Jehovah's Organization and the 40 year refinement periods...

Jehovah's Organization and the 40 year refinement periods...
Soon, all the inhabitants of the earth will have to know God's Name Jehovah. "I will not allow my holy name to be profaned any longer; and the nations will have to know that I am Jehovah" (Ezekiel 39:7)
The refinement periods of 40 years are a repeated pattern throughout the scriptures that are often applied to God's People. The first pattern was applied to all the inhabited earth in 1914. The 40 year pattern thrice. (1914 + 120 =2034). It's during this period that specific and overlapping refinement periods can be applied. Jehovah is a God of order and not one of chaos. (1 Corinthians 14:33)
There are many refinement periods, but I will speak of the ones about the anointed and great crowd that will be ushered into Christ Millennial Reign. In 1919, the faithful and discreet slave of anointed ones were chosen to take the lead of God's People upon the earth and bring a Public Announcement of Denunciation upon Babylon The Great. The time period for this can easily be obtained by applying the three 40 year periods. (1919 + 120 =2039) We know the anointed do not live on earth indefinitely, each anointed person must finish their earthly course successfully to realize their heavenly reward. Today, we know that Babylon the Great is on borrowed time, she has been on fire and burning since 1919. Each year that gets closer to 2039, we SEE the nations growing agitated with her as she cannot bring prosperity and peace to the Earthly Kings. Rather, she has embezzled luxury and riches from her suitor. It's not likely she will survive 2039 but come to her end, never to be found again.
In 1930 the Bible Students took on the name 'Jehovah's Witnesses' as God's Organization upon the earth. Jehovah's Organization entered into three refinement periods since 1935. In 1935 we entered into a New Era. *** w15 2/15 p. 32 “A Very Precious Season” ***
"The year 1935 marked a dramatic change that affected future Memorial observances, for the meaning of the “great multitude” (KJ), or “great crowd,” of Revelation 7:9 was clarified. Until then, Jehovah’s servants had viewed this group as consecrated Christians who were less zealous. Now this vast throng was identified as faithful worshippers who hope to live on a paradise earth. Following this clarification and after some careful self-examination, Russell Poggensee acknowledged: “The heavenly hope had not been awakened within me by Jehovah through his holy spirit.” Brother Poggensee—and many loyal ones like him—stopped partaking of the emblems but continued to attend the Memorial."
The book Life Everlasting—In Freedom of the Sons of God, released at a series of district conventions held in 1966, pointed to 1975. Right at the convention, as the brothers examined the contents, the new book triggered much discussion about 1975.
At the convention held in Baltimore, Maryland, F. W. Franz gave the concluding talk. He began by saying: “Just before I got on the platform a young man came to me and said, ‘Say, what does this 1975 mean?’” Brother Franz then referred to the many questions that had arisen as to whether the material in the new book meant that by 1975 Armageddon would be finished, and Satan would be bound.
He stated, in essence: ‘It could. But we are not saying. All things are possible with God. But we are not saying. And don’t any of you be specific in saying anything that is going to happen between now and 1975. But the big point of it all is this, dear friends: Time is short. Time is running out, no question about that.’
The third and final 40 year refinement period began in 2015 with a plethora of understanding to the regards of the overlapping generation about 'this generation'. In the early weeks of January, 2015, at one of our midweek meetings. A Brother quietly and calmly walked up to the podium and stated, "New partakers that start partaking are not part of 'this generation'. With that 10 second announcement my eyebrows raised and thinking to myself that those anointed sometime after 1990 or 1995 are not contemporaries of those alive that saw Christ Presence in 1914. Then for clarification, Brother David H. Splane gave the explanation in the video titled, "Close to the End of This System of Things".
From this point on, we can start emphasizing these two scriptures in this manner.
"... and then the end will come." (Matthew 24:14)
"... and from these turn away. " (2 Timothy 3:5)
Thankful for Google transliterates יהוה in English as Jehovah. Visit about whom Jesus Christ calls the Only True God in (John 17:3)
If this is a joke it is in very bad taste.
If you insist on copying whole pages from the JWs website (to the dismay of many) in your determined quest attempting to proselytize CD Posters, be more attentive to what you're doing. In light of this obstinacy, could you please summarize the points you want to make and provide the reference if someone wants more in your own words?
As for the above content, I think (full content) it is an assortment of denominational and religious babbling. To me, there seems no biblical continuity or relevancy. It's tantamount to religious propaganda on steroids. Please, consider investing more time in stating your case, showing a current need for the information. Don't make CD a dumping ground for JWs' religious runoff. Leave the denominational "inside baseball" for your in-house sessions. Thanks. CM
I concur. CM
Simple test for True God prophetic announcements is 100% accuracy. Wikipedia has Unfulfilled Watch Tower Society predictions that shows JW organization is untrustworthy => unfufilled predictions in 1878, 1881, 1914, 1918, 1925, & 1975. Noticed 1878 + 40 = 1918
Wonder about @BroRando purpose for posting many links to untrustworthy JW organization and personal web site.
Logos Bible Search for forty years found 57 verses (having both words). Forty years appears twice in Numbers 14:26-35 LEB => And יהוה Yahweh spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying, “How long will I bear this evil community who are grumbling against me? I have heard the grumbling of the Israelites which they are making against me. Say to them, ‘Surely as I live,’ declares יהוה Yahweh, ‘just as you spoke in my hearing, so I will do to you; in this desert your corpses will fall, and all your counted ones, according to all your number, from twenty years old and above who grumbled against me. You yourselves will not come into the land that I swore by oath to make you to dwell in it, but Caleb son of Jephunneh and Joshua son of Nun. But your little children, whom you said would be plunder, I will bring them, and they will know the land that you rejected. But for you, all your corpses will fall in this desert. And your children will be shepherds in the desert forty years, and you will bear your unfaithfulness until all your corpses have fallen in the desert. According to the number of the days that you explored the land, forty days, a day for each year, you will bear your sins forty years, and you will know my opposition.’ I, יהוה Yahweh, have spoken; I will surely do this to all this evil community who has banded together against me. In this desert they will come to an end, and there they will die.”
Ezekiel 4:1-8 LEB => “Now, son of man, take for yourself a brick, and you must put it before you, and you must portray on it a city, Jerusalem. And you must build against it siege works, and you must build against it a bulwark, and you must heap against it a siege ramp, and you must set up against it camps and put against it a battering ram all around. And take for yourself a plate of iron, and you must place it as a wall of iron between you and the city, and you must set your face against it, and it must be under siege, and you must lay the siege against it; it is a sign for the house of Israel. And you, lie down on your left side, and you must put the guilt of the house of Israel on it. You will carry their guilt the number of days that you will lie on it. And I will give to you the years of their guilt according to the number of the days, three hundred and ninety days, and you must bear the guilt of the house of Israel. When you have completed these, then you must lie a second time on your right side; and you must bear the guilt of the house of Judah forty days, a day for each year, a day for each year I give it to you. And toward the siege of Jerusalem you must set your face and your bared arm; then you must prophesy against it. Now look! I will put on you cords, and you may not turn yourself from one side to your other side until you complete the days of your siege.
Keep Smiling 😊
@C Mc posted:
If you insist on copying whole pages from the JWs website (to the dismay of many) in your determined quest attempting to proselytize CD Posters, be more attentive to what you're doing. In light of this obstinacy, could you please summarize the points you want to make and provide the reference if someone wants more in your own words?
Given your interest in posters' providing original summaries of their arguments, could you please tell us how much of the content of THIS POST, THIS POST, and THIS POST (to identify a few) was your original work and how much of it was material you pasted from other sources? Might a reader have been justified, depending on his or her theology, in concluding that your posts were "tantamount to religious propaganda on steroids"? Isn't it at least the case that by pasting such content into your posts you intended to persuade others to your points of view, just as @BroRando likely intended his pasted content to persuade others to his?
My point is that in my view, in these threads you have often practiced what you're now preaching against. I'm no fan of pasting from other sources into posts about biblical or theological matters; a quick perusal of my posts will show that I basically never do so. But I don't criticize you or @BroRando or anyone else who finds value in such an approach. I don't understand the basis for your critique of his posts given your own at least comparable practice.
p.s. As noted in a previous post in another thread, I am willing to reply to your posts in threads, except to the posts in which you call me out by name. When I reply to you, as I have here, I will respond to any replies you offer, but hold no expectation whatsoever that you will do so.
@Bill_Coley said:
p.s. As noted in a previous post in another thread, I am willing to reply to your posts in threads, except to the posts in which you call me out by name. When I reply to you, as I have here, I will respond to any replies you offer, but hold no expectation whatsoever that you will do so.
In coming to the aid of JWs, who supports your Arian anti-trinitarian views, are you "trying to have your cake and eat it too"? Is this your less-than-candid way of pressing the reset button to communicate? I expected you to be a little more manly in discarding your so-called principal position you nursed for years in these forums, truly like a brooding brat. e.g., You have gone from "I will no longer...", "I will not respond...", to "when I am called out..." 😕 🤐 🤔 Lastly, you ended with "I am now done "communicating." Is this on the subject matter or with me? Where are you, on this last statement and your brooding in general? I am clear you, @Bill_Coley, boldly stated:
"I did not and do not intend to press the reset button...".
"I will continue not to respond when in threads you..."
" I am now done "communicating".
Later in the post, I, @C Mc, responded to you:
I acknowledged you responded, to my questions from a previous post, albeit reluctantly. The quality of your answers, I will remain silent at this point. Since you "do not intend to press the reset button," only to "remind" and to affirm "...never again remind you [ @C Mc ] of my [ @Bill_Coley ] decision not to respond when in threads you [ @C Mc ] call me [ @Bill_Coley ] out by name". Wasn't a grand opportunity missed? You concluded with "...I am now done "communicating." Wow!
Are you conveying that you are abandoning your so-called self-imposed restrictions and boycott and respect posters' rights to respond at the time and pace of his choosing and even not at all? Is this where you are, Mr. Bill? I remain. CM
@C Mc ... did you get caught doing what you accused someone else doing? Or is it ok to do as long as it is along your lines of theology, but not when a post is contrary to your theology?
@Bill_Coley ... well stated, I had the same in mind while reading C Mc...'s post.
@Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus said:
Simple test for True God prophetic announcements is 100% accuracy. Wikipedia has Unfulfilled Watch Tower Society predictions that shows JW organization is untrustworthy => unfufilled predictions in 1878, 1881, 1914, 1918, 1925, & 1975. Noticed 1878 + 40 = 1918
Thanks, @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus, for the source above. Other religious groups made predictions (various events, the return of Christ, etc.) and got it wrong and moved on. It appears that JWs got it wrong, doubling and tripling down on what hasn't come to pass. Even today, still trying to justify unfulfilled prophecy. From their sources, failed predictions made by the "faithful and discreet slave class" of Jehovah's Witnesses over the years:
- The year 1799 definitely marks the beginning of the time of the end [Creation, pp. 294,298].
- The 1000 years of Christ's reign began in 1873 [The Time Is at Hand, foreword p. 2].
- The Scriptural proof is that the second presence of the Lord Jesus Christ began in 1874 A.D. [Prophecy, p. 65].
- The second coming of the Lord began in 1874 [Creation, pp. 289,298, Prophecy, p. 76].
- The beginning of the battle of the great day is dated from October 1874 [WT 1/15/1892, p. 1355].
- The Kingdom of God will begin its exercise of power in 1878 [The Time Is at Hand p. 101].
- The formal inaugu- ration of Christ's kingly office dates from April 1878 [The Day of Vengeance, p. 621].
- Christ has been invisibly present since October 1884 [The Day of Vengeance, p. 621].
- The battle of the great day of God the Almighty had begun by 1886 [WT 1/1886, vol. VII, pp. 816, 817].
- The battle of the great day of God Almighty is already commenced [The Time Is at Hand (1908), p. 101].
- The stress of the great time of trouble will be on us somewhere between 1910 and 1912 [The New Creation, p. 579].
- World War I is leading into the Battle of Armageddon [WT 4/1/15, p. 102].
- By the end of 1914 the blindness of natural Israel will begin to be turned away [The Time Is at Hand, p. 77].
- The last member of the church will be glorified sometime before the end of 1914 [The Time Is at Hand, p. 77].
- Christendom will be completely destroyed by October 1914 [WT 1/15/1892, p. 1355].
- The year 1914 will be the farthest limit of the rule of imperfect men [The Time Is at Hand, pp. 76,77].
- The date for the close of the battle of the great day is definitely marked in Scripture as October 1914 [WT 1/15/1892, p. 1355].
- Armageddon is likely to begin in the spring of 1915 [WT 9/1/14].
- The battle of the great day of God Almighty had begun by 1916 [WT 9/1/16, pp. 265,266].
- In the year 1918 God will destroy the churches wholesale and the church members by the millions; any that escape shall come to the works of Pastor Russell to learn the meaningof the downfall of "Christianity" [The Finished Mystery, p. 485].
- The date 1925 is even more distinctly indicated by the Scriptures than is 1914, and before 1925 the great crisis will be reached and probably passed [WT 9/1/22].
- In 1925 the earthly phase of the Kingdom will be recognized [Millions Now Living Will Never Die, p. 89].
- Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the faithful prophets of old will be resurrected and fully restored to perfect humanity in the fall of 1925 [Millions Now Living Will Never Die, pp. 88-90].
- We should, therefore, expect shortly after 1925 to see the awakening of Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Melchisedec, Job, Moses, Samuel, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, John the Baptist, and others mentioned in the eleventh chapter of Hebrews [The Way to Paradise, p. 224], the remaining months before Armageddon [WT 9/15/41, p. 288].
- Those faithful men of old may be expected back from the dead any day now [The New World (1942), p. 104]. Six thousand years from man's creation will end in 1975.
- It may be the purpose of God for Christ's reign to run parallel with the 7th millennium of man's existence [Life Everlasting in the Freedom of the Sons of God, pp. 29- 30, WT 8/15/68, pp. 497-501].)
The Bible makes clear Jesus' words:
- Matt. 25:13 -- “Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.”
- Matt 24:36 -- “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.”
- Matthew 24:23 --- “Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.” Jesus warned against such teachings in the last days. Despite such warnings the Watchtower Society for over a century has been teaching that Christ is here.
We are to "Keep watch" and not predict the return of Christ. If we lapse into making predictions, admit the error and don't try to justify or continue it. Let's keep studying and searching the Word. CM
JWs Sources:
- Creation
- The Time Is at Hand
- Prophecy
- The New World
- WT= Watchtower Magazine
- The Finished Mystery
- The Day of Vengeance
- Millions Now Living Will Never Die
- The Way to Paradise
- Life Everlasting in the Freedom of the Sons of God
jaydubs are a lot of good people who got it badly wrong. So what. Give them a chance. Have compassion.
@C Mc posted:
In coming to the aid of JWs, who supports your Arian anti-trinitarian views, are you "trying to have your cake and eat it too"?
Since I made major lifestyle changes when it comes to food in September 2020, I no longer have cake or eat it.
In my previous post, I came to the aid, not of the "JWs" or their views on the Trinity, but of the value I give to consistency. It seems to me that your criticism of @BroRando's pasting third party content into his posts is at odds with your practice of pasting considerable amounts of third party content into your posts. You had strong criticism for the content of his pastes - you called it "an assortment of denominational and religious babbling" - but you didn't mention/criticize the content of your own pastes. I think that's inconsistent.
Is this your less-than-candid way of pressing the reset button to communicate? I expected you to be a little more manly in discarding your so-called principal position you nursed for years in these forums, truly like a brooding brat. e.g., You have gone from "I will no longer...", "I will not respond...", to "when I am called out..." 😕 🤐 🤔 Lastly, you ended with "I am now done "communicating." Is this on the subject matter or with me? Where are you, on this last statement and your brooding in general?
No reset button.
As I wrote in my previous reply to you, "I am willing to reply to your posts in threads, except to the posts in which you call me out by name. When I reply to you, as I have here, I will respond to any replies you offer, but hold no expectation whatsoever that you will do so." Or as I stated it in a different thread, "I may well respond to some of your posts - and if so, I will hold no expectation whatsoever that you will reply - but I won't respond to posts in which you call me out."
The message I intended to convey by those posts was simply that I will no longer respond when you call me out by name in threads... such as you did, unprompted, in these examples (emphasis added):
"@Bill_Coley, what do you have to say about this? You can’t explain this away. The vaccinated people are “in a pickle”. Sri you sorry now you took the vaccines?"
"What is this? Wake up America! Are the vaccines a killing machine? See for yourself. Can @Bill_Coley explain these numbers away? I don’t think so. Please, tell me, what other vaccines given and are there so many deaths or vaccine related cases?"
... but I am willing to engage you in matters not related to one of your calls-out to me by name, such as this current exchange. And when I do engage you in exchanges such as this, I will have no expectation that you will reply, as I did when I replied to one of your calls-out. In situations such as this one, I will gladly welcome your replies(!) but I won't expect them.
Are you conveying that you are abandoning your so-called self-imposed restrictions and boycott and respect posters' rights to respond at the time and pace of his choosing and even not at all? Is this where you are, Mr. Bill?
As I just explained, nothing has changed in my restrictions et al. I will not respond when, unprompted, you call me out by name in threads. End of "boycott" description.
And then we have this JW nonsense about Jesus being a "l;ittle" god and an angel and his name actually being Michael.
Jehovah's Organization and the 40 year refinement periods... begin with three periods of refinements. See the three? Whoa must be something important. The 40 represents a REFINEMENT PERIOD.
- God's Organization first refinement period began in 1935 and ended in 1975.
- Then the second refineperiod began in 1975 and ended in 2015.
- The third and final refinement period began in 2015 and will end in 2055.
What happens during this Final Period from 2015 to 2055?
- The collecting of a people out of the nations for God's Name will end. (Acts 15:14)
- Once the Preaching Work reaches a climax, our Preaching Work will end. (Matthew 24:14)
- The Spirtual Temple of Jehovah will be completed. (Rev 21:2)
- False Religion will be Destroyed. No More Religions. (Rev 18:21)
- Those caught in HER will also be Destroyed by dying the Second Death. (Rev 18:2, Rev 18:4)
- Work begins on earth to get it ready for the Resurrection. (Act 24:15)
- How is this work being done? (Acts 15:16-17)
In th past, Jehovah had his angel destroy the Nation of Israel in the wilderness for disobeying him. That time period was 40 years. So the wicked be removed from the earth by dying off and returning to the dust in the same manner as Adam and Eve died for the Resurrect to Begin. We have entered that Final time period since 2015... will you listen and be gathered for Jehovah's Name? (Acts 15:17)
As the Storm Approaches, Maintain Your Focus on Jesus!—Future Kingdom Blessings
- Neither let us put Jehovah to the test, as some of them put him to the test, only to perish by the serpents. Neither be murmurers, as some of them murmured, only to perish by the destroyer. Now these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for a Warning to Us upon whom the ends of the systems of things have come. (1 Corinthians 10:9-11)
All that after a litany of failed JW prophecies.