:6)

Our current understanding of this scripture is that it occurs after the great tribulation begins which we believe is in the near future. So the term 'My Sanctuary' may need some refining as to the meaning. It certainly has to do with 'Pure Worship' and if that is the case then the Congregation of God would be 'My Sanctuary'. The Temple of God would be Jesus Christ and the 144,000. Also, the action of removing or the cutting off 'started with the elders who were in front of the house', those who willingly forsook the offering of worship services, and praise which began in 1919. (Matthew 13:37-42)

  • Immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. (Matthew 24:29)
  • Therefore, just as the weeds are collected and burned with fire, so it will be in the conclusion of the system of things. (Matthew 13:40)

Allow the scripture to guide you. There are two meanings, one, is in the literal sense after the period of the Last Days has ended which is coming to a conclusion now or second, it is Spiritual and happening at the Beginning of the Last Days in 1914. After all, an Arabic rendering applies to a Ruler being removed from their office of Rulership is that 'his heaven has fallen' which happened to Satan being hurled out of the Heavens in 1914 which the World rejects today. Not to mention that Charles Taze Russell gave us divine warning that Daniel 12:1 would undergo fulfillment in 1914 as the End of the Gentile times.

Indication and scripture points to 1914 and the Beginning as to 'My Sanctuary' started with the elders who were in front of the house in 1919! The elders in this sense were Unfaithful Brothers who rejected the Presence of Christ and became apostates to turn others away from the organization of the Faithful and Discreet Slave. The Book of Matthew continues, "Then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in grief, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory." (Matthew 24:30)

Again two meanings, if literal it would occur after the Last Days have concluded. But if Spiritual, the prophecy began unfolding in 1919. Why? Aren't all the tribes of the earth beating themselves in grief today? Don't Jehovah's Witnesses grieve today because of the three horsemen? Not only does the World grieve the three horsemen, but do they not shun the Rider of the fourth horse whose Name is the Word of God? (Rev 3:20)

Wake Up O Sleeper! It's very interesting when scripture reveals itself how people become so stubborn. "The sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood Before the coming of the great and awe-inspiring day of Jehovah." (Joel 2:31) Immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. (Matthew 24:29) And there will occur a time of distress such as has not occurred since there came to be a nation until that time. And during that time your people will escape, everyone who is found written down in the book. (Daniel 12:1) 1914 or a future date? To claim we have not entered into a time of distress such as has not occurred since is to deny Prophecy. The Last Days of Satan's System of things do not go on forever, they do and will come to their End!

  • “Go subduing in the midst of your enemies.” (Psalm 110:1- 2) Those enemies are not instantly destroyed but are bundled up to die a permanent death like that of Adam and Eve. The fiery furnace is symbolic speech for everlasting death.

For as they were in those days before the Flood, eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and they took no note until the Flood came and swept them all away, so the PRESENCE of the Son of man will Be. (Matthew 24:38-39) It's Spiritual.... otherwise you would have no need to prove yourself ready.

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Thankful for Google transliterates יהוה in English as Jehovah. Visit about whom Jesus Christ calls the Only True God in (John 17:3)


  • Eternal truth is consistent. Numerous Unfulfilled Watch Tower Society predictions & Doctrine changes provide me reason NOT to trust the human organization. True Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God prophets (communication channels) pass test of 100% accuracy.

    Our spiritual adversary is the father of lies, who twists truth with lies (falsehoods) to disrupt humans from truly ❤️ loving Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God with everything.

    @Brother Rando January 26 * Jehovah said to him: “Go through the city, through Jerusalem, and put a mark on the foreheads of the men who are sighing and groaning over all the detestable things that are being done in the city.” And to the others he said in my hearing: “Go through the city after him and strike. Do not let your eye feel sorry, and do not feel any compassion." (Ezekiel 9:4-5)

    @Brother Rando January 26 * Old man, young man, virgin, little child, and women you should kill off completely. But do not go near to any man on whom there is the markYou should start from my sanctuary. So they started with the elders who were in front of the house. (Ezekiel 9:6)

    @Brother Rando January 26 Our current understanding of this scripture is that it occurs after the great tribulation begins which we believe is in the near future. So the term 'My Sanctuary' may need some refining as to the meaning.

    Obvious contextual refinement for 'my sanctuary' meaning is the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. Also wonder how many is the "our" & "we" @Brother Rando ?

    Original language scriptures do NOT have numbering of chapters & verses. To find a snippet in scripture required knowing the context. Logos Bible Study apps allow chapter & verse numbering to be hidden. Earlier in Ezekiel has the saddest description about the Glory of Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God departing the Jewish Temple because stubborn & obstinate people had chosen to ❤️ love & worship idols more than Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God.

    My faith believes the 144,000 Jewish descendants have not yet been sealed. Revelation 6:1-7:8 LEB  (with Hebrew words usually translated by Jewish scholars in LXX: יהוה as Lord & אלהים as God)  =>

    And I watched when the Lamb opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying like the sound of thunder, “Come!” And I looked, and behold, a white horse, and the one seated on it had a bow, and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and in order that he might conquer. 

    And when he opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, “Come!” And another horse came out, fiery red, and it was granted to the one seated on it to take peace from the earth, and that they would slaughter one another, and a large sword was given to him. 

    And when he opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, “Come!” And I looked, and behold, a black horse, and the one seated on it had a balance scale in his hand. And I heard something like a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius, and do not damage the olive oil and the wine!” 

    And when he opened the fourth seal, I heard a voice from the fourth living creature saying, “Come!” And I looked, and behold, a pale green horse, and the one seated on it was named Death, and Hades followed after him. And authority was granted to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill by the sword and by famine and by pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth. 

    And when he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slaughtered because of the word of אלהים God and because of the testimony which they had, and they cried out with a loud voice, saying, “How long, holy and true יהוה Lord, will you not judge and avenge our blood from those who live on the earth?” And to each one of them a white robe was given, and it was said to them that they should rest yet a short time, until the number of their fellow slaves and their brothers who were about to be killed as they had been were completed also. 

    And I watched when he opened the sixth seal, and a great earthquake took place, and the sun became black like sackcloth made of hair, and the whole moon became like blood, and the stars of heaven fell to the earth like a fig tree throws down its unripe figs when shaken by a great wind. And the sky was split apart like a scroll that is rolled up, and every mountain and island were moved from their place. And the kings of the earth, and the most important people, and the military leaders, and the rich, and the powerful, and every slave and free person hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains, And they said to the mountains and to the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of the one who is seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb, because the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to stand?” 

    After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth, so that no wind could blow on the earth or on the sea or on any tree. And I saw another angel ascending from the east, holding the seal of the living אלהים God, and he cried out with a loud voice to the four angels who were given permission to damage the earth and the sea, saying, “Do not damage the earth or the sea or the trees until we have sealed the slaves of our אלהים God on their foreheads.” And I heard the number of the ones who were sealed, one hundred forty-four thousand sealed from every tribe of the sons of Israel: 

    from the tribe of Judah, twelve thousand sealed, 

    from the tribe of Reuben, twelve thousand, 

    from the tribe of Gad, twelve thousand, 

    from the tribe of Asher, twelve thousand, 

    from the tribe of Naphtali, twelve thousand, 

    from the tribe of Manasseh, twelve thousand, 

    from the tribe of Simeon, twelve thousand, 

    from the tribe of Levi, twelve thousand, 

    from the tribe of Issachar, twelve thousand, 

    from the tribe of Zebulun, twelve thousand, 

    from the tribe of Joseph, twelve thousand, 

    from the tribe of Benjamin, twelve thousand were sealed. 

     W. Hall Harris III et al., eds., The Lexham English Bible (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2012), Re 6:1–7:8.

    To me, the opening of the sixth seal is the first one immediately known on earth => sky changes & shaking so every human hides.

    Humanly 🙏 praying 🙏 and watching. Current world events has me wondering if four seals have been opened:

    1) World conquered by COVID (white horse). COVID => COrona VIrus Disease. Spanish word Corona translates as Crown in English. When a bow is used, then someone shot something. Wondering if the COVID "vaccine" shot rollout in Israel on Sat 19 Dec 2020 is the first day of 1,260 days that ends on Fri 31 May 2024.

    2) World War & rumors of War so slaughter happening (red horse)

    3) Megadroughts, floods, & wars have reduced global food supply (wheat & rice) along with rampant inflation so many may soon experience a day's wages only buying something to eat (black horse).

    4) Death (pale green horse). Notable excess deaths have happened since COVID "vaccine" shots began. Over a million Ukrainian men dead from war. More war fighting around the world has more deaths. On 22 Jan 2024, the World Food Bank published "food price inflation exceeded overall inflation in 73% of the 165 countries where data is available." Watching for indications of 2 billion deaths.

    Keep Smiling 😊

  • Brother Rando
    Brother Rando Posts: 1,488
    edited January 2024

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus Christ

    Obvious contextual refinement for 'my sanctuary' meaning is the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. Also wonder how many is the "our" & "we" @Brother Rando ?

    My Sanctuary WAS the Jewish Temple but NO LONGER after the time Jesus Christ condemned Jerusalem in 33 CE. It was condemned in 33 CE, then destroyed in 70 CE. It was REPLACED - "I also saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God and prepared as a bride adorned for her husband." (Rev 21:2)

    • SHORTLY before his death in 33 C.E., Jesus called Jerusalem “the killer of the prophets and stoner of those sent forth to her—how often I wanted to gather your children together the Way a hen gathers her chicks Under Her Wings! But you did not want it." (Matthew 23:37) The city as a whole followed the pattern of its past and rejected the Son of God.​—Mt 23:37.
    • Jesus foretold what would happen: “The days will come upon you when your enemies will build around you a fortification with pointed stakes.” (Lu 19:41-44)

    I have already stated on this forum to whom the (Us and We) are in the context of (Jehovah is Our Righteousness"

    Thankful for Google transliterates יהוה in English as Jehovah. Visit about whom Jesus Christ calls the Only True God in (John 17:3)

  • @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus January 28 Obvious contextual refinement for 'my sanctuary' meaning is the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. Also wonder how many is the "our" & "we" @Brother Rando ?

    @Brother Rando January 28 I have already stated on this forum to whom the (Us and We) are in the context of (Jehovah is Our Righteousness"

    Left unanswered for me was how many is the "our" & "we" of @Brother Rando (who has used plural pronouns for @Brother Rando at times) ?

    Remember Melchizedek (King Righteous) Jesus intimately shares eternal Holy יהוה name as it is written in Jeremiah 23:5-6 LEB =>

    “Look, days are coming,” declares יהוה Yahweh, “when I will raise up for David a righteous branch, and he will reign as king, and he will achieve success, and he will do justice and righteousness in the land. In his days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell in safety, and this is his name by which he will be called: ‘יהוה Yahweh is our righteousness.’

    Hebrew noun (construct spelling => of) for righteousness has pronoun, suffixed, 1st person, plural that does not identify grammatical purpose of plural pronoun. English spelling of 1st person personal pronoun embeds grammatical purpose: nominaive (we), genitive (our), dative (us), accusative (us).

    Human perspective (our) of יהוה צדקנו is expressed ‘יהוה Yahweh is our righteousness.’

    Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God prespective (we/us) is: 'יהוה Yahweh righteousness of We' or 'יהוה Yahweh righteousness of Us'

    Keep Smiling 😊

  • @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus Christ

    “Look, days are coming,” declares יהוה , “when I will raise up for David a righteous branch, and he will reign as king, and he will achieve success, and he will do justice and righteousness in the land. In his days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell in safety, and this is his name by which he will be called: ‘יהוה is our righteousness.’

    יהוה is never plural.... rather, the scriptures claim One God, the Father! The Real Scriptures "Look, days are coming," Jehovah declares, "when I will raise up for David a righteous branch, and he will reign as king, and he will achieve success, and he will do justice and righteousness in the land. In his days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell in safety, and this is his name by which he will be called: 'Jehovah is our righteousness.'

    Thankful for Google transliterates יהוה in English as Jehovah. Visit about whom Jesus Christ calls the Only True God in (John 17:3)

  • @Brother Rando January 30 יהוה is never plural.... ratherthe scriptures ...

    Remember Hebrew nouns have three spelling variations: singular, dual (eyes, ears, ...), & plural. If Hebrew scripture nouns about יהוה were never plural...., then my agreement would be with your assertion, but Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God inspired plural nouns describing יהוה so what was/is/will be יהוה plural ?

    My plural appreciation & understanding of יהוה reflects Hebrew words in Deuteronomy 6:4 - אלהינו = construct "of" plural God with plural suffix "we" & אחד range of meaning.

    Deuteronomy 6:4 LEB with Hebrew words => Hear, Israel, יהוה Yahweh our אלהינו God, יהוה Yahweh is אחד unique.

    The only Hebrew verb in Deuteronomy 6:4 is Hear (& obey) imperative.

    Deuteronomy 6:4 Eloheinu אלהינו is plural Elohim אלהים with plural pronoun suffix whose spelling does not indicate grammatical usage so translation options include: Nominative We, Genitive Our, 'of Us'

    שְׁמַ֖ע יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל יְהוָ֥ה אֱלֹהֵ֖ינוּ יְהוָ֥ה׀ אֶחָֽד׃

    sh'-MA yis-ra’-AYL a-do-NAI e-lo-HAY-nu a-do-NAI e-KHAD ['Hear & Obey' Isra’el! Adonai 'Plural God of We' Adonai unique]

    Uniqueness (e-KHAD) of יהוה includes three (plural) distinct voices for expressing/experiencing One unified Holy Righteous יהוה God: The Will (יהוה Father), The Word (יהוה Son), Breath The Holy while Spirtually always being One unified God: who was, who is, who is to come.

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus January 30 Remember Melchizedek (King Righteous) Jesus intimately shares eternal Holy יהוה name as it is written in Jeremiah 23:5-6 LEB =>

    “Look, days are coming,” declares יהוה Yahweh, “when I will raise up for David a righteous branch, and he will reign as king, and he will achieve success, and he will do justice and righteousness in the land. In his days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell in safety, and this is his name by which he will be called: ‘יהוה Yahweh is our righteousness.’

    Google Translate shows different English result before @Brother Rando removed Yahweh.

    Keep Smiling 😊

  • Brother Rando
    Brother Rando Posts: 1,488
    edited January 2024

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus Christ My plural appreciation & understanding of יהוה reflects Hebrew words in Deuteronomy 6:4 - אלהינו = construct "of" plural God with plural suffix "we" & אחד range of meaning.

    Nothing about (WE) in this scripture at all for it reads “Listen, O Israel: יהוה our God is one יהוה." A Simple copy and paste into Google reads “Listen, O Israel: Jehovah our God is one Jehovah." (Deuteronomy 6:4)

    Jesus Christ quoted (Deuteronomy 6:4) in his answer to Satan's Attack.

    • Jesus answered: “The first is, ‘Hear, O Israel, Jehovah our God is one Jehovah, (Mark 12:29 NWT) - Christian Bible that put God's Name back into the Bible in the New Testament. There is No Other. What does your Bible READ? it was replace with the JEWISH DECEPTION and inserted Lord.
    • The scribe said to him: “Teacher, you spoke well, in line with truth, ‘He is One, and there is no other besides him’; Mark 12:32

    Your assertion that "Our" means "we" is False. Jesus was giving witness to others that Jehovah our God is ONE JEHOVAH. This ONE is the God and Father of MY Lord Jesus Christ.

    Philippians 4:20

    Now to our God and Father be the glory forever and ever. Amen.

    Ephesians 4:6

    one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

    2 Corinthians 1:3

    Praised be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of tender mercies and the God of all comfort,

    Philippians 2:11

    and every tongue should openly acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.

    2 Corinthians 11:31

    The God and Father of the Lord Jesus, the One who is to be praised forever, knows I am not lying.

    Ephesians 5:20

    always giving thanks to our God and Father for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Ephesians 6:23

    May the brothers have peace and love with faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

    2 Thessalonians 1:2

    May you have undeserved kindness and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Romans 15:6

    so that unitedly you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    1 Corinthians 1:3

    May you have undeserved kindness and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

    2 Corinthians 1:2

    May you have undeserved kindness and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Galatians 1:3

    May you have undeserved kindness and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Ephesians 1:2

    May you have undeserved kindness and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Philippians 1:2

    May you have undeserved kindness and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Colossians 1:3

    We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you,

    Philemon 1:3

    May you have undeserved kindness and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

    2 John 1:3

    There will be with us undeserved kindness, mercy, and peace from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, with truth and love.

    Revelation 1:6

    and he made us to be a kingdom, priests to his God and Father—yes, to him be the glory and the might forever. Amen.

    Colossians 3:17

    Whatever it is that you do in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, thanking God the Father through him.

    Jude 1:1

    Jude, a slave of Jesus Christ, but a brother of James, to the called ones who are loved by God the Father and preserved for Jesus Christ:

    Colossians 1:2

    to the holy ones and faithful brothers in union with Christ at Co·losʹsae: May you have undeserved kindness and peace from God our Father.

    1 Thessalonians 1:1

    Paul, Sil·vaʹnus, and Timothy, to the congregation of the Thes·sa·loʹni·ans in union with God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ: May you have undeserved kindness and peace.

    2 Timothy 1:2

    to Timothy, a beloved child: May you have undeserved kindness, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.

    Ephesians 1:3

    Praised be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, for he has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in union with Christ,

    1 Timothy 1:2

    to Timothy, a genuine child in the faith: May you have undeserved kindness and mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.

    Galatians 1:1

    Paul, an apostle, neither from men nor through a man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him up from the dead,

    Galatians 1:4

    He gave himself for our sins so that he might rescue us from the present wicked system of things according to the will of our God and Father,

    1 Corinthians 15:24

    Next, the end, when he hands over the Kingdom to his God and Father, when he has brought to nothing all government and all authority and power.

    Titus 1:4

    to Titus, a genuine child according to the faith we share: May you have undeserved kindness and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior.

    James 1:27

    The form of worship that is clean and undefiled from the standpoint of our God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their tribulation, and to keep oneself without spot from the world.

    1 Corinthians 8:6

    there is actually to us one God, the Father, from whom all things are and we for him; and there is one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things are and we through him.

    Thankful for Google transliterates יהוה in English as Jehovah. Visit about whom Jesus Christ calls the Only True God in (John 17:3)

  • @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus January 31 My plural appreciation & understanding of יהוה reflects Hebrew words in Deuteronomy 6:4 - אלהינו = construct "of" plural God with plural suffix "we" & אחד range of meaning.

    @Brother Rando January 31 Nothing about (WE) in this scripture at all for it reads “Listen, O Israel: יהוה our God is one יהוה."

    The only Hebrew verb in Deuteronomy 6:4 is Hear (& obey) imperative. The "is" posted by @Brother Rando is a translator interpretation. Hebrew verbs express kind of action without any indication of time. English verbs have primary time focus of past, present, or future. The best English can do for expressing Hebrew timelessness is using a present tense verb: e.g. "is".

    Deuteronomy 6:4 Eloheinu אלהינו is plural Elohim אלהים with plural pronoun suffix whose spelling does not indicate grammatical usage so translation options include: Nominative 'We', Genitive 'Our', 'of Us'

     שמע ישראל יהוה אלהינו יהוה אחד

    sh'-MA yis-ra’-AYL a-do-NAI e-lo-HAY-nu a-do-NAI e-KHAD ['Hear & Obey' Isra’el! Adonai 'Plural God of We' Adonai unique]

    שמע sh'-MA - Hear (& Obey), verb, Qal, imperative, 2nd person, masculine, singular.

    ישראל yis-ra’-AYL - Israel, noun, proper, singular, absolute

    יהוה a-do-NAI (Hebrew word for Lord spoken disguise by Jews outside of the Jewish Temple)

    אלהינו e-lo-HAY-nu - God of We, noun, common masculine, plural, construct (of) & pronoun, suffixed, 1st person, plural

    יהוה a-do-NAI (Hebrew word for Lord spoken disguise by Jews outside of the Jewish Temple)

    אחד e-KHAD - unique/one/only, numeral, cardinal, singular, absolute

    Hebrew word order has Noun (or Name) followed by descriptive modification. For example, יהוה described by אלהינו (plural God with 1st plural pronoun suffix). English 1st person plural pronoun shows usage: 'We', 'Our', 'Us'. Hebrew 1st person plural pronoun suffix for We, Our, Us has the same spelling so Hebrew does NOT show pronoun usage. English (& Greek) translation as 'We', 'Our', 'Us' embeds human interpretation.

    Jewish translation into Septuagint Greek reflected Jewish monotheistic belief (& 'our' human perspective for אלהינו e-lo-HAY-nu)

    Ἄκουε, Ἰσραήλ· Κύριος ὁ θεὸς ἡμῶν Κύριος εἷς ἐστιν·

    Ἄκουε - Hear, verb, present, active, imperative (continous hearing command action & secondary aspect of present time), 2nd person, singular

    Ἰσραήλ - Israel, indeclinable, proper noun

    Κύριος - Lord, noun, nominative, singular, masculine (same Greek word describes Lord יהוה Jesus Christ)

    ὁ θεὸς - The God, noun, nominative, singular, masculine (embeds Jewish monotheistic belief in the singular translation)

    ἡμῶν - pronoun, 1st person, genitive, plural ('our' embeds Jewish human interpretation of Hebrew 1st person pronoun suffix - alternative perspective from God's point of view is 'We' - human translators have consistently repeated 'our' Jewish interpretation)

    Κύριος - Lord, noun, nominative, singular, masculine

    εἷς - one, adjective, nominative, singular, masculine

    ἐστιν - being, verb, present, active, indicative, 3rd person, singular (continuous action & secondary aspect present time)

    Lesser's Massoretic Translation published in 1891 includes a footnote about Deuteronomy 6:4

    4 ¶ Hear, O Israel! The Lord, our God, is the One Eternal Being *

    * Philippson translates, “Hear, Israel, the Eternal, our God, the Eternal is One.” But every attempt to convey in another language the simplicity of the Hebrew must fail. Here we have the third revelation of God’s being; in Genesis 17 he is revealed as the Almighty; in Exodus 6 as the Eternal; and now as the One, uncompound, indivisible, and not liable to change or increase. We have thus the complete idea of the Godhead, as the highest Power, Eternity, Unity.—After Philippson.

     Isaac Leeser, trans., The Twenty-Four Books of the Holy Scriptures: Carefully Translated according to the Massoretic Text, on the Basis of the English Version, after the Best Jewish Authorities; and Supplied with Short Explanatory Notes, Fourth Edition. (Cincinnati; Chicago: The Bloch Publishing and Printing Company, 1891), Dt 6:4.

    To my knowledge, Bible translations embed Jewish 'our' perspective for אלהינו e-lo-HAY-nu (none of the 1,083 Bibles in my Logos Library have 'we' in Deuteronomy 6:4). My Logos Bible Search in All Bibles for we IN milestone:bible:dt6.4 found 'we' in footnote text. Lexham Hebrew Bible pop-up information for אלהינו e-lo-HAY-nu has 'we' for 1st person plural suffix, which gave me reason to ponder Hebrew language expression.

    @Brother Rando January 31 Your assertion that "Our" means "we" is False. Jesus was giving witness to others that Jehovah our God is ONE JEHOVAH. This ONE is the God and Father of MY Lord Jesus Christ.

    Noticed @Brother Rando posted 31 verses with God and Father in bold text (with unstated human wisdom implication that a human father and a human son are two individuals). Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God is uniquely different than human individuals that have one voice per individual. Uniqueness (e-KHAD) of יהוה includes three (plural) distinct voices for expressing/experiencing One unified eternal Holy Righteous יהוה God: The Will (יהוה Father), The Word (יהוה Son), Breath The Holy while Spirtually always being One unified God: who was, who is, who is to come.

    Logos Bible Study Bible search for (father WITHIN 2 WORDS (God OR Yahweh)) OR ("my Father" NEAR "my God") in LEB finds 60 verses (49 in the New Testament so @Brother Rando list could have had 17 more scripture snippets):

    The Old Testament has only one verse where God is "my Father" Psalm 89:26 that reminded me of John 20:17 so adding Logos Bible Search term OR ("my Father" NEAR "my God") increased verses found from 57 to 60 (with one in the New Testament).

    Child prophecy includes "Everlasting Father" in Isaiah 9:6-7 LEB =>

    For a child has been born for us; a son has been given to us. And the dominion will be on his shoulder, and his name is called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty אלהים God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. His dominion will grow continually, and to peace there will be no end on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and sustain it with justice and righteousness now and forever. The zeal of יהוה Yahweh of hosts will do this. 

     W. Hall Harris III et al., eds., The Lexham English Bible (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2012), Is 9:6–7.

    How could a special Holy human be truthfully called 'Mighty אלהים God, Everlasting Father' ? (human body had a creation time)

    None of the created angelic beings are everlasting (they began to exist when they were first created). In contrast, Jesus said =>

    “Behold, I am coming quickly, and my reward is with me, to repay each one according to what his deeds are! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” ... “I, Jesus, sent my angel to testify to you about these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.”

     W. Hall Harris III et al., eds., The Lexham English Bible (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2012), Re 22:12–13; 16

    Remember two voices in Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God have singular verbs (showing plural unity) in Isaiah 44:6-8 LEB =>

    Thus says יהוה Yahweh, the king of Israel, and its redeemer, יהוה Yahweh of hosts: 

    “I am the first, and I am the last, and there is no אלהים god besides me. 

    And who is like me? Let him proclaim it! And let him declare it and set it in order for me since I established an eternal people and things that are to come, and let them tell them the things that are coming. 

    You must not tremble, and you must not be paralyzed with fear. 

    Have I not made you hear from of old and declared it, and you are my witnesses? 

    Is there a אלוה god besides me? And there is no rock! I know none!” 

     W. Hall Harris III et al., eds., The Lexham English Bible (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2012), Is 44:6–8.

    Note: אלוה elohe is singular while אלהים elohim is plural.

    Keep Smiling 😊

  • Brother Rando
    Brother Rando Posts: 1,488
    edited February 2024

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus Christ

    Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God is uniquely 

    @ Brother Rando - Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God is uniquely One True God - the Creator of Heaven and Earth -God the Father Almighty

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus Christ שמע ישראל יהוה אלהינו שמע ישראל יהוה אלהינו יהוה אחד

    sh'-MA yis-ra’-AYL a-do-NAI e-lo-HAY-nu a-do-NAI e-KHAD ['Hear & Obey' Isra’el! Adonai 'Plural God of We' Adonai unique] אחד

    sh'-MA yis-ra’-AYL a-do-NAI e-lo-HAY-nu a-do-NAI e-KHAD ['Hear & Obey' Isra’el! Adonai 'Plural God of We' Adonai unique]

    This watered down demonic propaganda is hides the שמע ישראל יהוה אלהינו יהוה אחד by replaced the Divine Name of God with the LORD. Plural of WE is not is mot scriptural is a lie. Adonai is singular and does not applied to Jesus at all. יהוה

    Notice the אדונאי never means יהוה it is rendered JEHOVAH. Hallelujah - Praise Jehovah!

    Verses Where the Divine Name Does Not Appear as Part of Direct or Indirect Quotations in the Book of Matthew

    MATTHEW 1:20 “Jehovah’s angel”

    REASON(S): Available Greek manuscripts use the term Kyʹri·os (Lord) here, but there are good reasons for using the divine name in the main text. In the Christian Greek Scriptures, Kyʹri·os can refer to Jehovah God or to Jesus Christ, depending on the context. Here the context indicates that the one referred to is God. The expression “Jehovah’s angel” occurs many times in Hebrew in the “Old Testament,” starting at Genesis 16:7. When “Jehovah’s angel” occurs in early copies of the Greek Septuagint, a translation of the “Old Testament,” the Greek word agʹge·los (angel; messenger) is followed by the divine name written with Hebrew characters. That is how this expression is handled at Zechariah 3:5, 6 in a copy of the Greek Septuagint found in Nahal Hever, Israel, which some scholars have dated between 50 B.C.E. and 50 C.E. It is noteworthy that when later copies of the Greek Septuagint replaced the divine name with Kyʹri·os in this and many other verses, the definite article was not included before Kyʹri·os, where it would be expected according to standard grammatical usage, making Kyʹri·os tantamount to a proper name. So the Hebrew Scripture background and the unexpected absence of the definite article indicate that Kyʹri·os is here used as a substitute for the divine name, and therefore, the name Jehovah is used in the main text.


    • A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, revised and edited by F. W. Danker, 2000, (pp. 576-577) lists Matthew 1:20, 24; 2:13, 19; 28:2 under the definition of “lord” as “a designation of God.” It goes on to say: “Without the art[icle] . . . , like a personal name.”
    • The reference work Exegetical Dictionary of the New Testament, 1991, (Vol. 2, pp. 329-330) lists Matthew 1:20, 24; 2:13, 19; 28:2 as verses where Kyʹri·os is “used in the NT [New Testament] of Yahweh/God.”
    • The Interpretation of St. Matthew’s Gospel, by R.C.H. Lenski, on page 44 says of this verse: “We have no article with [the Greek words agʹge·los Ky·riʹou, “Lord’s angel”], and thus this is one of Yahweh’s angels . . . We may well assume that this angel is Gabriel, the same one who appeared to Mary, ‘the Mighty One of Jehovah,’ or, ‘Hero of Jehovah.’”
    • The ‘Holy Scriptures,’ by J. N. Darby, 1949, says in a footnote on this verse (as well as in footnotes on Matthew 1:24 and 2:13): “‘Lord’ without the article, signifying, as often, ‘Jehovah.’”
    • The Restored New Testament, by Willis Barnstone, 2009, states in a footnote on the expression “an angel of the Lord”: “From the Greek . . . (angelos kyriou), from the Hebrew . . . (malakh yahweh), . . . A literal rendering would be Yahweh’s malakh or ‘messenger.’” In the main text of Matthew 28:2, this translation reads: “An angel of Yahweh.”
    • The Complete Jewish Bible, by David H. Stern, 1998, uses capital and small capitals for the word “ADONAI” in this verse. In the introduction to this Bible, the translator explains: “The word ‘ADONAI’ is used . . . wherever I, as the translator, believe ‘kurios’ is the Greek representation of the tetragrammaton.”
    • The Companion Bible, with notes by E. W. Bullinger, 1999 printing, uses capital and small capitals for LORD in the main text of Matthew 1:20 and adds this footnote: “the LORD = Jehovah.”

    SUPPORTING REFERENCES: J3, 4, 7-14, 16-18, 22-24, 28-36, 38-41, 43, 45-52, 55, 59-61, 63, 65, 66, 88, 90, 93-96, 100-102, 104-106, 110, 114-117, 125, 128, 138, 144-147, 154, 167, 169, 175, 187, 190, 201, 226, 243, 253, 254, 262, 263, 265, 268, 271, 273, 275, 290, 295, 310, 315-317, 320, 322-325

    MATTHEW 1:22 “spoken by Jehovah”

    REASON(S): Available Greek manuscripts use the term Kyʹri·os (Lord) here, but there are good reasons for using the divine name in the main text. In the Christian Greek Scriptures, Kyʹri·os can refer to Jehovah God or to Jesus Christ, depending on the context. Here the context indicates that the one referred to is God. The quotation that immediately follows (Matthew 1:23) is taken from Isaiah 7:14, which is the prophetic message spoken by Jehovah through Isaiah. Also, it is noteworthy that in this verse the Greek definite article was not included before Kyʹri·os, where it would be expected according to standard grammatical usage, making Kyʹri·os tantamount to a proper name. So the Hebrew Scripture background and the unexpected absence of the definite article indicate that Kyʹri·os is here used as a substitute for the divine name.


    • The reference work Exegetical Dictionary of the New Testament, 1991, (Vol. 2, pp. 329-330) lists Matthew 1:22 as a verse where Kyʹri·os is “used of Yahweh.”
    • The Interpretation of St. Matthew’s Gospel, by R.C.H. Lenski, on page 52 says of this verse: “The formula here used: ‘in order that it be fulfilled what was spoken by the Lord (Κύριος [Kyʹri·os] for Yahweh) through the prophet,’ is used almost constantly by Matthew throughout his Gospel with only occasional variation. . . . The actual speaker thus is Yahweh, and the prophet the medium or mouthpiece through (διά [di·aʹ]) which he speaks.”
    • The ‘Holy Scriptures,’ by J. N. Darby, 1949, says in a footnote on this verse and on Matthew 2:15: “‘Lord’ without the article, signifying, as often, ‘Jehovah.’”
    • The Companion Bible, with notes by E. W. Bullinger, 1999 printing, uses capital and small capitals for LORD in the main text of Matthew 1:22 and adds this explanation in Appendix 98: “Used of Jehovah . . . and printed ‘LORD’ throughout.”
    • Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words, 1985, by Vine, Unger, and White, makes this comment on the use of the divine name in this verse: “Kurios is the Sept. and NT representative of Heb. Jehovah (‘LORD’ in Eng. versions), see Matt. 4:7; Jas. 5:11, e.g., of adon, Lord, Matt. 22:44, and of Adonay, Lord, 1:22.”
    • Mounce’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words, 2006, by William D. Mounce, makes this definition under listing number 3261: “Kyrios . . . the Lord, Jehovah, Mt. 1:22.

    SUPPORTING REFERENCES: J1-4, 7-14, 16-18, 22-24, 26, 28-36, 38-41, 43, 45-50, 52, 59-61, 63, 65, 66, 88, 90, 93-95, 100-102, 104-106, 110, 114-117, 130, 138, 143-147, 154, 155, 167, 169, 175, 187, 190, 201, 203, 217, 226, 245, 250, 254, 262, 263, 265, 268, 271, 273, 275, 290, 295, 310, 315-317, 320, 323-325

    MATTHEW 1:24 “the angel of Jehovah”

    REASON(S): See comment on Matthew 1:20.

    SUPPORTING REFERENCES: J1-4, 7-14, 16-18, 22-24, 28-36, 38-41, 43, 45-50, 52, 59-61, 63, 65, 66, 88, 90, 93-95, 100-102, 104, 105, 110, 115-117, 128, 138, 144-147, 154, 155, 167, 169, 175, 187, 190, 201, 226, 245, 262, 263, 265, 271, 273, 275, 290, 295, 310, 315-317, 320, 322-325

    MATTHEW 2:13 “Jehovah’s angel”

    REASON(S): See comment on Matthew 1:20.

    SUPPORTING REFERENCES: J1-4, 6-14, 16-18, 22-24, 28-36, 39, 40, 43, 45-50, 52, 59-61, 63, 65, 66, 88, 90, 93-95, 100-102, 104-106, 110, 114-117, 128, 130, 138, 144-147, 154, 155, 167, 169, 175, 185, 187, 190, 201, 250, 262, 263, 265, 268, 271, 273, 275, 290, 295, 310, 315-317, 320, 322-325

    MATTHEW 2:15 “spoken by Jehovah”

    REASON(S): The quotation that immediately follows in this verse is taken from Hosea 11:1, and Hosea 11:11 clearly shows that this is a statement made by Jehovah God.​—See comment on Matthew 1:22.

    SUPPORTING REFERENCES: J1, 3, 4, 6-14, 16-18, 22-24, 28-36, 38-41, 43, 45-50, 52, 59, 61-63, 65, 66, 88, 93-95, 100-102, 104-106, 110, 114-117, 125, 128, 130, 138, 145-147, 154, 155, 163, 166, 167, 169, 175, 185, 187, 190, 201, 203, 217, 226, 243, 250, 262, 263, 265, 268, 271, 273, 275, 290, 295, 315-317, 320, 322-325

    MATTHEW 2:19 “Jehovah’s angel”

    REASON(S): See comment on Matthew 1:20.

    SUPPORTING REFERENCES: J1-4, 6-14, 16-18, 22-24, 28-36, 38-40, 43, 45-50, 52, 59-61, 63, 65, 66, 88, 90, 93-95, 100-102, 104-106, 114-117, 125, 128, 130, 138, 144-147, 154, 155, 167, 169, 175, 185, 187, 190, 201, 243, 250, 262, 263, 265, 268, 271, 273, 275, 290, 295, 310, 315-317, 320, 322-325

    MATTHEW 28:2 “Jehovah’s angel”

    REASON(S): See comment on Matthew 1:20.

    SUPPORTING REFERENCES: J1-4, 7-13, 16-18, 22-24, 28-36, 38, 40, 41, 43, 45-47, 49-52, 55, 60, 61, 63, 65, 66, 88, 90, 93-95, 100-102, 104-106, 114-117, 128, 138, 144-147, 154, 155, 160, 163, 167, 175, 187, 190, 201, 226, 262, 263, 265, 271, 273, 275, 290, 295, 308, 310, 317, 320, 322-325

    Thankful for Google transliterates יהוה in English as Jehovah. Visit about whom Jesus Christ calls the Only True God in (John 17:3)

  • @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus January 31 שמע ישראל יהוה אלהינו יהוה אחד

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus January 31 sh'-MA yis-ra’-AYL a-do-NAI e-lo-HAY-nu a-do-NAI e-KHAD ['Hear & Obey' Isra’el! Adonai 'Plural God of We' Adonai unique]

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus January 31 שמע sh'-MA - Hear (& Obey), verb, Qal, imperative, 2nd person, masculine, singular.

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus January 31 ישראל yis-ra’-AYL - Israel, noun, proper, singular, absolute

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus January 31 יהוה a-do-NAI (Hebrew word for Lord spoken disguise by Jews outside of the Jewish Temple)

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus January 31 אלהינו e-lo-HAY-nu - God of We, noun, common masculine, plural, construct (of) & pronoun, suffixed, 1st person, plural

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus January 31 יהוה a-do-NAI (Hebrew word for Lord spoken disguise by Jews outside of the Jewish Temple)

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus January 31 אחד e-KHAD - unique/one/only, numeral, cardinal, singular, absolute

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus January 31 Hebrew word order has Noun (or Name) followed by descriptive modification. For example, יהוה described by אלהינו (plural God with 1st plural pronoun suffix). English 1st person plural pronoun shows usage: 'We', 'Our', 'Us'. Hebrew 1st person plural pronoun suffix for We, Our, Us has the same spelling so Hebrew does NOT show pronoun usage. English (& Greek) translation as 'We', 'Our', 'Us' embeds human interpretation.

    @Brother Rando February 1 This watered down demonic propaganda is hides the שמע ישראל יהוה אלהינו יהוה אחד by replaced the Divine Name of God with the LORD.

    To me, @Brother Rando words are @Brother Rando words, especially "demonic propaganda" while wondering about Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God opinion of "demonic propaganda" assertion about Holy Inspired Scripture words: e.g. what is the penalty for blasphemy ?

    My quoting from January 31 shows "a-do-NAI (Hebrew word for Lord spoken disguise by Jews outside of the Jewish Temple)" so "hides" assertion by @Brother Rando lacks credibility.

    @Brother Rando February 1 Plural of WE is not is mot scriptural is a lie. Adonai is singular and does not applied to Jesus at all. יהוה

    Hebrew language grammar shows יהוה described as plural אלהים God with 1st person pronoun suffix: 'We', 'Our', 'Us'. Hebrew noun construct form embeds 'of'. From my viewpoint, @Brother Rando could improve @Brother Rando understanding of Holy God Inspired Hebrew Scripture words by learning Hebrew language grammatical concepts.

    My opinion of Google Translate is valid option(s) NOT being shown, which is a form of deception.

    Humanly NOT like the deception of Google Translate NOT showing the Hebrew name of God used in most Bible translations.

    Google search for MATTHEW 1:20 “Jehovah’s angel” finds article copied & pasted as @Brother Rando words: plagiarism is a form of deception (article includes cited resources that @Brother Rando does NOT do). The Watchtower Society article asserts/assumes ancient Jehovah pronunciation for יהוה without any credible proof. article support citation:

    • The Complete Jewish Bible, by David H. Stern, 1998, uses capital and small capitals for the word “ADONAI” in this verse. In the introduction to this Bible, the translator explains: “The word ‘ADONAI’ is used . . . wherever I, as the translator, believe ‘kurios’ is the Greek representation of the tetragrammaton.”

    Missing from snippet is David H. Stern's: "The English word “Jehovah” is an English representation of the Name (J-H-V-H) combined with the vowel sounds of “Adonai,” a hybrid word without historical foundation."

    Please read the Complete Jewish Bible Introduction context:


    The Basic Problem: God’s Personal Name is Never Spoken. When Moshe turned aside in the wilderness of Midyan to see the bush that burned without being consumed, God revealed himself to him and told him his own personal Name. That Name in Hebrew consists of the four letters Yud-Heh-Vav-Heh (ה-ו-ה-י) and is therefore called the tetragrammaton (four-letter writing). The Bible makes it clear that this Name was not to be used casually. The third commandment prohibits taking God’s Name in vain, [Exodus 20:7; Deuteronomy 5:11], and the man who used it in a curse was put to death at God’s explicit instruction [Leviticus 24:10–23]. Already by Yeshua’s time, no one ever spoke God’s name except the cohen hagadol (high priest) when he entered the Especially Holy Place in the temple to make atonement for the sins of Isra’el on Yom Kippur. So strictly was this rule enforced that when the Masoretes wrote down the vowel points for the Torah, they did not write the actual vowels to be used in pronouncing the tetragrammaton. By then, the word Adonai, which is a term for God found frequently in the Bible and which means “my Lord,” was said instead of the Name whenever the Torah was read; so the Masoretes put the vowel pointing for “Adonai” under the letters Yud-Heh-Vav-Heh. To this day, when the Torah is read in the synagogue, “Adonai” is substituted for the Name. The English word “Jehovah” is an English representation of the Name (J-H-V-H) combined with the vowel sounds of “Adonai,” a hybrid word without historical foundation. Most English translations represent the Name by “Lord,” written as it is here, in large and small capital letters. More than six thousand times the Complete Jewish Bible uses the Hebrew word Adonai also in large and small capital letters (and italicized, like other Hebrew words) to represent the tetragrammaton.

    Other Problems. But a number of problems remain. First, there are places in the Bible where the Hebrew text reads, “Adonai Yud-Heh-Vav-Heh.” To avoid having the word “Adonai” read twice in a row, the Jewish practice in these cases is to say, “Adonai Elohim”; and the CJB does the same in some 270 places. The word “Elohim” means “God” and is so translated elsewhere in the CJB, as in other Bible versions.

    Second, there are three places in the Bible where, in my judgment, it is necessary to present the Name in a form as close to the original as possible—Exodus 3:13–17, 6:2–3, and 34:6–7. In these places the CJB has “Yud-Heh-Vav-Heh.” Otherwise the force of what is being communicated would be greatly compromised.

    Third, Jewish religious practice, especially among the ultra-Orthodox, has withdrawn even from using such words as “Adonai” and “Elohim” except in specific religious settings. Euphemisms such as “HaShem” (the Name), “Ado-shem” (a combination of “Adonai” with “HaShem”), and “Elokim” (an intentional mispronunciation of “Elohim”) are used instead; and if the tetragrammaton has to be spelled out, it is pronounced, “Yud-kay-vav-kay.” I considered using “HaShem” but eventually decided against it on the ground that the CJB constitutes a justifiable “religious setting.” At the same time, I did not use “Yahweh” or “Yahveh,” as some versions do, on the grounds, first, that Jews, as explained, don’t pronounce the Name at all; second, that we don’t really know if these are good representations of how the Name was pronounced; and, third, that these words sound too strange in the ears of most Jews, who are not accustomed to hearing them in any context. I avoided “the Lord,” simply because English-speakers have become so used to this phrase in Bibles that, in my judgment, it no longer can be counted on to evoke the awareness and reverence for God that it should. But it won’t hurt my feelings if others say for the Name something other than what the CJB has in print.

    The Tetragrammaton in the New Testament. Finally, the problem of God’s name takes on a further dimension of uncertainty in the B’rit Hadashah. There the Greek word kurios is frequently ambiguous. It can mean “sir,” “lord” (as in “lord of the manor”), “Lord” (with divine overtones), and “Yud-Heh-Vav-Heh.” Most translations, by always rendering kurios “Lord,” finesse the issue of when it means “Yud-Heh-Vav-Heh.” The CJB and the Jewish New Testament do not—in keeping with the principle stated in Section II above that translators should decide the true meaning of a word and render that meaning clearly, rather than transfer vagueness from one language to another, the word “Adonai” is used in the B’rit Hadashah wherever I, as the translator, believe “kurios” is the Greek representation of the tetragrammaton.

    In several places this approach brings into bold relief a key theological issue separating Messianic from traditional Judaism, namely, whether Adonai can include Yeshua the Messiah and/or the Holy Spirit. Philippians 2:10–11 informs us that the day is coming when “every knee will bow … and every tongue will acknowledge that Yeshua the Messiah is kurios.” Since this passage quotes Isaiah 45:23, where it is explicit that every knee will bow to Adonai, kurios is here translated “Adonai.” At 2 Corinthians 3:16–18 Sha’ul (Paul) alludes to Exodus 34:34 in writing that “whenever someone turns to Adonai, the veil is taken away”; then he explicitly points out that “ ‘Adonai’ in this text means the Spirit,” and uses the phrase, “Adonai the Spirit.”

     David H. Stern, Complete Jewish Bible: An English Version of the Tanakh (Old Testament) and B’rit Hadashah (New Testament), 1st ed. (Clarksville, MD: Jewish New Testament Publications, 1998).

    Keep Smiling 😊

  • Brother Rando
    Brother Rando Posts: 1,488
    edited February 2024

    @ @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus Christ Hebrew word order has Noun (or Name) followed by descriptive modification. For example, יהוה described by אלהינו (plural God with 1st plural pronoun suffix). English 1st person plural pronoun shows usage: 'We', 'Our', 'Us'. Hebrew 1st person plural pronoun suffix for We, Our, Us has the same spelling so Hebrew does NOT show pronoun usage. English (& Greek) translation as 'We', 'Our', 'Us' embeds human interpretation.

    @Brother Rando יהוה is never plural. Therefore the false use of 'We', 'Our', 'Us' is strictly man-made interpretation. Your claim is easily exposed as heresy and hypocrisy. The phrase "Jehovah is Our Righteousness" is NOT claiming that Jehovah is 'We', 'Our', 'Us'. Why? Because יהוה is never plural.

    You're simply carrying forward the 'demonic propaganda' of removing יהוה from inspired scripture and replacing God's Holy and Sacred Name with the title LORD in all capitals. Latter in the 19th century, members of Christendom the took Adonai which was LORD and replaced with a non-superlative title Kurios spelled as Lord to confuse the reader to Hide God's Personal Name.

    Therefore your Deceptive Lie that the Lord said to my Lord is false misleading and deceptive. We can see witness marks that יהוה was replaced with the Superlative Title ADONAI. Jesus is never called Adonai but rather adon.

    In Psalm 110:1 it reads The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool. Some of the 'demonic translators not only removed יהוה but then added LORD but latter, replaced LORD with Lord to confuse the reader of which you spew the lie.

    Notice the LEB had it right of which you have denied.  A declaration of Yahweh to my lord, “Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool.” (Psalm 110:1 LEB)

    • Yahweh is God which said to my lord...
    • Notice my lord is not rendered my Lord or My LORD in the LEB on this scripture.
    • This was the Beginning of the Deception because יהוה was replaced with the Superlative Title ADONAI.
    • But that wasn't the end of the deception. Then LORD was watered down again using Lord.

    Therefore Ps 109:1 is its complete state of corruption now reads "The Lord said to my Lord: Sit thou at my right hand: Until I make thy enemies thy footstool." in the Catholic Bible.

    Notice witness marks of other translations still using LORD instead of יהוה

    Therefore Adonai and θεόν are superlatives title only given to Jehovah. Jesus Christ is never called Adonai and θεόν. Matter of fact, Jesus said to Satan:

    • τότε λέγει αὐτῷ ὁ Ἰησοῦς ὕπαγε Σατανᾶ γέγραπται γάρ Ιεχώβα τὸν θεόν σου προσκυνήσεις καὶ αὐτῷ μόνῳ λατρεύσεις

    Thankful for Google transliterates יהוה in English as Jehovah. Visit about whom Jesus Christ calls the Only True God in (John 17:3)

  • @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus January 31 Hebrew word order has Noun (or Name) followed by descriptive modification. For example, יהוה described by אלהינו (plural God with 1st plural pronoun suffix). English 1st person plural pronoun shows usage: 'We', 'Our', 'Us'. Hebrew 1st person plural pronoun suffix for We, Our, Us has the same spelling so Hebrew does NOT show pronoun usage. English (& Greek) translation as 'We', 'Our', 'Us' embeds human interpretation.

    @Brother Rando February 3 @Brother Rando יהוה is never plural. Therefore the false use of 'We', 'Our', 'Us' is strictly man-made interpretation. Your claim is easily exposed as heresy and hypocrisy. Why? Because יהוה is never plural.

    Thank you for expressing personal faith belief. My learning appreciates human thoughts congeal into beliefs, which flow out actions and words. Human belief words can be irrational: e.g. @Brother Rando "יהוה is never plural." that factually disagrees with Holy Hebrew words inspired by our Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God.

    The Lexham Hebrew Bible (LHB) has words tagged with root (related words), morphology, & English literal translation.

    Logos Bible Study search in LHB for lemma.h:יהוה BEFORE 1 WORD (root.h:אֵל.5@N??P INTERSECTS God) finds 829 verses having Holy God's personal name immediately followed by a "God" noun with Plural spelling:

    Logos Bible Study search in LHB for root.h:אֵל.5@N??S INTERSECTS God finds 263 verses having a "God" noun with Singular spelling

    Deutornomy 32:15 has the Hebrew word אלוה e-lo-HE reference to Holy God without Holy God's יהוה personal name.

    Logos Bible Study search in LHB for lemma.h:יהוה BEFORE 1 WORD (root.h:אֵל.5@N??S INTERSECTS God) finds 8 verses having Holy God's personal name immediately followed by a "God" noun with Singular spelling:

    Eight verses have the first two אל letters of אלהים (e-lo-HEEM Plural) & אלוה (e-lo-HE Singular). Because יהוה is never followed by אלוה (to describe יהוה as Singular), my eyes see אל as an abbreviation for אלהים (e-lo-HEEM Plural) יהוה description in these verses. Hence, my personal disagreement with LHB morphology tagging of Singular for these eight אל occurences.

    @Brother Rando February 3 @Brother Rando יהוה is never plural. Therefore the false use of 'We', 'Our', 'Us' is strictly man-made interpretation. Your claim is easily exposed as heresy and hypocrisy.

    Google Translate shows the same Hebrew words יהוה אלהינו for three English phrases.

    @Brother Rando February 3 ... Adonai and θεόν are superlatives title only given to Jehovah. Jesus Christ is never called Adonai and θεόν.

    January 2, 2023 Question remains: Did τὸν θεόν The Most High God make a mistake in this spoken command to followers of יֵשׁוּעַ Jesus:

    πιστεύετε εἰς τὸν θεόν, καὶ εἰς ἐμὲ πιστεύετε (John 14:1 Greek spoken by יֵשׁוּעַ ) ?

    Be Ye Believing in The אלהים God, also in Me Be Ye Believing

    Why did τὸν θεόν The Most High God command יֵשׁוּעַ Jesus followers to continually Be Believing in יֵשׁוּעַ Jesus the same as Be Believing in τὸν θεόν The Most High God ?

    If τὸν θεόν knew יֵשׁוּעַ Jesus had a human body housing the life force of Michael the Archangel, this continous action command elavates angelic worship to be the same as worshipping τὸν θεόν, which reminds me of angelic "I" trouble in Isaiah 14:12-20 LEB =>

    How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of dawn! You are cut down to the ground, conqueror of nations! 

    And you yourself said in your heart, 

    ‘I will ascend to heaven; I will raise up my throne above the stars of God; and I will sit on the mountain of assembly on the summit of Zaphon; I will ascend to the high places of the clouds, I will make myself like the Most High.’ 

    But you are brought down to Sheol, to the depths of the pit. 

    Those who see you will stare at you, they will look closely at you: ‘Is this the man who made the earth tremble, who caused kingdoms to shake, who made the world like the desert and destroyed its cities, who would not let his prisoners go home?’ 

    All the kings of the nations, all of them, lie in glory, each one in his house. 

    But as for you, you are thrown away from your grave, like an abhorrent shoot, clothed with the slain, those pierced by the sword, those who go down to the stones of the pit, like a corpse that is trodden down. You will not be united with them in burial because you have destroyed your land, you have killed your people. 

    The descendants of evildoers will not be mentioned for eternity!

     W. Hall Harris III et al., eds., The Lexham English Bible (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2012), Is 14:12–20.

    Our spiritual adversary, the father of lies, wants to be object of worship so twists truth with lies (falsehoods) to disrupt humans from truly ❤️ loving Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God with everything.

    Eternal truth is consistent. Numerous Unfulfilled Watch Tower Society predictions & Doctrine changes provide me reason NOT to trust the human organization. True Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God prophets (communication channels) pass test of 100% accuracy.

    Keep Smiling 😊

  • Brother Rando
    Brother Rando Posts: 1,488
    edited February 2024

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus Christ

    Thank you for expressing personal faith belief. My learning appreciates human thoughts congeal into beliefs, which flow out actions and words. Human belief words can be irrational: e.g. @Brother Rando "יהוה is never plural." that factually disagrees with Holy Hebrew words inspired by our Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God.

    Show the Scripture that is Inspired then. We and Us or Our are not in  "יהוה is never plural."

    Thankful for Google transliterates יהוה in English as Jehovah. Visit about whom Jesus Christ calls the Only True God in (John 17:3)

  • @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus February 3 Thank you for expressing personal faith belief. My learning appreciates human thoughts congeal into beliefs, which flow out actions and words. Human belief words can be irrational: e.g. @Brother Rando "יהוה is never plural." that factually disagrees with Holy Hebrew words inspired by our Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God.

    @Brother Rando February 3 Show the Scripture that is Inspired then.

    Logos Bible Study search in LHB for lemma.h:יהוה BEFORE 1 WORD (root.h:אֵל.5@N??P INTERSECTS God) finds 829 verses having Holy God's personal name immediately followed by a "God" noun with Plural spelling. My previous February 3 comments included a search screen shot. Here's another that includes Deuteronomy 6:4

    My Hebrew Scripture searching & learning was יהוה never described by singular אלוה (e-lo-HEE).

    @Brother Rando February 3 We and Us or Our are not in "יהוה is never plural."

    Google Translate shows English "God of We", "God of Our", & "God of Us" being the same Hebrew words אלהינו 

    Translation of אלהינו (e-lo-HEEM Plural God with 1st Person plural suffix) into English has "We", "Our", & "Us" choices.

    Keep Smiling 😊

  • Brother Rando
    Brother Rando Posts: 1,488
    edited February 2024
    • @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus Christ
    • My Hebrew Scripture searching & learning was יהוה never described by singular אלוה (e-lo-HEE).

    @Brother Rando

    The scriptures state Jehovah your God in singular as Jesus quoted "Jehovah being τὸν θεόν in Luke 4:8" and also (John 17:3) as the only true God.

    Deuteronomy 23:5

    But Jehovah your God refused to listen to Baʹlaam. Rather, Jehovah your God changed the curse into a blessing for you, because Jehovah your God loved you.

    Jeremiah 42:20

    that your error will cost you your lives. For you sent me to Jehovah your God, saying, ‘Pray in our behalf to Jehovah our God, and tell us everything that Jehovah our God says, and we will do it.’

    Deuteronomy 10:12

    “Now, O Israel, what is Jehovah your God asking of you? Only this: to fear Jehovah your God, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve Jehovah your God with all your heart and all your soul,

    Deuteronomy 12:18

    These you are to eat before Jehovah your God in the place Jehovah your God will choose—you and your son, your daughter, your male and female servant, and the Levite inside your cities; and you will rejoice before Jehovah your God in all your undertakings.

    Deuteronomy 30:16

    If you listen to the commandments of Jehovah

    Psalm 99:9

    Exalt Jehovah our God And bow down before his holy mountain, For Jehovah our God is holy.

    Deuteronomy 27:6

    You should build the altar of Jehovah your God with whole stones and offer burnt offerings to Jehovah your God on it.

    Deuteronomy 11:12

    it is a land that Jehovah your God is caring for. The eyes of Jehovah your God are constantly upon it, from the beginning of the year to the close of the year.

    Deuteronomy 17:1

    “You must not sacrifice to Jehovah your God a bull or a sheep that has a defect or anything wrong with it, for it would be detestable to Jehovah your God.

    Deuteronomy 29:12

    You are here in order to enter into the covenant of Jehovah your God and his oath, which Jehovah your God is making with you today

    Deuteronomy 16:1

    “Observe the month of Aʹbib, and celebrate the Passover to Jehovah your God, for in the month of Aʹbib, Jehovah your God brought you out of Egypt by night.

    2 Chronicles 11:16

    And those from all the tribes of Israel who had their heart set on seeking Jehovah the God of Israel followed them to Jerusalem to sacrifice to Jehovah the God of their forefathers.

    Nehemiah 9:3

    Then they stood up at their place and read aloud from the book of the Law of Jehovah their God for a fourth of the day; and for another fourth of it they were confessing and bowing down to Jehovah their God.

    Deuteronomy 12:7

    You and your households must eat there before Jehovah your God and rejoice in all your undertakings, because Jehovah your God has blessed you.

    Deuteronomy 16:10

    Then you are to celebrate the Festival of Weeks to Jehovah your God with the voluntary offering from your hand, given in proportion to how Jehovah your God blesses you.

    Deuteronomy 23:21

    “If you make a vow to Jehovah your God, do not be slow about paying it. For Jehovah your God will surely require it of you; otherwise, it will be a sin on your part.

    Numbers 15:41

    I am Jehovah your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt in order to prove myself your God. I am Jehovah your God.’”

    1 Chronicles 29:20

    David then said to all the congregation: “Now praise Jehovah your God.” And all the congregation praised Jehovah the God of their forefathers and bowed low and prostrated themselves to Jehovah and to the king.

    Deuteronomy 19:1

    “When Jehovah your God destroys the nations whose land Jehovah your God is giving you and you have dispossessed them and have settled in their cities and their houses,

    Joshua 23:3

    And you have seen for yourselves all that Jehovah your God did to all these nations in your behalf because Jehovah your God was the one who was fighting for you.

    Exodus 29:46

    And they will certainly know that I am Jehovah their God, who brought them out of the land of Egypt so that I may reside among them. I am Jehovah their God.

    Jeremiah 43:1

    When Jeremiah had finished speaking to all the people all these words from Jehovah their God, every single word that Jehovah their God had sent him to tell them,

    Deuteronomy 30:3

    Jehovah your God will then bring back your captives and show you mercy and regather you from all the peoples where Jehovah your God has scattered you.

    Deuteronomy 4:23

    Be careful that you do not forget the covenant of Jehovah your God that he made with you, and do not make for yourselves a carved image, the form of anything forbidden to you by Jehovah your God.

    Deuteronomy 13:18

    For you should obey Jehovah your God by keeping all his commandments that I am commanding you today, thus doing what is right in the eyes of Jehovah your God.

    Deuteronomy 26:10

    Now I have brought the firstfruits of the produce of the ground that Jehovah has given me.’ “You must deposit it before Jehovah your God and bow down before Jehovah your God.

    Deuteronomy 1:21

    See, Jehovah your God has given the land over to you. Go up, take possession of it, just as Jehovah, the God of your forefathers, has told you. Do not be afraid or terrified.’

    Deuteronomy 5:27

    You yourself must go near to hear all that Jehovah our God will say, and you will be the one to tell us all that Jehovah our God says to you, and we will listen and do it.’

    Deuteronomy 7:6

    For you are a holy people to Jehovah your God, and Jehovah your God has chosen you to become his people, his special property, out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth.

    Deuteronomy 13:3

    you must not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer, for Jehovah your God is testing you to know whether you love Jehovah your God with all your heart and all your soul.

    Deuteronomy 23:18

    You must not bring the price paid to a female prostitute or the price paid to a male prostitute into the house of Jehovah your God to fulfill a vow, for both of them are something detestable to Jehovah your God.

    Deuteronomy 30:6

    Jehovah your God will cleanse your heart and the heart of your offspring, so that you will love Jehovah your God with all your heart and all your soul and you may live.

    Deuteronomy 30:10

    For then you will listen to the voice of Jehovah your God and keep his commandments and statutes written in this book of the Law, and you will return to Jehovah your God with all your heart and all your soul.

    Deuteronomy 6:15

    for Jehovah your God who is in your midst is a God who requires exclusive devotion. Otherwise, the anger of Jehovah your God will blaze against you and he will annihilate you from the face of the earth.

    Deuteronomy 16:15

    Seven days you will celebrate the festival to Jehovah your God in the place that Jehovah chooses, for Jehovah your God will bless all your produce and all that you do, and you will become nothing but joyful.

    2 Chronicles 9:8

    May Jehovah your God be praised, who has taken pleasure in you by putting you on his throne as king for Jehovah your God. Because your God loves Israel, in order to make it continue forever, he appointed you over it as king to administer justice and righteousness.”

    Thankful for Google transliterates יהוה in English as Jehovah. Visit about whom Jesus Christ calls the Only True God in (John 17:3)

  • @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus February 3 My Hebrew Scripture searching & learning was יהוה never described by singular אלוה (e-lo-HEE).

    @Brother Rando February 3 Deuteronomy 23:5

    @Brother Rando February 3 But Jehovah your God refused to listen to Baʹlaam. Rather, Jehovah your God changed the curse into a blessing for you, because Jehovah your God loved you.

    Logos Bible Study search in LEB for strongs:H3068 BEFORE 1 WORD (strongs:H587 OR strongs:H859) BEFORE 1 WORD strongs:H430 found 475 verses, which includes all 38 Old Testament verses posted by @Brother Rando on February 3 where God is אלהים (e-lo-HEEM Plural) = Hebrew Strong's Number 430

    Logos Bible Study search in LEB for strongs:H3068 BEFORE 2 WORDS strongs:H433 found No results, which is consistent with My Hebrew Scripture searching & learning that יהוה was never described by singular אלוה (e-lo-HEE) = Hebrew Strong's 433

    What is plural in One unique God ?

    Jewish Scholars usually translated יהוה as Κύριος (singular Lord) in the Greek Septuagint along with usually translating אלהים as θεὸς (singular God). Remember Greek grammar modifies word spelling to show function: e.g "ἀγαπήσεις Κύριον τὸν θεόν σου" "you shall love Lord the God of you" in Deuteronomy 6:5 where the accusative spelling identies Love recepient.

    Keep Smiling 😊

  • @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus Christ

    Jewish Scholars usually translated יהוה as Κύριος (singular Lord) in the Greek Septuagint along with usually translating אלהים as θεὸς (singular God). Remember Greek grammar modifies word spelling to show function: e.g Κύριος (singular Lord)"you shall love Lord the God of you" in Deuteronomy 6:5 where the accusative spelling identies Love recepient.

    @Brother Rando

    The original Christian Greek Scriptures have not been found. But rather copies of copies with deceptive edits. However, there is evidence that the Greek Septuagint had the name יהוה in them. Therefore, it is reasonable that יהוה was in the Christian Greek Scriptures called the New Testament because a major portion of the New Testament were QUOTES from the Hebrew and the Greek Septuagint of which the Greek Septuagint began to be transliterated into Greek in 300 BCE because the Hebrew Language was dying and Koine Greek was flourishing and became of the common language in Israel. The Nation of Israel gladly accepted the pagan language of the Greeks starting back in 300 BCE with the Septuagint Copies replacing ADAONAI with the Greek Κύριος (singular Lord) around 150 CE.

    So which Lord is Κύριος (singular Lord) talking about. You need to read the scripture in context. If the Greek Scripture is quote from the Hebrew Scripture, it is easy to look up and see the Deception. Also you answered which Lord is Jehovah as it states "ἀγαπήσεις Κύριον τὸν θεόν σου".

    Since Jesus claimed his Father is "the ONLY TRUE τὸν θεόν" in John 17:3 we know this was talking about יהוה Jehovah, Yahweh, or Yehovah. Use whatever transliteration you like. They all lead back to יהוה anyways. He couldn't be talking about himself because Jesus is not Adonai or θεόν.

    When translating a Bible, consistency is the key for understanding. Whatever transliteration is being used it must be consistence in the Old Testament and and quotes in the New Testament. So if your Bible uses Yahweh, it would also use Yahweh in the New Testament and Yeshua for the Messiah.

    Jehovah Witnesses New World Translation uses Jehovah and Jesus and the Only Bible to do so. Why? Because nearly all the Bibles use names that are derived from Jehovah.

    • Jeremiah
    • Isaiah
    • Joel
    • John
    • Elijah

    Staying consistent in same line of the English transliteration being used, is essential to understanding, otherwise the Bible becomes fragmented. Your Bible uses Yahweh but refuses to use Yeshua. That makes your Bible fragmented. Yeshua when translated means 'Yahweh is Salvation'. Now that would be consistent and easy to understand.

    Let's compare the NWT and LEB with the use of Deuteronomy 6:5

    He said to him: “You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.’ (Matthew 22:37 NWT)

    "You must love Jehovah your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your strength." (Deuteronomy 6:5 NWT)

    Now let's compare the LEB

    And he said to him, “ ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. (Matthew 22:37 LEB)

    And you shall love Yahweh your God with all of your heart and with all of your soul and with all of your might. (Deuteronomy 6:5 LEB)

    Do you see how the LEB removed God's Name Yahweh in (Matthew 22:37)? It was by Design.

    Question: Who is the one person that would want God's Name removed from scripture? If don't want to use Jehovah or Yahweh, then don't. Use יהוה instead.

    • He said to him: “You must love יהוה your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.’
    • "You must love יהוה your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your strength."

    Thankful for Google transliterates יהוה in English as Jehovah. Visit about whom Jesus Christ calls the Only True God in (John 17:3)

  • @Brother Rando February 4 * He said to him: “You must love יהוה your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.'

    @Brother Rando February 4 * "You must love יהוה your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your strength."

    Matthew 4:1-11 LEB (with Hebrew words usually translated by Jewish scholars in LXX: יהוה as Lord & אלהים as God) =>

    Then Jesus was led up into the wilderness by the Spirit to be tempted by the devil, and after he had fasted forty days and forty nights, then he was hungry. And the tempter approached and said to him, “If you are the Son of אלהים, order that these stones become bread.”

    But he answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man will not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes out of the mouth of אלהים.’ ” 

    Then the devil took him to the holy city and placed him on the highest point of the temple and said to him, “If you are the Son of אלהים, throw yourself down! For it is written, ‘He will command his angels concerning you,’ and ‘On their hands they will lift you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone.’ ” 

    Jesus said to him, “On the other hand it is written, ‘You are not to put the יהוה your אלהים to the test.’ ” 

    Again the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory, and he said to him, “I will give to you all these things, if you will fall down and worship me.”

    Then Jesus said to him, “Go away, Satan, for it is written, ‘You shall worship the יהוה your אלהים and serve only him.’ ”

    Then the devil left him, and behold, angels came and began ministering to him. 

    Why did the created being, Satan, obey the command 'Go away, Satan, ...' spoken by יהוה your אלהים Jesus ?

    Matthew 7:21-23 LEB (with Hebrew words usually translated by Jewish scholars in LXX: יהוה as Lord & אלהים as God) =>

    “Not everyone who says to me, ‘יהוה, יהוה,’ will enter into the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘יהוה, יהוה, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many miracles in your name?’ And then I will say to them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Depart from me, you who practice lawlessness!’ 

    Philippians 2:5-11 LEB (with Hebrew words usually translated by Jewish scholars in LXX: יהוה as Lord & אלהים as God) =>

    Think this in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who, existing in the form of אלהים, did not consider being equal with אלהים something to be grasped, but emptied himself by taking the form of a slave, by becoming in the likeness of people. And being found in appearance like a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, that is, death on a cross. Therefore also אלהים exalted him and graciously granted him the name above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven and of those on earth and of those under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is יהוה, to the glory of אלהים the Father. 

    Who is called יהוה name ?

     Jeremiah 23:5-6 LEB (with יהוה for Yahweh) =>

    “Look, days are coming,” declares יהוה, “when I will raise up for David a righteous branch, and he will reign as king, and he will achieve success, and he will do justice and righteousness in the land. In his days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell in safety, and this is his name by which he will be called: ‘יהוה our righteousness.’

    Hebrew noun (construct spelling => of) for righteousness has pronoun, suffixed, 1st person, plural that does not identify grammatical purpose of plural pronoun. English spelling of 1st person personal pronoun embeds grammatical purpose: nominaive (we), genitive (our), dative (us), accusative (us).

    Human perspective (our) of יהוה צדקנו is expressed ‘יהוה our righteousness.’

    Holy יהוה אלהים pespective (we/us) is: 'יהוה righteousness of We' or 'יהוה righteousness of Us'

    Keep Smiling 😊

  • @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus Christ

    Human perspective (our) of יהוה צדקנו is expressed ‘יהוה our righteousness.’

    No, its Jehovah Sanctuary that is called ‘יהוה is our righteousness.’

    • In those days Judah will be saved and Jerusalem will reside in security. And this is what SHE will be called: Jehovah Is Our Righteousness.’” (Jeremiah 33:16) Jesus never called His Father (Mother).

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus Christ

    Why did the created being, Satan, obey the command 'Go away, Satan, ...' spoken by יהוה your אלהים Jesus ?

    • Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth." (Matthew 28:18)
    • So he cured many who were ill with various sicknesses, and he expelled many demons, but he would not let the demons speak, for they knew him to be Christ. (Mark 1:34)

    So now you know the reason you are not permitted to speak about the Christ...

    Thankful for Google transliterates יהוה in English as Jehovah. Visit about whom Jesus Christ calls the Only True God in (John 17:3)

  • Jeremiah 33:14-18 LEB  (with יהוה for Yahweh) =>

    ‘Look, days are coming,’ declares יהוה, ‘and I will fulfill the good promise that I promised to the house of Israel and to the house of Judah. In those days and in that time I will make a branch of righteousness sprout for David, and he will execute justice and righteousness in the land. In those days Judah will be saved, and Jerusalem will dwell safely, and this is what they shall call it: “יהוה our righteousness.” ’ For thus says יהוה: ‘A man who sits on the throne of the house of Israel will not be cut off for David. And for the priests, a man from the Levites who offers burnt offerings and who burns grain offerings and who brings sacrifices will not be cut off before me forever.’ ” 

    English verbs 'saved' & 'dwell' (reside) translate Hebrew third person, feminine, singular verbs. Jeremiah 33:15 'righteousness' also translates Hebrew feminine noun.

    2 Corinthians 4:1-6 LEB (with Hebrew words usually translated by Jewish scholars in LXX: יהוה as Lord & אלהים as God) =>

    Because of this, since we have this ministry, just as we have been shown mercy, we do not lose heart, but we have renounced shameful hidden things, not behaving with craftiness or adulterating the word of אלהים, but with the open proclamation of the truth commending ourselves to every person’s conscience before אלהים. But if indeed our gospel is veiled, it is veiled among those who are perishing, among whom the god of this age has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, so that they would not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of אלהים. For we do not proclaim ourselves, but Christ Jesus יהוה, and ourselves as your slaves for the sake of Jesus. For אלהים who said, “Light will shine out of darkness,” is the one who has shined in our hearts for the enlightenment of the knowledge of the glory of אלהים in the face of Christ. 

    To me, @Brother Rando has chosen blindess to Christ Jesus יהוה

    🙏 Praying for @Brother Rando to choose & experience the immense ❤️ of Christ Jesus יהוה whose human body was crucified for all human sins & who freely offers forgiveness with Holy ❤️ cleansing 🙏

    My whole being Thanks Holy יהוה אלהים for the forgiveness of my sins against Holy יהוה אלהים with Holy cleansing 😍

    Thankful for my mouth being able to say: "Jesus Christ Lord", "Yeshua HaMashiach יהוה ", "Iesus Christos Kurios" (in English, Hebrew, & Greek with my knees bent in worship of Holy יהוה אלהים).

    Keep Smiling 😊

  • @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus Christ

    2 Corinthians 4:1-6 LEB (with Hebrew words usually translated by Jewish scholars in LXX: יהוה as Lord & אלהים as God) =>

    Holy יהוה אלהים 

    The Hebrew Words you quote don't say anything about Jesus but Holy יהוה אלהים states Holy Jehovah God

    So @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus Christ teaching are false and deceptive. To insert God for scripture meant for Jesus Christ is the denial of Christ.

    • To claim God said  “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth" (Matthew 28:18) is FALSE.
    • To claim God "having become by so much better than the angels, by as much as he has inherited a more excellent name than theirs" is FALSE

    The KJV translates Strong's elohim H430 in the following manner: 

    God (2,346x), god (244x), judge (5x), GOD (1x), goddess (2x), great (2x), mighty (2x)angels (1x), exceeding (1x), God-ward (with H4136) (1x), godly (1x).

    • For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, H430 and hast crowned him with glory and honour. (Psalm 8:5)

    New International Version

    You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor.

    New Living Translation

    Yet you made them only a little lower than God and crowned them with glory and honor.

    English Standard Version

    Yet you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor.

    Berean Standard Bible

    You made him a little lower than the angels; You crowned him with glory and honor.

    King James Bible

    For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour.

    New King James Version

    For You have made him a little lower than the angels, And You have crowned him with glory and honor.

    אֱלֹהִים ʼĕlôhîym, el-o-heem'; plural of H433; gods in the ordinary sense; (elohim אלהים) is Angels which are created beings.

    • In the beginning was the Word
    • Firstborn of All Creation
    • the beginning of the creation by God
    • I am the root and the offspring of David and the bright morning star.

    Thankful for Google transliterates יהוה in English as Jehovah. Visit about whom Jesus Christ calls the Only True God in (John 17:3)

  • @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus February 6 2 Corinthians 4:1-6 LEB (with Hebrew words usually translated by Jewish scholars in LXX: יהוה as Lord & אלהים as God) =>

    Because of this, since we have this ministry, just as we have been shown mercy, we do not lose heart, but we have renounced shameful hidden things, not behaving with craftiness or adulterating the word of אלהים, but with the open proclamation of the truth commending ourselves to every person’s conscience before אלהים. But if indeed our gospel is veiled, it is veiled among those who are perishing, among whom the god of this age has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, so that they would not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of אלהים. For we do not proclaim ourselves, but Christ Jesus יהוה, and ourselves as your slaves for the sake of Jesus. For אלהים who said, “Light will shine out of darkness,” is the one who has shined in our hearts for the enlightenment of the knowledge of the glory of אלהים in the face of Christ. 

    @Brother Rando February 6 (posted 31 minutes after my comment) The Hebrew Words you quote don't say anything about Jesus but Holy יהוה אלהים states Holy Jehovah God

    To me, @Brother Rando confirmed spiritual blindness as personal faith belief does NOT want to see Christ Jesus יהוה

    @Brother Rando February 4 Use whatever transliteration you like. They all lead back to יהוה anyways. He couldn't be talking about himself because Jesus is not Adonai or θεόν.

    @Brother Rando February 6 To insert God for scripture meant for Jesus Christ is the denial of Christ.

    Remember what Jesus said in Matthew 10:32-33 LEB =>

    “Therefore everyone who acknowledges me before people, I also will acknowledge him before my Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies me before people, I also will deny him before my Father who is in heaven. 

     W. Hall Harris III et al., eds., The Lexham English Bible (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2012), Mt 10:32–33.

    To me @Brother Rando (& deny Christ Jesus יהוה that shows adherents do not know יהוה Jesus Christ personally so truly they do NOT know יהוה Father (leaves me wondering what "god" is really worshipped by adherents).

    @Brother Rando January 26 And sanctuary is promised to those who enter our congregations of inner rooms meaning they have a good standing with Jehovah. ...  So the term 'My Sanctuary' may need some refining as to the meaning. It certainly has to do with 'Pure Worship' and if that is the case then the Congregation of God would be 'My Sanctuary'. The Temple of God would be Jesus Christ and the 144,000.

    Why would Holy יהוה אלהים provide sanctuary for adherents who do NOT believe יהוה Jesus Christ so they do NOT know יהוה Father ?

    To me, the Watchtower Society teaching & belief about Michael the Archangel = Christ denies יהוה Jesus Christ being one voice (of three) in the One plural unique Holy יהוה אלהים

    Google search lord evening meal heavenly class finds many results, including What Does the Lord's Evening Meal Mean to You? (Watchtower Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom - 2003)

    11. Why could the date of a person’s dedication have a bearing on his hope?

    11 By the 1930’s, then, it was becoming clear that, in general, the heavenly class had been chosen. For decades now, the search has been for other sheep, whose hope is earthly. If an anointed one proves unfaithful, it is most likely that a person who has long served God faithfully as one of the other sheep would be called to fill the vacancy thus caused in the 144,000.

    Curious how many of the 144,000 heavenly class "members" from the 1930's are still alive (90ish years later) ?

    FWIW: the oldest person in America (born in 1908) recently celebrated her 116th birthday.

    My Holy יהוה אלהים ❤️ experience is true equality for everyone. Every human has free will to choose what to ❤️ love most.

    Romans 10:5-13 LEB  (with Hebrew words usually translated by Jewish scholars in LXX: יהוה as Lord & אלהים as God) =>

    For Moses writes about the righteousness that is from the law: “The person who does this will live by it.”

    But the righteousness from faith speaks like this: “Do not say in your heart, ‘Who will ascend into heaven?’ ” (that is, to bring Christ down), or “Who will descend into the abyss?” (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead).

    But what does it say? “The word is near to you, in your mouth and in your heart” (that is, the word of faith that we proclaim),

    that if you confess with your mouth “Jesus יהוה” and believe in your heart that אלהים raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth one confesses, resulting in salvation.

    For the scripture says, “Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame.”

    For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same יהוה is יהוה of all, who is rich to all who call upon him. For “everyone who calls upon the name of the יהוה will be saved.” 

    Scripture does NOT justify partaking of the Lord's Evening Meal (Holy Communion) being restricted to a heavenly class of 144,000.

    Eternal truth is consistent. Numerous Unfulfilled Watch Tower Society predictions & Doctrine changes provide me reason NOT to trust the human organization. True Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God prophets (communication channels) pass test of 100% accuracy.

    Keep Smiling 😊

  • Eternal truth is consistent. Numerous Unfulfilled @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus Christ United Allied States (UAS) =>  & Doctrine changes of First Presidential Election is Thu 30 July 2020, the 9th of Av 5780 whose history includes Holy Temple destruction in Jerusalem by the Babylonians in 3336 (423 BCE) and by the Romans in 3829 (69 CE) provide me reason NOT to trust @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus Christ True Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God prophets (communication channels) pass test of 100% accuracy.

    • to be Christ omitted from the LEB (Mark 1:34)
    • the claim that the creation of the Bright Morning star is God
    • the claim that God became better than the angel because of the name he inherited from an angel
    • the claim God is made up of three colors
    • the denial of Hebrew words that glorify the true God Yahweh - None listed in the LEB
    • elohim is rendered as 'the angels'
    • For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, H430 and hast crowned him with glory and honour. (Psalm 8:5)

    New International Version

    You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor.

    New Living Translation

    Yet you made them only a little lower than God and crowned them with glory and honor.

    English Standard Version

    Yet you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor.

    Interesting how trinitarians claim the three angels that visited Abraham is God, a created being. Eternal truth is consistent. Numerous Unfulfilled @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus Christ United Allied States (UAS) =>  & Doctrine changes of First Presidential Election is Thu 30 July 2020, the 9th of Av 5780 whose history includes Holy Temple destruction in Jerusalem by the Babylonians in 3336 (423 BCE) and by the Romans in 3829 (69 CE) provide me reason NOT to trust @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus Christ True Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God prophets (communication channels) pass test of 100% accuracy.

    Thankful for Google transliterates יהוה in English as Jehovah. Visit about whom Jesus Christ calls the Only True God in (John 17:3)

  • What really matters is Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God personal relationship. Holy ❤️ Love is a choice.

    My Belief that Holy יהוה אלהים designed & created a way for a portion of Holy יהוה אלהים to be humbly ❤️ clothed in a human body, which was sacrificed for all human sins (includes my own), allows me to be adopted & Belong in the Holy יהוה אלהים family while being a work in progress to Become Holy as Holy יהוה אלהים is.

    My learning includes me forgiving myself as Holy יהוה אלהים fogives me along with me no longer harming myself from the agony & shame of my past hurts, habits, & hangups, knowing Holy יהוה אלהים will allow human consequences in my life that have a purpose to glorify Holy יהוה אלהים (while my human body may not like the human consequences, I can Thank Holy יהוה אלהים while 🙏 praying for help & understanding).

    Jesus said: "I AM the Good Shepherd)" so remembering only God is Good reads to me as Jesus said: "I AM the God Shepherd." Sheep stink. Sheep do not know how to take care of themselves. Sheep can only drink from still water (moving water has sheep falling over). Sheep lay down & need Shepherd prodding to get moving.

    My sins against Holy יהוה אלהים stink (hurting myself & many other people). My house shows my lack of hospitality for me. My desire to forgive myself as Holy יהוה אלהים forgives without self harming anymore had thoughts today about how to improve my house 😍 to glorify Holy יהוה אלהים (with 🙏 prayer communion along the way).

    Thankfully looking in the mirror now has my eyes seeing the human Holy יהוה אלהים wonderfully created/designed in me to become a Holy man of God, like King David. My awareness of Holy יהוה אלהים presence is sustainable, unlike checmical ups & downs. My apologies for lack of words to describe intense comforting presence of Holy יהוה אלהים hand upon my neck. My HOPE (Hope Of Perfect Eternity) is being in the magnificent ❤️ loving of Holy יהוה אלהים presence with other created beings who are/want to Be Holy as Holy יהוה אלהים

    To me, human thoughts congeal into beliefs. Humans prove individual ❤️ love choices by actions & words (includes my past where my actions & words proved my selfishness was actually my primary love, which deserved eternity away from the magnificent Holy יהוה אלהים ❤️ with other created beings in agonizing torment).

    Many words posted by @Brother Rando read to me as @Brother Rando primarily ❤️ loving the Watchtower Society (, which believes in "Jehovah" god & a god Michael the Archangel as Christ. Untrustworthy Human Watchtower Society wants adherents to spend many hours daily thinking about Society teachings so their thoughts congeal into beliefs loyal to the Society (changing doctrine proves personal loyalty is more important than being shunned). What could happen if @Brother Rando really wanted to know Holy יהוה אלהים without Society interpretation ? (pray Psalm 119:18 followed by lots of hours reading & praying Scripture passages in a non Society Bible: e.g. ESV, NIV, NLT).

    Our spiritual adversary, the father of lies, wants to be object of worship so cunningly twists truth with lies (falsehoods) to disrupt humans from truly ❤️ loving Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God with everything.

    Multitude of words by @Brother Rando sound to me like a brass gong or a clanging symbol (& remind me of my own past knowledge words that truly lacked love) as described in 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 LEB =>

    If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, I have become a ringing brass gong or a clashing cymbal. And if I have the gift of prophecy and I know all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith so that I can remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. And if I parcel out all my possessions, and if I hand over my body in order that I will be burned, but do not have love, it benefits me nothing. 

    Love is patient, love is kind, love is not jealous, it does not boast, it does not become conceited, it does not behave dishonorably, it is not selfish, it does not become angry, it does not keep a record of wrongs, it does not rejoice at unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth, bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things

    Love never ends. But if there are prophecies, they will pass away. If there are tongues, they will cease. If there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but whenever the perfect comes, the partial will pass away. When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I set aside the things of a child. For now we see through a mirror indirectly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I will know completely, just as I have also been completely known. And now these three things remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love. 

     W. Hall Harris III et al., eds., The Lexham English Bible (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2012), 1 Co 13:1–13.

    Keep Smiling 😊

  • Brother Rando
    Brother Rando Posts: 1,488
    edited February 2024

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus Christ

    My sins against Holy יהוה אלהים stink (hurting myself & many other people). My house shows my lack of hospitality for me. My desire to forgive myself as Holy יהוה אלהים forgives without self harming anymore had thoughts today about how to improve my house 

     to glorify Holy יהוה אלהים (with  prayer communion along the way)

    Even though you are a denier a Jesus Christ and rebuker of the Holy Name of Jehovah, in your ignaorance and rebuke, your sin has been retained for judgement.

    Remembering when @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus Christ sided with the evil Jews who falsely claimed Only God can forgives sins. Scriptures prove you are deceitful and dishonest whom Jesus calls Hypocrites and offspring of Vipers.

    • Behold, I am going to send an Angel before you to guard you on the Way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared. Beware of him and listen to his voice; do not contend against him, lest he will not forgive your sins, because my Name is in him. (Exodus 23:20-21)
    • Then one of the seraphs flew to me, having a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar: He touched my lips with it and said, “See, this coal has touched your lips. Now your guilt is removed, and your sins are forgiven. (Isaiah 6:6-7)
    • But I want you to know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins. (Matthew 9:6)
    • If you forgive anyone’s sins, they are forgiven. (John 20:30
    • Elohim rendered (angels) For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, H430 and hast crowned him with glory and honour. (Psalm 8:5)

    New International Version

    You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor.

    New Living Translation

    Yet you made them only a little lower than God and crowned them with glory and honor.

    English Standard Version

    Yet you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor.

    So your plural of gods refers to ANGELS.....

    Thankful for Google transliterates יהוה in English as Jehovah. Visit about whom Jesus Christ calls the Only True God in (John 17:3)

  • @Brother Rando February 8 Elohim rendered (angels) For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, H430 and hast crowned him with glory and honour. (Psalm 8:5)

    @Brother Rando February 8 So your plural of gods refers to ANGELS.....

    Again @Brother Rando words fail to describe my faith belief while has me wondering about @Brother Rando insightfully describing @Brother Rando faith belief: e.g. Michael the Archangel as Christ while having no idea how anything identifiable as Michael could have been clothed in a human baby & could "Jehovah" god be our spiritual adversary, the father of lies, who was created as the most beautiful angel, who appears in disguise to deceive as documented in 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 LEB =>

     And no wonder, for Satan himself disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore it is not a great thing if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their deeds.

     W. Hall Harris III et al., eds., The Lexham English Bible (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2012), 2 Co 11:13–15.

    Logos Bible Study search in 1,083 Bibles for lemma.h:אֱלֹהִים INTERSECTS angels found 26 results in 14 Bibles:

    Human interpretation of אֱלֹהִים (plural) as angels (plural) happened in 7 verses: (puzzling variety of Bibles)

    Job 1:6 in NIV: 1984, 1984 Anglicised, 2011

    Job 2:1 in NIV: 1984, 1984 Anglicised, 2011

    Job 38:7 in NIV: 1984, 1984 Anglicised, 2011

    Psalm 8:5 in 1873 AV, 1890 Darby, 1900 KJV, 1982 NKJV, 2006 RSV2CE, 2014 MEV, 2021 LSB

    Psalm 82:1 in 2006 RSV2CE

    Psalm 96:7 in 1909 LXX Swete, 1979 LXX Rahlfs & Psalm 97:7 in 2006 RSV2CE

    Psalm 137:1 in 1909 LXX Swete, 1979 LXX Rahlfs & Psalm 138:1 in 2006 RSV2CE

    My Bible Study has found only יהוה always was/is/will be, the only Holy inspired word that is eternally יהוה

    Hebrew word אֱלֹהִים describes יהוה in 90 % of occurences.

    @Brother Rando February 8 ... Angel ... he will not forgive your sin (Exodus 23:20-21)

    And יהוה said to Moses ... Exodus 23:20-33 LEB  (with Hebrew words יהוה for Yahweh and אלהים for God & gods)  =>

    “ ‘Look, I am about to send an angel before you to guard you on the way and to bring you to the place that I have prepared. Be attentive to him and listen to his voice; do not rebel against him, because he will not forgive your transgression, for my name is in him. But if you listen attentively to his voice and do all that I say, I will be an enemy to your enemies and a foe to your foes. When my angel goes before you and brings you to the Amorites and the Hittites and the Perizzites and the Canaanites and the Hivites and the Jebusites, I will wipe them out. 

    “ ‘You will not bow to their אלהים, and you will not serve them, and you will not act according to their actions, because you will utterly demolish them, and you will utterly break their stone pillars. And you will serve יהוה your אלהים, and he will bless your bread and your water, and I will remove sickness from among you. There will be no one suffering miscarriage or infertile in your land. I will make full the number of your days. 

    “ ‘I will release my terror before you, and I will throw into confusion all the people against whom you come, and I will make all your enemies turn their back to you. And I will send the hornet before you, and it will drive out the Hivites, the Canaanites, and the Hittites from before you. I will not drive them out from before you in one year, lest the land become a desolation and the wild animals multiply against you. Little by little I will drive them out from before you until you are fruitful and take possession of the land. 

    “ ‘And I will set your boundary from the Red Sea and up to the sea of the Philistines and from the desert up to the river, because I will give the inhabitants of the land into your hand, and you will drive them out from before you. You will not make a covenant with them and with their gods. They will not live in your land, lest they cause you to sin against me when you serve their gods, for it will be a snare to you.’ ” 

     W. Hall Harris III et al., eds., The Lexham English Bible (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2012), Ex 23:20–33.

    When were the Amorites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Canaanites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites annihilated ?

    What is the modern relevance of the angel sent by יהוה to guard Jewish people on the way from Egypt to the promised land thousands of years ago ?

    Isaiah 6:1-8 LEB (with Hebrew words יהוה for Yahweh and אלהים for God & gods)=>

    In the year of the death of Uzziah the king, I saw the Lord sitting on a high and raised throne, and the hem of his robe was filling the temple. Seraphs were standing above him. Each had six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew. 

    And the one called to the other and said, 

    “Holy, holy, holy יהוה of hosts! The whole earth is full of his glory.” 

    And the pivots of the thresholds shook from the sound of those who called, and the house was filled with smoke. 

    And I said, “Woe to me! For I am destroyed! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I am living among a people of unclean lips, for my eyes have seen the king, יהוה of hosts!” 

    Then one of the seraphs flew to me, and in his hand was a hot coal he had taken from the altar with tongs.  And he touched my mouth, and he said, 

    “Look! This has touched your lips and has removed your guilt, and your sin is annulled.” 

    Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 

    “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” 

    And I said, 

    “I am here! Send me!” 

     W. Hall Harris III et al., eds., The Lexham English Bible (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2012), Is 6:1–8.

    In this context, אֲדֹנָ֛ = a-do-NAI = Lord describes King Righteous (Melchizedek) יהוה of Hosts that includes singular & plural pronouns "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” 

    Matthew 9:1-8 LEB (with Hebrew word אלהים for God) =>

    And getting into a boat, he crossed over and came to his own town. And behold, they brought to him a paralytic lying on a stretcher, and when Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, “Have courage, child, your sins are forgiven.”

    And behold, some of the scribes said to themselves, “This man is blaspheming!”

    And knowing their thoughts, Jesus said, “Why do you think evil in your hearts? For which is easier to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up and walk’? But in order that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins,”

    then he said to the paralytic, “Get up, pick up your stretcher and go to your home.

    And he got up and went to his home. But when the crowds saw this, they were afraid and glorified אלהים who had given such authority to men.

     W. Hall Harris III et al., eds., The Lexham English Bible (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2012), Mt 9:1–8.

    To me, only Holy יהוה אלהים can ❤️ forgive sins against Holy יהוה אלהים

    John 20:19-31 LEB (with Hebrew words יהוה for Lord and אלהים for God) =>

    Now when it was evening on that day — the first day of the week — and the doors had been shut where the disciples were because of fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them, “Peace to you.”

    And when he had said this, he showed his hands and his side to them.

    Then the disciples rejoiced when they saw the יהוה.

    So Jesus said to them again, “Peace to you. As the Father has sent me, I also send you.”

    And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them. If you retain the sins of any, they are retained.” 

    Now Thomas, one of the twelve, who was called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came.

    So the other disciples said to him, “We have seen the יהוה !!”

    But he said to them, “Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails, and put my finger into the mark of the nails, and put my hand into his side, I will never believe!” 

    And after eight days his disciples were again inside, and Thomas with them. Although the doors had been shut,

    Jesus came and stood in their midst and said, “Peace to you.” Then he said to Thomas, “Place your finger here and see my hands, and place your hand and put it into my side. And do not be unbelieving, but believing!

    Thomas answered and said to him, “My יהוה and my אלהים!”

    Jesus said to him, “Because you have seen me, have you believed? Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.” 

    Now Jesus also performed many other signs in the presence of the disciples which are not recorded in this book, but these things are recorded in order that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of אלהים, and that by believing you may have life in his name. 

     W. Hall Harris III et al., eds., The Lexham English Bible (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2012), Jn 20:19–31.

    Thankful for my mouth speaking like Thomas: “My יהוה and my אלהים!” so my belief with my ongoing goal to Be Holy as Holy יהוה אלהים receives eternal life blessing. My repentance from my sins with my confession to Holy יהוה אלהים received forgiveness: my cleansing from unrighteousness is in progress (includes me changing to no longer harm/punish myself). My choice: continue wanting to Be Holy as Holy יהוה אלהים ❤️ is OR turn back to my selfish ways, which would be rewarded by agonizng eternal torment away from Holy יהוה אלהים ❤️

    The phrase "first day of the week" translates two Greek words "μιᾷ σαββάτων" "first of/from Sabbaths" that has me search calendars for Nissan 14 on a Thursday that is followed by annual Nissan 15 Sabbath (First day of Unleavened Bread = Good Friday) & Weekly Nissan 16 Sabbath: e.g. 27 CE, 30 CE, & 36 CE. My Hebrew calendar research found 14 Nissan 3793 (33 CE) was the weekly Sabbath.

    2 Corinthians 5:1-10 LEB (with Hebrew words יהוה for Lord and אלהים for God) =>

    For we know that if our earthly house, the tent, is destroyed, we have a building from אלהים, a house not made by hands, eternal in the heavens. For indeed, in this house we groan, because we desire to put on our dwelling from heaven, if indeed, even after we have taken it off, we will not be found naked. For indeed we who are in this tent groan, being burdened for this reason, that we do not want to be unclothed, but to be clothed, in order that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life. Now the one who has prepared us for this very thing is אלהים, who has given us the down payment, the Spirit. 

    Therefore, although we are always confident and know that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the יהוה — for we live by faith, not by sight — so we are confident and prefer rather to be absent from the body and to be at home with the יהוה. Therefore indeed we have as our ambition, whether at home in the body or absent from the body, to be acceptable to him. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, in order that each one may receive back the things through the body according to what he has done, whether good or bad. 

     W. Hall Harris III et al., eds., The Lexham English Bible (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2012), 2 Co 5:1–10.

    Thankful for Holy Spirit presence in me (intensity varies with my thoughts, words, & actions: me Being Holy receives Holy intensity that can be maintained, which is quite different than earthly substances). Thankful King Righteousness יהוה Jesus Christ will correctly judge to glorify Holy יהוה אלהים

    Keep Smiling 😊

  • Brother Rando
    Brother Rando Posts: 1,488
    edited February 2024

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus Christ

    Thankful for my mouth speaking like Thomas: “My יהוה and my אלהים!” so my belief with my ongoing goal to Be Holy as Holy יהוה אלהים receives eternal life blessing. My repentance from my sins with my confession to Holy יהוה אלהים received forgiveness: my cleansing from unrighteousness is in progress (includes me changing to no longer harm/punish myself). My choice: continue wanting to Be Holy as Holy יהוה אלהים 

     is OR turn back to my selfish ways, which would be rewarded by agonizng eternal torment away from Holy יהוה אלהים 

    @Brother Rando

    You lied about that Thomas called Jesus Christ My יהוה which is inaccurate and a lie. Thomas preceded with MY in SINGULAR. Not we, us or our. The title used was the inferior title ho theos. Satan was also called by the inferior title ho theos by the Apostle Paul.

    Not at all, the words of Jesus Christ stands. "You refers to only to the True God θεόν (theon) as in (John 17:3).

    • In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God θεόν (theon) and the Word was a god Θεός (theos).
    • No man has seen God θεόν (theon) at any time; the only-begotten god Θεός (theos) who is at the Father’s side is the one who has explained Him.
    • In reply Jesus said to him: “It is written, ‘It is Jehovah your God θεόν (theon) you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.’”

    Why do you leave out the scriptures Jesus quoted? Notice this quote that comes from the Book of Joel which means 'Jehovah is God'. In reply Jesus which means 'Jehovah is Salvation' said to him: “It is written, ‘It is Jehovah your God (τὸν Θεόν) you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.’” (Luke 4:8)

    I showed you that Jesus used the correct form of Greek "It is Jehovah your God (τὸν Θεόν)" which the LXX had wrong. Notice this statement that Jesus stated which trinitarians reject? "The Father is Greater than I am" (John 14:28)

    • The title ὁ θεὸς was applied to Jesus from Thomas and yet the words of Jesus Christ are true "The Father is Greater than I am" (John 14:28) It is written, ‘It is Jehovah your God (τὸν Θεόν) you must worship, (Luke 4:8) That Divine Statement of Truth cannot be denied.
    • Jehovah your God (τὸν Θεόν) is GREATER than ὁ θεὸς not co-equal. Furthermore Θεόν is never applied to Jesus Christ.

    Eternal truth is consistent. Numerous Unfulfilled @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus Christ United Allied States (UAS) =>  & Doctrine changes of First Presidential Election is Thu 30 July 2020, the 9th of Av 5780 whose history includes Holy Temple destruction in Jerusalem by the Babylonians in 3336 (423 BCE) and by the Romans in 3829 (69 CE) provide me reason NOT to trust @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus Christ True Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God prophets (communication channels) pass test of 100% accuracy.

    Thankful for Google transliterates יהוה in English as Jehovah. Visit about whom Jesus Christ calls the Only True God in (John 17:3)

  • January 2, 2023 Question for @Brother Rando remains: Did τὸν θεόν The Most High God make a mistake in this spoken command to followers of יֵשׁוּעַ Jesus:

    πιστεύετε εἰς τὸν θεόν, καὶ εἰς ἐμὲ πιστεύετε (John 14:1 Greek spoken by יֵשׁוּעַ ) ?

    Be Ye Believing in The אלהים God, also in Me Be Ye Believing

    Why did τὸν θεόν The Most High God command יֵשׁוּעַ Jesus followers to continually Be Believing in יֵשׁוּעַ Jesus the same as Be Believing in τὸν θεόν The Most High God ?

    @Brother Rando January 8 Notice this quote that comes from the Book of Joel which means 'Jehovah is God'. In reply Jesus which means 'Jehovah is Salvation' said to him: “It is written, ‘It is Jehovah your God (τὸν Θεόν) you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.’” (Luke 4:8)

    Logos Bible Study search in Lexham Hebrew Bible for God IN milestone:bible:jl finds 10 verses in Joel (none of them were quoted in Luke 4:8):

    Luke 4:8 quotes from Deuteronomy 6:13

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus February 6 Eternal truth is consistent. Numerous Unfulfilled Watch Tower Society predictions & Doctrine changes provide me reason NOT to trust the human organization. True Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God prophets (communication channels) pass test of 100% accuracy.

    @Brother Rando January 8 Eternal truth is consistent. Numerous Unfulfilled @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus Christ United Allied States (UAS) =>  & Doctrine changes of First Presidential Election is Thu 30 July 2020, the 9th of Av 5780 whose history includes Holy Temple destruction in Jerusalem by the Babylonians in 3336 (423 BCE) and by the Romans in 3829 (69 CE) provide me reason NOT to trust @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus Christ True Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God prophets (communication channels) pass test of 100% accuracy.

    Humanly wonder what @Brother Rando is attempting to assert (as @Brother Rando wording is confusing).

    Discussion => United Allied States (UAS) First Presidental Election on Thursday 30 July 2020, the 9th of Av 5780 includes:

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus June 2021 Simple test for prophet of True Holy God is accuracy. JW organization (includes The Watch Tower Society) has simply failed to be accurate a number of times: 1914 "harvest of the Gospel age", 1925 Hebrew patriarch resurrection, 1975 start of Christ's thousand-year reign (revised from 1914), 1980 admission by the Watch Tower Tract society about building up hope regarding 1975, 1995 change about Armegeddon dating (with subsequent 2010 "generation" teaching change). Hence, history of JW organization proves they do not speak for the living True Holy God.

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus June 2021 @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus United Allied States (UAS) => First Presidential Election is Thu 30 July 2020, the 9th of Av 5780 whose history includes Holy Temple destruction in Jerusalem by the Babylonians in 3336 (423 BCE) and by the Romans in 3829 (69 CE).

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus June 2021 @BroRando Aren't you a False Prophet writing down the wrong dates the for temples destruction? Where's your source??

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus June 2021 No for false prophet. Thankful for Jewish Calendar about Thursday, July 30, 2020 9 Av, 5780 that includes:

    * Thursday, July 30, 2020 Jewish History

    * Thursday, July 30, 2020 Holy Temples Destroyed (423 BCE and 69 CE)

    * Thursday, July 30, 2020 Both the first and second Holy Temples which stood in Jerusalem were destroyed on Av 9: the First Temple by the Babylonians in the year 3338 from creation (423 BCE), and the second by the Romans in 3829 (69 CE).

    * Thursday, July 30, 2020 The Temples' destruction represents the greatest tragedy in Jewish history, for it marks our descent into Galut--the state of physical exile and spiritual displacement in which we still find ourselves today. Thus the Destruction is mourned as a tragedy that affects our lives today, 2,000 years later, no less than the very generation that experienced it first hand.

    * Thursday, July 30, 2020 Yet the Ninth of Av is also a day of hope. The Talmud relates that Moshiach ("anointed one"--the Messiah), was born at the very moment that the Temple was set aflame and the Galut began. [This is in keeping with the teachings of our sages that, "In every generation is born a descendent of Judah who is worthy to become Israel's Moshiach" (Bartinoro on Ruth); "When the time will come, G-d will reveal Himself to him and send him, and then the spirit of Moshiach, which is hidden and secreted on high, will be manifested in him" (Chattam Sofer).]

    @Brother Rando June 2021 False Propaganda

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus June 2021 My apologies for not checking historical Jewish Temple destruction year dates from Jewish website before posting to Christian Discourse in the NEWS & CURRENT EVENTS category (when watching in June 2020 to see who would be elected as the first UAS president).

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus June 2021 Learning has 738 Knowledge Base articles about "Holy Temple, The" Response from comments in Aug 2008 about Jewish Temple destruction dates were referred to the Knowledge Base link. Personally do not know what traditional Jewish sources were used (accounts of the people who were actually there at the time). Hoping to research & find two OR three verifiable factual witnesses for Jewish Temple dating.

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus June 2021 Caveat: am aware Old & New Testaments has scholarly disagreement about various dates: e.g. Early Exodus, Late Exodus, ...

    Humanly wonder if @Brother Rando "False Propaganda" assertion about Jewish Temple destruction dating reflects @Brother Rando knowledge of Watchtower Society failed predictions (so "False Propaganda" is a distraction). Notable missing from @Brother Rando is credible year dating. The Watchtower Society came into existence over 1,777 years after Jewish Temple destruction so the Watchtower Society has chosen historical source(s) to be credible for their own dating, yet @Brother Rando did not provide any credible historical dating source(s).

    Logos Bible Study search in all books for temple WITHIN 24 WORDS (destroyed OR destruction) WITHIN 24 WORDS Av WITHIN 24 WORDS (bce OR ce) finds 12 resources that have 586 BCE and 70 CE dates for Jewish Temple destruction (with Ezekiel prophecy about the first Temple destruction being 5 years earlier)

    The Jewish Study Bible disagrees with Jewish dating. My human guess about dating is an attempt to align Jewish Temple destruction dating with Daniel's 490 year prophecy (70 weeks of 7 years) as 423 BCE to 69 CE is 491 years.

    Logos Bible Study search of surface text in all books for temple WITHIN 24 WORDS (destroyed OR destruction) WITHIN 24 WORDS (Av OR Ab) WITHIN 24 WORDS (bce OR ce OR bc OR "ad") finds 46 resources: 587/6 BCE and 70 CE (none of the resources in my Logos library match destruction dating). Surprising to me was Jewish History on Jewish web site having incorrect historical years for Jewish Temple destruction.

    Keep Smiling 😊

  • @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus Christ

     Did τὸν θεόν The Most High God make a mistake in this spoken command to followers of יֵשׁוּעַ Jesus:

    πιστεύετε εἰς τὸν θεόν, καὶ εἰς ἐμὲ πιστεύετε (John 14:1 Greek spoken by יֵשׁוּעַ ) ?

    The Most High God was not speaking but rather the Christ, the Chosen One of τὸν θεόν - “That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth.” (Ps 83:18)

     In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God (τὸν θεόν), and the Word was a god (Θεὸς). The Father is Greater than I am (John 14:28)

    Jesus Christ calls His Father. "the True God θεόν (theon) as in (John 17:3).

    • In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God θεόν (theon) and the Word was a god Θεός (theos).
    • No man has seen God θεόν (theon) at any time; the only-begotten god Θεός (theos) who is at the Father’s side is the one who has explained Him.
    • In reply Jesus said to him: “It is written, ‘It is Jehovah your God θεόν (theon) you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.’”
    • Jesus said to her: “Stop clinging to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to my brothers and say to them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father and to My God (τὸν θεόν) and your God (τὸν θεόν).’”  Did Jesus Christ make a mistake by calling Jehovah MY God (τὸν θεόν) ?

    SHE will be called: Jehovah Is Our Righteousness.’” (Jeremiah 33:16) The LEB removed and deleted SHE from the inspired scripture.

    Eternal truth is consistent. Numerous Unfulfilled @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus Christ United Allied States (UAS) =>  & Doctrine changes of First Presidential Election is Thu 30 July 2020, the 9th of Av 5780 whose history includes Holy Temple destruction in Jerusalem by the Babylonians in 3336 (423 BCE) and by the Romans in 3829 (69 CE) provide me reason NOT to trust  @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus Christ True Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God prophets (communication channels) pass test of 100% accuracy.

     @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus Christ rejects and slanders 'the True Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God'

    Thankful for Google transliterates יהוה in English as Jehovah. Visit about whom Jesus Christ calls the Only True God in (John 17:3)

  • @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus February 13 Did τὸν θεόν The Most High God make a mistake in this spoken command to followers of יֵשׁוּעַ Jesus:

    @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus February 13 πιστεύετε εἰς τὸν θεόν, καὶ εἰς ἐμὲ πιστεύετε (John 14:1 Greek spoken by יֵשׁוּעַ ) ?

    @Brother Rando February 13 The Most High God was not speaking but rather the Christ, the Chosen One of τὸν θεόν - “That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth.” (Ps 83:18)

    Psalm 83 is a song of Asaph, whose words do not appear in John 14. We agree the Christ, the Chosen One of τὸν θεόν spoke words from The Father in John 14:1-31 LEB (with Hebrew words יהוה for Lord and אלהים for God) =>

    Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in אלהים; believe also in me. In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places; but if not, I would have told you, because I am going away to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to myself, so that where I am, you may be also. And you know the way where I am going.” 

    Thomas said to him, “יהוה, we do not know where you are going. How are we able to know the way?”

    Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you know him and have seen him.” 

    Philip said to him, “יהוה, show us the Father, and it is enough for us.”

    Jesus said to him, “Am I with you so long a time and you have not known me, Philip? The one who has seen me has seen the Father! How can you say, ‘Show us the Father?’ Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I say to you I do not speak from myself, but the Father residing in me does his works. Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; but if not, believe because of the works themselves. Truly, truly I say to you, the one who believes in me, the works that I am doing he will do also, and he will do greater works than these because I am going to the Father. And whatever you ask in my name, I will do this, in order that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it

    “If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, in order that he may be with you forever — the Spirit of truth, whom the world is not able to receive, because it does not see him or know him. You know him, because he resides with you and will be in you. 

    “I will not leave you as orphans; I am coming to you. Yet a little time and the world will see me no longer, but you will see me; because I live, you also will live. On that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you. The one who has my commandments and keeps them — that one is the one who loves me. And the one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and will reveal myself to him.” 

    Judas (not Iscariot) said to him, “יהוה, why is it that you are going to reveal yourself to us and not to the world?”

    Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves me he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and will take up residence with him. The one who does not love me does not keep my words, and the word that you hear is not mine, but the Father’s who sent me. These things I have spoken to you while residing with you. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name—that one will teach you all things, and will remind you of everything that I said to you. 

    “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you—not as the world gives, I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid. You have heard that I said to you, ‘I am going away, and I am coming to you.’ If you loved me, you would have rejoiced that I am going to the Father, because the Father is greater than I am. And now I have told you before it happens, so that when it happens, you may believe. I will no longer speak much with you, for the ruler of the world is coming, and he has no power over me. But so that the world may know that I love the Father, and just as the Father has commanded me, thus I am doing. Get up, let us go from here! 

     W. Hall Harris III et al., eds., The Lexham English Bible (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2012), Jn 14:1–31.

    My faith believes Yeshua HaMashiach יהוה (Jesus The Christ יהוה) & wants Yeshua HaMashiach to be יהוה in my life that Glorifies Holy יהוה אלהים 😍

    To me, if the spirit inside Jesus The Christ was NOT a portion of Holy יהוה אלהים, then John 14:1 believing command is blasphemy.

    Awesome to me is the design of Holy יהוה אלהים to simultaneously have three voices, one of them left Righteous King throne in Holy Heaven to humbly be clothed in a human body so that body could be ❤️ lovingly sacrificed for redemption of any human who wants to repent from sin so they can believe & receive the free gift from Holy יהוה אלהים as it is written in 1 John 1:5-10 LEB =>

    And this is the message which we have heard from him and announce to you, that אלהים is light and there is no darkness in him at all. If we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in the darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say that we do not have sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just, so that he will forgive us our sins and will cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. 

     W. Hall Harris III et al., eds., The Lexham English Bible (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2012), 1 Jn 1:5–10.

    Remember what Jesus said in John 8:12 LEB =>

    Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world! The one who follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.

     W. Hall Harris III et al., eds., The Lexham English Bible (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2012), Jn 8:12.

    My faith believes אלהים is light (Holy without sin) that includes יהוה Father & יהוה Jesus The Christ & יהוה Ruach HaKodesh (Breath The Holy). Remember radiant transformation described in Mark 9:2-8 LEB =>

    And after six days, Jesus took along Peter and James and John, and led them to a high mountain by themselves alone. And he was transfigured before them, and his clothing became radiant — extremely white, like no cloth refiner on earth can make so white.

    And Elijah appeared to them together with Moses, and they were talking with Jesus.

    And Peter answered and said to Jesus, “Rabbi, it is good that we are here! And let us make three shelters, one for you and one for Moses and one for Elijah.” (For he did not know what he should answer, because they were terrified.)

    And a cloud came, overshadowing them, and a voice came from the cloud, “This is my beloved Son. Listen to him!” And suddenly, looking around, they no longer saw anyone with them but Jesus alone.

     W. Hall Harris III et al., eds., The Lexham English Bible (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2012), Mk 9:2–8.

    My whole human being Thanks Holy יהוה אלהים for the forgiveness of my sins against Holy יהוה אלהים with Holy cleansing & transformation in me 😍 (forgiveness is instant while me becoming Holy as אלהים is Holy is an ongoing journey with many small steps, which includes my human mistakes along the way). Thankful for my awareness of Holy יהוה אלהים presence inceasing, which is beyond my human words to describe 😍

    @Brother Rando February 13 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God θεόν (theon) and the Word was a god Θεός (theos).

    The first class for learning Koine Greek in a number of colleges & universities uses a textbook that has John 1:1 explanation in Chapter 6:

    Chapter 6

    Nominative and Accusative; Article

    (First and Second Declension Nouns)

    Exegetical Insight

    The nominative case is the case that the subject is in. When the subject takes an equative verb like “is” (i.e., a verb that equates the subject with something else), then another noun also appears in the nominative case—the predicate nominative. In the sentence, “John is a man,” “John” is the subject and “man” is the predicate nominative. In English the subject and predicate nominative are distinguished by word order (the subject comes first). Not so in Greek. Since word order in Greek is quite flexible and is used for emphasis rather than for strict grammatical function, other means are used to distinguish subject from predicate nominative. For example, if one of the two nouns has the article, it is the subject.

    As we have said, word order is employed especially for the sake of emphasis. Generally speaking, when a word is thrown to the front of the clause it is done so for emphasis. When a predicate nominative is thrown in front of the verb, by virtue of word order it takes on emphasis. A good illustration of this is John 1:1c. The English versions typically have, “and the Word was God.” But in Greek, the word order has been reversed. It reads,

    καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος

    and God was the Word.

    We know that “the Word” is the subject because it has the article, and we translate it accordingly: “and the Word was God.” Two questions, both of theological import, should come to mind: (1) Why was θεός thrown forward? and (2) why does it lack the article?

    In brief, its emphatic position stresses its essence or quality: “What God was, the Word was” is how one translation brings out this force. Its lack of the article keeps us from identifying the person of the Word (Jesus Christ) with the person of “God” (the Father). That is to say, the word order tells us that Jesus Christ has all the divine attributes that the Father has; lack of the article tells us that Jesus Christ is not the Father. John’s wording here is beautifully compact! It is, in fact, one of the most elegantly terse theological statements one could ever find. As Martin Luther said, the lack of the article is against Sabellianism; the word order is against Arianism.

    To state this another way, look at how the different Greek constructions would be rendered:

    καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν ὁ θεός

    “and the Word was the God” (i.e., the Father; Sabellianism)

    καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν θεός

    “and the Word was a god” (Arianism)

    καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος

    “and the Word was God” (orthodoxy).

    Jesus Christ is God and has all the attributes that the Father has. But he is not the first person of the Trinity. All this is concisely affirmed in καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος.

    Daniel B. Wallace

     William D. Mounce, Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar, ed. Verlyn D. Verbrugge and Christopher A. Beetham, Fourth Edition. (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2019), 33–34.

    Isaiah 44:6-8 LEB  (with Hebrew word יהוה for Yahweh)  =>

    Thus says יהוה, the king of Israel, and its redeemer, יהוה of hosts: 

    “I am the first, and I am the last, and there is no god besides me. 

    And who is like me? Let him proclaim it

    And let him declare it and set it in order for me since I established an eternal people and things that are to come, and let them tell them the things that are coming. 

    You must not tremble, and you must not be paralyzed with fear. 

    Have I not made you hear from of old and declared it, and you are my witnesses? 

    Is there a god besides me? 

    And there is no rock! I know none!” 

     W. Hall Harris III et al., eds., The Lexham English Bible (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2012), Is 44:6–8.

    How can New World Translation (Arianism) of John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god." be truthfully consistent with scripture ? (contradicts Isaiah 44:6-9 as there is NO god beside יהוה, the king of Israel, and its redeemer, יהוה of hosts).

    To me, ὁ λόγος = redeemer, יהוה of hosts

    Keep Smiling 😊

  • @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus Christ

    My faith believes Yeshua HaMashiach יהוה (Jesus The Christ יהוה) & wants Yeshua HaMashiach to be יהוה in my life that Glorifies Holy יהוה אלהים 

    Funny that all that you claim is ABSENT from your call sign. You also were in agreement with LEB in omitting 'to be Christ' in (Mark 1:34 LEB)

    Also interesting in your demonic deception is the removal of (John 14:28) where Jesus Christ claimed "the Father is Greater than I AM"

    Why all the deletions?

    Eternal truth is consistent. Numerous Unfulfilled @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus Christ United Allied States (UAS) =>  & Doctrine changes of First Presidential Election is Thu 30 July 2020, the 9th of Av 5780 whose history includes Holy Temple destruction in Jerusalem by the Babylonians in 3336 (423 BCE) and by the Romans in 3829 (69 CE) provide me reason NOT to trust  @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus Christ True Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God prophets (communication channels) pass test of 100% accuracy.

    You deny the messenger sent to guard the Way has God's Name in him (Exodus 23:21) when his very 'given name' means "Jehovah is Salvation'

    Only Jehovah's Witnesses are true members of the Way.

    Watchtower quote:

    Those who became followers of Jesus Christ were spoken of as belonging to “The Way,” that is, they kept a way of life centered on faith in Jesus Christ, following his example.​—Ac 19:9. The Way: See study notes on Ac 9:2; 19:23 and Glossary.

    Thankful for Google transliterates יהוה in English as Jehovah. Visit about whom Jesus Christ calls the Only True God in (John 17:3)

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