Dr.N.T.Wright on predestination. What do you think?

What do you think? Do you agree or disagree and why?
N.T.Wright in a way avoided the subject of the question and held a nice little speech about three scripture passages and that they are not about the matter but about Israel, etc .... and his simple answer to the real question would be his short reference "there may be a mystery" .... Thus, I am not even sure what to think about whether he answered the person's question <smile>
I love the Reformed doctrine of Predestination. Especially as the Westminster Confession spells it out in Chapter Three. I don't think N.T.W. does it justice in the video. If I might share my personal view, not necessarily scriptural but it might be, it would be something like this.
Peter speaks of a big bang at the end of the world creating a new heavens and earth. So I believe the big bang (voice of God) is probably true in the creation of this world and universe.
If you put the infinite mind of God causing it, then everything, right down to the movement of each atom, to each person and every thought and action they ever had or will have, are part of it. And as unchangeable with the future sealed and determined from the moment of creation. All falling out in time through the chain reaction of secondary causes.
The way it works out personally is that we base every free will choice on the reason God originally created that would cause us to freely choose what we choose.