What is the concept behind the “Day of the Lord”? Amos 5:18-27

Is it a day of deliverance, Judgment, or gloom? If so, upon whom? Does this concept have modern implications today? What are the historical fulfillments of the “Day of the Lord” prophecies? Is it specific to a nation or universal? What is the purpose of the Day of the Lord and when?
Is this "day" in the past and/or sometimes in the future? Can you share light on this topic?
Reading the passage in Amos 5:18-27 suffices already to have your questions answered.
One should observe the immediate context for it tells of judgement on unfaithful apostate Israelites. Just don't make the mistake of thinking that there is only one "day of the Lord" which is assumed to be at the end of planet earth in fire.
@Wolfgang said:
"... there is only one "day of the Lord" which is assumed to be at the end of planet earth in fire."
In Amos 5:1-27, show God's justice and mercy through the "day of the Lord" and establishment of a remnant.
"Justice and mercy", to them reflect character traits of God:
- Job 37.23
- Pss. 33.5; 89.14; 103.6
- Is. 5.16
- Jer. 9.24
- He also requires this of his people (Pss. 72.1; 106.3; Ezek. 18.5; Mic. 6.8; Zech. 7.9), especially for kings and leaders.
The Lord announces the "Day of the Lord" during Amos time by:
- Military defeat (Amos 5.2-3, 9).
- Describing the wailing that would occur throughout the land (Amos 5.16).
- Destroy their sources of power and wealth (Amos 5.17).
- Those who expected the light of a new day, but would be surprised to receive absolute darkness (Amos 5.18).
- God compared the terrors of that day to:
- Running from a lion only to find a bear ahead. Or
- Finding safety at home only to be bitten by a snake while leaning on the wall (Amos 5.19).
- The last part of Amos 5, points back to the topic of worship, in the context of the Day of the Lord, to provide another reason for that event.
- Exile beyond the territory of Aram (Amos 5.27) to destroy the oppressors in Israel.
- Since His people had separated ritual performance from justice, the Lord rejected their celebrations of the annual festivals, their sacrifices, and their songs of praise (Amos 5.21- 24). He posed a question (answer not required) to underline the limited value of sacrifices (Amos 5.25).
In short, on the Day of the Lord, the people and their gods would go into exile together. Now, what would it be like just before the return of Christ? Would it be a "Day of the Lord" for the rebellious and those who oppressed God's people?
Looking forward, what is the "day of the Lord" in the NT? Let's keep studying. CM