No Room in the Catholic Church LGBTQs?

Does this means Same-sex Union Couples are not welcome in the Catholic Church (RCC)?
See the article below:
"The Catholic Church can’t bless same-sex unions, the Vatican said Monday, saying that it is “not licit” to bless relationships that involve sexual activity outside of marriage...
They explained it this way:
Is this Pope speaking from both sides of his mouth? Francis expressed support for same-sex civil unions earlier. Is the RCC trying to have its cake and eat it too" when it says:
The "church should “welcome with respect and sensitivity persons with homosexual inclinations,” but "... "cannot justify these relationships and render them legitimate objects of an ecclesial blessing.”
Who is confused, Francis or the RCC? 🤔 What does it means to receive blessings or "an ecclesial blessing"? CM
@C Mc posted:
Is this Pope speaking from both sides of his mouth? Francis expressed support for same-sex civil unions earlier. Is the RCC trying to have its cake and eat it too" when it says:
The "church should “welcome with respect and sensitivity persons with homosexual inclinations,” but "... "cannot justify these relationships and render them legitimate objects of an ecclesial blessing.”
Who is confused, Francis or the RCC? 🤔 What does it means to receive blessings or "an ecclesial blessing"? CM
Based on what I read in the article to which you linked and the explanations to which that article linked, I don't think either the Pope or the Church is confused.
- I think the Pope endorses civil legal protections for gay and lesbian couples to protect then from discrimination, but as a matter of faith opposes same sex marriage.
- The Church's view is that same sex marriage is not in line with God's vision for marital unions and therefore cannot receive the Church's blessing.
So, respect and support for persons of homosexual orientation, legal protections for persons in same-sex relationships, but denial of formal ecclesial (i.e. the Church's) blessing for same-sex marriages.
I don't agree with the RCC's view of same-sex marriage, but I also don't believe it's confused about its point of view on the issue.
There is no room in Christianity for LGBTQ practice. Period. It is unbiblical, sinful.
Of course the RCC isn't Christian.
Are you serious? Or you're just being your old provocative-self? Where is your research to establish that the "RCC isn't Christian"? There are about a billion or so Catholics. Are you trying to say all these are deceived or being mislead?
Reformed, let's get serious here. CM
The RCC preaches a false gospel of works. They are a false church. You do know that is why there was a protestant reformation right? Because of the heresy of the RCC.
What churches are available to this group (LGBQT)? CM
Reformed, when you say "heresy of the RCC". Examples? CM
Indulgences for starters. Praying to Mary for another. Treasury of Merit, salvation by works, etc etc etc.