The End of Free Press, Media and How to Fix America -

Back in the 60s I heard two different sets of "facts" about the Vietnam War. Those coming from the media, and those circulating around the college campuses. In time the campus news sources proved to be the most reliable. I noticed that the politicians followed the trend as a dog follows food. And the media followed the politicians. And eventually they and the commercial news mirrored what we had been hearing for years at street level.
@GaoLu said:
The Changing world of news has caused journalists to abandon objectivityI am not sure this is a completely recent phenomenon and to your credit you did not claim it was completely recent although I can see how one might interpolate your question that way. In my opinion, this phenomenon has been going on for a long time and is one of the reasons I encourage people to read newspapers from outside of their country and in languages outside of their native languages.
In my opinion, the introduction of social media(Blogs / Youtube/ etc) and the Smartphone has been a mixed blessing and it has given us more angles and viewpoints to which to understand the events that happen in our world. However, having said that I believe that the concept " only the victors write history" has always been false. The so-called losers also write their histories but in general, those do not get read outside of small circles because they are not written in the language of victors or one has to go out of hi/her way to find them.
Yet another telling article: how Bill is so silent
Oh, and Bill, I would love to hear the liberal slant explaining this:
Maybe liberals will just choose to be silent, having nothing to say. Let's see.
Post edited by GaoLu on -
@GaoLu said:
Funny how Bill is so silentI never tire of your calling me out in your posts, Gao Lu. I can't recall a time you called out any other poster, so I am especially honored by your doing so with me this time and all the other times.
Oh, and Bill, I would love to hear the liberal slant explaining this:
CNN is more "left-leaning" than MSNBC? My goodness, so much am I tuned into the network, my TV has the MSNBC logo burned into a spot at the bottom of the screen precisely because MSNBC is the more left-leaning of the two networks. I keep CNN on split-screen, however, because they populate their panel discussions with reflective, articulate spokespeople from both sides of the political aisle. By and large, MSNBC represents only the progressive side of issues.
Since the article can't get the basics correct, it's hard to see how it will get the rest correct.... such as MSNBC's ratings rise in the last year, in some weeks actually beating FOX.
And for my after dinner mint: The article cites media analysis from someone from Breitbart. Enough said.
P.S. I forgot to comment on those Praeger U videos. I watched them when you posted them, but chose not to respond because I found them broad-brushed judgmental; on the few occasions evidence is offered, dependent on anecdote rather than patterns of conduct, and in general, the kind of uninformed partisan drivel I expect from Praeger U.
@Bill_Coley said:
I never tire of your calling me out in your posts, Gao Lu. I can't recall a time you called out any other poster, so I am especially honored by your doing so with me this time and all the other times.You might not know it, Bill, but I kinda like you. I like how you say things just like you think. I like how you present a perspective I wouldn't normally have access to hear. I don't think we agree on much of anything, yet I suspect if I came by for a visit (and I really hope I can someday) that we would get along quite well. We may actually be quite alike in a few ways.
I once had a vocal teacher who said, if you make a mistake, make it loud so that everyone knows what your best is, and so you can correct the mistake and never make it again. I think you and I are both unbashful to do that.
Oh, and Bill, I would love to hear the liberal slant...
CNN is more "left-leaning" than MSNBC? My goodness...Since the article can't get the basics correct, it's hard to see how it will get the rest correct....And for my after dinner mint....> P.S. I forgot to comment on those Praeger U videos....I found them broad-brushed general, the kind of uninformed partisan drivel I expect from Praeger U.
Great response! I wonder if we could try trading responses someday in some thread to see how well we could predict each other. I write yours for you and you write mine for me. Might be a fun exercise.
On a more serious note, I do thank you for your response and value the opportunity to see a perspective like yours from the inside.
@GaoLu said:
You might not know it, Bill, but I kinda like you. I like how you say things just like you think. I like how you present a perspective I wouldn't normally have access to hear. I don't think we agree on much of anything, yet I suspect if I came by for a visit (and I really hope I can someday) that we would get along quite well. We may actually be quite alike in a few ways.I'd be more open to this assertion of your grudging respect for me, Gao Lu, were it not for the fact that in multiple posts, in multiple threads (and in fact, over multiple years, if we count the old CD) you've...
- Summarized my view of the Bible in a way that's destructively simplistic and profoundly misleading. Your latest efforts to this end...
"You do not believe the Bible is true, so of course its principles mean relatively little to you."
"You don't believe the Bible, I know, but I do."
In my view, a person who "kind like(d)" me would AT LEAST add my oft-stated objections to those grossly deficient and profoundly misleading summaries, and, perhaps, even a link to the the post in these forums where I summarized my own view of the Bible, so that the reader could judge for him- or herself whether I "don't believe the Bible." (SPOILER ALERT: I do.)
- Judged me not to be a Christian. Your latest effort to THAT end...
"You do not believe the Bible is true, so of course its principles mean relatively little to you. Christians, on the other hand, believe the Bible to be the Word of God and thus it guides them in every aspect of life including law and government."
I don't believe the Bible, you claim, but Christians do. ERGO....
A person who "kinda like(d)" me would not use these forums, whose guiding principles include a directive to posters that they "criticize ideas, not people," to question my or anyone else's faith in Christ.
I'd find your claim that I'm not a Christian offensive were I not used to such broad-brush and ill-founded judgments arising in your posts. Over the years we've shared forums, in my view you've shown an inclination to post judgments about posters themselves as much as about the views those posters expressed. I long ago surrendered any idea of persuading you to give up your judgmental spirit (at least in your posts). But I won't surrender my view that such judgmentalism about other posters' faith cannot come from a person who "kinda like(s)" those whose faith he or she judges.
Enough smoke already. Just tell us what you think. If what I said is not true, I want to be first to know.