"There's no need for me to give even the "briefest background" as to why…
"Interesting enough that is what you have done by claiming that a…
"θεοῦ is ALWAYS genitive and dos not imply to Jehovah"
<……"The different cases inflect different meanings."
"You can easily look up scripture and see that the Greek titles f…
"@Pages changing back to @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus Christ"
…"θεός (theos) is naturally feminine without saying so...."…
"One could make a reasonable petition for such cases..."
"Your claim that τὴν θεὸν – female god, or goddess. is the same f…
"No. θεὸν is naturally is masculine sense in its state whether yo…
"τὴν was used to change and differentiate gods, and in this examp…
"θεὸς in clause three is a feminine nominative noun which invokes…
"Gender is a person of which is not part of the discussion"<…
"No... only pagans do that! GENDER is not part of the Discussion …
"I'm showing what Greek Scholars refuse to admit. That (theos) ca…