So it was a bit over the top, my point, using …
Calling abortion murder is not radical. It's b…
Humans don't determine what an unborn child is, …
Yes, but what we saw was a Kangaroo court not …
I don't have a problem with guns because guns …
Yeah I go with God's view on the matter.
Oh I do. The mother should be tried for murder…
And in those countries there is less freedom t…
A baby is a baby at conception. Murder is the …
No, what I am looking for is the Scripture tha…
Wow you reduce murdering a baby to "a medical …
Just when I think your posts could not become …
Why would I be kidding? Show me this from Scri…
Do accidents happen? Yes. Are they tragic? Equ…
Let justice go? No. It will be appealed and th…
Really? Show me that in the Bible...
Right in a jury that was intimidated. This was…
I'm very clear. You are ok with the murder of …
So you don't care about the murder of babies? …
Evidence came out in the trial that his knee w…
How about you actually read my posts. Are you…
So are you still denying abortion kills more t…
Why do you keep ignoring the arguments?
Do you follow ALL of the cleanliness laws? If …
You are ignoring other arguments...
Do you also complete sacrifices? If a woman is…
You think Peter's vision is the only applicabl…
The same can be said about you.
The dietary laws were for a specific people at…