How does the Hebrew Tetragrammaton יהוה read in Your Translator?

The Answer May Surprise You! The screen shots below give you some very strong evidence that is undeniable. Even when you use various languages for Jehovah, all language transliterations go back to the Hebrew Tetragrammation יהוה – as you can SEE. The ‘truth’ is so simple isn’t it? Will they repent to keep on living or will their pride bring them down to the valley of hinnom of everlasting destruction?
Thankful for Google transliterates יהוה in English as Jehovah. Visit about whom Jesus Christ calls the Only True God in (John 17:3)
Google Translate of יהוה as Jehovah has definition: "a form of the Hebrew name of God used in some translations of the Bible." Notable absent from Google Translate result of יהוה are valid alternatives: e.g. English Yahweh to Hebrew יהוה, "a form of the Hebrew name of God used in the Bible. The name came to be regarded by Jewish people ( c. 300 BC) as too sacred to be spoken, and the vowel sounds are uncertain."
Keep Smiling 😊
ChristTo me, The Christ = The Messiah = The Holy One of Israel is an eternal portion (one voice) of Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God.@Brother Rando December 21 * The angel that has Gods' Name in him יהוה is Jehovah's means of Salvation as the Christ.
I haven't revealed the phrase Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God that you use time after time for a reason. To show the CF that you show yourself someone who is completely ignorant in the Name you use,
Therefore, I have plugged your phrase into Google translate to use what English Words you are using, And what comes up every time in using Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God ? Thanks for advertising for us! The Watchtower is Correct and the LEB even agrees with it! Hallelujah! (Rev 19:1 LEB)
The phrase you use Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God actually means "Holy Jehovah Lord God" and you plastered it thousands of times all over the Christian Forum. Seems to me Jehovah has made a Donkey talk again and forced the Donkey to Praise the Name of Jehovah. 😁
@Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus December 24 To me, The Christ = The Messiah = The Holy One of Israel is an eternal portion (one voice) of Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God.
@Brother Rando December 21 * The angel that has Gods' Name in him יהוה is Jehovah's means of Salvation as the Christ.
Believing the Christ is a created angelic being having יהוה in him shows @Brother Rando rejection of command in John 14:1
πιστεύετε εἰς τὸν θεόν, καὶ εἰς ἐμὲ πιστεύετε (John 14:1 Greek spoken by יֵשׁוּעַ ) ?
Be Ye Believing in The אלהים God, also in Me Be Ye Believing
Why did τὸν θεόν The Most High God command followers of יֵשׁוּעַ Jesus to continously Be Believing in יֵשׁוּעַ Jesus the same as continously Be Believing in τὸν θεόν The Most High God ?
My faith believes Michael the Archangel is NOT τὸν θεόν The Most High God.
@Brother Rando December 25 The phrase Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God means "Holy Jehovah Lord God" and you plastered it thousands of times all over the Christian Forum. Seems to me Jehovah has made a Donkey talk again and forced the Donkey to Praise the Name of Jehovah. 😁
Adding a line return after Holy has Google Translate showing:
Google Translate does NOT provide ancient Hebrew language usage. Also Google Translate of יהוה can result in Jehovah or Yahweh (as shown by Google Translate screen shots in this discussion).
Keep Smiling 😊
Christπιστεύετε εἰς τὸν θεόν, καὶ εἰς ἐμὲ πιστεύετε (John 14:1 Greek spoken by יֵשׁוּעַ ) ?
Be Ye Believing in The אלהים God, also in Me Be Ye Believing
- also in Me Be Ye Believing
- Why do you call ME Good? No one is God expect God
ChristGoogle Translate does NOT provide ancient Hebrew language usage. Also Google Translate of יהוה can result in Jehovah or Yahweh (as shown by Google Translate screen shots in this discussion).
Yes but not when you transliterate the Hebrew Tetragrammaton יהוה into English. All the Names of Jehovah transliterates into the Hebrew Tetragrammaton יהוה
And the phrase you use Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God actually means "Holy Jehovah Lord God"
My experience with the human created & trained Google is a variety of opportunities for discussion, especially when humans pay Google for preferred results. Humanly wonder about advertising value for the untrustworthy human Watchtower Society to have Google Translate יהוה as Jehovah. If is paying Google for preferential results, then prudent for to disguise advertising payment, possibly hidden in plain sight: e.g. Hebrew Jehovah Witness outreach. Humanly funded Google Translate proves many humans do not recognize ancient Jewish vowel point disguise: write יהוה letters in the correct order from right to left while adding vowels points in the reverse direction. Ancient pronunciation of Holy יהוה divine name is different than Jehovah. Thankful for gentle & kind interaction with Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God to learn correct Holy יהוה pronunciation.
@Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus December 26 Google Translate does NOT provide ancient Hebrew language usage. Also Google Translate of יהוה can result in Jehovah or Yahweh (as shown by Google Translate screen shots in this discussion).
@Brother Rando December 26 Yes but not when you transliterate the Hebrew Tetragrammaton יהוה into English. All the Names of Jehovah transliterates into the Hebrew Tetragrammaton יהוה
To me, Google Translate is inconsistent. Phrase " אֲדֹנָ֨י יְהוִ֜ה קְד֣וֹשׁ יִשְׂרָאֵ֗ל " " Lord YHWH Holy One of Israel " from Isaiah 30:15 was pasted three times into Google Translate, which NEVER shows Holy Translation for קְד֣וֹשׁ:
Notice Google Translate of יהוה results as Yahweh twice.
If NWT would match Google Translate for יהוה, then 1 Corinthians 8:5-6 sentence would be =>
For even though there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth, just as there are many "gods" and many "lords", there is actually to us one God, the Father, from whom all things are and we for him, and there is one Jehovah, Jesus Christ, through whom all things are and we through Him.
For ancient Biblical Languages (Hebrew, Aramaic, & Koine Greek) my preferred translation tool is Logos Bible Study software with my library resources. Google Translate lacks morphological (grammatical) identification of words. Doing my own language translation provides me more insight into Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God inspired words with nuanced expression, which have eternal value.
My forever best friend & redeemer יהוה Hosts = יהוה Salvation = יֵשׁ֔וּעַ Yeshua = Jesus can forgive sin if a human wants to repent from their sin against Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God, believe & want יֵשׁ֔וּעַ Yeshua to be יהוה Lord with Abba יהוה Father & Ruach HaKodesh in the One unique Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God & receive the free ❤️ love gift from Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God. To me, יהוה Hosts humbly left Holy Heaven to be clothed in human flesh as The Son of אלהים God & The Son of Man (Danel 7:13-14), who is forever King Righteous (Melchizedek).
Abba יהוה Father & Ruach HaKodesh allowed Holy human body of יהוה Hosts = יהוה Salvation = יֵשׁ֔וּעַ Yeshua = Jesus to be brutally sacrificed as the ❤️ Loving substitute for the just sin penalty deserved by all human sin.
Keep Smiling 😊
ChristThankful for gentle & kind interaction with Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God to learn correct Holy יהוה pronunciation.
@Brother Rando Praise Jehovah! (Rev 19:3 LEB)
And One unique Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God & receive the free ❤️ love gift from Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God. reads:
"But Jehovah will laugh at him, For He knows that his day will come." Psalm 37:13
Even @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus
Christadmits that Elijah means 'My God Is Jehovah' but then lies and said he never did. Here's his quote:@Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus
Christ452 אֵלִיָּה, אֵלִיָּהוּ [ʾEliyah, ʾEliyahuw /ay·lee·yaw/] n pr m. From 410 and 3050; GK 488 and 489; 71 occurrences; AV translates as “Elijah” 69 times, and “Eliah” twice. 1 the great prophet of the reign of Ahab. 2 Benjamite son of Jeroham. 3 a son of Elam with foreign wife during exile. 4 a son of Harim, and priest, with foreign wife during exile. Additional Information: Elijah or Eliah = “my God is Jehovah” or “Yah(u) is God”
JeHoVaH & YeHoWaH show JHVH & YHWH (transliterations of יהוה) with Jewish Masoretic vowel markings added centuries after the destruction of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. Jewish oral law was written down into the Mishnah and Talmud (predates Masoretic vowel marking additions), which document the Holy יהוה divine name being pronounced correctly by Jewish priests in the Jewish Temple, but a disguise (or an epithet, a substitute: e.g. Adonai, Lord, HaShem, The Name) used outside the Jewish Temple. Masoretic disguise: write יהוה letters in the correct order from right to left while adding vowels points in the reverse direction => Jehovah or Iehouah that appeared less than 500 years ago by someone ignorant of the Jewish disguise.
Disguises for יהוה lack Holy worship pause within my human being : Jehovah, Iehouah, Yahweh (lacks vowel in middle syllable)
Remember my December 18 reply included a quote from Enhanced Strong's Lexicon (by someone who did not recognize Jewish disguise):
@Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus December 18 Three prophets, Eliyahu, Yesha‘yahu, Yirmeyahu, have Hebrew names whose last two syllables are the first two syllables of the Holy יהוה divine name (prophet names have YA syllable emphasized while יהוה divine name has HU syllable stressed).
452 אֵלִיָּה, אֵלִיָּהוּ [ʾEliyah, ʾEliyahuw /ay·lee·yaw/] n pr m. From 410 and 3050; GK 488 and 489; 71 occurrences; AV translates as “Elijah” 69 times, and “Eliah” twice. 1 the great prophet of the reign of Ahab. 2 Benjamite son of Jeroham. 3 a son of Elam with foreign wife during exile. 4 a son of Harim, and priest, with foreign wife during exile. Additional Information: Elijah or Eliah = “my God is Jehovah” or “Yah(u) is God”.
@Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus December 18 James Strong, Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon (Woodside Bible Fellowship, 1995) has first syllable יה (YH) vowel sound inconsistency in Additional Information name meaning: "Jeh" & "Yah"
@Brother Rando December 27 Even @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus
Christadmits that Elijah means 'My God Is Jehovah' but then lies and said he never did. Here's his quote:Remember @Brother Rando copies and pastes from without attribution. Quoting by @Brother Rando left out my attribution that shows Jehovah in the Enhanced Strong's Lexicon by someone who did not recognize Jewish disguise (like the Watchtower Society & @Brother Rando)
Keep Smiling 😊
Actually @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus
Christwhen you denied Hallelujah means Praise Jah which is short for Praise Jehovah in (Rev 19:1) of the LEB. You stated it doesn't.So I took your quote which you quoted about Elijah and that it means "My God is Jehovah' which also has Jah in it. So here is the quote again that shows your hypocrisy and dishonesty:
@Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus December 18 Three prophets, Eliyahu, Yesha‘yahu, Yirmeyahu, have Hebrew names whose last two syllables are the first two syllables of the Holy יהוה divine name (prophet names have YA syllable emphasized while יהוה divine name has HU syllable stressed).
452 אֵלִיָּה, אֵלִיָּהוּ [ʾEliyah, ʾEliyahuw /ay·lee·yaw/] n pr m. From 410 and 3050; GK 488 and 489; 71 occurrences; AV translates as “Elijah” 69 times, and “Eliah” twice. 1 the great prophet of the reign of Ahab. 2 Benjamite son of Jeroham. 3 a son of Elam with foreign wife during exile. 4 a son of Harim, and priest, with foreign wife during exile. Additional Information: Elijah or Eliah = “my God is Jehovah” or “Yah(u) is God”.
@Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus December 18 James Strong, Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon (Woodside Bible Fellowship, 1995) has first syllable יה (YH) vowel sound inconsistency in Additional Information name meaning: "Jeh" & "Yah"
And One unique Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God & receive the free ❤️ love gift from Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God. reads:
@Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus December 18 James Strong, Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon (Woodside Bible Fellowship, 1995) has first syllable יה (YH) vowel sound inconsistency in Additional Information name meaning: "Jeh" & "Yah"
When putting יהוה in English it always comes out as Jehovah.
@Brother Rando December 27 When putting יהוה in English it always comes out as Jehovah.
Google Translate definition of Jehovah is "a form of the Hebrew name of God used in some translations of the Bible."
Puzzled by Google Translate NOT showing form(s) of the Hebrew name of God used in many other translations of the Bible.
Clicking Jehovah in Google Translate shows a pop-up menu with choices:
None of the Jehovah choices offered by Google Translate has the correct Holy pronunciation of יהוה (last one has an incorrect vowel in the last syllable).
Google Translate shows the same inconsistency as the Watchtower Society about the vowel sound in the first syllable of יהוה
Google search "in the footnotes" "Praise ye Jehovah" finds article "Jah" that begins with:
[Heb., Yah].
A poetic shortened form of Jehovah, the name of the Most High God. (Ex. 15:1, 2) This abbreviated form is represented by the first half of the Hebrew tetragrammaton יהוה (YHWH), that is, the letters yohdh (י) and heʼ (ה), the tenth and fifth letters of the Hebrew alphabet respectively.
The first sentence of the article has a similar assertion by @Brother Rando (showing personal devotion to untrustworthy Watchtower Society)
@Brother Rando December 27 ... Hallelujah means Praise Jah which is short for Praise Jehovah ...
Watchtower Society teaching Jah [Heb., Yah] is inconsistent with "Jehovah, the name of the Most High God" because the first syllable of Jehovah has an "e" vowel sound, not an "a" vowel sound.
Jehovah does NOT start with Jah. Hallelujah does NOT end with Jeh(ovah).
Jehovah is NOT the correct way to say יהוה
My experience with the human created & trained Google is a variety of opportunities for discussion, especially when humans pay Google for preferred results. Humanly wonder about advertising value for the untrustworthy human Watchtower Society to have Google Translate יהוה as Jehovah. If is paying Google for preferential results, then prudent for to disguise advertising payment, possibly hidden in plain sight: e.g. Hebrew Jehovah Witness outreach. Humanly created & funded Google Translate proves many humans do not recognize ancient Jewish vowel point disguise: write יהוה letters in the correct order from right to left while adding vowels points in the reverse direction. Ancient pronunciation of Holy יהוה divine name is different than Jehovah. Thankful for gentle & kind interaction with Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God to learn correct Holy יהוה pronunciation.
For ancient Biblical Languages (Hebrew, Aramaic, & Koine Greek) my preferred translation tool is Logos Bible Study software with my library resources & datasets. Google Translate lacks morphological (grammatical) identification of words. Doing my own language translation provides me more insight into Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God inspired words with nuanced expression, which have eternal value.
Keep Smiling 😊
Thank you for providing proof about "@Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus
Christ- Thankful for gentle & kind interaction with Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God to learn correct Holy יהוה pronunciation." -
Logos Bible Study search for Iehouah in 1,081 Bibles in my library found one result, which documents first appearence in A.D. 1530, a little less than 500 years ago. Logos Bible Study search for Jehovah in 1,081 Bibles found results in 154 resources. About 1% of the Bibles in my Logos Library have Jehovah consistent translation for יהוה (about 7,000 results), which includes a Spanish and a Portuguese Bible.
Sadly disappointed by Google Translate of יהוה NOT showing English translations in most English Bibles, which is a form of deception (siliently not show other translations: e.g. Yahweh in LEB).
My Logos library has the Lexham Hebrew Interlinear (LHI), which has Hebrew with transliteration and reverse interlinear alignment of English along with Morphology tagging: e.g. Deuteronomy 6:4
שמע ישראל יהוה אלהינו יהוה אחד
sh'-MA yis-ra-AYL a-do-NAI e-lo-HAY-nu a-do-NAI e-KHAD
Israel365 Bible transliteration shows Jews say "a-do-NAI" (Lord) for יהוה (disguise or epithat for use outside the Jewish Temple that attempts to avoid abusing Holy יהוה name as cursing יהוה is punished by death).
שמע = sh'-MA : Verb, Qal, Imperative, 2nd Person, Masculine, Singular : Hear & Obey
ישראל = yis-ra-AYL : Noun, Proper, Singular, Absolute : Israel (Singular Noun for a particular group of people)
יהוה = "a-do-NAI" (Lord) : Noun, Proper, Masculine, Singular, Absolute : the one who was & the one who is & the one who is to come
אלהינו = e-lo-HAY-nu : Noun, Common, Masculine, Plural, Construct (of) & Pronoun, Suffixed, 1st Person, Plural : God
יהוה = "a-do-NAI" (Lord) : Noun, Proper, Masculine, Singular, Absolute : the one who was & the one who is & the one who is to come
אחד = e-KHAD : numeral, cardinal, singular, absolute : one/only
Hebrew nouns have three spelling variations: singular, dual (eyes, ears, ...), & plural.
What is plural in the One unique אלהים God ?
Keep Smiling 😊
ChristLogos Bible Study search for Iehouah in 1,081 Bibles in my library found one result, which documents first appearence in A.D. 1530, a little less than 500 years ago.
@Brother Rando - Thankful that Iehouah was used which means Jehovah in English.
Also thankful that יהוה alone is Jehovah. Praise Jehovah! Hallelujah (Rev 19:3 LEB)
@Brother Rando December 2023 Thankful that Iehouah was used which means Jehovah in English.
Google Translate detecting Language for Iehouah shows Arabic
Adding Iesus changes Google Translate language detection:
Remember Google Translate of יהוה as Jehovah has definition: "a form of the Hebrew name of God used in some translations of the Bible." Notable absent from Google Translate result of יהוה are valid alternatives: e.g. English Yahweh to Hebrew יהוה, "a form of the Hebrew name of God used in the Bible. The name came to be regarded by Jewish people ( c. 300 BC) as too sacred to be spoken, and the vowel sounds are uncertain."
Google Translate does NOT prove ancient usage of Jehovah or Iehouah
Keep Smiling 😊
In Latin Iesous means Iehouah is Salvation but when transliterated into English Jesus means Jehovah is Salvation. This is because Jesus is the Servant of Jehovah because he was SENT. Other terms for Servant can be rendered Slave or Angel.
- Servant of Jehovah
- Slave of Jehovah
- Angel of Jehovah
Jesus in his pre-human existence would help carry on Jehovah's Work.
- Then Jehovah’s angel appeared to him in a flame of fire in the midst of a thornbush. (Exodus 3:2)
- Then he said: “Do not come any nearer. Remove your sandals from your feet, because the place where you are standing is holy ground.” (Exodus 3:5)
- When Joshua was near Jerʹi·cho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with a drawn sword in his hand. Joshua walked up to him and asked: “Are you on our side or on the side of our adversaries?” (Joshua 5:13)
- To this he said: “No, but I have come as Prince of Jehovah’s army.” With that Joshua fell with his face to the ground and prostrated himself and said to him: “What does My Lord have to say to his servant?” (Joshua 5:14)
- The Prince of Jehovah’s army replied to Joshua: “Remove your sandals from your feet, because the place where you are standing is holy.” At once Joshua did so. (Joshua 5:15)
- Therefore, if I, the Lord and Teacher, washed your feet, you also should wash the feet of one another. (John 13:14)
Also the Names of Joshua and John were derived from Jehovah.
- Joshua means "Jehovah is Salvation"
- John means "Jehovah has been Gracious"
@Brother Rando January 8 In Latin Iesous means Iehouah is Salvation but when transliterated into English Jesus means Jehovah is Salvation.
Appears @Brother Rando appeal to Latin authority lacks credibility (along with confusing transliteration & translation).
Transliteration of Ἰησοῦς from Greek letters to English letters => Iēsous
Google search for Iēsous finds a number of Greek lexicon entries: e.g. G2424 - iēsous - Strong's Greek Lexicon (kjv)
The Dictionary of Latin Forms has over 300,000 Latin word possibilities, but none for Iēsous
The Dictionary of Latin Forms shows four Latin words that translate to Jesus.
Iehouah is an Olde English spelling that morphed into Jehovah.
JeHoVaH & YeHoWaH show JHVH & YHWH (transliterations of יהוה) with Jewish Masoretic vowel markings added centuries after the destruction of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. Jewish oral law was written down into the Mishnah and Talmud (predates Masoretic vowel marking additions), which document the Holy יהוה divine name being pronounced correctly by Jewish priests in the Jewish Temple, but a disguise (or an epithet, a substitute: e.g. Adonai, Lord, HaShem, The Name) used outside the Jewish Temple. Masoretic disguise: write יהוה letters in the correct order from right to left while adding vowels points in the reverse direction => Jehovah or Iehouah that appeared less than 500 years ago by someone ignorant of the Jewish disguise.
@Brother Rando January 8 Joshua means "Jehovah is Salvation"
Thus far @Brother Rando has NOT shown any knowledge of Jehovah or Iehouah that is over 500 years ago (while repeating ad nauseum personal faith belief about Jehovah that includes circular reasoning fallacy: disguised name defintion shows disguised name, which is only applicable within the last 500 years => NOT known in ancient times).
Strong's Hebrew 3091 published in 1995 simply does NOT prove knowledge NOR usage of Jehovah over 500 years ago:
3091 יְהֹושֻׁעַ [Yâhowshuwaʿ, Yâhowshuʿa /yeh·ho·shoo·ah/] n pr m. From 3068 and 3467; GK 3397; 218 occurrences; AV translates as “Joshua” 218 times. 1 son of Nun of the tribe of Ephraim and successor to Moses as the leader of the children of Israel; led the conquest of Canaan. 2 a resident of Beth-shemesh on whose land the Ark of the Covenant came to a stop after the Philistines returned it. 3 son of Jehozadak and high priest after the restoration. 4 governor of Jerusalem under king Josiah who gave his name to a gate of the city of Jerusalem. Additional Information: Joshua or Jehoshua = “Jehovah is salvation”.
James Strong, Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon (Woodside Bible Fellowship, 1995).
Enhanced Strong's Lexicon does prove people ignorant about the Jewish disguise for Holy יהוה divine name pronuncation. To me, יהושע means "יהוה Salvation" (using the correct Holy יהוה pronunciation).
Keep Smiling 😊
@Brother Rando January 8 Joshua means "Jehovah is Salvation"
As you see below @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus
Christquoting Joshua or Jehoshua = “Jehovah is salvation” which proves his hypocrisy.@Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus
Christ יְהֹושֻׁעַ [Yâhowshuwaʿ, Yâhowshuʿa /yeh·ho·shoo·ah/] n pr m. From 3068 and 3467; GK 3397; 218 occurrences; AV translates as “Joshua” 218 times. 1 son of Nun of the tribe of Ephraim and successor to Moses as the leader of the children of Israel; led the conquest of Canaan. 2 a resident of Beth-shemesh on whose land the Ark of the Covenant came to a stop after the Philistines returned it. 3 son of Jehozadak and high priest after the restoration. 4 governor of Jerusalem under king Josiah who gave his name to a gate of the city of Jerusalem. Additional Information: Joshua or Jehoshua = “Jehovah is salvation”.
Watchtower quote: Jehoshua
(Je·hoshʹu·a) [Jehovah Is Salvation].
Son of Nun; an Ephraimite who succeeded Moses and led the Israelites into the Promised Land. His original name was Hoshea, but Moses called him Jehoshua, or Joshua (a short form of Jehoshua).—Nu 13:8, 16; De 34:9; Jos 1:1, 2; see JOSHUA No. 1.
Also the Names of Joshua and John were derived from Jehovah.
- Joshua means "Jehovah is Salvation"
- John means "Jehovah has been Gracious"
[English equivalent of Jehohanan, meaning “Jehovah Has Shown Favor; Jehovah Has Been Gracious”].
(E·liʹjah) [My God Is Jehovah].
Here is @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus
Christquote admitting Elijah means "My God is Jehovah' then lies about the quote.
452 אֵלִיָּה, אֵלִיָּהוּ [ʾEliyah, ʾEliyahuw /ay·lee·yaw/] n pr m. From 410 and 3050; GK 488 and 489; 71 occurrences; AV translates as “Elijah” 69 times, and “Eliah” twice. 1 the great prophet of the reign of Ahab. 2 Benjamite son of Jeroham. 3 a son of Elam with foreign wife during exile. 4 a son of Harim, and priest, with foreign wife during exile. Additional Information: Elijah or Eliah = “my God is Jehovah” or “Yah(u) is God”
- @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus
Christwrote יהוה צדקנו claiming it meant something it did not. יהוה צדקנו means ====> Jehovah was Right <====
@Brother Rando January 9 Watchtower quote
Another @Brother Rando appeal to authority that lacks credibility. Appears @Brother Rando obeys Watchtower Society instruction when encountering something NOT understood by @Brother Rando to revert to something @Brother Rando learned from the Watchtower Society, proving Watchtower Society loyalty & devotion being more important to @Brother Rando than experiencing true Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God ❤️ Love.
Remember יהוה oracle concerning Israei (Zechariah chapters 12-14) that ends with "a day" in Zechariah 14:1-21 LEB =>
Look! A day is coming for יהוה Yahweh, when your plunder will be divided in your midst. I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem to battle, and the city will be captured, and they will loot the houses, and the women will be raped; half of the city will go into exile, but the remainder of the people will not be cut off from the city. Then יהוה Yahweh will go forth and fight against those nations, like when he fights on a day of battle. On that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, which faces Jerusalem on the east; and the Mount of Olives will be split in half, from east to west, by a very great valley; and half of the mountain will withdraw toward the north, and the other half toward the south. And you will flee by the valley of my mountains, because the valley of the mountains will reach to Azal, and you will flee like you fled from the earthquake in the days of King Uzziah of Judah. And Yahweh my God will come, and all the holy ones with him. And then on that day there will not be light, the precious things will congeal. There shall be continuous day — it is known to יהוה Yahweh — not day and not night; and at evening time there will be light. And then on that day, living waters will flow out from Jerusalem, half of them to the eastern sea, and the other half to the western sea; it will happen both in the summer and in the winter. And יהוה Yahweh will be king over all the earth; on that day יהוה Yahweh will be one and his name one. All the land will be transformed into a desert plateau from Geba to Rimmon south of Jerusalem. But it will rise up high and it will stay in its place from the Gate of Benjamin to the place of the former gate, up to the Corner Gate and from the Tower of Hananel to the king’s winepresses. And they will dwell in it, and there will be no more ban imposed, and Jerusalem will dwell in security. And this will be the plague with which יהוה Yahweh will strike all the peoples that fight against Jerusalem: their flesh will rot while they are standing on their feet; their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongues will rot in their mouths. And then on that day a great panic from יהוה Yahweh will fall on them, and they will seize one another’s hand, and the hand of the one will be raised against the hand of another. And Judah also will fight at Jerusalem. And the wealth of all the surrounding nations will be collected — gold and silver, and garments in great abundance. Like this plague will be the plague on the horse, the mule, the camel, and the donkey, and every kind of animal in those camps. And then every survivor from all those nations coming against Jerusalem will go up year after year to worship the king, יהוה Yahweh of hosts, and celebrate the Feast of Booths. And then whoever of the clans of the earth does not go up to Jerusalem to worship the king, יהוה Yahweh of hosts, it will not rain on them. And if the clan of Egypt will not go up and come in, on them will be that plague יהוה Yahweh inflicts on the nations that do not go up to celebrate the Feast of Booths. This will be the punishment of Egypt and the punishment of all the nations that do not go up to celebrate the Feast of Booths. On that day there will be inscribed on the bells of the horses, “Holy to יהוה Yahweh.” And the cooking pots in the house of יהוה Yahweh will be holy like the sacrificial basins before the altar. And every cooking pot in Jerusalem and in Judah will be holy to יהוה Yahweh of hosts, and all those who sacrifice will come and will take from them, and will cook in them, and there will be no longer a trader in the house of יהוה Yahweh of hosts on that day.
Currently the Mount of Olives in Israel has NOT been split so Jesus = יהוה of Hosts has NOT yet returned physically to earth. All of my being (heart, mind, soul, strength) looks forward to worshipping Melchizedek = King Righteousness יהוה of Hosts 😍 to glorify יהוה
Eternal truth is consistent. Many Unfulfilled Watch Tower Society predictions provide me reason NOT to trust the inconsistent human organization (along with a number of doctrinal changes over the years). True Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God prophets (communication channels) pass test of 100% accuracy.
More Watchtower Society inconsistency is "Jehovah" assertions (truth twisted with falsehoods) that lack collaboration by credible sources (so @Brother Rando cannot provide any credible sources for Jehovah usage over 500 years ago). Lack of credibility proves alignment with our spiritual adversary, the father of lies, who wants every human to experience eternity separated from Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God ❤️ Love.
Thankful for enough faith in me to believe & receive the free gift of Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God to wash away my sins against Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God by the Holy Blood of יהוה Lord Jesus. Now sunrise & sunset, especially shades of red, remind me of Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God's wedding band that is available for every human. Every individual has free will to choose what to ❤️ Love most, which is proven by actions and words. Sadly adherents ❤️ Love false teaching about 'Christian' Michael the Archangel that prevents experiencing the fullness of Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God (beyond my human words to describe well).
Watchtower Society teaching of Jesus = Michael the Archangel is puzzling/perplexing to me. My understanding is Watchtower Society teaching that Michael's life force was transferred into the human baby of Jesus. Electricity description of life force says nothing identifiable as Michael went into the human body of Jesus. Hence, the Watchtower Society teaching of Jesus = Michael the Archangel makes no sense to me: no reason to believe that an Archangel became Jesus. Related puzzle is what happened to Archangel Michael when life force was transferred. Does Michael the Archangel have pre-Jesus & post-Jesus incarnations ?
To me, Watchtower Society teaching has two deities: God the Father & a god Michael the Archangel (as "Jesus").
Which is really more important: devotion to Watchtower Society teachings (a form of religious idolatry) OR personal relationship with Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God that includes יהוה Lord Jesus ?
Keep Smiling 😊
Here is @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus
Christquote admitting Elijah means "My God is Jehovah' then lies about the quote.
452 אֵלִיָּה, אֵלִיָּהוּ [ʾEliyah, ʾEliyahuw /ay·lee·yaw/] n pr m. From 410 and 3050; GK 488 and 489; 71 occurrences; AV translates as “Elijah” 69 times, and “Eliah” twice. 1 the great prophet of the reign of Ahab. 2 Benjamite son of Jeroham. 3 a son of Elam with foreign wife during exile. 4 a son of Harim, and priest, with foreign wife during exile. Additional Information: Elijah or Eliah = “my God is Jehovah” or “Yah(u) is God”
- @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus
Christwrote יהוה צדקנו claiming it meant something it did not. יהוה צדקנו means ====> Jehovah was Right <====
Watchtower Article -Will Armageddon Begin in Israel?—What Does the Bible Say?
The Bible describes Armageddon, not as a regional conflict, but as a global war fought between all human governments and God.
- “Expressions inspired by demons . . . go out to the kings of the entire inhabited earth, to gather them together to the war of the great day of God the Almighty. . . . They gathered them together to the place that is called in Hebrew Armageddon.”—Revelation 16:14, 16.
The word “Armageddon” comes from the Hebrew word Har Meghid·dohnʹ, meaning “Mountain of Megiddo.” Megiddo was a city in the territory of ancient Israel. For that reason, some people believe that Armageddon will be fought in Israel. However, neither the region of Megiddo nor any other area in the Middle East is big enough to hold “the kings of the entire inhabited earth” and their armies.
The book of Revelation was written “in signs,” or in symbolic language. (Revelation 1:1) Armageddon refers, not to a literal location, but to the worldwide situation in which the nations assemble in their last stand against rule by God.—Revelation 19:11-16, 19-21.
All the ONES who deny the Name of יהוה (JEHOVAH) will soon be removed and destroyed. Also thankful that יהוה alone is Jehovah. Praise Jehovah! Hallelujah (Rev 19:3 LEB)
- That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth. (Ps 83:18)
- @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus
@Brother Rando January 9 Here is @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus
Christquote admitting Elijah means "My God is Jehovah' then lies about the quote.@Brother Rando January 9
@Brother Rando January 9 452 אֵלִיָּה, אֵלִיָּהוּ [ʾEliyah, ʾEliyahuw /ay·lee·yaw/] n pr m. From 410 and 3050; GK 488 and 489; 71 occurrences; AV translates as “Elijah” 69 times, and “Eliah” twice. 1 the great prophet of the reign of Ahab. 2 Benjamite son of Jeroham. 3 a son of Elam with foreign wife during exile. 4 a son of Harim, and priest, with foreign wife during exile. Additional Information: Elijah or Eliah = “my God is Jehovah” or “Yah(u) is God”
My December 18, 2023 comment (22642) in discussion Scriptures that trinitarians Don't Want You to Know About - #5 included my quoting of Enhanced Strongs Lexicon 452 entry with my words about vowel sound inconsistency: is my December 27, 2023 in this discussion also shows @Brother Rando only quoting Enhanced Strongs Lexicon entry without my words about vowel sound inconsistency:
Exodus 20:1-17 LEB =>
And אלהים God spoke all these words, saying, “I am יהוה Yahweh, your אלהים God, who brought you out from the land of Egypt, from the house of slaves.
“There shall be for you no other אלהים gods before me.
“You shall not make for yourself a divine image with any form that is in the heavens above or that is in the earth below or that is in the water below the earth. You will not bow down to them, and you will not serve them, because I am יהוה Yahweh your אלהים God, a jealous אלהים God, punishing the guilt of the parents on the children on the third and on the fourth generations of those hating me, and showing loyal love to thousands of generations of those loving me and of those keeping my commandments.
“You shall not misuse the name of יהוה Yahweh your אלהים God, because יהוה Yahweh will not leave unpunished anyone who misuses his name.
“Remember the day of the Sabbath, to consecrate it. Six days you will work, and you will do all your work. But the seventh day is a Sabbath for יהוה Yahweh your אלהים God; you will not do any work — you or your son or your daughter, your male slave or your female slave, or your animal, or your alien who is in your gates — because in six days יהוה Yahweh made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them, and on the seventh day he rested. Therefore יהוה Yahweh blessed the seventh day and consecrated it.
“Honor your father and your mother, so that your days can be long on the land that יהוה Yahweh your אלהים God is giving you.
“You shall not murder.
“You shall not commit adultery.
“You shall not steal.
“You shall not testify against your neighbor with a false witness.
“You shall not covet the house of your neighbor; you will not covet the wife of your neighbor or his male servant or his female servant or his ox or his donkey or anything that is your neighbor’s.”
Puzzling for me is the choice by @Brother Rando to testify against me with a false witness. My loving ❤️ desire for @Brother Rando is belief choice to repent from sin, say Jesus is יהוה Lord, & receive Holy יהוה Lord אלהים God ❤️ Love with eternal life.
Keep Smiling 😊
@Brother Rando January 9 452 אֵלִיָּה, אֵלִיָּהוּ [ʾEliyah, ʾEliyahuw /ay·lee·yaw/] n pr m. From 410 and 3050; GK 488 and 489; 71 occurrences; AV translates as “Elijah” 69 times, and “Eliah” twice. 1 the great prophet of the reign of Ahab. 2 Benjamite son of Jeroham. 3 a son of Elam with foreign wife during exile. 4 a son of Harim, and priest, with foreign wife during exile. Additional Information: Elijah or Eliah = “my God is Jehovah” or “Yah(u) is God”
Yes. I was quoting your hypocrisy that Jah doesn't mean Jehovah when you even quote other sources that it does! Here's @Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus
Christpost claiming that Jah does mean Jehovah but lies about it for ALL TO SEE. Even the LEB includes JAH!After these things I heard something like the loud sound of a great crowd in heaven saying, “Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God" (Rev 19:1 LEB) Praise Jehovah!