Humans are of 2 genders: male and female



  • C Mc
    C Mc Posts: 4,463

    Wolfgang said:

    "When insanity becomes normal, sanity has been turned into a disorder".

    Is it "a MENTAL DISORDER when a person "identifies" in regards to sex as something they are actually not" or is it sin? "Whatever happened to sin"? This ["When insanity becomes normal, sanity has been turned into a disorder"] again, is a classic and accurate description what Trump has established in the USA. It's a shame but it's the truth.

    @Wolfgang said:

    Indeed ... the Western world's political correctness regards "a disorder" as if it is "the norm" or "just another equally valid norm". Instead of realizing that the problem is a MENTAL DISORDER when a person "identifies" in regards to sex as something they are actually not, they go as far as blöaming nature for having behaved "disorderly" when giving the person the wrong natural body who thinks he is a she or who thinks she is a he ..."

    If this is true, and

    "... the Western "culture" has been corrupted so badly that not even natural realities (such as male and female gender/sex and which combination forms naturally a matching couple) are accepted as the norm, and unnatural disorders are regarded as equally "natural" and valid.

    Don't expect anything to change anytime soon, as long as Trump is President. He is the greatest practitioner and promoter of declaring lies to be the truth and the truth a lie. He doesn't promote specifically, at least overtly, what you're upset about. However, Trump encourages the principle in which you rail against. Poor America! CM

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited February 2020

    Is it "a MENTAL DISORDER when a person "identifies" in regards to sex as something they are actually not" or is it sin? "Whatever happened to sin"? This ["When insanity becomes normal, sanity has been turned into a disorder"] again, is a classic and accurate description what Trump has established in the USA. It's a shame but it's the truth.

    Why do you give the impression of being obsessed (insane?) in reference to Trump ?????????????????

    Don't expect anything to change anytime soon, as long as Trump is President. He is the greatest practitioner and promoter of declaring lies to be the truth and the truth a lie. He doesn't promote specifically, at least overtly, what you're upset about. However, Trump encourages the principle in which you rail against. Poor America! CM

    And on it goes ... as if Trump was the one who is responsible for Western culture ....

    You seem unable (not in control) to comment on any matter without jumping to totally unrelated "Trump" .... If you can't stay on a topic, just refrain (if you are able to control yourself to do so) from commenting at all ....

  • C Mc
    C Mc Posts: 4,463

    Wolfgang said:

    And on it goes ... as if Trump was the one who is responsible for Western culture .... 

    You seem unable (not in control) to comment on any matter without jumping to totally unrelated "Trump" .... If you can't stay on a topic, just refrain (if you are able to control yourself to do so) from commenting at all ....

    I am very much on topic. I can't compare or contrast principle points? I agree with you that Trump is not "responsible for Western culture", but he is making a mess out of the section of the west is in. When there is a world leader calling overt reality "fake news" why would you think a change in society mind-set "When insanity becomes normal, sanity has been turned into a disorder", would change? Trump is in direct opposition to what you hope the "west" would do. In your words: "call spade a spade, and a monkey is a monkey while a human is a human, etc. Male is male and female is female, short is short and long is long, black is black and white is white and red is red".

    Many Americans don't believe like you. They believe in Trump's way of living. Things are what he says there are and not really what is.  To my chagrin and a million others, his cultic followers believe him, along with many other, supposedly, intelligent people and elected leaders. If people can suspend with reality, regardless of cameras, videos, history books, direct quotes, broken-life, injured-bodies, still-photos, what this means? It's a very short hurdle for one (or them) to cross in suspending with reality. That is, accept "insanity" as "normal" and "sanity" as a "disorder."

    The conclusion of the whole matter: Trump is a microcosm of the western mindset (e.g., suspend with reality, repeat it, long and often, others will join you). Short of Divine intervention, many more, like the family member you referred, will come out the closet to claim their being and rights. Until such time, what I've suggested above, do! Be kind and show compassion to "him" (her) and them. CM

  • @C_M_ , I see you are unable to stay of "Trump" stuff ....

  • C Mc
    C Mc Posts: 4,463


    An intelligent man of your caliber, I don't believe you missed my message points because the name Trump is in it. Substitute the the name, now, you got it? CM

  • Hmn ... no further replies on the topic of "gender" / "genderism" for a little while.

    I just came across an official application form here in Germany where the person was not asked about their "sex" whether male or female, but rather about their "gender" whether male, female or diverse ... Since in German, the word for either "sex" or "gender" is the German word "Geschlecht", the designers of this form now did away with the word "Geschlecht" and instead just used the English term "Gender" ... and then provided the mentioned three options "male", "female", "diverse".

    Now, I have a rather simple question, which perhaps those supporting such ideas might be able to answer => What is a "diverse" gender????

  • Bill_Coley
    Bill_Coley Posts: 2,675

    @Wolfgang posted:

    I just came across an official application form here in Germany where the person was not asked about their "sex" whether male or female, but rather about their "gender" whether male, female or diverse ... Since in German, the word for either "sex" or "gender" is the German word "Geschlecht", the designers of this form now did away with the word "Geschlecht" and instead just used the English term "Gender" ... and then provided the mentioned three options "male", "female", "diverse".

    Now, I have a rather simple question, which perhaps those supporting such ideas might be able to answer => What is a "diverse" gender????

    According to THIS ASSOCIATED PRESS ARTICLE, the addition of the word "diverse" on official records to report a person's gender stems back to a November 2017 decision of Germany's Federal Constitutional Court which ordered either the addition of a third option to such forms or the removal of questions about a person's gender altogether. According to the AP article, Germany's cabinet approved the addition of the word "diverse" in August 2018. According to THIS NY TIMES ARTICLE, Germany's parliament approved the change in December 2018.

    Given that history, the answer to your question is that in its particular context, the word "diverse" on official forms in Germany means only something other than strictly "male" or "female" - in function, the word seems to mean "other," rather than a reference to a specific gender identification.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited February 2020

    @Bill_Coley , thank you for the background info on the German lunatic genderized government and court system ... I knew some of that info as to that the entry "diverse" was mandatory on official forms where a person's sex (in the past, just male or female) was necessary.

    I had and still have no idea what "diverse" gender is ... your observation that is seems to mean "other" makes sense. The problem then becomes what is "OTHER gender" ?? How does someone identify as "other gender", that is "not male" and "not female"?? What constitutes the "other gender"? On what basis does someone claim "diverse/other" gender?

    I would claim that if such "other gender" person let me have a closer look, even I as neither medical nor psychological professional could unmistakably identify the person as either male or female within seconds ...

  • C Mc
    C Mc Posts: 4,463

    Now, I have a rather simple question, which perhaps those supporting such ideas might be able to answer => What is a "diverse" gender????


    I am for showing people compassion. Look beyond their faults and see their needs. CM

  • Bill_Coley
    Bill_Coley Posts: 2,675

    @Wolfgang posted:

    I had and still have no idea what "diverse" gender is ... your observation that is seems to mean "other" makes sense. The problem then becomes what is "OTHER gender" ?? How does someone identify as "other gender", that is "not male" and "not female"?? What constitutes the "other gender"? On what basis does someone claim "diverse/other" gender?

    I would claim that if such "other gender" person let me have a closer look, even I as neither medical nor psychological professional could unmistakably identify the person as either male or female within seconds ...

    Your views about gender, particularly your strong objections to the concept of gender identification, suggests to me that you will reject the rationale that seems to underlie the German government's action. Your conviction that gender refers solely to the male or female sex designated by our physical organs at birth is at odds with the government's apparent belief in gender as currently, and much more broadly, defined.

    You're welcome to your views, just as the government has the authority to make the change it made in compliance with your court's November 2017 ruling.

  • well, @Bill_Coley , nobody as of yet - including the German government voices I have heard - have actually defined what "diverse gender" is, what constitutes "diverse" gender or how it is defined. Since you give the impression that you understand the "gender identity" matter, I would think you can explain or define WHAT "a diverse gender" is, on what reality it is based and what defines it? Since a person's "sex" supposedly does not define or constitute (perhaps is not even related to) "gender", what makes "gender"? "social status"? "religious affiliation"? "IQ level"? {something else}?

    Furthermore, Is "diverse gender" one particular gender (such as "male gender" and "female gender" are each one particular gender) or does the term "diverse" have the meaning of "many different" or "various different" and there are numerous different "genders" ???

    Also, you are correct that I consider the German government's law making as reflecting an unsound mind in regards to that topic and to actually reflect their bowing down to an ideological (rather minuscle) minority dictating to the by vast majority of its people to accept as normal something that is against nature, against sound thinking. The normal German indigenous population with its culture, language, morals, etc. is already quite a ways on the path to being destroyed and eliminated. One only need to observe facts of developments over recent decades ... "conspiracy theories" is what those carrying out conspiracies are screaming loud to deter from their crimes against people .... sort of like the thief screaming "stop the thief!" 😪

  • Mitchell
    Mitchell Posts: 668

    Wolfgang posted: the Western world's political correctness regards "a disorder" as if it is "the norm" or "just another equally valid norm"

    Within Asia Japan is probably the most progressive country however more than some her laws may not please the progressive in the west. For example on the topic of this thread law 111 was passed in 2003 that allows for males who self-identify as a females and females who self identify as males to be legal accepted as such under law if they can prove themselves to have been irreversibly sterilized and to have undergone Sex reassignment surgery or provided that they do go under such surgery. In 2016 An western organization known as HRW (Human Rights Watch) has in my opinion unfairly criticized this law in a letter(link) to the UN.

  • @Mitchell, thank you for your sharing about Japan's laws and how seemingly to some Western organization HRW. This "watch" organization is NOT AT ALL watching out for human rights, rather it is promoting vandalization and distortion of normal natural human realities, contributing to the destruction of normal moral standards in societies which still uphold some plain true and sound ideas, such as a male is a male and a female is a female NO MATTER WHAT THEY PURPORT as wanting to be and then labeling this distortion of "sex" identity as "gender" identity.

    Great .... let's legalize insanity because to be insane is of course a human right .... let's legalize mutilation of human bodies and even make it a legal prerequisite for accepting insanity as "norm". What a wonderful society.

  • reformed
    reformed Posts: 3,176

    That doesn't include encouraging their delusions and self-destructive behavior.

  • C Mc
    C Mc Posts: 4,463


    Did I say such? It's through love and kindness people change for error to the better. We are to instruct before we rebuke. Jesus strongest rebuke were toward "religious leaders" of His day, not so much of those caught in the web of sin. Be a blessing to all. CM

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