Heartless America!

Government Told Immigrant Parents to Pay for DNA Tests to Be Reunited With Kids: Advocate
Authorities separated families and took their documents, leaving genetic tests as the only way to verify who they are. And a secret contractor is doing the work.
DALLAS—U.S. government officials recently told four immigrant women that they must pay for DNA tests in order to be reunited with their children, according to the shelter that housed the women.
The tests are the latest ad hoc effort by the Trump administration to reunite families it had separated—in some cases because authorities took documents from adults proving they are related to their children. The tests are being administered by a private contractor on behalf of the Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Refugee Resettlement, which oversees the care and housing of children. HHS has refused to name the contractor, which may be a violation of federal law.
“None of them have the money [for the tests], so it’s going to fall back on us to push back on that,” said Ruben Garcia, the director of Annunciation House, an immigrant shelter in El Paso where the women are staying.
Three of the women are mothers of the children, Garcia said, and the fourth is attempting to reunite with her brother, a three and half-year-old boy.
Garcia said that the tests likely cost money that many immigrants entering the country with little more than the clothes on their backs don’t have. Iliana Holguin, an immigration attorney in El Paso who works with Annunciation House, said the government made some of her clients pay between $700 to $800 to prove their relationship to a relative as part of their citizenship cases.
“The government wants the parents to foot the bill for the DNA testing when they’re the ones that caused the need for DNA testing,” Holguin said. “It’s incredible.”
The Office of Refugee Resettlement, responsible for the DNA testing, told The Daily Beast it “provides DNA testing at no cost to verify parentage.”
See Full Story: https://www.thedailybeast.com/government-told-immigrant-parents-to-pay-for-dna-tests-to-be-reunited-with-kids-advocate
For now, the tests being performed on immigrants caught up in Trump’s “zero tolerance” policy are just another obstacle for mothers and fathers who have already faced plenty of them in order to be reunited with their children...
True or False? Prove it? CM
You know if you hate America so much MOVE.
My brother, Reformed,
Calm yourself!
- Who said I hated America?
- Did I ever say where I am?
- Who authorized you to a form a litmus test to determine one's love for America?
- Just because I held up a mirror to America's doing, does this means I hate its people?
- Has America become a state intolerant of divergent views? If so, she has reached a new low.
- Even those who love America are being turned away as we speak. Your expressions seem to be reflective of the Trump Administration. I thought you said, you were a Christian? Do Mr. Trump's policies reflect Christ? If not, why would you endorse them with such passion?
Mr. Reformed, you seem to be saying there isn't room in America for me to come or to stay? CM
Your posts show it.
- Did I ever say where I am?
If you don't live in America mind your own business.
- Who authorized you to a form a litmus test to determine one's love for America?
- Just because I held up a mirror to America's doing, does this means I hate its people?
You aren't holding up anything based in reality. You live in Alice in Wonderland.
- Has America become a state intolerant of divergent views? If so, she has reached a new low.
I tolerate other's views unless they are so crazy they aren't based in reality. Then I call a spade a spade.
- Even those who love America are being turned away as we speak. Your expressions seem to be reflective of the Trump Administration. I thought you said, you were a Christian? Do Mr. Trump's policies reflect Christ? If not, why would you endorse them with such passion?
What are you talking about?
Mr. Reformed, you seem to be saying there isn't room in America for me to come or to stay? CM
What in the world are you talking about? America takes in immigrants every year. But there is a legal way to do it, these people are criminals.
Just stop this! What specific I posted you deem hatred for America. Besides, you're just one lone voice in your view. CM
@C_M_ said:
Just stop this! What specific I posted you deem hatred for America. Besides, you're just one lone voice in your view. CMNo I'm not. Lot's of people hold my view, the view of reality. These people are criminals, why can you not admit that? You defend criminals.
Proof? Not people, just you.
These people are criminals, why can you not admit that? You defend criminals.
If you can prove it, you may not know it, but even "criminals" (as you define it) in the USA are in entitled to a lawyer and a defense. Do you remember 9/11 or other terrorist tried in America? Please, be informed, Mr. Reformed. CM
@C_M_ said:
Proof? Not people, just you.
These people are criminals, why can you not admit that? You defend criminals.
If you can prove it, you may not know it, but even "criminals" (as you define it) in the USA are in entitled to a lawyer and a defense. Do you remember 9/11 or other terrorist tried in America? Please, be informed, Mr. Reformed. CMTo a point, yes. But why are you defending the criminals? Why won't you answer that question? Why are you in favor of them breaking our laws?
@reformed said:
If you can prove it, you may not know it, but even "criminals" (as you define it) in the USA are in entitled to a lawyer and a defense. Do you remember 9/11 or other terrorist tried in America? Please, be informed, Mr. Reformed. CM
To a point, yes. But why are you defending the criminals? Why won't you answer that question? Why are you in favor of them breaking our laws?
"Our laws"? I made, voted or endorsed NO such laws. This is the rush job (law) of an illegitimate President. Don't worry, Mullier will prove my latter point. CM
Now you sound like Bill regarding God.
@GaoLu said:
Now you sound like Bill regarding God.In what sense? CM
@C_M_ said:
@reformed said:
If you can prove it, you may not know it, but even "criminals" (as you define it) in the USA are in entitled to a lawyer and a defense. Do you remember 9/11 or other terrorist tried in America? Please, be informed, Mr. Reformed. CM
To a point, yes. But why are you defending the criminals? Why won't you answer that question? Why are you in favor of them breaking our laws?
"Our laws"? I made, voted or endorsed NO such laws. This is the rush job (law) of an illegitimate President. Don't worry, Mullier will prove my latter point. CM
President Trump is legitimate because he was elected by the Electoral College. That is the only requirement for a President's legitimacy. The Muller investigation has no bearing on that. You really need a civics class.
That being said, it doesn't matter whether or not you endorse a law. The law is the law and Scripture says you are to support it unless it is directly against Scripture. That is not the case here. So you support sin in the breaking of the law. You should repent.
@reformed said:
@C_M_ said:
@reformed said:
If you can prove it, you may not know it, but even "criminals" (as you define it) in the USA are in entitled to a lawyer and a defense. Do you remember 9/11 or other terrorist tried in America? Please, be informed, Mr. Reformed. CM
To a point, yes. But why are you defending the criminals? Why won't you answer that question? Why are you in favor of them breaking our laws?
"Our laws"? I made, voted or endorsed NO such laws. This is the rush job (law) of an illegitimate President. Don't worry, Mullier will prove my latter point. CM
President Trump is legitimate because he was elected by the Electoral College. That is the only requirement for a President's legitimacy. The Muller investigation has no bearing on that. You really need a civics class.
Why have elections, Mr. Civic Teacher? Is not the outcome of the election the Electoral College considers?
It's unfortunate, that understanding civics, seem to have no influences on one being civil. CM
Law or no law, what happened at the USA Southern Border recently was wrong and against God, love, His spirit, and compassion. No amount of "conservative" verbal gymnastics can't say otherwise. It was against families, decency and the well-being of children. Therefore, I can't, shouldn't, and wouldn't support the familial-social kidnapping-rape of those families. Have you no shame?
May I suggest you review or study for the first time about Jesus (of the Bible), His life and teachings. You seem to have been influenced by the postings of Wolfgang and Bill when it comes to Jesus (posts speak for themselves). Jesus was and is compassionate, sacrificial, forgiving, longsuffering, etc. CM
@C_M_ said:
@reformed said:
@C_M_ said:
@reformed said:
If you can prove it, you may not know it, but even "criminals" (as you define it) in the USA are in entitled to a lawyer and a defense. Do you remember 9/11 or other terrorist tried in America? Please, be informed, Mr. Reformed. CM
To a point, yes. But why are you defending the criminals? Why won't you answer that question? Why are you in favor of them breaking our laws?
"Our laws"? I made, voted or endorsed NO such laws. This is the rush job (law) of an illegitimate President. Don't worry, Mullier will prove my latter point. CM
President Trump is legitimate because he was elected by the Electoral College. That is the only requirement for a President's legitimacy. The Muller investigation has no bearing on that. You really need a civics class.
Why have elections, Mr. Civic Teacher? Is not the outcome of the election the Electoral College considers?
It's unfortunate, that understanding civics, seem to have no influences on one being civil. CM
The elections determine who the electors are. That is why we have elections.
@C_M_ said:
Law or no law, what happened at the USA Southern Border recently was wrong and against God, love, His spirit, and compassion. No amount of "conservative" verbal gymnastics can't say otherwise. It was against families, decency and the well-being of children. Therefore, I can't, shouldn't, and wouldn't support the familial-social kidnapping-rape of those families. Have you no shame?
No it wasn't. No kidnapping occurred. The only thing that occured was consequences to people who willfully broke the law and involved their kids in the process. That is irresponsible parenting and quite honestly makes them unfit to be parents in the first place.
May I suggest you review or study for the first time about Jesus (of the Bible), His life and teachings. You seem to have been influenced by the postings of Wolfgang and Bill when it comes to Jesus (posts speak for themselves). Jesus was and is compassionate, sacrificial, forgiving, longsuffering, etc. CM
That has nothing to do with the law and government CM. Perhaps you should read what the Bible says about governing authorities.
Why have elections, Mr. Civic Teacher? Is not the outcome of the election the Electoral College considers?
It's unfortunate, that understanding civics, seem to have no influences on one being civil. CM
The elections determine who the electors are. That is why we have elections.
Reformed, this is the point I was making all alone. One of the names the elector college was unfairly placed for consideration. Russia helped Trump. CM
God sets up and takes down rulers, and if He used Russia to do so, no amount of your worry will change who God chose for President or the man God insists that you respect as President. You can reject God's will of course.
@C_M_ said:
Why have elections, Mr. Civic Teacher? Is not the outcome of the election the Electoral College considers?
It's unfortunate, that understanding civics, seem to have no influences on one being civil. CM
The elections determine who the electors are. That is why we have elections.
Reformed, this is the point I was making all alone. One of the names the elector college was unfairly placed for consideration. Russia helped Trump. CM
What are you talking about?
@reformed said:
What are you talking about?
Sorry, Electoral College. CM
I don't know what C_M_ is saying either. Still don't.
Please explain the Electoral College. CM
I don't think we can likely explain your idea when you can't make clear yourself.
So be it. Thanks. CM
@C_M_ said:
Please explain the Electoral College. CMThe electoral college are electors that determine who the POTUS will be. When you go vote you are actually voting for an elector, not a candidate. Technically.
So where is you unfairly named electoral college or whatever your argument was?
@GaoLu said:
So where is you unfairly named electoral college or whatever your argument was?Of course he didn't answer that part of it. He has no valid argument. Trump is legitimate whether @C_M_ thinks so or not. In fact, to say that he is not the legitimate President shows you are ignorant and have no understanding of how the US Government and elections work.
@C_M_ said:
When will you admit Trump is a legitimate President as defined by the Constitution of the United States and the laws of the United States?
Please see this thread.
Stop the detractions, deviations, and smoke-screens, let's "keep the main thing, the main thing":
There are hundreds of children without their parents. There are in a private prison, without hope or freedom.
This is a deed God will not turn a blind eye. Where are the sober-minded Christian parents in the USA? Is there a possibility of hope through the President's daughter for these children? Melaina, the President's wife, has lost her voice of compassion. Some think she's a "puppet wife" and in the same situation, as the prison children, with unlimited amenities. In short, she's not her own woman. Sad! CM