The NRA Is At It Again: Guns, Guns, Guns in Va.

Virginia Governor Declares State Of Emergency Ahead Of Pro-Gun Rally
Gov. Ralph Northam delivers the State of the Commonwealth address at the Virginia State Capitol on Jan. 8, 2020 in Richmond. On Wednesday, Northam declared a state of emergency ahead of a planned gun-rights rally next week.
Fearing potential violence, Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam is declaring a state of emergency and banning firearms and other weapons on the capitol grounds in Richmond ahead of a gun-rights demonstration planned for next week.
"We have received credible intelligence from our law enforcement agencies that there are groups with malicious plans for the rally that is planned for Monday," Northam said during a press conference Wednesday afternoon.
Gun rights supporters are preparing to converge on Richmond for a lobbying day and pro-gun rally Monday morning. They're opposed to efforts by Virginia Democrats — who've just taken over control of the Virginia legislature following the November 2019 elections — to pass a slate of gun control bills backed by Northam.
The event, hosted by Virginia Citizens Defense League, is expected to draw thousands of armed demonstrators, some from out of state...
... reports of "out-of-state militia groups and hate groups planning to travel from across the country to disrupt our democratic process with acts of violence" who he said "are coming to intimidate and to cause harm."
Northam is raising concerns about a reprise of the deadly violence surrounding the white supremacist march in Charlottesville in August 2017. He said state intelligence analysts have identified threats and rhetoric online that mirrors the chatter they were picking up around that time.
"Please know that we have been preparing extensively to protect public safety at Monday's rally. But no one wants another incident like the one we saw in Charlottesville in 2017," Northam said...
Northam asked organizers of the event to "disavow" any groups who would threaten violence.
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It's a high probability the NRA is behind this rally. "Weapons of war" on display in the streets. What's wrong with gun owners? I fear for the peace-loving Jews of Virginia. Who will protect the children? CM
State of emergency? Oh brother liberals are stupid.
Record number of guns seized at US airports last year
Katia Hetter, CNN • Published 15th January 2020
(CNN) — More guns were seized at airports across the United States last year than ever before in the Transportation Security Administration's 18-year history, the agency reported Wednesday.
The 4,432 firearms detected in carry-on and checked bags at TSA airport checkpoints represent an approximately 5% increase over the 4,239 found in 2018 -- and 87% of the firearms found last year were loaded.
"The continued increase in the number of firearms that travelers bring to airport checkpoints is deeply troubling," said David Pekoske, the TSA's administrator, in a press release.
"There is a proper way to travel safely with a firearm. First and foremost, it should be unloaded. Then it should be packed in a hard-sided locked case, taken to the airline check-in counter to be declared, and checked."
The TSA detected the most firearms -- 323 -- at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, followed by Dallas/Fort Worth International (217); Denver International (140); George Bush Intercontinental in Houston (138); and Phoenix Sky Harbor International (132). Firearms were found at 278 airport checkpoints nationwide.
Travelers who try to bring guns through TSA security are subject to local and state laws, which can lead to arrest and civil penalties.
The TSA can also levy civil fines of up to $13,333 and strip TSA PreCheck travelers of their status. (The average fine for a first offense is $2,400 for an unloaded gun and $3,000 to $4,000 for a loaded gun.)
While travelers, even with permits, cannot carry guns onto an airplane, properly permitted gun owners can travel with their firearms in checked luggage if they follow TSA and airline guidelines. Even if they fly legally with their firearms, they are still subject to local and state gun laws wherever they land.
No fake guns either
No real or fake grenades are allowed.
The TSA doesn't allow real weapons or replicas -- they've even rejected a grenade-shaped purse -- since they don't want your flight crew wondering about that toy gun or grenade.
Despite rumors to the contrary, the TSA doesn't actually keep confiscated weapons, TSA spokesman Mark Howell told CNN in December. Loaded guns are turned over to local law enforcement (along with offenders, in some cases).
Thank you TSA. CM
Yes, "State of emergency"! See below, it's not "liberals" or "stupid". CM
FBI arrests 3 alleged members of white-supremacist group ‘the Base’ ahead of Virginia gun rally
© Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg/Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg The FBI has arrested alleged members of a white supremacist group.
The FBI has arrested three alleged members of a white-supremacist group on federal gun and alien-harboring charges, amid growing concerns about safety surrounding planned gun rights protests in Virginia’s capital next week.
The charges announced Thursday grew from an investigation of a collection of online extremists who refer to themselves as “the Base,” which is the English translation of al-Qaeda. According to experts who track hate groups, its members promote racist views and seek to unite different hate groups in preparation for a race war.
[Hunting black men to start a ‘race war’]
Officials said Brian Mark Lemley Jr., 33, and William Bilbrough IV, 19, both of Maryland, were charged with transporting an alien and conspiring to harbor an alien. Lemley is also charged with transporting a machine gun. Also charged is Patrik Mathews, 27, who has been living in Newark, Del. He is accused of transporting a firearm and ammunition with the intent to commit a felony.
The three are expected to make an initial court appearance this afternoon in Greenbelt, Md....
“Lemley, Mathews, and Bilbrough are members of a white supremacist organization named ‘The Base,’ ” the complaint charges. “Within The Base’s encrypted chat rooms, members have discussed, among other things, recruitment, creating a white ethno-state, committing acts of violence against minority communities (including African-Americans and Jewish-Americans), the organization’s military-style training camps, and ways to make improvised explosive devices.”
Reformed, you don't care about these people group? CM
This isn't related to the NRA rally. Nice try.
Who cares? Guns were made to kill! There are threats to the lives of African-Americans and Jewish-Americans). Do you care about these people, Reformed? CM
PS. When it comes to the NRA, it's like a skunk, you don't have see him, you can smell his stench. The underhandedness of the NRA is like a skunk's odor, it can last up to 14-21 days. CM
Who cares? Well it means you lied. You presented it as related to the NRA rally. It's not and you know it. There is threat to everyone's life every day, why are you playing the race card?
And how exactly is the NRA underhanded? Proof?
No race card. This is from news report of the FBI arrest. Please re-read it:
The three are expected to make an initial court appearance this afternoon in Greenbelt, Md....
“Lemley, Mathews, and Bilbrough are members of a white supremacist organization named ‘The Base,’ ” the complaint charges. “Within The Base’s encrypted chat rooms, members have discussed, among other things, recruitment, creating a white ethno-state, committing acts of violence against minority communities (including African-Americans and Jewish-Americans), the organization’s military-style training camps, and ways to make improvised explosive devices.”
Again, Reformed, you don't care about these people group? CM
PS. Call the NRA. They will tell you they support the Gun Rally. Proof! What bone a dog doesn't want? CM
why are you playing the race card?
So said, Reformed. Please reframe from saying this. I hurt as deeply when you once called me a racist. The scars of your unkindness remains to this day. It's those we carried tiki torches in Va, shouting, "The Jews will not replace us"! You don't think that racist? I don't hate Trump or America. However, I don't like the behavior of either. Is something wrong with this? CM
The rally and the NRA have nothing to do with the group BASE. Stop making ridiculous connections.
By all indications you ARE racist.
So much for the racist, violent hype that liberal hacks like @C_M_ tried to put forth.
Why are you insisting on calling me a "racist"? I am least racist person in these forums. Everyone knows it. However, no one agrees with you. If you determined say this, what "proof" do you have that I am what you say I am? Put up or remain silent on the matter. I am like the Jews of Israel -- Peace loving.
What happened to Bill's "Criticize ideas and not people". Oh, I forgot, you don't subscribe to this. CM
You are a race baiter. This thread is proof enough.
I repeat:
No race card. This is from news report of the FBI arrest. Please re-read it:
The three are expected to make an initial court appearance this afternoon in Greenbelt, Md....
“Lemley, Mathews, and Bilbrough are members of a white supremacist organization named ‘The Base,’ ” the complaint charges. “Within The Base’s encrypted chat rooms, members have discussed, among other things, recruitment, creating a white ethno-state, committing acts of violence against minority communities (including African-Americans and Jewish-Americans), the organization’s military-style training camps, and ways to make improvised explosive devices.”
Again, Reformed, you don't care about these people group? CM
This is my proof. The FBI arrested the trouble-makers in advance. Are you suggesting, the FBI is "racist, liberal and stupid"? Come on Reformed, you've got to do better. You need to suspend with your name-calling. This is NOT fair or reasonable. You seem to be upset that US Governmental officials were proactive. They prevented a mess.
Again, no one in these forums (active or silent) agree with your mis-characterization of me. You seem to have a need to distract from the truth. You seem to have some tendencies, but I would reframe at this point. Perhaps, you are, what you accused me, to mask your true self? CM
PS. Re-read:
# 9. The gun-rights Rally (Va, USA)
If I am a racist, why would a devout racist speak against a racist? You are confused. I don't think you know what is a racist. Stop your nonsense! CM
That's not proof. THat is proof of that incident but it IS NOT AND WAS NOT linked to the NRA or the Rally. You keep lying you are such a pest.
Let's be civil. CM
I have lived in the US for 50 years and am still disgusted by the degree of gun worship we have. Criminal use guns to commit crimes ... but are not punished. If each gun criminal receive the death penalty ... quickly, then we might have some peace.
This is just ignorant. People who use guns to commit crimes do get punished.
@reformed posted:
This is just ignorant. People who use guns to commit crimes do get punished.
You certainly know how to help first-time posters feel welcome, @reformed. Well done.
@Sidrim, welcome to the CD forums. Your views on guns and all the topics we discuss around here are welcome. No guarantees of agreement from other posters(!) But agreement is not the point here, discussion and engagement are.
Blessings to and from your experiences, should you decide to continue to post.
Why does it matter if they are a first time poster? If they are going to immediately post something controversial (and flat out false) I don't care if it is their first time or their 10,000th time. They are going to get the hard truth.
@Sidrim posted
I have lived in the US for 50 years and am still disgusted by the degree of gun worship we have.
Gun worship? Who is worshipping guns? Criminals? Citizens who exercise their right to own a gun and who do so mainly for self-defense in case of attack? someone else?
Criminal use guns to commit crimes ... but are not punished. If each gun criminal receive the death penalty ... quickly, then we might have some peace.
Criminal use guns to commit crimes but are not punished? Is this a true statement? If they are not punished, is it because they use guns (in other words, had they used knives or machetes they would have been punished ?) ?? In the USA, the death penalty for certain crimes is still in effect ... it is not dependent on whether the crime is committed by means of a gun, or some other instrument or bare hands.
I live in a country with rather different gun laws ... in essence, the public is in general disarmed and its is rather difficult to get a gun or pistol.
I train dogs, and checked recently into getting a pistol that would shoot blanks and basically just be a "noise-maker" to imitate for the dog a gunshot sound in training the dog to be steady and wait for command to apport a dummy. It would require to have a certain license, but in order to get that, I would need to prove "my need", such as own a dog training school, etc. ... as a private person, no chance.
On the other hand, criminals will always manage to get a gun ... no matter how strict the laws might be .... thus people's ideas of minimizing crimes with guns is more smoke and noise than anything else.
@reformed posted:
Why does it matter if they are a first time poster? If they are going to immediately post something controversial (and flat out false) I don't care if it is their first time or their 10,000th time. They are going to get the hard truth.
It matters because decency matters.
Here are three ways for me to express disagreement with you on an issue:
- "I disagree with you on that issue."
- "I disagree with your ignorant opinion on that issue."
- "What an ignorant view you have!"
Which of those three is the most decent and respectful way to express disagreement? Which of those three is the most likely to create genuine dialogue between the posters on the issue? Which of those three would YOU prefer to receive from someone expressing his or her disagreement with you on an issue?
I know of no truth that's so "hard" that its expression calls for the word "ignorant."
I guess you didn't like Jesus making a whip and running through the Temple either, or throwing some tables around.
I really don't care about your brand of decency.
@reformed posted:
I guess you didn't like Jesus making a whip and running through the Temple either, or throwing some tables around.
- Jesus was the Son of God, the Messiah, God's chosen one, the savior of the world. You (and I) aren't.
- Jesus defended his actions on the grounds that "The Scriptures declare, ‘My Temple will be called a house of prayer,’ but you have turned it into a den of thieves!'” (Matthew 21.13) What do you wish to contend "the Scriptures declare" about guns, gun worship, and the penalties society should impose on those who commit crimes with guns that justified your calling Sidrim's post "ignorant"? And what do you wish to contend Sidrim's post on those topics turned this thread into?
I really don't care about your brand of decency.
I don't ask that you care about my brand of decency. I ask that your posts in response to points of view with which you disagree reflect SOME brand - ANY brand - of decency.
They reflect the decency of someone who thinks political correctness is a load of junk. In other words Bill, I don't care what you think.
Is there a "political-correct" way to die by a gun?
PS. Who in these forums don't know that Guns were made to kill? CM
Law abiding citizens do not kill people with guns. Just like law abiding citizens don't kill people with knives, cars, baseball bats, etc....
@reformed posted:
Law abiding citizens do not kill people with guns. Just like law abiding citizens don't kill people with knives, cars, baseball bats, etc....
An interesting standard.
"Law abiding citizens" also wouldn't kill people with tanks, bazookas, or chemical/nuclear weapons. Am I correct to presume you support the right of Americans to own such weapons? If not, why not?