He Who live By The Guns...

Deer rips off ‘half’ of hunter’s face as he tries to shoot it
Enlarge ImageVincent SaubionCEN
This buck fought back!
A behemoth deer charged a French hunter as he tried to shoot it, ripping open the guy’s face and landing him in the hospital with 50 stitches, according to a report.
“It actually took half my face off,” the hunter, Vincent Saubion, told the UK Metro.
The 36-year-old had to be raced by helicopter to a team of surgeons after the 330-pound animal he was stalking in southwest France stormed him, according to the outlet.
The deer tore a chunk of skin off Saubion’s mug, under his cheek and eye — causing him to “feel drunk” from the impact and amount of blood loss, he said.
He was so disoriented, he told pals that he wanted to keep hunting, but they forced him to stop while a firefighter friend tended to his wounds.
He was later treated at Pellegrin Hospital in Bordeaux, where he underwent emergency surgery.
But the wild attack won’t stop him from returning to the sport, he said.
“I am still crazy about hunting,” Saubion said. “I have nothing but respect for the game.”
All I can to say is some people just don't get it... CM
You would be one of those people.
Gun control activists push to ban sale of 'ghost guns'
Solana Beach and Del Mar's city councils have voted to support a resolution banning the sale of untraceable "ghost guns" on the Del Mar fairgrounds.
Author: Richard Allyn (Reporter) -- Published: 11:00 PM PDT March 10, 2020 / Updated: 11:01 PM PDT March 10, 2020
SOLANA BEACH, Calif. — Thousands will be heading to the Crossroads of the West Gun Show this weekend in Del Mar, where one of the most popular items for sale is a type of untraceable, unregistered firearm known as a "ghost gun."...
'Ghost guns' like any other guns, were made to kill.
"ghost guns," can be assembled through a 'do it yourself' kit, and with some help from online instructions - creating a fully functioning firearm that is untraceable but technically legal.
"You can buy a kit for one in just a few minutes with no background check, no age restriction, no certificate and no firearms training. Like a ghost, they don't leave a trace," said resident Jill Cooper...
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Guns are not about protection. It's about killing and everyone knows it. Christians should know better. Christians and guns don't go together. No one can prove otherwise. CD Users you need to speak up on this matter. CM
I am appalled! Why do we have to be exposed to this nonsense? Where is Jan? This has nothing to do with Christ and righteous living. The Ad below is a clear example of why we need to speak up and speak out against weapons of war.
This Ad is a desecration to the foundation and thoughts of these forums. The American Gun Association has bought the fight to our doorsteps. We have to take a stand. Silence is not an option! Mark this Ad for what it is, "Inappropriate"! CM
PS. My spirit burns within me!
Actually that's a pretty cool shirt!