A New Craziness in America

PREMIUM Monthly unit sales of guns in the U.S. from 2019 to 2020, by type
Published by Statista Research Department, Nov 27, 2020
In August 2020, around one million handguns were sold in the United States. In August 2020, handgun sales in the United States grew by 66 percent when compared to the same period in the previous year.
What is this madness for America's need to buy more guns? Has she not learn that Firearm ownership leads to Firearm production and sale, Firearm related crime, deaths and injuries, and increase of deaths by accident, etc., in the U.S.? See the footprints of this madness. CM
The most important statistics
- Gun ownership in the U.S. 1972-2020
- Gun ownership in the U.S. by gender 2020
- Gun ownership in the U.S. by ethnicity 2020
- Gun ownership in the U.S. by age 2020
- Gun ownership in the U.S. by education level 2020
- Firearm ownership rate, by proximity to urban centers U.S. 2017
- Gun ownership in the U.S. 2017, by region
- Gun ownership, by party affiliation U.S. 2020
Further Content: You might find this interesting as well
- Monthly sales growth of guns in the U.S. from 2019 to 2020
- Number of pistols manufactured in the U.S. 1986-2018
- Public perception of gun crime in America 2013
- Homicides with firearms in Latin America and Caribbean countries, 2009
- Number of non-fatal firearm crimes U.S. 2000-2019
- Non-fatal firearm crimerate in the U.S. 2011, by ethnicity
- Brazil: handgun import value 2016-2019
- Brazil: handgun import volume 2016-2019
- Wholesale sales of sports firearms in the U.S. 2007-2019
- Reasons for firearm ownership U.S. 2015
- Methods of firearm acquisition U.S. 2015
- Number of firearms processed U.S. 1990-2019
- Comparison: easy access to guns to blame for mass shootings in the US, 2011 and 2013
- Canada: number of individual firearms licenses held, by type 2019
- Number of federal firearm dealers U.S. 1975-2019
- Canada: reasons for firearms license revocations 2019
- Distribution of handguns imports into Denmark 2016, by country
Guns were made to kill. A Christian SHOULDN'T buy, owned or need a gun. Should not a people seek their God for protection? CD Christians don't be deceived or join this American madness -- buying a gun. Choice ye this whom you would rely upon for safety and protection, a gun or Christ? If you have a gun in your home, remove it immediately! CM
To be perfectly clear:
I call on all families and Christians to remove GUNS from their homes. Let heaven's abiding angels protect and keep you and yours safe. CM
Guns were made to kill. A Christian SHOULDN'T buy, owned or need a gun. Should not a people seek their God for protection? CD Christians don't be deceived or join this American madness -- buying a gun. Choice ye this whom you would rely upon for safety and protection, a gun or Christ? If you have a gun in your home, remove it immediately! CM
any biblical evidence for this nice communist type of ideological thinking nicely mixed up with some Christian sounding words?
To be perfectly clear:
I call on all families and Christians to remove GUNS from their homes. Let heaven's abiding angels protect and keep you and yours safe. CM
I suppose you herewith make yourself the authority to judge all those who prepare for self-defense in the USA to not be nor qualify to be Christians? How do you define a Christian?
Btw, God didn't necessarily need guns to kill people or have people killed ....
Wolfgang said:
any biblical evidence for this nice communist type of ideological thinking nicely mixed up with some Christian sounding words?
God's law forbids killing.
"communist type of ideological thinking"
What do you mean? Are you saying that "communists" love life more than "pistol-packing Christians"? I am a "communists" because I am against guns?
I suppose you herewith make yourself the authority to judge all those who prepare for self-defense in the USA to not be nor qualify to be Christians?
Christians in America or in Germany are not to buy, own or use a gun, especially to take a life of a human-being. Get any guns you may have out of your home, Wolfgang. You don't need it! What's in you house worth taking a life of another person? Is it in your heart to kill a man?
How do you define a Christian?
As the Bible defines it. A good question. There is a thread that goes into details. Look it up. A follower of Christ (Messiah Jesus) is a simple definition. Jesus didn't carry a gun, a sword or encouraged his followers to carry one.
No Christian, anywhere, can justify the purchasing or the using of a gun. It's an instrument of death. Guns were made to kill, even if for hunting or target practicing one gets a thrill. CM
God's law forbids killing.
Actually, in certain situations it actually demands killing.
Christians in America or in Germany are not to buy, own or use a gun, especially to take a life of a human-being. Get any guns you may have out of your home, Wolfgang. You don't need it! What's in you house worth taking a life of another person? Is it in your heart to kill a man?
Well, I wonder what my wife would say when I empty the drawer in the kitchen cabinet which has quite a few things with which killing is possible ...
No Christian, anywhere, can justify the purchasing or the using of a gun. It's an instrument of death. Guns were made to kill, even if for hunting or target practicing one gets a thrill. CM
How do you know about such "thrill"? What kind of mindset do you have ? Just because you hold to such "ideology" with "thrills of killing", you want to impose on others something which pertains to your state of mind?
So is hunting wrong?
What's right about killing animals? God's beautiful creatures, why would you want to kill them? Adam and Eve didn't go around killing the animals in Eden. You're not hungry. Leave God's creatures alone. Don't say you hunt for food, become a a vegan or a vegetarian. Plant-based was man't original diet.
Get those guns out your house. In most cases it's the occupants in the home are the ones that get killed and not the intruders. You would not forgive yourself if something happened to a member of your family because that gun is in your home. Love people and not guns. As head of your household, set a new standard of safety and peace.
Guns were made to kill and you know it's true. Remove them from your home, your wife and kids would thank you too. CM
Guns were made to kill and you know it's true. Remove them from your home, your wife and kids would thank you too. CM
do you have knives at home?
Please! This is utter nonsense! A knife was not made exclusively to kill or take the life of another human. A knife has multiple uses -- to cut rope, bread, brush, wood, carve, vine, etc. The same can't be said of a gun. Even when a gun is used for target practice, it is sharpening one's skill to kill. Everyone knows this, you and your wife. Admit it, Wolfgang and do better. CM
PS. Guns were made to kill. Don't you care about the many grave hills in the cemetery? Instead of people, your guns, you should bury. CM
Guns were made to kill.
are there different reasons to kill ?? is all killing due to lust for a thrill to kill ? You make it sound that way ....
@C Mc Guns were made to kill.
Can a concrete wall be killed ? => Ramset MasterShot 0.22 Caliber Powder Actuated Tool
Can a snow avalanche be triggered by gun shot(s) ? (intentionally bring snow down on a mountain highway for safe clearing)
@C Mc What's right about killing animals?
Can animal skin(s) be used for human garment(s) while animals are living ?
Genesis 3:21 (LEB) And יהוה Yahweh God made for Adam and for his wife garments of skin, and he clothed them.
What was יהוה Yahweh purpose for animal blood sacrifices ? Holy blood sacrifice by יהוה Jesus ?
@Wolfgang are there different reasons to kill ?
Golden Calf idolatry resulted in יהוה Righteous anger to kill sinners (family relatives) in Exodus 32:25-30 (LEB) And Moses saw the people, that they were running wild because Aaron had allowed them to run wild, for a laughingstock among their enemies. And Moses stood at the entrance of the camp, and he said, “Whoever is for יהוה Yahweh, to me.” And all the sons of Levi were gathered to him. And he said to them, “Thus says יהוה Yahweh, the God of Israel, ‘Put each his sword on his side. Go back and forth from gate to gate in the camp, and kill, each his brother and each his friend and each his close relative.’ ” And the sons of Levi did according to the word of Moses, and from the people on that day about three thousand persons fell. And Moses said, “You are ordained today for יהוה Yahweh, because each has been against his son and against his brother and so bringing on you today a blessing.” And the next day Moses said to the people, “You have sinned a great sin. And now I will go up to יהוה Yahweh. Perhaps I can make atonement for your sin.”
From a weaponry perspectve, how is a sword different than a gun ? Many armies have used lots of swords to kill numerous people.
From a military invasion perspective, having guns removed from homes greatly reduces risk for invaders being hurt/killed by defenders.
People kill people using a variety of items. Thankful for a Sunday School comment by an elderly retired pastor about decades ago having no thought/concern about rural school parking lots having a number of vehicles with guns and ammunition (guns were handled safely that included teaching family when & how to use).
Keep Smiing
First off you are speaking nonsense and lies about guns. Second, why would I want to kill animals? To eat them. And yes, they did that in the Bible. Jesus ate animals too you know....just saying....
I lied "about guns"? Do tell. List the ways.
You want to "want to kill animals to eat them". People with plant-based diets seem to have more years of life than those who eat flesh(muscles) foods.
"...they did that in the Bible".
Yes, they killed and ate animals only after the flood because all the vegetation were destroyed by water. Besides, they only eat certain kinds of animals. I wouldn’t be surprised that some in CD don’t believe in the world-wide flood.
The first death of an animal was to cover Adam and Eve with skins of clothing. This was to teach them the cost of disobedience. Sin leads to death.
"Jesus ate animals too you know...."
"Jesus ate animals"? Don't get lost here. Jesus ate a little fish. Do you know why and when? Other times Jesus ate: Matthew 9:10–13; Mark 2:15–17; Luke 5:29–32. At these times, did it say what items of the meal Jesus eat? Does one have to eat all the items offered at a meal?
It's appalling to see the length some of you Second Amendment-loving, meat-eating, animal-killing, Bible-thumbing CD Posters would go through to justify your gun-owning, pistol-packing, target-practicing way of life. None of the things offered above would mask your thrill to kill and your willingness to shoot a fellow human-being under the guise of protecting inanimate items in your home. Nothing in your home or within your gates is worth taking the life of a person. Get rid of all guns! “He who lives by the gun, dies by the gun”. Don’t make your home a battlefield! Let it be “a little heaven on earth”. You’re “safe in the arms of Jesus”, not in a gun or one in your arms.
Long or short; big or small; plastic or zip; manual or automatic; made in Germany, Russia, or U.S.A.; gold or nickeled-plated; like it or not, guns were made to kill. CM
So you dont think Jesus ate the passover meals? God commanded the eating of animals, the killing of animals. So you might want to check your theology a bit.
@C Mc Long or short; big or small; plastic or zip; manual or automatic; made in Germany, Russia, or U.S.A.; gold or nickeled-plated; like it or not, guns were made to kill. CM
Repeating question: Can a concrete wall be killed ? => Ramset MasterShot 0.22 Caliber Powder Actuated Tool
FWIW: for personal safety, prudent to keep any body part from being between tool and wall when gun powder is ignited. In college, remember keeping a respectful distance when my roommate was using nunchucka (martial arts weapon).
Should Water guns be taken away ? (no longer use pressure washing for clean up)
How effective is a Nerf Gun for killing ?
Considering weapon history and variety of human made items, curious about focus only on guns ?
Wikipedia page about Guns includes gunpowder was used to fire a spear from a bamboo tube about 1,000 years ago, but did not mention original development purpose. Disarming Germany after World War I proved ineffective (as Allied treaty members refused to later disarm as promised in Treaty of Versailles).
Wonder where is the Righteous call for Prayer & Bibles back into Education ? Sad for U.S. Supreme Court ruling in 1962 removing Prayer and the Bible from public schools, which has been followed by violence increase since Love One Another as Holy יהוה Lord God Loves is no longer being taught in public schools, whose original purpose was education for Bible reading and study. Sadly, current cancel culture has lots of censoring for "hate" speech (while lacking source of True Love that continues forever). Also sad about 'separation of Church and State' really being used against Holy יהוה Lord God truth while allowing variety of other religions in public schools.
🙏 Praying for Movie and TV propaganda changes. Sadly remember too many TV shows and movies focused on breaking God's commandments (numbing effect about sinful choices & consequences, which included too many people killing people using guns & other weapons) while truly lacking God's Truthful Love. Sadly remember subtle News transformation over decades from primarily objective to liberal propaganda purposes truly lacking Holy יהוה Lord God Love. (watching News provides many reasons to 🙏 Pray while crying: lots of hurting people hurting people).
@C Mc It's appalling to see the length some of you Second Amendment-loving, meat-eating, animal-killing, Bible-thumbing CD Posters would go through to justify your gun-owning, pistol-packing, target-practicing way of life. None of the things offered above would mask your thrill to kill and your willingness to shoot a fellow human-being under the guise of protecting inanimate items in your home. Nothing in your home or within your gates is worth taking the life of a person. Get rid of all guns! “He who lives by the gun, dies by the gun”. Don’t make your home a battlefield! Let it be “a little heaven on earth”. You’re “safe in the arms of Jesus”, not in a gun or one in your arms.
Bit puzzled by purpose of reply on 27 Jan 2021 in thread Name-calling (situation: 'kill or be killed' like Book of Esther is missing from name calling exhortation as is the power of Prayer plus Love as Holy יהוה Lord God Loves while unable to find a Bible verse having two words: safe & Jesus)
FWIW: my faith is in Holy יהוה Lord God. Thankful for intensifyng desire to Be Holy as יהוה Lord God is Holy (seeing the Image of God in each person, knowing God Loves us while not liking our sins). If permission has been granted for human(s) to use weapon(s) to kill me, then looking forward to transformation from human tent to be worshipping Holy יהוה Lord God in Heaven. Thankful Holy יהוה Lord God can provide & empower timely words: e.g. may your hands become as water (unable to hold/use anything). Before being banished to the island of Patmos, John the Beloved was placed into a cauldran of boiling oil, which failed to cook John. Praying 🙏 for Righteous will of Holy יהוה Lord God to be done.
Disclaimer: my house lacks gun powder items. If Holy יהוה Lord God wants me to use a weapon, 🙏 praying for wisdom/strength when & how.
Keep Smiling 😊
By the way if I'm shooting someone in my home its because they are threatening my family, not for inanimate objects. Proves you have no idea what you are talking about.
This sounds like unwarranted fear. Trust your family to the Messiah-Jesus. Do you believe in prayer? Are trying to say you're a better protector of your family than God? Faith and works go together. If you believe God to take of everyone, then, act like it. Get rid of the guns in your house! God will take care of you. Now, you still say, I don't know what I am "talking about"? CM
I trust God, God also gave us common sense. God also gave us ways of protecting ourselves. I'll keep my guns thanks. And yes, I still say you have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to guns.
Dear, Dear, Reformed,
Your above sentences sound like a declaration to re-enforce "in God we trust", but in guns we rely upon, surely.
It 's sad to learn that none of the biblical example comes to your mind of how God provide and protect his people. It's doubly disheartened to see you proclaim that "I'll keep my guns" over the power of God. Is it your stubbornness about guns or is it your addiction to them?
You don't want a Breonna Taylor situation on your hands. She was a 26-year-old African-American woman, fatally shot in her Louisville, Kentucky, apartment on March 13, 2020. Taylor's boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, was inside the apartment with her. Walker, thought the officers were intruders, and fired a warning shot at them. The officers fired 32 shots in return. Walker was unhurt but Taylor was hit by six bullets and died.
Reformed, I don't know how you came into possession of your guns (made, bought or found), but get rid of them today! I don't need to tell you innocent people die when a gun is in the home. Don't do this to your wife and children. Heed the voice of reason. You nor they are without protection when God is your sentry, who doesn't sleep day or night.
Every Christian that uses "common sense" doesn't purchase, possess or need a gun. So, please, suspend with the notion that only second Amendment believing, licensed gun owners, animal killing, Bible beholding Christians are the only ones, who have or exercises "common sense". This I know to be a fact!
Hold on to your guns if you, will or may;
Guns are instruments of war and death;
Get rid of them without delay. CM
Yeah I don't buy the Breonna Taylor narrative as you likely know.
I will not get rid of my guns. There is no BIBLICAL reason to do so. And no, innocent people do not die because a gun is in the home. That's just ignorant. You are hardly the voice of reason. You are the voice of absurdity.
@reformed posted:
I will not get rid of my guns. There is no BIBLICAL reason to do so. And no, innocent people do not die because a gun is in the home. That's just ignorant. You are hardly the voice of reason. You are the voice of absurdity.
You won't get rid of your guns? You certainly have a Constitutional right to keep them.
No biblical reason to get rid of guns? I take my cue, first and foremost, from Jesus, who during his arrest said to the person who had used a sword to cut off an arresting officer's ear, "Put away your sword. Those who use the sword will die by the sword." (Matthew 26.52), and who in the Sermon on the Mount said this of the "eye for an eye" justice philosophy:
38“You have heard the law that says the punishment must match the injury: ‘An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.’ 39 But I say, do not resist an evil person! If someone slaps you on the right cheek, offer the other cheek also. 40 If you are sued in court and your shirt is taken from you, give your coat, too. 41 If a soldier demands that you carry his gear for a mile, carry it two miles. 42 Give to those who ask, and don’t turn away from those who want to borrow. (Matthew 5.38-42, NLT)
I don't contend that those texts are a biblical mandate to get rid of guns, but I do contend that it's hard to see the Jesus who said those things advocating for firearm ownership in the modern world.
Innocent people don't die because a gun is in the home? In a brief Google search I found THIS STUDY which reviewed the circumstances of a total of 626 in-home shootings in three metropolitan areas and found that "[f]or every time a gun in the home was used in a self-defense or legally justifiable shooting, there were four unintentional shootings, seven criminal assaults or homicides, and 11 attempted or completed suicides." And in summary concluded that "[g]uns kept in homes are more likely to be involved in a fatal or nonfatal accidental shooting, criminal assault, or suicide attempt than to be used to injure or kill in self-defense."
And there's THIS WORK from the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (among countless others I could cite) which points out that "[a]ccording to a 2019 study, gun injuries are the second-leading cause of death among U.S. children and teens and the leading cause of death of among high school students," and that "[b]etween 2014 and 2018, more than 15,000 children (ages 19 and under) died due to firearms, and at least 13,000 sustained unintentional firearm-related injury or death." I don't know the breakdown of those numbers, but I can't imagine that none of those children and teens who died, died in their homes, or that none of those who died in their homes was "innocent."
@Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus said"
Bit puzzled by purpose of reply on 27 Jan 2021 in thread Name-calling (situation: 'kill or be killed' like Book of Esther is missing from name calling exhortation as is the power of Prayer plus Love as Holy יהוה Lord God Loves while unable to find a Bible verse having two words: safe & Jesus)
Are you trying to accused me of "name-calling? Isn't what I said is true and accurate? Are you in love with guns at the peril of your family?
More killing today. Guns were made to kill. What do you called those who were killed today? What do you call the one who shot the four people, one being a child? All Christians need to condemn this shooting, distant themselves from all guns, and speak out murder and gun usage.
What do you say to these families @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus, @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus? Your position on guns and all gun-cradling Christians are "too heavenly minded, therefore, no earthly good". CM
@C Mc Are you trying to accused me of "name-calling? Isn't what I said is true and accurate? Are you in love with guns at the peril of your family?
Accurate ? Can a concrete wall be killed ? Gun tool is designed to shoot a nail into concrete. Caveat: construction tool abuse can kill or injure.
Does gun disarming cause violent people to become non-violent ? Sadly No. Removing one weapon only causes other stuff to be used violently.
Things designed to kill includes more than guns. Weapons have many sizes and shapes (may include a 'vaccine' that is really human gene manipulation, which has already killed a number of people soon after being 'vaccinated' whose longer term human effects have yet to show).
If really love family, why advocate for removal of only one weapon type ? More important for loving family is first loving yourself as God Loves you (reflects your choice to Love God first with everything you are) so you can love your neighbor as yourself, which includes your family.
@C Mc More killing today.
Sad for people killing people using variety of weapons. 😭
Sad for many TV shows, movies, & games depicting killing. Seeds sown by media intake now appearing as more humans being killed.
Removing "guns" could include removing first person shooter games & other media. Better is focusing on Being Holy as God is Holy 😍that includes Righteous Love ❤️(as desire for Holy Love increases, desire for murder & other sins decreases: goes away without regret)
@C Mc What do you say to these families
"I'm sorry." with tears in my eyes 😭 (crying with those who are crying, which can be done while Smiling to be Rejoicing in the Lord). Watching or reading News provides many reasons to cry 😭and Pray 🙏 (as hurting people hurt people so praying with God, who equally Loves every person).
Thankful for Victim Impact Listen and Learn Crime perpertrator is also a victim who God Loves as much as other victims (recipients of criminal actions). Thankful for faith family members residing inside prison, includes a number convicted of murder. Thankful for Restorative Justice where a father whose son was killed, chose to forgive & adopt killer as his son. Prison for some has been a time out from the world for time in God. Thankful can look at each person & truly say: "Thankful to see the Image of God in You. You're Special. God Loves You 🙏 Does God like our sins ? No. God Loves us. ❤️" Thankful for many people smiling 😊when reminded about God's Love ❤️
What the world needs now is Love, God's Love. ❤️ That's the only thing there is just too little of.
Keep Smiling 😊
Keep Smiling 😊,
For one who professes to be a scholar, the reasoning in your last post is not worth a dollar. You either have bad-humor and/or chosen to play the role of an idiot when it comes to what can kill. For example, you said: "Can a concrete wall be killed? Gun tool is designed to shoot a nail into concrete." "Concrete wall" is inanimate. Greek, Hebrew, or seminary training is NOT required to know this. Also, this "straw man question: "Does gun disarming cause violent people to become non-violent? Sadly No." I am so you can do a better job in your reasoning, to counter my position. Needless to say, my position on guns is solid, rational, spiritual, reasonable, practical, and life-saving.
For the record, one can use anything to kill another with a disregard, in his heart, for Messiah-Jesus and fellow man. A nail-gun, an icepick, car, a broken glass bottle, a bow and arrow, a bar stool over another’s head, etc., all can kill. Yea, even one's hands. Do we ban all these things? No! What's the difference of the aforementioned and guns? Although the above maybe able to kill, they were NOT made solely to kill. On the other hand, a gun sole-purpose is to kill. They do so faster, deadlier, and in mass. What guns am I referring?
I am talking about the three types of firearms -- The rifles, shotguns and handguns. I am referring to the ones with three basic parts: action, which loads, fires and ejects ammunition. barrel, a metal tube that the projectile passes through.
This includes the number one gun in the world:
-- Kalashnikov AK-47 Assault Rifle is one of the most dangerous guns in the world. It was first invented in 1946. This gun is presented by Mikhail Kalashnikov and is inexpensive to have.
-- The AK 47. It ranks as the deadliest, prevalent and game-changing individually wielded in the history of military armament.
Sad to say, these guns are in many Christians homes:
-- CZ 75 SP-01 Tactical
-- Springfield XD MOD2
-- Colt 1911
-- Ruger 1707 GP100.
-- Smith & Wesson M&P Shield.
-- Sig Sauer MK25 P226.
-- Gen 4 Glock 19.
-- Beretta M9.
I don’t need to say there are many, more guns, all made to kill. “Holy Men”, cling to your Bible (hope life, and guidance), not guns.
Keep smiling for Jesus, Reformed, Wolfgang, and others must understand that all these guns were made to kill. They take the life of humans and animals. These weapons were designed and manufactured to take lives. Stop fooling yourselves. Take you head out of the religious cloud. People are dying, families are torn apart, and hearts are broken. The killing with guns, owning, buying, selling, storing in homes, endorsed by Christians and preachers must come to an end!
Guns have no place in the homes of a true believer. These guns only kill what God has created. A Christian ("born-again", "blood-washed", "baptized", "spirit-filled", looking for the return of Jesus, etc.) should refrain from purchasing, owning, borrowing, or using such weapons of mass destruction. Remove the guns from your home and encourage other Christians to do likewise. And then, you can Keep Smiling 😊, knowing that your family is fully in God’s will, trusting, and safe in His arms. CM
@C Mc honest question, if you saw someone getting beaten on the street would you intervene? If so, how is that any different than defending yourself with a gun? It's not.
In a Boulder supermarket, one gunman used a Ruger AR-556 pistol to kill 10 people. Police exchanged gunfire, but the one using an AR15 assault style pistol to kill was only injured by police gunfire. People kill people. Sad for 10 people killed, which included a quick responding police officer.
Thankful for true believers, who are first responders. These believers need to know how to use weapons appropriately plus understand the weaknesses of ones using weapons to kill.
A challenging question for me is what to do if Holy Lord God commanded me to kill as happened a number of times in the Old Covenant while treasuring Godly words spoken by Jesus. Matthew 5:21-26 (LEB) “You have heard that it was said to the people of old, ‘Do not commit murder,’ and ‘whoever commits murder will be subject to judgment.’ But I say to you that everyone who is angry at his brother will be subject to judgment, and whoever says to his brother, ‘Stupid fool!’ will be subject to the council, and whoever says, ‘Obstinate fool!’ will be subject to fiery hell. Therefore if you present your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and first go be reconciled to your brother, and then come and present your gift. Settle the case quickly with your accuser while you are with him on the way, lest your accuser hand you over to the judge, and the judge to the officer, and you be thrown into prison. Truly I say to you, you will never come out of there until you have paid back the last penny!
How many times does the Bible instruct to put off old worldly ways & put on new Godly ways ?
Ephesians 4:17-24 (LEB) This therefore I say and testify in the Lord, that you no longer walk as the Gentiles walk: in the futility of their mind, being darkened in understanding, alienated from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the hardness of their heart, who, becoming callous, gave themselves over to licentiousness, for the pursuit of all uncleanness in greediness. But you did not learn Christ in this way, if indeed you have heard about him, and you were taught by him (just as truth is in Jesus), that you take off, according to your former way of life, the old man, who is being destroyed according to deceitful desires, be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and put on the new man (in accordance with God), who is created in righteousness and holiness from the truth.
Admonition to only put off one type of dangerous physical weapon is too narrow in focus. Also lacking is what to put on to glorify our Holy Lord.
Recommend reading "The Hiding Place" as the Ten Boom family experience of Father dying in jail and sister dying in a concentration camp for doing God's will includes several miracles of God's presence along the way. Thankful for follow-up "Tramp for the Lord" heart warming reading.
Keep Smiling 😊
How Much Longer Will the United States Exist?
Paul Craig Roberts
As a geographical location, the US, not necessarily under that name, can exist for a long time. But as a nation the US no longer exists. A nation requires a homogeneous population, which the US does not have, and far more unity than exists today in the US. Once past the colonial era when the immigration gates were opened, the English population was diluted with Irish, Italians, Poles, Jews, and a variety of other European peoples. With sensible immigration policies and requirements, the US was able to assimilate diverse European ethnicities into an English rule of law, English civil liberties, and the English language. These successful efforts of assimilation were abandoned decades ago and supplanted by “multiculturalism” and “diversity.” Today the US is a Tower of Babel.
Today the US is too diverse to live under the same laws. For example,Democrats have stated their intention of destroying the Second Amendment. Moreover, some of them are prepared to do so not by legislative action but by presidential fiat, a power that the US Constitution does not permit. For example, anti-constitutionalists US Representatives Mike Thompson (D-Calif.), Joe Neguse (D-Colo.), Val Demings (D-Fla.), and Ed Perlmutter (D-Colo.) have asked election thief Joe Biden to “take executive action” against “assault weapons.” https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_breakingnews/house-democrats-ask-biden-to-take-executive-action-on-concealable-assault-style-firearms_3758815.html?&utm_source=news&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=breaking-2021-04-01-2&mktids=10d30b7af7bb02357cfc21603ff0528e
To request a president to exercise a power he does not have is how tyranny begins, but the Democrat Representatives are so lacking in American enculturation that they ask Biden to pull non-existent powers out of the air and use them against the US Constitution. This alone proves my point that there is no American nation. The United States is the Constitution. Devoid of the Constitution it is some other country.
In the US today traditional white Americans—not the woke Democrats—see themselves under threat. The officials of the ruling party and the media presstitutes have declared traditional white Americans to be “domestic extremists,” “domestic enemies,” “white supremacists,” and “Trump deplorables.” The FBI is searching for and prosecuting those who exercised their First Amendment right to free speech and association by attending the Trump rally in Washington and are falsely accusing those who exercised Constitutional rights of attempting a “Trump insurrection.” The crazed anti-American House Democrats actually tried to impeach former President Trump for a non-existent “insurrection against the US government.”
This shows that the US politically has degenerated into a backwoods third world country where the incoming regime arrests or executes the previous president.
Trump supporters are the patriots who historically have formed the backbone of the country’s armed forces. It is these people in the armed forces who the Pentagon is presently purging.
While the idiot appointed Secretary of Defense eliminates the fighting capability of the US military, the illegimate president in the White House calls the presidents of Russia and China names and issues threats. Simultaneously, the idiot playing Secretary of Defense issues an American guarantee to Ukraine against Russia, while the Defense department announces a lipsticked, painted fingernail, ponytailed, transgendered army in the interest of diversity.
The kinds of men who made the US Marines and paratroopers a fighting force are not going to join such an army or accept such creatures as officers. The US military is history. Ukraine should take this into account before they get themselves destroyed. The American guarantee is worth zero, and this worthless guarantee can start a world conflagration just like the worthless guarantee the idiot British government gave to Poland in March 1939.
More nonsense from P. C. Roberts. Give it a rest. What you can do is get rid of any guns in your house tonight. You will sleep better. CM
What you need to do is get over your phobia of guns.
You said: "What you need to do is get over your phobia of guns."
I find your statement above to be one of the most idiotic things you have said since being a part of these forums. Especially, since everyone knows that guns have one purpose alone; that is to kill. Your statement is cold-hearted and misrepresents the Christian values you claim to hold and seek to project. As late as Thursday morning, five people (not counting the gunman) were killed with a .45 caliber gun, the youngest are 5 and 9 years old; the oldest are 70 and 69 years old. Innocent precious lives loss in South Carolina.
Reformed, what should we tell the surviving loved-ones, "get over your phobia of guns"? I don't understand you! A Christian man, with a family, handles the Word of God, and yet, seems to love guns more than lives and God. After seeing this news report, your family will not stand with your attitude and position on guns. You would be like a bird on rooftop, an owl of the night, and a pelican in the wilderness. Alone!
Where is the outrage, CD Posters?
Where is the outrage, peace-making Christians?
Where is the outrage, America?
Where is the outrage, Bill, Wolfgang, Keep Smiling for Jesus, Mr. Reformed, etc.?
Where is the outrage, Jan and Pages?
Do these lives matter? CM
Where is the outrage about Bible Study and Prayer being removed from education ? (removed God's Holy Righteous Love from public learning)
Where is the outrage over media about killing & hurting people ? (TV shows, movies, first person shooter games, cartoons, ...)
Where is the outrage for thousands more babies killed (aborted) using medical instruments ?
Decision for Physical killing is preceded by killing choices in four life domains: Spiritual, Emotional, Mental, Social.
How much is our God crying ? hearing blood crying out from all the killings
What happens as Righteous anger of Holy God increases from multitude of stinky sin choices ? If no repentance from sin that turns to God, How soon for destruction like Ezekiel 24 ? Matthew 24 & Luke 17 also come to mind (remembering evil in the days of Noah preceded flood).
Praying for everyone affected by killings to experience God's Holy comfort. Each person chooses what to really, really, really Love the most.
Blessed are the ones who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
Thankful can truly look at each person while Smiling with God's unconditional Love ❤️ (includes families, killers, & every CD participant):
"I see The Image of God in You. You're Special. God Loves You ❤️ Does God like our sins ? No. God Loves us ❤️"
Humanly hoping & praying that prison time for convicted killers becomes a time out from worldly ways for time in Holy God. Thankful for Bibles being allowed inside prisons (while outlawed from public schools). I can only imagine how much smaller prisons would have been if Bible Study and Prayer had been in schools for public learning & experience of God's Holy Righteous Love ❤️
Keep Smiling 😊
Except it is not true that klling is their only purpose. Again, your liberal bias is showing. And yeah, get over your gun phobia. Guns are not the problem.