Back-to-School and the Encounter with Guns --by CM

A child going to school for the first time or returning to a new grade (if he or she didn't fail), have many things to adjust. The time, the bus route, schedule, classes, the subject, the desk, making friends, the teacher and THE GUNS:
The bus driver's or the maiden's gun may be opened or concealed;
for some, it's not a big deal.
The guns placed in locked boxes around the school, in the halls;
Encased like a safe, along with the freshly painted walls.
Guns carried by the teachers, principal, and janitors;
Proud to cover the parameter.
Guns at the gate as soon as one into the grounds or the compound;
When told, we get off the bus to look around.
Guns by young, cute, and oversize security guards-
They are like the swimming-pool bodyguards.
Guns examples are shown during active-shooter and safety drills;
They always make several students ill.
And then, there is the actual shooter, with a gun;
We may encounter him/her in the classrooms, halls, grounds, or bus;
Remembering the safety plans, a must!
Regardless, too many will be left nonplussed. CM
Ummm. Not really. I bet that exceedingly few kids will even think of guns unless that are using fingers and sticks to bang away on the playground.
That is your personal issue and a proper use again of the term “projection.” -
@GaoLu said:
Ummm. Not really. I bet that exceedingly few kids will even think of guns unless that are using fingers and sticks to bang away on the playground.
That is your personal issue and a proper use again of the term “projection.”No, Wrong. It's America's problem! Do you want more proof beyond the past killings? CM
Well, people also get struck by lightning, or die in car accidents, however, fatal car accidents happen far more often. My wife, as a teenager, once got struck by lightning in a car, but it wasn't very fatal. Oh yes, it is America's problem. Good grief, you should see what it is in some other countries where I go. Dude, you would be utter quivering, helpless jelly.
Children found in New Mexico compound were training for school shootings,
prosecutor says
Eleven children between ages 1 and 15 were found in a makeshift compound in rural New Mexico living in squalid conditions.
In court filings, the district attorney said some of the children were being trained with assault rifles “in preparation for future school shootings.”
Five adults living in the compound have been arrested and charged with multiple counts of child abuse. NBC’s Gadi Schwartz reports for TODAY with the disturbing details.-- Aug.09.2018
Need I say more? This thing is mch bigger than your pristine community. CM
An Old story, fresh reality-- Report: New Mexico school shooter visited 'Neo-Nazi' sites
By: Associated Press Posted: Aug 11, 2018 03:17 PM MDT; Updated: Aug 11, 2018 03:17 PM MDT
AZTEC, N.M. (KRQE) - A new report says a man accused of killing two students during a New Mexico school shooting visited "Neo-Nazi: websites and sought out people obsessed with school shootings.
The Daily Times of Farmington, New Mexico, reports a lengthy incident report issued by the San Juan County Sheriff's Office describes how 21-year-old Aztec resident William Atchison virtually under the radar from the FBI and local authorities.
The report describes how Atchison came to purchase the handgun he used in the killings and was in contact with and talked with 18-year-old Ali David Sonboly, who shot and killed nine people in a Munich, Germany, mall on July 22, 2016.
Authorities say Atchison walked to Aztec High School in December, killed Francisco "Paco" Fernandez and Casey Jordan Marquez before killing himself.
Off-the-grid dream becomes nightmare in New Mexico compound
Andrew HayMorton was one of five adults arrested at the compound on Aug. 3 on child abuse charges and accused by prosecutors of giving weapons training to a child to carry out school shootings.
No-one was specifically charged over the school shooting accusation and Defense Attorney Aleksandar Kostich told reporters that prosecutors had provided no evidence of the allegation, which came from a foster parent who is caring for one of the children.
Morton was also charged with harboring a felon, Ibn Wahhaj, who was armed with an AR-15 rifle, five magazines of ammunition, and four handguns when arrested, according to police...
Licking liberal's negative news lollipops doesn't just rot teeth, it rots the mind.
Try God's answer to the world's problems because it works:
Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good!
Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!
--Ps 34:8
@GaoLu said:
Licking liberal's negative news lollipops doesn't just rot teeth, it rots the mind.Try God's answer to the world's problems because it works:
Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good!
Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!
--Ps 34:8
Nice text. Indeed, I do take refuge in God! I wish you would share this text with the "so-called" Christian members of the NRA. God and the Holy Angels are not enough for them? CM
Nice that you take refuge in Him. But that is rather Billish (red herring) of you to say. The point clearly was that Licking liberals lolipops rots the mind--evidence abounds--and that the solution to the rot is to taste and see that the LORD is good.
Try that part.
@GaoLu said:
Nice that you take refuge in Him. But that is rather Billish (red herring) of you to say. The point clearly was that Licking liberals lolipops rots the mind--evidence abounds--and that the solution to the rot is to taste and see that the LORD is good.Try that part.
Try focusing on the OP. School is starting soon. Children will be experiencing for the first time, guns known and unknown, in the halls, classrooms, and playgrounds. Parents need to know that their children enter a war zone for five to six hours a day. What is America coming too? CM
America is getting better and better with God's grace and blessing and the President He chose for America.
@GaoLu said:
America is getting better and better with God's grace and blessing and the President He chose for America.What part of guns are dangerous, you don't get? Do you know or care that more guns are being made and less detectable? Please, answer me for the sake of the children. What is it going to take, a love one of yours to die by a gun? Don't dance around this.
Stop being a cheerleader for Mr. Trump's corrupt, disorganized, petty, revengeful administration. Leave this business to someone who has greater challenges to discern, easily misled, and very gullible. God will have mercy on America. Notwithstanding, she will be spanked for her cruelty to exposing the children to guns and removing children from families He (God) gave his heritage. Please, do better, GaoLu, than what you have shown in these forums. CM
I can explain it to you, but I can’t understand it for you.
What part of guns are dangerous, you don't get?
That part regarding your unreasonable phobia of guns.
Do you know or care that more guns are being made and less detectable?
Please, answer me for the sake of the children. What is it going to take, a love one of yours to die by a gun? Don't dance around this.
I don’t have the time or the crayons to explain this to you. There are readers of this forum who happen to know what I know about friends being killed by guns. I know very closely and very well. Just to tell you would send you into a permanent tailspin.
I don't dance. It isn't a Baptist thing to do. Actually, I do sometimes, but not on the forums, so I won't join your dance.
Stop being a cheerleader for Mr. Trump's...
You are not my mother. I have told you that personally many times. I am sorry for your confusion. There is help for that.
God will have mercy on America.
He is having mercy on America today and Trump is the man through whom God is offering it. Those who have been blinded cannot know this.
Notwithstanding, she will be spanked for her cruelty to exposing the children to guns and removing children from families He (God) gave his heritage.
True, but this is the season of comfort and abundance. You too could know this comfort and abundance but cannot with a heart filled up with fear and hate.
GaoLu, than what you have shown in these forums.
I am showing you not what I know or do, but what God is doing. Please don't mock the work of my Lord as you have been doing. But then, I have no illusions about being your mother either and you must choose.
@GaoLu said:
I can explain it to you, but I can’t understand it for you.
What part of guns are dangerous, you don't get?
That part regarding your unreasonable phobia of guns.
No, it's not my fear of guns! It's your disregard for the death they have caused.
Please, answer me for the sake of the children. What is it going to take, a love one of yours to die by a gun? Don't dance around this.
I don’t have the time or the crayons to explain this to you. There are readers of this forum who happen to know what I know about friends being killed by guns. I know very closely and very well. Just to tell you would send you into a permanent tailspin.All the crayons in the world can't draw or color in the loss of a family member, closer than a friend. A friend IS NOT an immediate family member. GUNS WERE MADE TO KILL! DON'T MOCK ITS DANGER, Mr. GaoLu. Be careful! Please, separate yourself and family from all guns. God will take care of you.
Stop being a cheerleader for Mr. Trump's...
You are not my mother. I have told you that personally many times. I am sorry for your confusion. There is help for that.
Please! Wasted words...
Notwithstanding, she will be spanked for her cruelty to exposing the children to guns and removing children from families He (God) gave his heritage.
True, but this is the season of comfort and abundance. You too could know this comfort and abundance but cannot with a heart filled up with fear and hate.
Wrong, again. No fear and hate here, just discernment. A day of reckoning is coming to America.
GaoLu, than what you have shown in these forums.
I am showing you not what I know or do, but what God is doing. Please don't mock the work of my Lord as you have been doing. But then, I have no illusions about being your mother either and you must choose.
You're talking nonsense again. It sounds like you had or have some unresolved issues with your mother. Were you raised in foster care or separated from your mother? Twice in one post, mother figure, I wonder. CM
@C_M_ said:
@GaoLu said:
Nice that you take refuge in Him. But that is rather Billish (red herring) of you to say. The point clearly was that Licking liberals lolipops rots the mind--evidence abounds--and that the solution to the rot is to taste and see that the LORD is good.Try that part.
Try focusing on the OP. School is starting soon. Children will be experiencing for the first time, guns known and unknown, in the halls, classrooms, and playgrounds. Parents need to know that their children enter a war zone for five to six hours a day. What is America coming too? CM
Hyperbole and lies.
This is not the first time students will be experiencing this. They are not entering a war zone.
Knives are also dangerous. Are you against knives? Forks are dangerous, are you against forks? Chemicals in the chem lab are dangerous and can make bombs, are you saying we should stop chemistry? Baseball bats are dangerous, should we stop baseball teams?
@reformed said: Knives are also dangerous. Are you against knives? Forks are dangerous, are you against forks? Chemicals in the chem lab are dangerous and can make bombs, are you saying we should stop chemistry? Baseball bats are dangerous, should we stop baseball teams?
It was said to me and I will say to you...
"I don’t have the time or the crayons to explain this to you. There are readers of this forum who happen to know what I know about friends being killed by guns...Just to tell you would send you into a permanent tailspin". @GaoLu said.
@C_M_ said:
@reformed said: Knives are also dangerous. Are you against knives? Forks are dangerous, are you against forks? Chemicals in the chem lab are dangerous and can make bombs, are you saying we should stop chemistry? Baseball bats are dangerous, should we stop baseball teams?
It was said to me and I will say to you...
"I don’t have the time or the crayons to explain this to you. There are readers of this forum who happen to know what I know about friends being killed by guns...Just to tell you would send you into a permanent tailspin". @GaoLu said.
When you decide to come to the real world, let me know. But this fantasy war zone you live in is ridiculous.
@reformed said:
@C_M_ said: It was said to me and I will say to you...
"I don’t have the time or the crayons to explain this to you. There are readers of this forum who happen to know what I know about friends being killed by guns...Just to tell you would send you into a permanent tailspin". @GaoLu said.
When you decide to come to the real world, let me know. But this fantasy war zone you live...
- Is it not true, children will be experiencing for the first time, guns known and unknown, in the halls, classrooms, and playgrounds?
- Are not the schools set to fight intruders gun for gun, bullet-for-bullet?
- Is it not, shooting could start anytime or from any corner of the school, even a classroom?
- Is it not any number of people could die without a moment notice?
- Is it not real, Trump and the NRA supports gun in the school?
You may want to check yourself about living in a fantasy world and who's being ridiculous. CM
@C_M_ said:
@reformed said:
@C_M_ said: It was said to me and I will say to you...
"I don’t have the time or the crayons to explain this to you. There are readers of this forum who happen to know what I know about friends being killed by guns...Just to tell you would send you into a permanent tailspin". @GaoLu said.
When you decide to come to the real world, let me know. But this fantasy war zone you live...
Yes, but that in of itself is not a problem.
- Is it not true, children will be experiencing for the first time, guns known and unknown, in the halls, classrooms, and playgrounds?
No, that is not true at all.
- Are not the schools set to fight intruders gun for gun, bullet-for-bullet?
Yes, and have been for some time.
- Is it not, shooting could start anytime or from any corner of the school, even a classroom?
It could also start in your home, at the mall, at a game, at church, this is not unique to schools.
- Is it not any number of people could die without a moment notice?
Sure. They could also die in a car crash (more likely) a volcano eruption, earthquake, tornado, terrorist attack, heart attack, etc.
- Is it not real, Trump and the NRA supports gun in the school?
I do too.
You may want to check yourself about living in a fantasy world and who's being ridiculous. CM
It is still you.
When you decide to come to the real world, let me know. But this fantasy war zone you live...
Yes, but that in of itself is not a problem.
Hurray! You acknowledged the truth about guns! There is no "but".
- Is it not real, Trump and the NRA supports gun in the school?
I do too.
Now, who's being ridiculous? Would your child be in a school with guns? If you're not homeschooling, would you really be comfortable with your child in that school? If so, why would you expose your child to such? Do you not love your child? If something happens, you would never forgive yourself.
Mr. Reformed,
Don't give your child over to Mr. Trump and the NRA's ill-conceived plans. I would hate to see you in a gym, waiting to hear the fate of your child. CM -
Why are you screaming? That is just rude.
When you decide to come to the real world, let me know. But this fantasy war zone you live...
Yes, but that in of itself is not a problem.
Hurray! You acknowledged the truth about guns! There is no "but".
Sure there is. What are you killing with them? That's the question. They are not SOLELY meant to kill either. Knives are also made to kill, but I don't see you screaming about those.
- Is it not real, Trump and the NRA supports gun in the school?
I do too.
Now, who's being ridiculous? Would your child be in a school with guns? If you're not homeschooling, would you really be comfortable with your child in that school? If so, why would you expose your child to such? Do you not love your child? If something happens, you would never forgive yourself.
It's still you. Yes, my child would be in a school with guns. In fact, MY CHILD would know how to use one. I would have no hesitation putting my child in a school where there are armed guards/teachers. I don't see it as not loving my child. I see it as knowing my child is protected in the RARE chance that something would happen at their school.
You have this sick and twisted view of teachers and officers with guns that do not reflect reality. You need to kill the hyperoblic lies that you spread about what is or is not fact in this debate. You play on emotions. That doesn't work with me. Let's be real, you live in a hyperbolic fantasy world.
Mr. Reformed,
Don't give your child over to Mr. Trump and the NRA's ill-conceived plans. I would hate to see you in a gym, waiting to hear the fate of your child. CMOh brother.
C_M_ is a very sensitive person. Feelings and emotions can overrule thoughtfulness or reason.
Post edited by GaoLu on -
@GaoLu said:
C_M_ is a very sensitive person. Feelings and emotions can overrule thoughtfulness or reason.Terrible way to live.
Wrong again. I am at peace and no child of mine is in danger of a gun at home or at school. God is enough for me and my family. I am sorry it's not enough for the two of you. This is a "terrible way to live". My heart goes out to you. "In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me" (Psalms 56:11). "For I will not trust in my bow, neither shall my sword save me (Psalms 44:6). The "bows" and "swords" of ole are today's guns.## GUNS WERE MADE TO KILL! / GUNS WERE MADE TO KILL! / GUNS WERE MADE TO KILL! CM
Why are you screaming? That is just rude.
No, it's not, "rude"! I am "screaming" according to you, is to warn, men and families of goodwill, to separate themselves from weapons of death. Guns sole purpose of the invention is to kill! Target practice is a secondary reason. Even this was perfected to help the user to kill more efficiently. The sooner the two of you will admit this, the sooner the two of will find inner peace and the greater the safety of your families. To believe otherwise, "Behold, ye trust in lying words, that cannot profit" (Jeremiah 7:8).
Playing Psychologist is not going to change anything. Mr. Trump nor the NRA can't replace an intimate loss of a loved one. You have to take personal actions. Secure your loved ones-- get rid of all guns and remove them out of your children's schools. GUNS WERE MADE TO KILL! This is a truth independent of me. Putting down the messenger can't change this reality.
GUNS WERE MADE TO KILL, I know you don't want to hear;
GUNS WERE MADE TO KILL, a grief you don't want to bare.
GUNS WERE MADE TO KILL, get rid of them, you don't have to live in fear. CM -
So you have no fear, you trust God and you write the fear-based nonsense like the above. I mean, you are not the dumbest person on the planet, but let's hope that guy doesn't die.
@GaoLu said:
So you have no fear, you trust God and you write nonsense like the above. I mean, you are not the dumbest person on the planet, but let's hope that guy doesn't die.GaoLu,
Your quest to insult or put me down will not change the reality stated above. It's a sad move on your part. Or, is it fear?Speaking of "dump", in my humble opinion, I think it's "dump" to call oneself a Christian, claiming faith, in the Creator-God and Savior Jesus, the Christ and convinced one needs a gun (weapon of death) to protect one's self and family with a gun at home and his child's school. This behavior is an insult to God and a denial of the faith, in the One who said, "And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell" (Matthew 10:28).
The clear words of the Bible seem not to be enough. This not a games or about winning an argument. It's about trusting in God.
So, Mr. GaoLu, Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice" (Ephesians 4:31):
- "Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows" (Matthew 10:31).
- "There is no fear of God before their eyes" (Romans 3:18).
- "Ye shall not fear them: for the LORD your God he shall fight for you" (Deut. 3:22).
- "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:7).
Reconsider your position on guns. God will bless you, your family and greater peace for all. CM
PS. Is it possible for you to disagree, if necessary, and be kind too? CM
@C_M_ said:
Wrong again. I am at peace and no child of mine is in danger of a gun at home or at school. God is enough for me and my family. I am sorry it's not enough for the two of you. This is a "terrible way to live". My heart goes out to you. "In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me" (Psalms 56:11). "For I will not trust in my bow, neither shall my sword save me (Psalms 44:6). The "bows" and "swords" of ole are today's guns.That is just naive if you think no child of yours is in danger of a gun at home or school. You are always in danger of a gun and so is your child. The only way your child is 100% not in danger of a gun is if you have no child at all. Also love how you took Psalm 44 way out of context.
Why are you screaming? That is just rude.
No, it's not, "rude"! I am "screaming" according to you, is to warn, men and families of goodwill, to separate themselves from weapons of death. Guns sole purpose of the invention is to kill! Target practice is a secondary reason. Even this was perfected to help the user to kill more efficiently. The sooner the two of you will admit this, the sooner the two of will find inner peace and the greater the safety of your families. To believe otherwise, "Behold, ye trust in lying words, that cannot profit" (Jeremiah 7:8).
Oh trust me, I'm at peace. It is you crazy people that are not at peace. I rather enjoy guns.
Playing Psychologist is not going to change anything. Mr. Trump nor the NRA can't replace an intimate loss of a loved one. You have to take personal actions. Secure your loved ones-- get rid of all guns and remove them out of your children's schools. GUNS WERE MADE TO KILL! This is a truth independent of me. Putting down the messenger can't change this reality.
Who is playing psychologist??? Nobody can replace the intimate loss of a loved one, nobody is saying they can. We have to take personal actions to secure our loved ones? I thought you trusted God? You can't have it both ways. Either we provide our own protection or God takes care of everything. Do you believe everyone has an appointed time and way to die and there is no way to change that?
GUNS WERE MADE TO KILL, I know you don't want to hear;
I don't think anyone disputes that.
GUNS WERE MADE TO KILL, a grief you don't want to bare.
Still don't think anyone disputes that.
GUNS WERE MADE TO KILL, get rid of them, you don't have to live in fear. CM
I don't live in fear, you do. Typical liberal hypocrisy.
@C_M_ said:
@GaoLu said:
So you have no fear, you trust God and you write nonsense like the above. I mean, you are not the dumbest person on the planet, but let's hope that guy doesn't die.GaoLu,
Your quest to insult or put me down will not change the reality stated above. It's a sad move on your part. Or, is it fear?Speaking of "dump", in my humble opinion, I think it's "dump" to call oneself a Christian, claiming faith, in the Creator-God and Savior Jesus, the Christ and convinced one needs a gun (weapon of death) to protect one's self and family with a gun at home and his child's school. This behavior is an insult to God and a denial of the faith, in the One who said, "And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell" (Matthew 10:28).
The clear words of the Bible seem not to be enough. This not a games or about winning an argument. It's about trusting in God.
So, Mr. GaoLu, Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice" (Ephesians 4:31):
- "Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows" (Matthew 10:31).
- "There is no fear of God before their eyes" (Romans 3:18).
- "Ye shall not fear them: for the LORD your God he shall fight for you" (Deut. 3:22).
- "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:7).
Reconsider your position on guns. God will bless you, your family and greater peace for all. CM
PS. Is it possible for you to disagree, if necessary, and be kind too? CM
Love all of the out of context Scripture.
Internet Fact (Bill would be proud--but he's just not himself today)
* Latest research shows that 97.8% of Mass Shootings Happen in Gun-Free Zones
* 2.2 percent of mass shootings happen where people can carry firearms
Gun control is a really stupid answer
@GaoLu said:
Internet Fact (Bill would be proud--but he's just not himself today)* Latest research shows that 97.8% of Mass Shootings Happen in Gun-Free Zones
* 2.2 percent of mass shootings happen where people can carry firearms
Gun control is a really stupid answer
Truth hurts.
@GaoLu said:
Internet Fact (Bill would be proud--but he's just not himself today)* Latest research shows that 97.8% of Mass Shootings Happen in Gun-Free Zones
* 2.2 percent of mass shootings happen where people can carry firearms
Gun control is a really stupid answer
Leave Bill out of this. Respect his voluntary absence.
Share your nonsense data to those who lost a loved one from these shootings. Sad, GaoLu. CM
@reformed said:
Truth hurts.
Here we go again, GaoLu's caboose CD poster. You don't seem to know pain or will be prepared when it comes. May God have mercy on you! CM
@C_M_ said:
@GaoLu said:
Internet Fact (Bill would be proud--but he's just not himself today)* Latest research shows that 97.8% of Mass Shootings Happen in Gun-Free Zones
* 2.2 percent of mass shootings happen where people can carry firearms
Gun control is a really stupid answer
Leave Bill out of this. Respect his voluntary absence.
Share your nonsense data to those who lost a loved one from these shootings. Sad, GaoLu. CM
What does that have to do with anything? The point is gun control makes things WORSE, not better.
@reformed said:
Truth hurts.
Here we go again, GaoLu's caboose CD poster. You don't seem to know pain or will be prepared when it comes. May God have mercy on you! CM
Again, getting rid of ridicoulous gun control is part of being prepared and part of the SOLUTION.
@C_M_ said:
@GaoLu said:
Internet Fact (Bill would be proud--but he's just not himself today)* Latest research shows that 97.8% of Mass Shootings Happen in Gun-Free Zones
* 2.2 percent of mass shootings happen where people can carry firearms
Gun control is a really stupid answer
Leave Bill out of this. Respect his voluntary absence.
I will if I choose and I choose to include Bill. You/Bill are still not my mother. I know what his "voluntary absence means" which you know a surprising amount about out the blue and how easily you are lured from the woodwork. Its all gotten most comical--much more so since that very revealing hoax was accidentally made so evident.
I am getting great mileage from the great Billum hoax and probably shall for some time. Go ahead and try the usual bully/mama/politics/Billium tricks--they have become most conspicuously amusing.
Share your nonsense data to those who lost a loved one from these shootings. Sad, GaoLu. CM
That would be me.
If you call that data nonsense, and you do, then you cannot be underestimated.
@reformed said:
Truth hurts.
Here we go again, GaoLu's caboose CD poster. You don't seem to know pain or will be prepared when it comes. May God have mercy on you! CM
I sang that song in kindergarten. Ever graduate?