The First Lie believed by World Religions!

God created Adam as LIVING soul (Gen 2:7)
Then later told the penalty of his treason- DEATH!
He next even spelled out what that would MEAN- "You will return to the Dust I made you from."
World Religions - including Churchianity- teach that we LIVE ON- an 'Afterlife'.
This has lead to the greatest whooper ever~
This Satan-Inspired lie warps the beauty of ~
Someone shut this guy down please. @Jan
WHAT? Can't take the Bible, can you!
I see nothing in the founding expectations of the CD forums that would justify Jan's taking action against @theMadJW. In another thread, you call Jehovah Witnesses a "cult" and a "false religion," but even if either of those assertions is true - and I'm offering NO opinion as to their accuracy - they aren't sufficient rationale for the action you propose.
The expectations call CD a place for "respectful online theological discussion" in which "Bible questions [and] theological discourse" arise among people who are "passionate about the Word." The expectations say nothing about the theological or ecclesiological resumes of posters.
In a January 2019 post you called Mormons and the Roman Catholic church cults. Is it your view that members of those communities also should be barred from posting in the CD forums?
And then, of course, we could also revisit the question of whether those who violate the CD expectation that posters will not engage in "name-calling" or "ad hominem attacks" should be barred from posting.... 😛
Thank you for your fairness Bill; but, siding for him, I have been I lot LESS tactful on other Forums! (Google "themadjw")
However, the CD have inspired me to take a kinder tone! I love it here!
So, I am glad you put up with me!
@theMadJW posted:
Thank you for your fairness Bill; but, siding for him, I have been I lot LESS tactful on other Forums! (Google "themadjw")
The last line in my previous post - the one that referenced violations of the CD expectation regarding name-calling and ad-hominem attacks - was not about you or your posts. However I welcome this chance to urge you (and myself and the rest of us) to comply with that expectation.
However, the CD have inspired me to take a kinder tone! I love it here!
Given the bitterly partisan nature of many of the political and theological debates among both the politically and theologically passionate these days (as many threads in the CD forums attest) your turn toward "kinder" tones can be a blessing.
So, I am glad you put up with me!
I hope for and celebrate an active community of diverse voices in these forums, as long as those to whom those voices belong comply with what I believe is our most necessary expectation: Criticize ideas, not people. I have no trouble expressing my disagreement with others' views when I wish to do so. My intention is always to express that disagreement in ways that fully adhere to that principle. I encourage you (and the rest of us) to adopt the same posting approach.
Yes, you can't have Christian Debate if you are not Christian. Mormons and RCC are out in my opinion as well.
@reformed posted:
Yes, you can't have Christian Debate if you are not Christian. Mormons and RCC are out in my opinion as well.
Thanks for your candor.
You seem to base your position on one of the two words in the name of these forums, which doesn't strike me as a particularly robust foundation for such a strident view. Do you find anything in expectations Jan posted for CD posts - that is, not just in the word "Christian" from the name of the forums - that supports your view? Frankly, I don't, but I may well have missed it.
The first lie of Satan (to mankind) is even the foundation to the most blasphemous teaching of all~
Let's take a look at God's command to the man:
Gen 2:16-17 (NASB)
16 The LORD God commanded the man, saying, “From any tree of the garden you may eat freely;
17 but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not 1eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely die.”
- To what death is God referring?
- Did God mean "in the day that you eat from it" man would "surely die" or did God mean something else?
- Did Adam die on the day he ate from it?
How can it be that Adam lived on for quite many years after eating from that tree, and yet God's command about "in the day that you eat" be true?
How can someone who doesn't believe the Bible understand ANY of this?
And what are you trying to say with your question? How does this relate to the questions I asked?
Again, why are you evading answering what you were asked?
Have you got a reading disorder?
My brother has a beef eating disorder and I'm worried
His life is at steak
In ancient Hebrew, the word day, similar to ours, had several meanings.
"In the day you eat of that fruit"- they didn't drop dead on the spot, so it was CLEARLY a statement to a longer period of time, as "Noah's Day", and as Gen 2:4- These are the generations of the heavens and the earth when they were created. In the day that Jehovah [God's Name put back in] God made the earth and the heavens.
@theMadJW "In the day you eat of that fruit"
What died on the day Adam & Eve disobeyed ? Why hide from Holy God ? (Genesis 3:1-8) Clearly something changed.
Observation is all graphics posted by @theMadJW in this thread lack any Bible references (disappointing for Bible Question discussion)
Are these words spoken by Jesus true ?
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many miracles in your name?’ And then I will say to them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Depart from me, you who practice lawlessness!’ (Matthew 7:21-23 LEB)
What words do you want to hear from Jesus ?
To me, Matthew 7:21-23 is truthfully consistent with Revelation 20:11-15 (LEB) And I saw a great white throne and the one who was seated on it, from whose presence earth and heaven fled, and a place was not found for them. And I saw the dead—the great and the small—standing before the throne, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the book of life, and the dead were judged by what was written in the books, according to their deeds. And the sea gave up the dead who were in it, and Death and Hades gave up the dead who were in them, and each one was judged according to their deeds. And Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death—the lake of fire. And if anyone was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.
Deeds show human choices reflecting what they really, really, really love the most.
By the way, Jewish convention of reading Adonai (Lord) instead of יהוה has Matthew 7:21-23 implication of Jesus being called יהוה
@theMadJW Agape!
What is different between ἀγάπη (agapē) , ἀγαπάω (agapaō) , & ἀγαπητός (agapētos) ?
Keep Smiling 😊
VERY good- and such ideal references!
I regret you implying I did not cover it entirely - it was not MEANT to!
Answer me- I happy to HEAR!
@reformed wrote:
Someone shut this guy down please. @Jan
Sorry, I had a research paper due this week, and let emails pile up. I only just noticed what's happening.
@Bill_Coley wrote:
I see nothing in the founding expectations of the CD forums that would justify Jan's taking action against @theMadJW.
I agree.
@reformed wrote:
Yes, you can't have Christian Debate if you are not Christian.
Non-Christians can have Christian Debate with Christians.
I'd love to stick around for this one, but sadly need to set priorities. I've got about ten open threads with atheists in the comment section of my YouTube channel...... Those have been piling up as well while I was finishing off my paper...
The promulgation of Satan's Lie by Organized Religion has resulted in Christ to be taught NOT DYING at all!
@theMadJW Answer me- I happy to HEAR!
Christian Discourse is respectful online theological discussions (includes interaction). Please provide your answers to these questions:
What died on the day Adam & Eve disobeyed ? Why hide from Holy God ? (Genesis 3:1-8)
What words do you want to hear from Jesus ? (Matthew 7:21-23)
Simple Koine Greek language question: (avoiding question again implies your lack of Biblical Greek language learning)
What is different between ἀγάπη (agapē) , ἀγαπάω (agapaō) , & ἀγαπητός (agapētos) ?
Is "The Watch Tower Society" worthy of trust ? Wikipedia page about Jehovah's Witnesses includes:
The Watch Tower Society has made various unfulfilled predictions about major biblical events such as Christ's Second Coming, the advent of God's Kingdom, and Armageddon.
Simple test for prophet of True God is accuracy. The Watch Tower Society has failed (lied) a number of times: 1914 "harvest of the Gospel age", 1925 Hebrew patriarch resurrection, 1975 start of Christ's thousand-year reign (revised from 1914), 1980 admission by the Watch Tower Tract society about building up hope regarding 1975, 1995 change about Armegeddon dating (with subsequent 2010 "generation" teaching change).
Keep Smiling 😊
Why the barrage of questions?
Why not one at a time?
What died on the day Adam & Eve disobeyed ? The 'Days' of Adam & Eve- like it "Noah's Day". Nothing God said spoke of execution, or the ending of life INSTANTEOSLY.
I see you are ignorant of the fact the fact that my findings are biblically and spirit influenced...and the fact that you divert by quoting the WTBS.
If we meet in person, I could look at you while Smiling 😍 and truly say: "I see the Image of God in you. You're Special. God Loves You ❤️ Does God like our sin ? No (shaking my head side to side). God Loves Us ❤️" (Thankful for many 😍 faces responding to God's Love ❤️ with Smiles 😍)
My desire for 2021 is "Be Holy as God is Holy" that includes Righteous Love ❤️
Thankful for Paul's letter to the Ephesians, which is really a letter God inspired for everyone to read. Original Greek manuscript has "To Ephesians" written on the top margin (designed to be copied & sent to many places). Thankful for the first half of Ephesians including wonderful value of every human to God, with second half how to live (excellent & practical). Highly recommend asking God to help you see how much God Loves ❤️ followed by reading Ephesians many times.
@Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus What died on the day Adam & Eve disobeyed ? Why hide from Holy God ? (Genesis 3:1-8)
@theMadJW What died on the day Adam & Eve disobeyed ? The 'Days' of Adam & Eve- like it "Noah's Day". Nothing God said spoke of execution, or the ending of life INSTANTEOSLY.
Searching all English Bibles in my Logos library for verses that have three words: day Adam Eve found one verse: Job 20:4 “Don’t you even know the basics, how things have been since the earliest days, when Adam and Eve were first placed on earth? (The Message) In contrast, Logos Bible search for day Noah finds 10+ verses in Bibles: e.g. Greek New Testament has Matthew 24:37-38, Luke 17:26-27, 1 Peter 3:20 (Thankful for English words being searchable in Society of Biblical Languages Greek New Testament to find corresponding Greek words)
Still listening & hoping for your insight about Why Adam & Eve choose to hide from God ? (Genesis 3:1-8) What died instantly ?
@theMadJW I see you are ignorant of the fact the fact that my findings are biblically and spirit influenced...
Noticeably lacking from any graphic posted thus far in this thread is any Biblical reference. Hoping for your reply to another Biblical question:
What words do you want to hear from Jesus ? (Matthew 7:21-23)
Simple Koine Greek language question: (these 3 words appear in the Greek New Testament with spelling showing grammatical usage)
What is different between ἀγάπη , ἀγαπάω , & ἀγαπητός ?
@theMadJW the fact that you divert by quoting the WTBS
Question remains: Is the Jehovah's Witnesses (JW) organization (includes WTBS) worthy to be trusted ?
Wikipedia page about Jehovah's Witnesses (JW) includes:
The Watch Tower Society has made various unfulfilled predictions about major biblical events such as Christ's Second Coming, the advent of God's Kingdom, and Armageddon.
Simple test for prophet of True Holy God is accuracy. JW organization (includes The Watch Tower Society, WTBS) has simply failed to be accurate a number of times: 1914 "harvest of the Gospel age", 1925 Hebrew patriarch resurrection, 1975 start of Christ's thousand-year reign (revised from 1914), 1980 admission by the Watch Tower Tract society about building up hope regarding 1975, 1995 change about Armegeddon dating (with subsequent 2010 "generation" teaching change). Hence, history of JW organization proves they do not speak for the living True Holy God.
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Keep Smiling 😊
Sorry to disappoint you, but the WTBS is not my Leader, and has been making so serious mistakes.
If you want to focus on Satan's Lie- the Topic of the Post- I be glad to answer any questions you have.
Still listening & hoping for @theMadJW insight about Why Adam & Eve choose to hide from God ? (Genesis 3:1-8) What died instantly ?
Keep Smiling 😊
KS$J- I don't know. That they were "naked" has long puzzled me!
@Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus June 4 Still listening & hoping for @theMadJW insight about Why Adam & Eve choose to hide from God ? (Genesis 3:1-8) What died instantly ?
@theMadJW June 5 KS$J- I don't know. That they were "naked" has long puzzled me!
What happened to intimate human relationship with Holy God ?
Prior to choosing disobedience of Holy God's command, Adam & Eve had enjoyed Holy God's Loving ❤️presence without any fear nor shame.
FWIW: fig tree was either the tree with forbidden fruit OR nearby with leaves that could be sewn together. Human body in the Image of God was created Holy beautiful.
FYI: many years ago, Faithlife Corporation developers gave me nickname of KS4J (abbreviated: Keep Smiling 4 Jesus). Thankful for many friendly forum and Faithlife discussions: have learned a lot plus have a lot to learn.
Keep Smiling 😊