Parkland Students Acting Like Utter BRATS
@Bill_Coley said:
@davidtaylorjr said:
Let's look at local media's evident. The brats that want nothing but gun control were the ones complaining. Everyone else was happy about the visit.
Your reading of the "local media" story to which you linked is different from mine. You conclude from the story that gun control-seeking "brats" complained, but "everyone else was happy about the visit." I read the very first line of the story to call your reading into question:
"When the nation’s education chief showed up Wednesday at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, a lot of students were less than impressed."
So the story says "a lot of students" were not impressed by the secretary's visit, which to me rules out the possibility that those students were "happy" about it. To my reading of the rest of the story, it quotes three students' social media posts that object to the inconsequential results of the secretary's visit, posts from two other students - made in advance of the visit - that express great skepticism about the visit, and a supportive social media post of one student who is described as an opponent of "the gun restrictions."
So five social media posts from students clearly not "happy" about the secretary's visit, and one from a student supportive of it. I find no characterization of the larger student body's reaction in the story other than the opening line's reference to "a lot of students." You claim the story says "everyone else was happy about the visit." Where in the story - please quote from it - do you find support for your claim?
We will have to agree to disagree. Your point is fair, but watching these students the last 3 weeks has verified my position.
@C_M_ said:
"Parkland Students Acting Like Utter BRATS". Could be that they are young and forced to do what the cowardly adult representatives will not do.No, because there are some of them that are being logical, respectful, and rational but aren't getting media limelight. The others are brats who brag about hanging up on the White House and complain about the Education Secretary (who has nothing to do with gun control) being there.
In your view, David, can a student be "logical, respectful, and rational" AND support the kind of strengthened gun control restrictions with which you disagree? Or are the only "logical, respectful, and rational" students those who agree with your opposition to strengthened gun control restrictions?
Yes it is possible. For example, you can be logical, and I think many people have, about why you should raise the age limit. I adamantly disagree with them, but they are at least logical about it and respectful. I would actually put you in that category on that subject. (Shocker I know!
Why can't I encourage them? I do encourage the ones who aren't just trying to have their two minutes of fame and are not acting like brats.
In your view, David, is it possible for a Parkland high school student to support and work for strengthened gun control restrictions and NOT act like a "brat"?
Yes. And I am sure there are some that we are not seeing all over the media that are. But they don't make for good tv.
@Dave_L said:
I hope God is using these kids to bring sane gun laws to America. Christians should support them in their efforts to stop the senseless killing.I hope he is not.
I hope we will conform our wills to what God is doing in the aftermath of the tragedy at the Parkland high school.
That we can agree on.
@Dave_L said:
@davidtaylorjr said:
@Dave_L said:
@davidtaylorjr said:
@Dave_L said:
@davidtaylorjr said:
@Dave_L said:
@davidtaylorjr said:
@Dave_L said:
@davidtaylorjr said:
@Dave_L said:
@davidtaylorjr said:
@Dave_L said:
What business is it of Christians to wage war?That is a different question. And I believe it is a matter of conscience. Yours obviously says that we should have no military and if we do Christians should not be a part of it. Mine says otherwise. We have to agree to disagree there Dave. You and I will never agree on that point so you might as well quit bringing it up to me.
I believe the Civil Magistrate and those sent by him have the power of the sword according to scripture. But any others assuming the role do not.
What if the Civil Magistrate give that power to them, that's not other assuming the role, that makes them an extension of the civil magistrate. It's called a militia.
As I said, the Civil Magistrate and those sent by him have the power of the sword according to scripture. But any others assuming the role do not.
So then you agree that the citizens of the United States are an extension of the Civil Magistrate because the Constitution declares a militia is necessary?
Only through proper channels.
What does that mean?
Either by military draft, or enlistment. Using government issued arms under Government control.
That's not what the Constitution says so your argument is invalid.
It is what the Bible says.
What verse?
Romans 13 comes to mind. Also Peter comments on it.
Romans 13 says nothing of the sort.
@C_M_ said:
"Parkland Students Acting Like Utter BRATS". Could be that they are young and forced to do what the cowardly adult representatives will not do.A silly joke ?
David, leave the children alone. Give them a break. Why can't you encourage the children for getting involved in exercising their Constitutional rights, like your beloved, NRA?
What constitutional right on their part are you talking about?