50 U. S. Servicemen with traumatic brain injuries/Veterans group demands apology

First on CNN: 50 US service members diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries after Iranian missile strike
Washington (CNN) — Fifty US military personnel have now been diagnosed with concussions and traumatic brain injuries following the Iranian missile attack on US forces in Iraq earlier this month, according to a statement Tuesday from the Pentagon.
That's an increase of 16 from late last week when the Pentagon said 34 cases had been diagnosed.
"As of today, 50 U.S. service members have been diagnosed with TBI," Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Thomas Campbell said in the statement.
"Of these 50, 31 total service members were treated in Iraq and returned to duty, including 15 of the additional service members who have been diagnosed since the previous report. 18 service members have been transported to Germany for further evaluation and treatment. This is an increase of one service member from the previous report. As previously reported, one service member had been transported to Kuwait and has since returned to duty," the statement added.
Several Pentagon officials told CNN that the number of diagnosed cases is likely to continue to change. Approximately 200 people who were in the blast zone at the time of the attack have been screened for symptoms.
Although traumatic brain injuries are not always apparent immediately after they've been suffered, the disclosure of injured US service members indicates that the impact of the attack was more serious than initial assessments indicated. Tuesday's announcement is the third time the Pentagon has updated the figures for the numbers injured.
Veterans group demands apology after Trump said traumatic brain injuries from Iranian attack are 'not very serious'
What a cold-hearted and compassionless person? Trump didn't do anything. This is wrong! Trump knew in advanced and allow these injuries to happen. If he didn't know, he should have. This is a dereliction of duty. Why would a person serve in the American military with such a weak person in a leadership position? This is the man the Republicans are suspending with truth and reality to keep in office. What happened to to protect and defend? It's a sad day in American solider become pawns in the hands of its President and sides with the enemy. Trump said: "traumatic brain injuries from Iranian attack are 'not very serious'".
Trump wanted to outdo Obama to kill to a big-named U. S. enemy. Yet he was unwilling to follow through or protect the soldiers under his command. America, why do you put up with this kind of behavior? Why do you put up with this man? Don't be complicit with Trump's compassionless deeds. Where is the outrage? CM
SOURCE: https://www.cnn.com/2020/01/25/politics/trump-vfw-traumatic-brain-injuries/index.html
Trump allowed it to happen and if he didn't know he should have? Boy these people are sounding more stupid every day.
Do you know what Traumatic brain injury?
Traumatic brain injury is also called: craniocerebral trauma. It's Brain dysfunction caused by an outside force, usually a violent blow to the head.
CDC defines a traumatic brain injury (TBI) as a disruption in the normal function of the brain that can be caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head, or penetrating head injury.
Immediate or delayed symptoms may include confusion, blurry vision, and concentration difficulty. Infants may cry persistently or be irritable. Treatment may involve rest, medication, and surgery.
Traumatic brain injuries are serious. They cause damage that can be permanent. In some cases, a traumatic brain injury can lead to coma or death. Always seek medical care if you have hit your head.
There are four main types of TBIs. They are the concussion, contusion, penetrating injury, and anoxic brain injury.
Recovery two years after brain injury:
- Research from the TBI Model System program, at 2 years after injury, offers information about recovery from a moderate to severe TBI. About 30% of people need some amount of assistance from another person.
After TBI, persons often report symptoms in the days, weeks, and perhaps months following injury, but do improve over time. The most common symptoms after head injury are known as post-concussion syndrome (PCS).
The severity of brain damage can vary with the type of brain injury. A mild brain injury may be temporary. It causes headaches, confusion, memory problems, and nausea. In a moderate brain injury, symptoms can last longer and be more pronounced.
And the Commander In Cheat, Trump, said traumatic brain injuries from Iranian attack are 'not very serious'. After killing a top Iranian military leader, your President (Trump) make an ignominious peace, in allowing the U. S. Soldiers to be bombed. He didn't raise a finger or retaliated. The next day boasted about America's "powerful" and "smart" missiles. Only an extremely daft or darkened-soul could say such! Oh, say, can you see, American Government is run by stupidity. CM
I notice you actually did not address what I said, and, instead, addressed what I did not say.
I don't think so. If you really believed I didn't, now you know how Bill feels about you not answering his questions. CM
PS. Without saying it, you agree with Trump: "traumatic brain injuries from Iranian attack are 'not very serious'". Pathetic. CM
I have never said that. You are lying and need to repent.
- Oh, so you disagree with Trump and believed "traumatic brain injuries from Iranian attack are "very serious'"? or
- You AGREE with Trump: "traumatic brain injuries from Iranian attack are 'not very serious'".
Which is it, Reformed? CM
I didn't even address the topic. So why are you focusing on that? Yes, I think brain injuries are serious, but that's not what I have addressed. You have actually not answered what I did address. Instead you keep lying about what I have or have not said without remorse.
JUST IN: More than 100 US troops suffered traumatic brain injuries after Iran missile strike: report http://hill.cm/DZvPvMR
You're right, Wolfgang! It was 35, then 50, and now, 100.
The bunkers were inadequate and remain so today. If Trump will allow U.S. Soldiers to be like stool-pigeons, at least be honest and report the real number of the injured. Sad, shame, and incompetence. CM
What makes you think Trump was dishonest about the numbers? Do you not think that maybe he reported the numbers that had been given to him at the time? Do you not know that since the incident the Pentagon is reassessing the way it counts injuries and how it classifies them?
Do you not know that since the incident the Pentagon is reassessing the way it counts injuries and how it classifies them?
The chiefs of the greatest military in the world making a joke of themselves .... What kind of stupid personnel do they have at their headquarters to now begin thinking about how to count injuries and how to classify them ??? And how innocent must be the American people who believe the Pentagon "stories" that are published by the chiefs???
And how ridiculous do some people have to be to wear tin foil hats and believe the boogy man hides under their bed?
This is blatant non-sense! Notwithstanding, you've provided proof that Trump is not in charged and is incompetent. If you don't want to accept this, Trump has been lied to by the generals and the Pentagon. America military never do anything quickly that makes sense. Look how long it took the military to change what's in place today. e.g.
- "Don't ask, don't tell" -- Gays in the military.
- Women in the military.
- Women in combat.
- Women pilots.
- Women on submarines.
- Blacks (people) in the military.
- Agent Orange -- effect on Veterans from the Vietnam War
- PSTD benefits for veterans
- Installation of steel-plates on the bottom of the hummer-vehicle in Iraq from roadside bombs.
- Acknowledgement of the suicide rates and drug addiction of Veterans
- Poor services in the Veteran Hospitals
Trump is America's mistake and shame. Let's hope she correct herself or becomes "a by-word and a hiss."
@Wolfgang said:
"...how innocent must be the American people who believe the Pentagon "stories" that are published by the chiefs???
It's not all Americans. It's just those name-calling Trumpters who placed party over country. The new "reassessing the way it counts injuries" is as phony as an U. S. six-dollar bill (it doesn't exist), a blind-man can see it. Reformed, don't put yourself "under the bus" for Trump. Don't debase yourself this way. You may not know all the facts, but you don't have to be gullible. CM
Post edited by C Mc on -
@C_M_ posted
It's not all Americans.
I did not write about "all Americans", but about "the AMerican people WHO BELIEVE THE PENTAGON "STORIES ..."
Those who read more carefully certainly are at an advantage.
Just shut up CM. Tired of hearing your nonsense. Your ridiculousness. Even in this post, yet again, you bring up race. You are disgraceful.
I find it quite telling, Mr. Trump retaliating against those who did their jobs and/or testified against him. Yet, He can't find the time to get back at Iran who injured Americans (100 soldiers), those who lied to him about the actual damage assessment, or monies to strengthen the bunkers. He took an oath to "defend and protect from all enemies foreign and domestic."
Like a "Mafia Don," Trump expressed his displeasure about Roger Stone's sentence, and it was immediately changed, even without him (supposedly) not contacting the justice department. What a coincidence?
The stench of ego, bully, cowardice, and incompetence fouls the air of decency and maturity when it comes to this President. In light of this, I understand that "birds of a feather flock together." This may explain some of the personal attacks against me.
"Oh, say can you see," Trump takes revenge with glee and repartee, without any principles as a referee. CM
PS. Is it against the law to criticize the American President?
PS. Is it against the law to criticize the American President?
It is rather strange when someone criticizes one President from the moment he became president-elect, and not criticize another president who was lauded as the color (black?) angel of peace from before taking office and who turned out to be one of the worst recent warmongers ....
What color has to do with anything? What color is Mr. Trump? What point are you trying to make, if any? Is it color or competency that makes a President? Are you trying to be racist here?
"Strange" begets "strange". I live in the now. Trump is the current President of the United States. As for "someone criticizes one President from the moment he became president-elect"; step back, Wolfgang, did the last President you called "Black", come into office:
- Lying about his crowd size during his inauguration?
- Groping women?
- Sixteen women accusing him of inappropriate sex-behavior toward them?
- Declaring a travel-ban on people from predominately Muslim countries to America?
- Threatening to jail his political opponents?
- Marking a handicap reporter?
- Calling women "pigs" and "dogs"?
- Failed to release his taxes after promising to do so?
Are you sorry Trump is President of the U. S. A. now? Don't cherry pick my post. You have the intelligence to grasp the overall thoughts. Don't make garbage points. Here is a question more in your "wheelhouse". Do you agree with the body of my last post? Don't defend the indefensible. You're better than the current unprincipled U. S. Senators. CM
PS. I am not one of those Democrats or Republicans.
What color has to do with anything?
Nothing ... except that the particular president I was talking about was "of color" (black) as it is commonly called.
Don't get excited about nothing and side track the real points in a post. Read it some more and THINK about what I wrote and you might get the one point which I made ...
Wolfgang said:
"...the particular president I was talking about was "of color" (black) as it is commonly called".
Again, what does this have to do with anything? Are you trying to get me to speculate on how he got to his color? Why are you hooked on the color of a man's skin?
Notwithstanding, my response to your post above, believe it or not, is your last two sentences:
"Don't get excited about nothing and side track the real points in a post. Read it some more and THINK about what I wrote and you might get the one point which I made ...
Thanks for the thoughts. I hope you don't mind me using them? CM
Again, what does this have to do with anything? Are you trying to get me to speculate on how he got to his color? Why are you hooked on the color of a man's skin?
I already stated in my last response that the point I was making had nothing to do with color ... I just mentioned color because that president happened to be of color (black). The point was about his warmongering ...and nobody seemingly complaining about that while on the other hand already complaining about Trump from even before he was in office.
Now, stick your color and race card back in your hand ... no need to play it.
@Wolfgang posted:
I already stated in my last response that the point I was making had nothing to do with color ... I just mentioned color because that president happened to be of color (black). The point was about his warmongering ...and nobody seemingly complaining about that while on the other hand already complaining about Trump from even before he was in office.
Now, stick your color and race card back in your hand ... no need to play it.
Your comments beg the question they don't really address, Wolfgang: If the point you tried to make about Mr Obama had "nothing to do with color," why did you mention his race at all? I've not seen you mention Mr Trump's race, even though he "happens to be of color" (white). And I've not seen you mention Ms Merkel's, or Mr Bush's, or Mr Netanyahu's colors, even though all of them "happen to be of color" (white). In fact, I can't remember your ever raising ANY white person's skin color in your posts; yet you chose to mention Mr Obama's.
Further, though you contend that your point had "nothing to do with color," in your original reference to Mr Obama, you gave prominence to his race when you called him the "president who was lauded as the color (black?) angel of peace." If your point had "nothing to do with race," why did you even mention the color of his skin in your reference to him? Why did you call him "the color (black?) angel of peace"? Why didn't you call him "the angel of peace"?
And why the question mark after the word "black" to describe his skin color? Is there some doubt in your mind as to his race?
Further, though you contend that your point had "nothing to do with color," in your original reference to Mr Obama, you gave prominence to his race when you called him the "president who was lauded as the color (black?) angel of peace."
Ooops .... I notice the problem. Here in Germany at the time before his first election, Mr. Obama was visiting Germany and holding big gatherings (for example in Berlin) near a particular Statute (thee Peace Statue) which has a golden angel as big figure. German newspapers picked up on this imagery in referencing his message of "bringing more peace" to the world as US president and some newspapers called him (in a word play on the statue where his message was proclaimed) the "black angel of peace". I did not directly use "black angel" but what I thought possibly a less strong term "color (black) angel ...".
My point was that he portrayed himself as the coming peace maker, and then in office totally did the opposite and was a warmonger.
The "color and race card" was never in my hand. It was a detraction-tactic of Mr. Reformed. He tried to roll the "racism" thing out to avoid accepting historical facts of America's past, in general and the Second Amendment, in particular.
Wolfgang, you are far too intelligent to become ensnared into racist propaganda from one who has the proclivity to create an alternate reality to escape an ugly truth. Let's stay focused on the main thing, the OP. I believe we are on the same page on this issue. If you can't bring yourself to agree with me publicly, I can understand. CM
Lies again. You did, in fact, bring up race.
@Wolfgang said:
"criticize another president who was lauded as the color (black?) angel of peace ... who turned out to be one of the worst recent warmongers ...."
What American would criticize a President who accomplished so much?
14 Facts About Obama's Presidency Most People Don’t Know
Obama's Presidency: The Facts
Depending on your political views, you may think the country did exceptionally well or was teetering on the verge of collapse.
Listed below are fourteen objective facts, without interjected opinion, about the state of America under the leadership of President Obama. ...
1. We had a record 90 straight months of economic expansion.
- Source: Obama Out-Performs Reagan on Jobs, Growth, and Investing; Forbesmagazine.
2. We enjoyed the longest period of private sector job creation in American history.
- Source: A Record 75 Straight Months of Job Growth Under Obama: Money
3. Unemployment dropped from 10.1% in October of 2009 to 4.8% by early 2017.
- Source : Romney vows to lower unemployment to 6% by the end of 2016: The Hill
4. The stock market set record highs throughout Obama's presidency.
5. The Federal budget deficit was reduced by two-thirds since 2009.
6. Under President Obama, government spending increased less than it did under President's Bush and Reagan.
7. For 95% of American taxpayers, income taxes dropped as low or lower than any point in the previous 50 years.
8. Dependence on foreign oil was greatly reduced due to record domestic oil production and improved fuel efficiency standards.
9. At least 18 million more Americans now have health insurance than before.
10. The Affordable Care Act has added years to the life of Medicare.
11. Since passage of the Affordable Care Act, we are seeing the slowest rate of increase in healthcare costs since 1960.
12. We had fewer soldiers, sailors, and airmen in war zones than at any time in the previous 12 years.
13. There were zero successful attacks by al Qaeda on US soil while Obama was president.
14. We caught and deported more illegal immigrants during Obama's presidency than ever before.
"The color (black?) angel of peace" blessed America. CM
"The color (black?) angel of peace" blessed America. CM
of course, these are UNKNOWN facts ... 😉
This president was a war criminal and did the exact opposite of what he advertised during his campaign ... eh, what's new or different? Maybe the difference is that wars conducted by elephants are different from wars conducted b donkeys? If he blessed America, with what did he bless all those homeless people who are camping in tent cities on the outskirts of Californian cities? He certainly "blessed" those who pulled his strings ... and increased the police state powers sestablished after the September 11, 2001 events
@Wolfgang said:
This president was a war criminal and did the exact opposite of what he advertised during his campaign ... eh, what's new or different? Maybe the difference is that wars conducted by elephants are different from wars conducted b donkeys? If he blessed America, with what did he bless all those homeless people who are camping in tent cities on the outskirts of Californian cities? He certainly "blessed" those who pulled his strings ... and increased the police state powers sestablished after the September 11, 2001 events
Obama fought America's declared enemies. Trump sympathized with dictators and allowed America's enemy (Iran) to injured 100 Service men and women in a poorly protected airbase.
@Wolfgang earlier said:
Ooops .... I notice the problem. Here in Germany at the time before his first election, Mr. Obama was visiting Germany and holding big gatherings (for example in Berlin) near a particular Statute (thee Peace Statue) which has a golden angel as big figure. German newspapers picked up on this imagery in referencing his message of "bringing more peace" to the world as US president and some newspapers called him (in a word play on the statue where his message was proclaimed) the "black angel of peace". I did not directly use "black angel" but what I thought possibly a less strong term "color (black) angel ...".
You get a pass this time. CM
How do you work out Trump sympathizing with dictators? And he allowed America's enemy to injure service men and women? How do you work that one out? Idiot.
How do you work out Trump sympathizing with dictators? And he allowed America's enemy to injure service men and women? How do you work that one out? Idiot.
Since I was talking about Obama, I am not working anything out about Kennedy, Ford, Truman or Trump (just to name a few other presidents). It's like when you a re talking abou cars, you are not talking about elephants .... The Idiot is not me but the one who perhaps is not reading what others wrote and instead is reading his own fantasy into what others wrote?