Is @Wolfgang23 the same one who just left (Wolfgang Schneider)? I don't think so unless @Wolfgang23 is the reincarnated Wolfgang Schneider. CM
Addicted to Conflict
I have to admire @Wolfgang23 for leaving. Some people become addicted to skillful slams and subtle down-puts. They can't quit. Anger spills out and they need someone to attack. They are energized by hate. They often look pious to those physically around as a cover for their abusive nature. Wive's and children suffer their anger and abusive spirit. Unable to transform their pain, they transmit it. They may (or may not) seem ever so nice and polished online but inwardly they are full of boiling poison and dead-men's bones. I admire who can get free of forum addictions.
Is @Wolfgang23 the same one who just left (Wolfgang Schneider)? I don't think so unless @Wolfgang23 is the reincarnated Wolfgang Schneider. CM
I have no idea. DNA tests might be very revealing around here.
@C Mc posted:
Is @Wolfgang23 the same one who just left (Wolfgang Schneider)? I don't think so unless @Wolfgang23 is the reincarnated Wolfgang Schneider.
At his request, CD moderator @Jan deleted Wolfgang Schneider's account in early December 2021, which left @wolfgang23 as the only remaining CD username that began with the letters "wo," let alone "wolfgang." Hence, entering the characters "@wo" defaulted to @Wolfgang23.
Clicking the username @Wolfgang23 in a post produces the user's profile, which currently reports that he joined in April 2021 and created no posts during 65 visits, the most recent of which occurred in October 2021.
Difficult to say. That user is registered with an anonymous email address, and logs in regularly through a VPN.
Makes you wonder who will disappear along with Wolfgang. Good grief. Will all the Bills be next?
Watch the key phase: "Difficult to say", by Jan. CM