Surrogate Motherhood: Spiritual Prostitution, adultery or Aid To Barren women?

Are all wombs created equal? For this discussion, I mean, not all women can produce offspring (bare a child). Some couples would pay thousands of dollars to have a child. What helps are there for them?
Surrogate mothers may be available, but what are the moral implications? Is it a violation of the marital bed or covenant? Surrogate Motherhood, is it "Spiritual Prostitution," "Spiritual Adultery," or a Twenty-first Century aid to barren women around the world? What do you say on the matter, and how would counsel one longing to have a child but can't, for know or unknown reasons? CM
Is surrogate motherhood relevant today or an outdated fad? CM
Consider adoption.
There are no unwanted babies. Abortion is the most heinous, sickening, perverse, ungodly, killing of innocent children conceivable. There is a mother waiting today with longing heart and open arms, crying out to nurture every single child God imagined, destined, and formed in the womb of a woman.
Your statements above are not true or accurate. At best it's wishful thinking.
Consider adoption.
Do you know how many babies are adopted in America each year? There are:
- About 135,000 children are adopted in the United States each year. (contrast this with the number of abortions).
- About 59% are from the child welfare (or foster) system
- 26% are from other countries.
- 15% are voluntarily relinquished American babies.
The number of children adopted in the US in 2020:
- 41,023 were adoptions within the family (where the child is related to the adopting family).
- 69,350 were unrelated adoptions. This overall decline is primarily due to a decrease in intercountry adoptions (international adoptions).
Do you know the time frame or wait time?
- Domestic infant adoption is actually rather rare, with only roughly 10 percent of hopeful parents being placed with a baby. The wait is often long and full of disappointment and heartbreak. Even after adopting a baby, adoption is hard.
Do you know how much it cost from start to bring home the child cost?
Generally, for families adopting a baby through a private agency, the average cost of adoption in the U.S. is somewhere between $50,000-$60,000. While costs may vary on an individual basis, families typically spend in this range on the adoption process.
Surely, you must have adoptions in your family planning, if you don't have several adoptions already.
There are no unwanted babies.
You don't seem to be able to define what a baby is. You need to check with social services, fire stations, Police Departments, hospitals, and court dockets before making such statements as above. There are hundreds, yea, thousands of babies (outside the womb) that are neglected, abandoned, or abused in America and around the world. Those that survived are treated like garbage. Many dogs are cared for better than some babies and children.
Abortion is the most heinous, sickening, perverse, ungodly, killing of innocent children conceivable.
Is the statement above is from the news report, family experiences, or anti-abortion propaganda talking points? What's in the womb unseen undeveloped is a baby? If it's not your wife, why are your eyes in the womb of another woman? Something has been before it is no longer. As you stated elsewhere, a zygote is not a baby. Then, when is a baby, a baby? How can one murder what is not? Perhaps, moving forward, you need to watch your word choice of when a woman has a medical procedure in consultation with her family, doctor, or spiritual director in light of her health.
To the non-medical professional, any surgery can be "most heinous" and "sickening." When a man has a vasectomy or a woman has a mastectomy (Total (simple), Modified, or Radical), is it murder because of the removal of the potential for conceiving or providing nurture of a baby? When a woman miscarries, is she a murderer? This may require a D & C -- "A dilation and curettage procedure also called a D&C, is a surgical procedure in which the cervix (the lower, narrow part of the uterus) is dilated (expanded) so that the uterine lining (endometrium) can be scraped with a curette (spoon-shaped instrument) to remove abnormal tissues." How unsightly! The recovery time for a D&C procedure varies per patient, but it's typical to rest for 2-3 days after the surgery. So, @byGeorge, Get a grip!
"There is a mother waiting today with longing heart and open arms..."
This is not so. There may be motherless or barren women with "longing heart and open arms," but not mothers. Today's women and mothers don't have many children. At best, if there is a mother, as you described above, it's in a country or culture that values male babies over girls. They have a "longing heart and open arms" for a male child.
In 2019, about 122,216 children in the U.S. were waiting to be adopted. Where are these so-called "mother[s] waiting... with longing heart[s] and open arms" for unwanted or abandoned babies? Don't believe the "right to lifers" talking heads.
crying out to nurture every single child God imagined, destined, and formed in the womb of a woman.
See my second and third responses above in this post. Is a mother "crying out to nurture every single child... formed in the womb of a woman"? Every woman and mother-to-be has the freedom choice to HAVE or NOT have a baby. God gives this freedom because He loves them! So, you see, pro-choice is pro-love, and love is pro-choice! Who are you or some self-righteous organization to tell women otherwise? So, Mr. @byGeorge, remove your eyes and opinions out of the womb of a woman that's not your wife. Let her exercise her God-given rights to do as she deems necessary for her life and health in consultation with family, doctor, husband, and faith beliefs. CM
I was answering your question:
... how would counsel one longing to have a child but can't, for know or unknown reasons?
All that other stuff wasn't my interest.
Ok. CM
Should Christian women provide children to homosexual couples through surrogacy? If not, why not? CM
CD Posters:
Should Christians take part in IVF process of having a baby? Does the Bible speak against such? What is your Faith belief stance? Are barren couples doomed in your faith? CM
I oppose IVP because it almost certainly involves humans knowingly destroying created human lives. The Bible speaks against murder.
No couple is doomed ever. God can withhold or create life as He chooses. Adoption is a wonderful option.
Again and again you prove your support of the murder of children.