The Bible -- Words of the Word

Study it carefully,
Think of it prayerfully,
Deep in thy heart let its pure precepts dwell.
Slight not its history,
Ponder its mystery
None can e'er prize it too fondly or well.
Accept the glad tidings,
The warnings and chidings,
Found in this volume of heavenly lore;
With faith that's unfailing
And love all-prevailing,
Trust in its promise of life evermore.
With fervent devotion
And thankful emotion,
Hear the blest welcome, respond to its call;
Life's purest oblation,
The heart's adoration,
Give to the Saviour, who died for us all.
May this message of love
From the Tribune above,
To all nations and kindreds be given,
Till the ransomed shall raise
Joyous anthems of praise—
Hallelujah on earth and in heaven.
-- Unknown to me. CM
Man’s Bible untouched after fire destroys his home
Caleb Parke
Charles House, of Tyler, Texas, woke up to his small house burning down Friday morning, but one thing remained unscathed.
Charles House, of Tyler, Texas, woke up to his small house burning down Friday morning, but one thing remained unscathed. (Charles House/GoFundMe)
A Texas man has only one of his possessions left after his home and everything in it was destroyed by a fire Friday morning.
Charles House, of Tyler, was awakened by the smell of smoke and immediately ran out of his small home -- a storage unit that he had converted into a living space.
Everything was lost, but House’s Bible somehow survived the blaze.
“He said His word would not perish, and the Bible did not burn,” House told the local news. “It was scorched, but it did not burn.”
The fire marshal’s investigation found that hazardous wiring in the building was the cause of the inferno.
A GoFundMe page was set up to help House with the loss, but he considers it a blessing just to be alive.
“It’s a blessing,” he said. “I can’t stop saying that because it’s a blessing. Thank God.”
House has raised more than half of his $5,000 goal from his GoFundMe page.
The Word survived to help others. CM