Why was there no Trinity controversy at the time of Acts?



  • @ASN_032

    Since Moses (and other prophets as well) was allowed (or in his case, even commanded) to do so, why wouldn't Jesus be allowed to do the same? Why shouldn't we interpret "Jesus is God" in the ways I mentioned above in order to settle the conflict?

    I admit I have never heard any Trinitarian or other theologian to argue as you do above ... most likely because they all know that such argument really has nothing to do with what they mean with "Jesus is God". Also note, nobody claims or argues that "Moses (or any other prophet) was God" because they spoke for God using speech ini 1st person "I ....". All know that such does not make Moses or any other prophet to be God in some sense, and therefore by using such an argument concerning Jesus would only show the truth that Jesus also is not God

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