"Senseless violence" -- Employee killed 5 -- Guns!

‘Senseless violence:’ Fired Miller Brewery employee killed 5; shooter dead
Milwaukee Police Chief Alfonso Morales said five Miller Brewery employees were fatally shot at their workplace near 41st Street and State Street Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 26. The shooter, a Milwaukee man, 51, was found dead from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. The shooter was an employee in uniform, who was fired Wednesday, sources said. No members of the public were involved.
The shooting happened just after 2 p.m. at the Molson Coors Beverage Company — the old Miller Brewery.
On Wednesday evening, police were screening people and checking off workers one by one — an arduous task. Chief Morales said more than 1,000 were working at the time.
“We have several people we need to talk to, and we have to go through a roll call and identify who’s missing,” said Chief Morales.
The names of the victims were not released Wednesday, due to family notifications.
“It’s a terrible day for Milwaukeeans, and I pass on my condolences to the families of the employees of Miller, and to the employees of Miller, or Molson Coors,” said Chief Morales.
An employee told FOX6 the Milwaukee campus would remain closed for the rest of the week. FOX6 obtained this letter from Molson Coors CEO Gavin Hattersley, shared with employees:
Today, five people are dead! Was the shooter protecting his property or saving a life? Gun were made to kill! The NRA should be a shame themselves.
“This is a tragic day for our city,” said Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett. “This is a tragic day for our state. Five families, six families, actually, are grieving and will be grieving because of this horrific act of this individual. This is a time for us to think about those families because there are five individuals who went to work today just like everybody goes to work, and they thought they were going to go to work, finish their day, and return to their families. They didn’t, and tragically, they never will.”
CD must take a stand and speak out against guns! The little girl, in another thread, carry an AR-15, makes me sick! CM
Mass Killings IN THE USA
Before Wednesday's shooting, there had been three mass killings in the US
- In 2020, with 12 total victims.
- In 2019, there were 44 mass killings, with 224 total victims. All were shootings.
Can the second Amendment explain this? CM
The NRA and the 2nd has nothing to do with people using weapons illegally. Stop the lies.
And no, CD must not take a stand against guns. You can take that stand but don't force your warped views on others.
I appeal to ALL Christian with a conscience, compassion, decency, respect for the rule of law, and against the taking of lives with guns. Yesterday's shooting was a fresh reminder-- Guns were made to kill!
Yes, CD can and should take a stand against guns. Stand on the side of right and life. Look at the senseless killing yesterday in the U. S. A.
The sweet little girl is misguided and influenced by the NRA. This is probably why the grandfather allowed her to carry a gun almost as tall as her, before the council. The frontal lobes, of the brain of a young person, are not fully developed until about the age 25yrs old. Until then, one is inclined to exercise bad judgment. This is why auto insurance is so high for young drivers. That little girl is only 11 yrs old. What wrong with the adults in her life? Can CD at lease speak to this point?
The U. S. Military and Police Forces are to protect and serve. The citizenry doesn't need guns. The Second Amendment should be repealed! It was ill-conceived, on ill-gotten gains, and greed. CD, encourage America to correct her mistakes of the past. CM
More drivel.
I think it's a sad thing to experience the Christians of CD remaining so quiet at the death of a loved one in six families. We let the murder of five people and suicide to go by as "another day in the life." Where are our compassion and sympathy? Are we "so heavenly-minded, we're no earthly good"? CM
This is not sincere. Where are you when people are run over by a truck? Where are you when stabbings happen? Where are you when people are killed by drunk drivers? Apparently you only care if people are killed by guns.
Am I beginning to sound like P. C. Roberts? CM
If by that you mean crazy? Yes and you have for a while.
Just one more reason guns need to go:
Ohio man who said AOC ‘should be shot’ sentenced on weapons charges
A man who threatened Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in a Facebook comment last summer has been sentenced.
Timothy Ireland, 42, was reported to U.S. Capitol Police in August after he wrote a comment on July 23 threatening the New York Democrat, which read: “She should be shot. Can’t fire me, my employer would load the gun for me.”
When authorities contacted Ireland about the threatening remarks, he admitted to writing the post and claimed he was proud of his comments. He also told Capitol Police that he always carried a concealed weapon.
Authorities then dove into Ireland’s personal record and found that he had several outstanding warrants for his arrest, including a felony failure to appear in Sarasota, Florida, and a misdemeanor failure to appear in Cook County, Georgia, related to a marijuana possession charge. He also had previous felony convictions for dealing in stolen property from Sarasota in 1996.
Capitol Police and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives raided Ireland’s home in Toledo, Ohio, in November and found three rounds of .32-caliber ammunition and four rounds of .45-caliber ammunition. Because Ireland is a convicted felon, he was arrested and charged with being a felon in possession of ammunition.
Ireland was sentenced Wednesday to supervised release for three years for the weapons charges.
What's wrong with some gun owners? Away with guns! CM
Proof gun control doesn't work.
What is it with Christians and guns? Please, someone, tell me... CM
Some of us aren't over the top freak out alarmists living in a fantasy world.
Is it really true that God is so weak, uninformed, and uncaring that Christians must own a gun, to compensate for this "out of pocket" God, for real protection? Christian gun owners are saying, in a large degree, God isn't enough. Christians, please, justify why owning a gun and the willingness take a life to protect "things"? CM
Is it really true that God is so weak, un. informed, and uncaring that Christians must own a gun, to compensate for this "out of pocket" God, for real protection?
God is not weak, nor uninformed nor uncaring. Christians are free to chose whether they own a gun or not (in countries where owning guns is possible for them. No compensation for an "out of pocket" God is needed.
Christian gun owners are saying, in a large degree, God isn't enough.
Is this actually perhaps what "anti-gun" hysterics like you are saying Christians are saying?
Christians, please, justify why owning a gun and the willingness take a life to protect "things"?
Owning a gun does not necessarily have to do with willingness to take a life to protect one's own life ... What about the Christian who is attacked by someone trying to kill him/her and who then defends themselves with their bare hands and in the course of fighting for one's own life knocks the attacker down who dies ? Should a Christian not own "bare hands"? what about if he picks up a baseball bat and hits an attacker, resulting in the attacker dropping down dead?
Should a Christian invite robbers and murderers to kill him and his family? Do you then blame your "knowing, powerful and caring God" for not stepping in and perhaps smiting the robbers and murderers Himself?
Nobody has argued that. That's a strawman argument. But God also gave common sense and the instinct to defend one's self.
My brother,
You have side-stepped a primary truth: Guns were made to kill. They can be use for "so-called protection, but designed to kill.
As for your argument to address Christians and guns, your position is anemic at best. e.g. it's not about protection. You're trying to reframe the argument. don't go there. Also, the in the OT, if you still believe it's "inspired" of God, the Bible gives guidelines for accidental death. In our time, we have the court-of-law, to prove one's guilt or innocence-- jury of one's peers.
God is the Christian's Protector! A gun is not ordained of God. It's an instrument of war and of death. Get it out of your home and away from your wife and children.
Should a Christian invite robbers and murderers to kill him and his family? Do you then blame your "knowing, powerful and caring God" for not stepping in and perhaps smiting the robbers and murderers Himself?
Wolfgang, I know you don't expect an answer to two of the most ridiculous questions you ever asked in all these forums over the years. Let's keep it real! CM
The Christian life is governed by a higher authority, principles and ethics than any earthly, or civil government. The Christian is not bound by the U. S. A. garbage-laden "Second Amendment", heralded and supported by the NRA and its minions. Gun aborts life, not of undeveloped tissues, but of life --people. Gun owners are potential abortionists. When they kill, they take the life of a real person.
We are to follow Christ, not the other way around. If Jesus were on earth, in the flesh, today, would He be a gun owner? No, there were no pistols-packing Jesus back then or there will be one today. We are to be disciples of Christ not of a document drafted mostly by slaveholders to protect ill-gotten gains by pillage, slaughter, and broken promises. Don't drag Christian-thought and behavior down to the level of the U. S. "Framers" or a NRA foot-soldier. CD lend your voice to a noble cause, promote life, and the Christian way -- gun Free. CM
Jesus told the disciples to purchase weapons.... @C_M_ how do you square that with your position?
The Christian life is governed by a higher authority, principles and ethics than any earthly, or civil government.
Which means what in a practical sense of owning things such as knives, guns, cars, and other equipment which has been misused by people in order to cause harm or death to other people?
The Christian is not bound by the U. S. A. garbage-laden "Second Amendment", heralded and supported by the NRA and its minions.
Yes ... as far as I understand, the "second amendment" does not as such bind people of whatever faith to own guns ... Christians are may own guns just as they may decide and not own a gun.
So what?
He's a delusional liberal hack, that's so what.