Why Is Arming Teachers A Bad Idea?
If teachers were cut out to be cops, they would have been cops. If cops were cut out to be teachers, they would have been teachers. It's like expecting the soccer coach to play first violin in the symphony or worse.
@Dave_L said:
@davidtaylorjr said:I don't think you can afford to believe me. It would take a major revamp on your part if what I say is true.
Thankfully there is no evidence to suggest that what you say is true.
@Dave_L said:
If teachers were cut out to be cops, they would have been cops. If cops were cut out to be teachers, they would have been teachers. It's like expecting the soccer coach to play first violin in the symphony or worse.That isn't even a valid argument.
@C_M_ said:
If your responsive reasoning is accurate and sober, how fair would it be if one were to apply it to abortions? "Just saying" CM
Sure. Apply it. Excellent example!
There have been mass murders of children amounting to well more than 235,000 since Jan 1, 2018, in our very own America alone. People are the problem. Scalpels and vacuums (used to chop and tear apart the bodies of children) are not the problems. The same instruments can remove brain tumors and heal clogged up hearts. The wicked heart of the murderer is the cause. PP does some good. They also adamantly defend the right to kill children and in some cases even sell their body parts.
Taking away the scalpels and vacuums is not the solution, is it.
While we are on the topic:
If we are serious about stopping teen deaths, then take away their cell phones. More teens die by texting and driving than by guns. In fact teens are mass murdered by their cell phones at the rate of 11 lives every day.
Here is how well Gun Control works
@davidtaylorjr said:
Thankfully there is no evidence to suggest that what you say is true.
I think there is plenty of evidence of abusive teachers in the media on any given day. And it is more widespread today than when I was in school.
If you think about teachers you studied under that had a talent for teaching as opposed to those who did not, the argument holds true. Why do high school bands screen students making sure they have a musical talent before investing in them? A teaching degree does not make one a teacher any more than a bible college degree makes one a Christian.
@Dave_L said:
A teaching degree does not make one a teacher any more than a bible college degree makes one a Christian.LIKE
@Dave_L said:
If you think about teachers you studied under that had a talent for teaching as opposed to those who did not, the argument holds true. Why do high school bands screen students making sure they have a musical talent before investing in them? A teaching degree does not make one a teacher any more than a bible college degree makes one a Christian.
The reason your argument wasn't valid is because it assumes that people can only be skilled enough to do one thing and one thing only in life. That's absurd.
@davidtaylorjr said:
The reason your argument wasn't valid is because it assumes that people can only be skilled enough to do one thing and one thing only in life. That's absurd.
Multitasking is the least efficient way to run any business. It's like the old saying about being a jack of all trades and a master of none. Do you go to the dentist if you need brain surgery?
My last dentist seemed to be attempting brain surgery.
@Dave_L said:
Multitasking is the least efficient way to run any business. It's like the old saying about being a jack of all trades and a master of none. Do you go to the dentist if you need brain surgery?
Dave your arguments have no logic behind them and aren't relevant.
@davidtaylorjr said:
Dave your arguments have no logic behind them and aren't relevant.
Think of it this way. If you pay a teacher for doing a cop's job it costs more. Plus the cop is better trained. But if you hire a National Guard person, it is a fraction of what you would pay a teacher or a cop. Plus they would be able to monitor CCTV and do many other peripheral tasks a teacher, preoccupied with teaching, could never do.
@Dave_L said:
Think of it this way. If you pay a teacher for doing a cop's job it costs more. Plus the cop is better trained. But if you hire a National Guard person, it is a fraction of what you would pay a teacher or a cop. Plus they would be able to monitor CCTV and do many other peripheral tasks a teacher, preoccupied with teaching, could never do.
- We aren't paying teacher's to do a cops job. We are allowing teachers to carry weapons so if there was ever an active shooter situation they can eliminate the threat. Cops do not help in this situation, they can't get there fast enough.
- The cop is better trained at what? You can't 100% say that with certainty. I know private citizens who are just as good, if not better, with a weapon than a lot of officers.
- Why would the National Guard be cheaper than the cop or teacher? Based on what?
- Why are we worried about CCTV and such? We aren't talking about those things.
@davidtaylorjr said:
- We aren't paying teacher's to do a cops job. We are allowing teachers to carry weapons so if there was ever an active shooter situation they can eliminate the threat. Cops do not help in this situation, they can't get there fast enough.
- The cop is better trained at what? You can't 100% say that with certainty. I know private citizens who are just as good, if not better, with a weapon than a lot of officers.
- Why would the National Guard be cheaper than the cop or teacher? Based on what?
- Why are we worried about CCTV and such? We aren't talking about those things.
The big problem is that the National Guard or Cop could prevent the tragedy before it starts. The teacher can only try to cope with the effects.
@Dave_L said:
The big problem is that the National Guard or Cop could prevent the tragedy before it starts. The teacher can only try to cope with the effects.
You don't know that, and actually it's been proven to not be true. Remember, there was a deputy at the Parkland shooting but he didn't prevent anything.
@davidtaylorjr said:
You don't know that, and actually it's been proven to not be true. Remember, there was a deputy at the Parkland shooting but he didn't prevent anything.
If you build schools like prisons with CCTV and a guard you can prevent casualties before they begin. A teacher cannot do both of these jobs at the same time.
Some of the new school construction reminds us of prison construction where you can see each corridor from one point of view.
@Dave_L said:
If you build schools like prisons with CCTV and a guard you can prevent casualties before they begin. A teacher cannot do both of these jobs at the same time.
Some of the new school construction reminds us of prison construction where you can see each corridor from one point of view.
You totally ignored the fact that I just pointed out this did not prevent the last mass shooting.
@davidtaylorjr said:
You totally ignored the fact that I just pointed out this did not prevent the last mass shooting.
You cannot use one example to speak for all. Why don't prisons use the galley cook to keep watch on everything?
@Dave_L said:
You cannot use one example to speak for all. Why don't prisons use the galley cook to keep watch on everything?
We aren't suggesting that teachers keep an eye on everything. We also want resource officers present. However, you can't have cops in every hallway and every room and every building. If a teacher could stop the threat immediately why would you not want that?
It will NOT take away from teaching. It is NOT an extra burden. It is already done in some school districts.
@davidtaylorjr said:
We aren't suggesting that teachers keep an eye on everything. We also want resource officers present. However, you can't have cops in every hallway and every room and every building. If a teacher could stop the threat immediately why would you not want that?
It will NOT take away from teaching. It is NOT an extra burden. It is already done in some school districts.
Teachers with guns are like medicines that treat the symptoms. But building design and a member or two of a well regulated militia under control of the magistrate would be the biblical model. And it would prevent casualties.
Plus any cross training of personnel results in reduced job performance.
@Dave_L said:
Teachers with guns are like medicines that treat the symptoms. But building design and a member or two of a well regulated militia under control of the magistrate would be the biblical model. And it would prevent casualties.
Plus any cross training of personnel results in reduced job performance.
What cross training do you think they are doing? We are talking about teachers who already have or already want to have conceal carry. They are already trained and it doesn't impact job performance. Your arguments are nonsense.
As far as symptoms, cops and guards in the schools also only treat the symptoms.
@davidtaylorjr said:
What cross training do you think they are doing? We are talking about teachers who already have or already want to have conceal carry. They are already trained and it doesn't impact job performance. Your arguments are nonsense.
As far as symptoms, cops and guards in the schools also only treat the symptoms.
Would you rather have a surgeon operating on you and another laying next to you at the same time?
Prison design and CCTV suggest you are wrong in preventing escape or unwarranted entry.
@Dave_L said:
Would you rather have a surgeon operating on you and another laying next to you at the same time?
Prison design and CCTV suggest you are wrong in preventing escape or unwarranted entry.
Unfortunately you are suggesting tearing down and rebuilding every school in America. Just isn't going to happen. Not practical and how would we pay for it?
If a handful of teachers had guns (even if they had no idea how to use them) and the bad guys knew there were a few guns on campus, I bet there would be very, very few school shootings.
My wife is a fair shot with a 44 mag. She hates the thing. Is scared of it. She says if a bear attacked she would probably just throw the gun at it. She would never ever think of shooting a person under any circumstance. Yet I am pretty sure that very few people would risk coming into our Alaskan cabin--especially if they saw her with hearing protection and that shiny stainless 44 blasting away successfully at a dinner plate.
@davidtaylorjr said:
Unfortunately you are suggesting tearing down and rebuilding every school in America. Just isn't going to happen. Not practical and how would we pay for it?
When we begin valuing our children as much as our guns, it will happen.
@Dave_L said:
When we begin valuing our children as much as our guns, it will happen.
That's not a fair comparison or assessment of what is actually going on. You aren't being rational.
I suggest homeschooling. Our kids excelled at it. Never had a school shooting unless they were doing it.
@davidtaylorjr said:
That's not a fair comparison or assessment of what is actually going on. You aren't being rational.
Think about it. Either build better protection and keep your guns. Or get rid of the guns and save a few $$$.