50 U. S. Servicemen with traumatic brain injuries/Veterans group demands apology
First on CNN: 50 US service members diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries after Iranian missile strike
Washington (CNN) — Fifty US military personnel have now been diagnosed with concussions and traumatic brain injuries following the Iranian missile attack on US forces in Iraq earlier this month, according to a statement Tuesday from the Pentagon.
That's an increase of 16 from late last week when the Pentagon said 34 cases had been diagnosed.
"As of today, 50 U.S. service members have been diagnosed with TBI," Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Thomas Campbell said in the statement.
"Of these 50, 31 total service members were treated in Iraq and returned to duty, including 15 of the additional service members who have been diagnosed since the previous report. 18 service members have been transported to Germany for further evaluation and treatment. This is an increase of one service member from the previous report. As previously reported, one service member had been transported to Kuwait and has since returned to duty," the statement added.
Several Pentagon officials told CNN that the number of diagnosed cases is likely to continue to change. Approximately 200 people who were in the blast zone at the time of the attack have been screened for symptoms.
Although traumatic brain injuries are not always apparent immediately after they've been suffered, the disclosure of injured US service members indicates that the impact of the attack was more serious than initial assessments indicated. Tuesday's announcement is the third time the Pentagon has updated the figures for the numbers injured.
Veterans group demands apology after Trump said traumatic brain injuries from Iranian attack are 'not very serious'
What a cold-hearted and compassionless person? Trump didn't do anything. This is wrong! Trump knew in advanced and allow these injuries to happen. If he didn't know, he should have. This is a dereliction of duty. Why would a person serve in the American military with such a weak person in a leadership position? This is the man the Republicans are suspending with truth and reality to keep in office. What happened to to protect and defend? It's a sad day in American solider become pawns in the hands of its President and sides with the enemy. Trump said: "traumatic brain injuries from Iranian attack are 'not very serious'".
Trump wanted to outdo Obama to kill to a big-named U. S. enemy. Yet he was unwilling to follow through or protect the soldiers under his command. America, why do you put up with this kind of behavior? Why do you put up with this man? Don't be complicit with Trump's compassionless deeds. Where is the outrage? CM
SOURCE: https://www.cnn.com/2020/01/25/politics/trump-vfw-traumatic-brain-injuries/index.html