Sign of prophet Jonah: Symbolic or Literal ?

Was Jesus prophecy sign in Matthew 12:38-42 Symbolic (of three days) OR Literal (three days and three nights) ?
Researching using Logos 8 found Good Friday in Jerusalem mentioned on a journey in 381-4 CE so Holy Week of Holy Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Weekly Sabbath, Easter Sunday dates back to the 4th Century. Hence, Symbolic interpretation has been widely observed for many centuries (plus assumed to be correct by many Biblical scholars).
Holy Wednesday and Weekly Sabbath are two days of rest (silence) during passion week.
Literal fulfillment can match Passover description in Exodus where lamb is chosen on 10 Nisan (Sunday) and died on 14 Nisan (Thursday) with 15 Nisan (Friday) being a Special Sabbath for Feast of Unleavened Bread followed by Weekly Sabbath. Three days and three nights has two complete days and nights (Sabbaths) with part of a third day (body into tomb shortly before sunset) and part of third night (resurrection before sunrise). For the Passion week, Matthew 28:1, Mark16:2, Luke 24:1, and John 20:1 have first day of the week in translations (instead of after Sabbaths, the women went with spices ...) that is a puzzling translation for plural usage of σαββατον (Sabbaths).
Matthew records on the day after cruxificion of Jesus, the Jewish leaders requested Pilate to guard the tomb for three days (Friday, Saturday, Sunday). Paul had similar training as the Jewish leaders so uses three days to describe resurrection.
Keep Smiling
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I. JONAH, a dove in name: Christ was the same in nature.
II. He was three days and three nights in the whale's belly, yet at last, came forth alive: so Christ was three days and three nights in the bowels or heart of the earth, and yet rose again alive.
III. He preached repentance to a wicked people: so did Christ.
Peoples of Eastern cultures and expressed in their thought patterns.Do you see how this understanding helps explain the "three days and three nights"? CM
Yes + Jonah (Dove) is the son of Amittai (Be Trustworthy). Holy Spirit descended as a Dove to Jesus, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Jonah was thrown off a ship, which kept the sailors alive. Passion of Jesus provided a Holy way for everyone to experience God, which is truly alive to Love as God Loves.
Humanly wonder about etymology for Greek idiom "μία τῶν σαββάτων" (first of the Sabbaths) that is in all four Gospels ? Justin Martyr notes the First Day of the Week (beginning) is also the Eighth day (completion) of the previous week.
Also humanly wonder about literal time duration for Jonah and Jesus (perhaps identical). Bible does not tell, but the preciseness of God's Creation gives me reason to ponder.
Keep Smiling
@Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus said:
Yes + Jonah (Dove) is the son of Amittai (Be Trustworthy). Holy Spirit descended as a Dove to Jesus, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.Jonah was thrown off a ship, which kept the sailors alive. Passion of Jesus provided a Holy way for everyone to experience God, which is truly alive to Love as God Loves.
Is this what some call "spiritualizing" interpretation of Scripture?
Humanly wonder about etymology for Greek idiom "μία τῶν σαββάτων" (first of the Sabbaths) that is in all four Gospels ? Justin Martyr notes the First Day of the Week (beginning) is also the Eighth day (completion) of the previous week.
8thday is completion of previous week? hmn ... and I thought all along that the 7th day was the last and completing day of the week with the 8th day being the beginning of the next week ...
Also humanly wonder about literal time duration for Jonah and Jesus (perhaps identical). Bible does not tell, but the preciseness of God's Creation gives me reason to ponder.
?? what textual basis would point toward a literal 3 days and 3 nights? what textual basis would point toward something different?
Keep Smiling
I do ...
@Wolfgang said:
?? what textual basis would point toward a literal 3 days and 3 nights? what textual basis would point toward something different?Synoptic Gospels record Jesus teaching using:
Phrase "three days and three nights" is in Matthew 12:40
Phrase "three days" is in Matthew 26:61, Mark 8:31; 9:31, and John 2:19Pondering interpretation of "three days and three nights" as parts of "three days": Friday, Saturday, & Sunday plus death during day followed by resurrection at night (so lacks literal third night). Also wonder if another meaning for phrase μιᾷ τῶν σαββάτων (first of the sabbaths) refers to 15 Nissan (First day of Unleavened Bread feast - Holy convocation) & Weekly Sabbath. Justin Martyr used "μιᾷ τῶν σαββάτων" in Dialog with Trypho (Jewish weekly convention).
When writing an apology to the Roman Emperor, Justin Martyr included Κρονικός in paragraph 67: "But Sunday is the day on which we all hold our common assembly, because it is the first day on which God, when He changed the darkness and matter, made the world; and Jesus Christ our Saviour, on the same day, rose from the dead; for the day before that of Saturn, He was crucified; and on the day after it, which is Sunday (τῇ γὰρ πρὸ τῆς κρονικῆς ἐσταύρωσαν αὐτὸν καὶ τῇ μετὰ τὴν κρονικήν). He appeared to His Apostles and disciples, and taught them these things, which we have given to you also, for your consideration."
S. Justin the Martyr, The Works Now Extant of S. Justin the Martyr, Translated, with Notes and Indices, A Library of Fathers of the Holy Catholic Church (Oxford; London: J. H. and Jas. Parker; F. and J. Rivington, 1861), 52.
Saturday (Saturn's Day) was the First Day of the Week for the Roman Empire.
@Wolfgang said:
@Keep_Smiling_4_Jesus said:
Yes + Jonah (Dove) is the son of Amittai (Be Trustworthy). Holy Spirit descended as a Dove to Jesus, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.Jonah was thrown off a ship, which kept the sailors alive. Passion of Jesus provided a Holy way for everyone to experience God, which is truly alive to Love as God Loves.
Is this what some call "spiritualizing" interpretation of Scripture?
As a tall two year old Child of God who is still living and learning, not know what label fits. Am amazed by various names and their meanings.
Keep Smiling