Since Moses was called elohim, does that make him God?



  • KerimF
    KerimF Posts: 69

    What I am sure of is that 'The End', you are talking about, will come. to me in least, at the death of my living body (my last sleep) without which I can't exist permanently in the dream-like eternal realm (God's Realm of Love).

    "as a whole have become wicked and godless."

    And who is hurt by this?!

    Not me, this doesn't hurt me. In the contrary, this fact creates for me sort of enemies with whom I can see myself defeating my animal robotic nature.

    In brief, you are supposed to fear death and believe that Jehovah will return you back to earth in an immortal body to re-enjoy your preprogrammed body's pleasures (much like Allah's paradise with virgins... etc.). After all, you are free to fear and believe whatever you like.

    A human only is given the freedom to oppose or not his robotic nature. But, by opposing it, such a human becomes no more of this world.

  • Brother Rando
    Brother Rando Posts: 1,488

    @KerimF What I am sure of is that 'The End', you are talking about, will come. to me in least, at the death of my living body (my last sleep) without which I can't exist permanently in the dream-like eternal realm (God's Realm of Love).

    @Brother Rando

    Yes, the End of a whole Society on Earth or your Personal End. Since Adam and Eve was excused from the Garden began to grow old and died return to the place they come from. The ground. Therefore death was introduced.

    • That is why, just as through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because they had all sinned—. (Romans 5:12)

    So now it's time for you to start grow or keep dying. It's a process.

    @KerimF "as a whole have become wicked and godless."

    And who is hurt by this?!

    Not me, this doesn't hurt me. In the contrary, this fact creates for me sort of enemies with whom I can see myself defeating my animal robotic nature.

    @Brother Rando Ohh My Dear Friend. You are part of that Group. Those ones die a permanent death like that of Adam and Eve, they will never be Resurrected. The is why you have been receiving the wonderful gift of the Good News of God's Kingdom. You're sick and dying. I'm trying to nurse you back to health so that you may keep on living. So here is your first test. Try to remember the scriptures I shared with you before. You will need to apply them to keep on living. Otherwise nothing will be gained for you.

    It's the Father (Will) you become obedient and listen to him and recognize His Son by following his teachings.

    • Whoever has greater affection for father or mother than for me is not worthy of me.​Matt. 10:37.

    Thankful for Google transliterates יהוה in English as Jehovah. Visit about whom Jesus Christ calls the Only True God in (John 17:3)

  • Brother Rando
    Brother Rando Posts: 1,488

    @KerimF Learn this lesson from Jesus Christ:

    @Brother Rando

    What do you think? A man had two children. Going up to the first, he said, ‘Child, go work today in the vineyard.’  (Matthew 21:28)

    • In answer this one said, ‘I will not,’ but afterward, he felt regret and went out. (Matthew 21:29)
    • Approaching the second, he said the same. This one replied, ‘I will, Sir,’ but did not go out. (Matthew 21:30)

    Which of the two did (the Will) of his father?” They said: “The first.” (Matthew 21:31)

    • “Not everyone saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the Kingdom of the heavens, but only the one doing the Will of my Father who is in the heavens will. (Matthew 7:21)

    Thankful for Google transliterates יהוה in English as Jehovah. Visit about whom Jesus Christ calls the Only True God in (John 17:3)

  • KerimF
    KerimF Posts: 69
    edited March 1

    The Will of your Jehovah is just about obedience of certain rules related to the material world. This is exactly the same as it is written at the beginning of Quran "I created you just to worship me", said Allah.

    My God (The One Loving Will/Power behind my existence) has no imposed rules to obey or rituals to observe. And if living God's Unconditional Unlimited Love/Care towards all others, good and evil, cannot let my soul survive for eternity after the death of my animal mortal body, nothing else in the world can do it.

    I understand that you cannot live as I do even if we keep talking for a hundred years.

    But I believe that you are also very happy with your ruling Jehovah, exactly like every theist who is very happy with his ruling God,

    A human only is given the freedom to oppose or not his robotic nature. But, by opposing it, such a human becomes no more of this world.

  • Brother Rando
    Brother Rando Posts: 1,488

    @KerimF I understand that you cannot live as I do even if we keep talking for a hundred years.

    But I also believe that you are also very happy with your ruling Jehovah, exactly like every theist who is very happy with his ruling God,

    @Brother Rando

    Yes. I have 'Peace of Mind' in such a turbulent World. But I am not perfect. I still fall short of the Glory of God. I simply placed Jehovah's Kingdom first in my life and try to share the Glorious Good News with others.

    • If, in fact, the good news we declare is veiled, it is veiled among those who are perishing, among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, so that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through. (2 Corinthians 4:4-5)

    this system of things: The basic meaning of the Greek word ai·onʹ is “age.” It can refer to a state of affairs or to features that distinguish a certain period of time, epoch, or age. (See Glossary, “System(s) of things.”) Since “this system of things” is Satan’s dominion, he has molded it and given it certain features and a distinctive spirit.​—Eph 2:1, 2.

    Thankful for Google transliterates יהוה in English as Jehovah. Visit about whom Jesus Christ calls the Only True God in (John 17:3)

  • KerimF
    KerimF Posts: 69
    edited March 1

    @Brother Rando Yes. I have 'Peace of Mind' in such a turbulent World. But I am not perfect. I still fall short of the Glory of God. I simply placed Jehovah's Kingdom first in my life and try to share the Glorious Good News with others.


    This is what I liked to tell you about being very happy..

    In fact, my Muslim friends used to also tell me that they have ‘Peace of Mind’ as long they can, despite their imperfection, worship and glorify their True God, Allah, with many others. Naturally, they were sad about me because their Allah will have to send me to His Hell, while they will end up sharing His Glorious Paradise with many other Muslim obedient believers.

    I guess the Jews, who were exported to Palestine from all around the world, have also ‘Peace of Mind’ while they keep obeying their Moses’ God in restoring His Promised Land by any means.

    Two decades ago, I visited China. There, I met many Chinese atheists who had ‘Peace of Mind’ while doing business with me. They were proud for serving their communist country, like the theists and atheists are for serving their democratic one.


    The irony is that the 'Turbulent World' is where the believers of a ruling God insist to impose the Will of their God on others. But this is how the world runs (is designed) since always. Humans are created with a robotic nature, like animals. And as long a human has no chance to oppose his animal robotic nature that let him defense his life at any price (instead of loving enemies), work hard to prove his superiority on others (instead of being humble), be selfish in whatever decision he makes (instead of seeing other’s interests as being his too) and impose his rules and justice (religious or political) on others (instead of not resisting evil), he will, at the end, return back to his raw state, as all other living robotic things will. This is what Jesus came to tell us, and rare who will be able to live the unconditional love/care on earth, as it is in Heaven.


    A human only is given the freedom to oppose or not his robotic nature. But, by opposing it, such a human becomes no more of this world.

  • Brother Rando
    Brother Rando Posts: 1,488

    Jehovah is not like anyone else. I submissive because I Believe in him and want to serve him. Because of him, I live and exist.

    Psalm 144:15

    Happy is the people for whom it is this way! Happy is the people whose God is Jehovah!

    Psalm 146:5

    Happy is the one who has the God of Jacob as his helper, Whose hope is in Jehovah his God,

    Matthew 5:8

    Happy are the pure in heart, since they will see God.

    Matthew 5:9

    Happy are the peacemakers, since they will be called sons of God.

    Acts 17:28

    For by him we have life and move and exist, even as some of your own poets have said, ‘For we are also his children.’

    James 3:9

    With it we praise Jehovah, the Father, and yet with it we curse men who have come into existence “in the likeness of God.”

    James the younger brother of Jesus Christ was speaking as a Hebrew who cursed the prophets sent by God with the tongue (speech).

    Thankful for Google transliterates יהוה in English as Jehovah. Visit about whom Jesus Christ calls the Only True God in (John 17:3)

  • KerimF
    KerimF Posts: 69

    @Brother Rando Jehovah is not like anyone else. I submissive because I Believe in him and want to serve him. Because of him, I live and exist.

    If I am talking to a Muslim, I would hear him say:

    "Allah is not like anyone else. I submissive because I believe in him and want to serve him. because of him, I live and exist."

    In fact, every theist will say the same though after starting with the name of his God instead of yours.

    After all, if one believes that he is created by a ruling God, he has to also believe that he is created to serve Him, as he has to obey a worldly master, if not masters, who usually represents his ruling God on earth.

    A human only is given the freedom to oppose or not his robotic nature. But, by opposing it, such a human becomes no more of this world.

  • Brother Rando
    Brother Rando Posts: 1,488

    You already admitted you are not a Christian. Therefore none of your teachings have any weight to them. There is no Salvation for you in your denials of the rue God JEHOVAH nor in the refusal that Jesus is the Christ the Son of the living God.

    John 3:16

    “For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.

    • Just try to live what days of life you have left in peace and try to enjoy the wonderful works of creation and food.

    Everything else is mute. You will keep on dying and return to the same place you came from. Dust you are and to Dust you will return. You have no need to believe in anything. There is no entry into Heaven. So stop fooling yourself and thinking that your own made up doctrines will save you. They won't. You will die and you know it.

    You're just spinning your wheels. Why are you responding to me with Nothing to Offer?

    Thankful for Google transliterates יהוה in English as Jehovah. Visit about whom Jesus Christ calls the Only True God in (John 17:3)

  • KerimF
    KerimF Posts: 69

    @Brother Rando You already admitted you are not a Christian. Therefore, none of your teachings have any weight to them. There is no Salvation for you in your denials of the true God JEHOVAH nor in the refusal that Jesus is the Christ the Son of the living God.


    Yes, I can’t call myself Christian without accepting first to follow some man’s teachings made in the name of Jesus.

    A Christian is supposed to be a member of a Christian Church or Denomination (as you are) whose men in charge are supposed to know the Truth better than any of their followers.

    I am just a free independent student of Jesus Christ who saved me from the greatest weakness, that a human may have, ignorance. Every human baby, with no exception, is born with this serious weakness (known by our ancient primitive ancestors as ‘The Original Sin’). So, Jesus brought me God’s Knowledge to save me from it. Jesus didn’t bring me another Heavenly Magic (like believe, obey and praise, you will be saved). Such a magic is known and believed since the oldest cultures of paganism till now. I hope this magic will work for you, and you will inherit the world’s pleasures for eternity.


    A human only is given the freedom to oppose or not his robotic nature. But, by opposing it, such a human becomes no more of this world.

  • Brother Rando
    Brother Rando Posts: 1,488
    edited March 2

    @KerimF A Christian is supposed to be a member of a Christian Church or Denomination (as you are) whose men in charge are supposed to know the Truth better than any of their followers.

    I am just a free independent student of Jesus Christ who saved me from the greatest weakness, that a human may have, ignorance. Every human baby, with no exception, is born with this serious weakness (known by our ancient primitive ancestors as ‘The Original Sin’). So, Jesus brought me God’s Knowledge to save me from it. Jesus didn’t bring me another Heavenly Magic (like believe, obey and praise, you will be saved). Such a magic is known and believed since the oldest cultures of paganism till now. I hope this magic will work for you, and you will inherit the world’s pleasures for eternity.

    @Brother Rando Thank you for your response. At least you dropped the Christendom dogma of claiming Jesus is God (incarnated). That's a small step in the right direction. I commend you for that because it does take humility.

    • Do not lie to one another. Strip off the old personality with its practices,  and clothe yourselves with the new personality, which through accurate knowledge is being made new according to the image of the One who created it, (Colossians 3:9-10) Go to the link, read the scripture, then read the notes that will give you deeper appreciation.

    Just so you know, many are called but few are chosen. We have many Bible Studies but relatively few get through to the cramped road.

    This textbook is designed to be used during a personal Bible study as part of our free Bible study program.

    Thankful for Google transliterates יהוה in English as Jehovah. Visit about whom Jesus Christ calls the Only True God in (John 17:3)

  • Brother Rando
    Brother Rando Posts: 1,488
    edited March 3

    Here's a thought @KerimF

    You can go to and save that address and make it your Home Page. Every time you open your browser you will get a daily scripture. Study it, try to apply it to your life. Just do it. You can take it out later.

    Todays text:

    Monday, March 3

    Jehovah is near to all those calling on him, to all who call on him in truth.​—Ps. 145:18.

    We may need to change what we pray for as we discern Jehovah’s will more clearly. We must remember that Jehovah has a purpose, and he will fulfill it according to his established timetable. That purpose includes completely and permanently eliminating all problems that cause so much suffering today​—problems such as natural disasters, sickness, and death. Jehovah will accomplish his purpose by means of his Kingdom. (Dan. 2:44; Rev. 21:3, 4) However, until that time, Jehovah is permitting Satan to rule the world. (John 12:31; Rev. 12:9) If Jehovah were to solve mankind’s problems now, it could appear as if Satan’s rulership were having a measure of success. So while we must wait for Jehovah to fulfill certain promises, this does not mean that he leaves us without help. Jehovah will come to our aid. w23.05 8 ¶4; 9-10 ¶7-8

    Thankful for Google transliterates יהוה in English as Jehovah. Visit about whom Jesus Christ calls the Only True God in (John 17:3)

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