The Biblical Flood: Worldwide, Partial or Just A Story?

This thread is a spin-off from thread: The Biblical Account of the Flood (Gen 6:1-9:17) -- (January 2018)
One of the questions from the above thread, could there be another flood (worldwide), again, as depicted in this account?
What proofs are there the the flood was worldwide and not partial? Is it possible to flood the whole earth at the same time? How do we know it's not an exaggeration? Please share you understanding. CM
There is evidence of this flood all over the world. It was a global flood just as the Scriptures say. And no, there won't be a flood of this type again as God promised He would not do it.
Are there any scientific, geological, or archeological evidence of a "worldwide flood? Share sources or give reasoning. CM
Mr. Reformed,
Unlike you, I will not dismiss your findings as just an online or internet search and demand otherwise. I am simply going to say, thank you for sharing. Without evaluating the content, your efforts are appreciated. Thanks. CM
@C_M_ , WOW ... what role does Trump have in the flood?
Ha, ha, ha, none!
In line with your supposedly humor, I can see him having a hand after the flood, e.g. Trump's Towel of Babel (because unbelief -- never a flood again). 😃😉
I gave actual sources. You are dishonest.
My comment remains the same:
Thank you for sharing. Without evaluating the content, your efforts are appreciated. Thanks. CM