Our Bible: Intrinsic or Community Canonicity?

The basic definition of canon as “rule” or “standard” is widely recognized. The question is what the basis for this “rule” or “standard” is. On one hand, the "Community" functions as the final arbiter of what is included or excluded from the scope of the biblical canon (community-canon). These approaches are by no means monolithic, so one must apply the emphasis on community to varying degrees. Moreover, for some, it is not always clear whether the community-canon view is prescriptive or merely descriptive. Considerable diversity exists among these scholars (see J. D. G. Dunn). At the same time, there is considerable support for "intrinsic canon". To encourage confidence, faith, and appreciation, which of the two mean our current Bible is the rule or standard? To assist your understanding, see Fisher. CM
-- James D. G. Dunn, Robert W. Funk, and James A. Sanders in The Canon Debate (ed. Lee Martin Mc Donald and James A. Sanders; Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 2002)
-- Milton Fisher, “The Canon of the New Testament,” in The Origin of the Bible (ed. Philip Wesley Comfort; Wheaton: Tyndale, 1992), 65–78