Jews, Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God?



  • Posts: 2,362

    How many times must one read the same thing? You have one position that did not stand the test of history and was condemned as heresy by the early church councils. In view of that I simply strike a tuning fork heard clearly in the creeds to show how out of tune you are. Of course, the tone deaf will not know the difference.

  • Posts: 0
    edited March 2019

    @Dave_L why do you want to give others the impression that you are unable to read what someone else writes? Why do you answer "Vegetables grow in the garden" when someone asks you "Are you using train or plane for you travel?"

    How many times must one read the same thing? You have one position that did not stand the test of history and was condemned as heresy by the early church councils. In view of that I simply strike a tuning fork heard clearly in the creeds to show how out of tune you are. Of course, the tone deaf will not know the difference.

    You continue to write "Vegetables" when asked about "means of travel" .... in other words, you dodge the question you are asked and harp for the umpteenth time on something that wasn't part of the question. And then you dare ask "How many times must one read the same thing?" As for you, it seems that perhaps asking the same question umpteenth times is still not enough ....

  • Posts: 2,362

    You want me to post according to your liking. I only post according to my liking.

  • It is very clear that the simple question which @Bill_Coley had asked of you was way above your head ....

  • Posts: 2,675

    @Dave_L said:

    How many times must one read the same thing? You have one position that did not stand the test of history and was condemned as heresy by the early church councils. In view of that I simply strike a tuning fork heard clearly in the creeds to show how out of tune you are. Of course, the tone deaf will not know the difference....

    You want me to post according to your liking. I only post according to my liking.

    I respect your right to post whatever you want, using the imagery of your choice, Dave. At the same time, however, my assumption is that you (and all of us) have reasons for choosing the imagery you employ. So when I asked specifically why you chose to assert that the truth about the Trinity was "over (Wolfgang's) head," I wasn't asking whether you believe Wolfgang's views had stood "the test of time" or had been "condemned by the early church councils." Nor was I asking whether you believe he (or I) are "tone deaf..." whatever that means. I was asking why you chose imagery of personal put down to express your disagreement with Wolfgang.

    I strongly disagree with your views about the Trinity, Dave, but I feel no desire whatsoever to question your capacity to comprehend. In fact, I think such a put down would be flat wrong, a glaring sin. You clearly believe that such a put down of another CD poster IS appropriate when you disagree with their views. My question - my ONLY question - is what is the basis for your belief that such put down imagery is appropriate?

    I'm NOT asking whether you disagree with Wolfgang. I'm NOT asking whether you think he's wrong. I'm NOT asking whether you believe his views are contrary to Scripture or the teaching of the Church's historic creeds. I'm ONLY asking why you believe it's appropriate to use the language of put down - to assert that it's "over (his) head" - to express your disagreement with him.

    I hope this clarifies my question and that you will respond with similar intent to clarify your response to my specific question.

  • Posts: 2,362

    Jesus teaches that the truth must be revealed. Thus it is over the heads of those who cannot respect it. The historic creeds embody the truth about Christ as proven in challenges by some of the greatest and most learned heretics in history. No further debate is needed.

  • Posts: 260
    edited July 2019

    It is not the same God.

    God the Father in the Holy Bible calls Jesus a Prophet, a Son who died on the cross.

    The Jews who reject Jesus reject that he was a prophet of God, or a son, and that he died on the cross for our sins.

    The Islamic religion says Jesus is a prophet, but that God does not have a son, and that Jesus did not die on the cross.

    How can this be the same God?

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