Trump's Senate Removal Acquittal: Courage, Cowards, and Cover-ups

The Story of Truth & Lie
I often find myself fascinated with the intricacies of how we perceive the truth; how we are willing to accept the truth or reject it in order to give ourselves peace of mind when confronted with inconvenient realities. It seems we as a society have become experts (whether it be consciously or subconsciously) in deconstructing what we know are factual truths and then reconstructing them to be more appropriate, more righteous, and even more politically correct. We perform mental gymnastics; accepting certain aspects of a factual reality, while omitting or outright rejecting other aspects of that same reality in order to drive home a point we want to make.
Why do we do this? Why have we become so good at it? A stranger recently told me a story which seemed to make the answer to these questions quite clear. The story goes something like this:
One day a man named Truth and a man named Lie stood by a river just outside of town. They were twin brothers. Lie challenged Truth to a race, claiming he could swim across the river faster than Truth. Lie laid out the rules to the challenge stating that they both must remove all their clothes and at the count of 3, dive in to the freezing cold water swim to the other side and back. Lie counted to 3, but when Truth jumped in, Lie did not. As Truth swam across the river, Lie put on Truth’s clothes and walked back in to town dressed as Truth. He proudly parading around town pretending to be Truth. Truth made it back to shore, but his clothes were gone and he was left naked with only Lie’s clothes to wear. Refusing to dress himself as Lie, Truth walked back to town naked. People stared and glared as naked Truth walked through town. He tried to explain what happened and that he was in fact Truth, but because he was naked and uncomfortable to look at, people mocked and shunned him; refusing to believe he was really Truth. The people in town chose to believe Lie because he was dressed appropriately and easier to look at. From that day until this, people have come to believe a lie rather than believe a naked truth.
The moral of this story, and how it applies to modern day society, is that we often either consciously or subconsciously reject certain truths in our personal lives or in the world around us for the sake of our peace of mind. These truths may be in our personal lives: financial issues, relationship issues, struggles with our faith, addiction problems; they are all areas where we often turn our back to the cold hard truth, even if it’s at our own peril. We’ve also seen this in public society as well. Our country is brutally divided among ideological lines on every front. People can be presented with irrefutable yet inconvenient truths regarding societal issues including terrorism, global warming, race relations, cultural differences, and countless other issues, but they shun those truths and decide instead to believe the well dressed lie, especially if it benefits their agenda or idealistic narrative. The story of Truth and Lie swimming in the river may answer why we do this to ourselves, but what it doesn’t answer is when and if we will ever learn from it.
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In CM's Opinion:
The eyes of history recorded the actions of Courage, Cowardice, and Cover-ups at Trump's Senate Removal Acquittal. Trump is as guilty as sin! He's as deadly as a five-dollar bottle of "White lightening Moonshine". I find the U. S. President, Donald John Trump, to be mean, petty, and divisive. His intoxicating influence upon the Republican Senators is palpable. The U. S. Senate is complicit in its failure to call witnesses , produce documents and encouraged a cover-up. It's not over! Yet to come is "The Naked Truth". CM
PS. I hope this post is clear, Wolfgang. CM
Get over it. Trump is not guilty.
By the way, in this country you are innocent until proven guilty. Trump has been found not guilty.
@reformed posted:
By the way, in this country you are innocent until proven guilty. Trump has been found not guilty.
You make a necessary point. After all, O.J. Simpson was found not guilty in his criminal trial, and we all know that means he didn't kill his wife and Ron Goldman.
But you can't go around talking as if he is guilty. You can say in your opinion he is, but you can't state it as a fact. He is effectively, not guilty, as far as the law is concerned.
@reformed posted:
But you can't go around talking as if he is guilty. You can say in your opinion he is, but you can't state it as a fact. He is effectively, not guilty, as far as the law is concerned.
To my receipt of the two phrases, "talking as if he is guilty" is substantively the same as expressing my opinion that he is guilty. I don't see a consequential difference between them.
Your claim that he is "not guilty" as a matter of law is interesting. In his Senate trial, Bill Clinton was found not guilty. Does that mean he didn't lie to a grand jury as one of the impeachment articles charged? No. He he very obviously lied. So what did the Senate's "not guilty" verdict in his trial mean? It meant that a majority of that body concluded his conduct did not merit removal from office. That's the best that can be said about Mr Trump's case.
CNN recently reported Sen. Ted Cruz's appeal to White House defense counsel to "stop making" the "no quid pro quo" argument because "[o]ut of 100 senators, zero believe you on it." The comments of Senators Collins, Murkowski, and Alexander made clear their beliefs that the president had made serious mistakes. The Senate's verdict on Mr Trump's conduct did NOT mean he wasn't guilty of wrongdoing; it meant that in the opinion of a majority of the Senate, his conduct did not merit removal from office.
America, take your country back! Trump is making more mess. CM
Really?? Based on what? What is worse today then when he took office?
Do you have news services in your part of the country of the USA?
President Donald Trump announced that he has named Richard Grenell, a staunch loyalist and US ambassador to Germany, as acting spy chief.
Please watch the clip. Acting spy chief is a crony of President Trump. This is a mess! CM
Trump set off by intelligence assertion that Russia favors him
After a senior U.S. intelligence official told lawmakers last week that Russia wants to see President Trump reelected, he erupted at his acting director of national intelligence, Joseph Maguire, viewing him and his staff as disloyal for telling Congress about Russia’s perceived preference. By Ellen Nakashima, Shane Harris, Josh Dawse
In short, Russia will have a free hand to help Trump's re-election. Sad, Sad, Sad! CM
Reformed, you said"
" this country you are innocent until proven guilty. Trump has been found not guilty".
It would be nice if you would use this rule as a minimal standard before calling a fellow-poster a name. CM
Obsessed much?