NRA: Russian Money/Spy -- Proof

Maria Butina, Russian gun rights activist linked to NRA, charged as Kremlin agent
FBI counter-intelligence agents have arrested a 29-year-old Russian woman on charges she acted as a Kremlin agent while working over the past three years to build relationships in the upper ranks of the National Rifle Association.
Maria Butina, the co-founder of the mysterious Russian gun-rights group called “Right to Bear Arms” who recently graduated with a master’s degree from American University, “took steps to develop relationships with American politicians in order to establish private, or as she called them, ‘back channel’ lines of communication,” according to an affidavit attached to a criminal complaint filed in U. S.
“These lines could be used by the Russian Federation to penetrate the U.S. national decision-making apparatus to advance the agenda of the Russian Federation,” the affidavit reads, using Russia’s official country name.
She is being held pending a hearing set for later this week, according to a Department of Justice press release. The case brought against her was not brought by Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team, and it is not known whether it has any connection to the broader investigation into Russian meddling in the presidential campaign.
Butina denied the charges through an attorney, who called the complaint against her “overblown” and said she “intends to defend her rights vigorously and looks forward to clearing her name.”
According to Butina’s attorney, the FBI executed a search warrant at her Washington, D.C., apartment in April, and the affidavit states that agents searched her electronic devices, including her laptop and iPhone.
“These lines could be used by the Russian Federation to penetrate the U.S. national decision-making apparatus to advance the agenda of the Russian Federation,” the affidavit reads, using Russia’s official country name.
She is being held pending a hearing set for later this week, according to a Department of Justice press release. The case brought against her was not brought by Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team, and it is not known whether it has any connection to the broader investigation into Russian meddling in the presidential campaign.
Butina denied the charges through an attorney, who called the complaint against her “overblown” and said she “intends to defend her rights vigorously and looks forward to clearing her name.”
According to Butina’s attorney, the FBI executed a search warrant at her Washington, D.C., apartment in April, and the affidavit states that agents searched her electronic devices, including her laptop and iPhone.
Now, will you believe me? All Christians and patriot Americans should leave the NRA. CM
@C_M_ said:
According to Butina’s attorney, the FBI executed a search warrant at her Washington, D.C., apartment in April, and the affidavit states that agents searched her electronic devices, including her laptop and iPhone.and mentions nothing about if they even found anything?
Now, will you believe me?
Why should anyone do so? no evidence, more muddying of other waters ... so?
All Christians and patriot Americans should leave the NRA.
Maybe all Christians should leave any association -- including their "Church inc." because someone in the outfit has been accused of something in the past or such might happen in the future?
The Democrat party non-sense has seemingly brainwashed many Christians into disabling them to apply common sense ???
@C_M_ said:
Maria Butina, Russian gun rights activist linked to NRA, charged as Kremlin agent
FBI counter-intelligence agents have arrested a 29-year-old Russian woman on charges she acted as a Kremlin agent while working over the past three years to build relationships in the upper ranks of the National Rifle Association.
Maria Butina, the co-founder of the mysterious Russian gun-rights group called “Right to Bear Arms” who recently graduated with a master’s degree from American University, “took steps to develop relationships with American politicians in order to establish private, or as she called them, ‘back channel’ lines of communication,” according to an affidavit attached to a criminal complaint filed in U. S.
“These lines could be used by the Russian Federation to penetrate the U.S. national decision-making apparatus to advance the agenda of the Russian Federation,” the affidavit reads, using Russia’s official country name.
She is being held pending a hearing set for later this week, according to a Department of Justice press release. The case brought against her was not brought by Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team, and it is not known whether it has any connection to the broader investigation into Russian meddling in the presidential campaign.
Butina denied the charges through an attorney, who called the complaint against her “overblown” and said she “intends to defend her rights vigorously and looks forward to clearing her name.”
According to Butina’s attorney, the FBI executed a search warrant at her Washington, D.C., apartment in April, and the affidavit states that agents searched her electronic devices, including her laptop and iPhone.
“These lines could be used by the Russian Federation to penetrate the U.S. national decision-making apparatus to advance the agenda of the Russian Federation,” the affidavit reads, using Russia’s official country name.
She is being held pending a hearing set for later this week, according to a Department of Justice press release. The case brought against her was not brought by Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team, and it is not known whether it has any connection to the broader investigation into Russian meddling in the presidential campaign.
Butina denied the charges through an attorney, who called the complaint against her “overblown” and said she “intends to defend her rights vigorously and looks forward to clearing her name.”
According to Butina’s attorney, the FBI executed a search warrant at her Washington, D.C., apartment in April, and the affidavit states that agents searched her electronic devices, including her laptop and iPhone.
Now, will you believe me? All Christians and patriot Americans should leave the NRA. CM
Americans should leave the NRA because Russians are attempting to infiltrate? That's nonsense. They are attempting to infiltrate the country, should we leave the USA too?
When you find something actually worth noting let me know.
@reformed said:
When you find something actually worth noting let me know.
It's coming, watch the news. Time is a revealer of truth. Sex, Russians, and Republicans, there seems to be a trivector of corruption. CM
Yet you still have nothing worth nothing.
I don't make the news, just reflect portions of it, from time to time. As for news, do watch it and you will have something of "worth" saying as you share. Be sweet, man! CM
@C_M_ said:
I don't make the news, just reflect portions of it, from time to time. As for news, do watch it and you will have something of "worth" saying as you share. Be sweet, man! CMExcept the news doesn't reflect what you are trying to twist it into.
“Cute little young man, but not with a rifle in his hands!” It would have been nice for Trump, Jr. to give his son a stable home life with his mom than a gun. What a tradition to pass on: The wife, a divorce and the young son, a rifle. Only in America!
I hope Donal Trump, Jr. would never experience a day that he would regret ever putting a gun in his child's hands. Second Amendment Rights have their privileges and consequences. CM
GaoLu, it's likely you shared this site to troll me, it's no telling you would openly agree; but regardless, I will use it to remind thee and make my plea. Some people grasp the import of a warning message very slow, this is why I am taking the liberty, to share this old post (July 4 & 11th) below:
Guns Were Made To Kill by CM
Guns Were Made To Kill, rather big, long or small, if shot in the woods, malls or schools' halls.
Guns Were Made To Kill, although many say they collect them just for fun, even by the tons.
Guns Were Made To Kill, even if you like the feel, shape or sound;
Oh, into the air, you just like to get off a few rounds.Guns Were Made To Kill, you love the smell of gunpowder and the power in your hands; ignoring the spent shells that litter the ground.
Guns Were Made To Kill, whether opened carried or concealed;
Once shot, what it hits is real.Guns Were Made To Kill, rather in the home, churches or the battlefield;
they shatter hearts, knees, and windshields.Guns Were Made To Kill, whether made long ago or today;
no fabrications would be acceptable from the NRA.Guns Were Made To Kill, despite the lobbyists' passionate bifurcation;
"We need more guns" they cry, for recreation and protection.Guns Were Made To Kill, regardless of the voluminous mendacious good they can do; heartbreak comes when death takes a loved one close to you.
Guns Were Made To Kill, I am not saying anything new;
I am just reminding you of what hospitals, churches, policemen, and cemeteries long knew.Guns Were Made To Kill, seven lives were taken not far from Capitol Hill.
Guns Were Made To Kill, and the shooter was not mentally ill.Guns Were Made To Kill, don't try to say it's for something else;
everybody knows it's false because guns were made to kill. CM----------------- ------------- ------------- ------------
GaoLu, I know you will not agree or change your mind about guns. You see, gun-deaths racked up bodies so abundant, this is why I don't mind being redundant. Oh, if only I could get this post, into the hands of the little boy's mother (Vanessa Trump). Any suggestions? CM -
She was probably inside cooking up fresh game for dinner.
A great book on sale about Christian hunters, guns and God's glory.
@GaoLu said:
A great book on sale about Christian hunters, guns and God's glory.
Even in a pile of garbage, one can find bits of unwrapped or untouched food. But oh, look what one has to go through, to get it. The experience one gains from being in nature are soiled by the killing and blood of God's creature on one's hands (figuratively/literally).God never intended the killing of animals (food or sport) and the eating of their flesh. God used dead-animals after the rebellion in Eden and after the flood, but with strict guidelines and for a period of time.
The above author's work "draws a good bucket of milk and turned around and kick it over", as the old folk would say back in the old country. It's nice to be in nature, greenery, fresh air, trees, leaves, and sounds; with the crawly creatures on the ground. Along comes man, with his big-brograns (a heavy, ankle-high shoe or boots) and gun. He shoots a buck and says,"look what I found"!
The true value of this book, I guess is reflected in its cost ($ .99). A dollar, I can put to better use. A bookaholic, as many in CD are, I guess they will add it to their library to add to their image as a scholar, after all, the book is just a dollar. CM
@C_M_ said:
God never intended the killing of animals (food or sport) and the eating of their flesh. God used dead-animals after the rebellion in Eden and after the flood, but with strict guidelines and for a period of time.
That contradicts what the Bible says. I guess you know that though.
@GaoLu said:
@C_M_ said:
God never intended the killing of animals (food or sport) and the eating of their flesh. God used dead-animals after the rebellion in Eden and after the flood, but with strict guidelines and for a period of time.
That contradicts what the Bible says. I guess you know that though.
Please! Enlighten me! I don't know it all. Show me from the Word (Bible) that my statements are contradictory. Maybe, I missed something. CM -
@C_M_ said:
@GaoLu said:
@C_M_ said:
God never intended the killing of animals (food or sport) and the eating of their flesh. God used dead-animals after the rebellion in Eden and after the flood, but with strict guidelines and for a period of time.
That contradicts what the Bible says. I guess you know that though.
Please! Enlighten me! I don't know it all. Show me from the Word (Bible) that my statements are contradictory. Maybe, I missed something. CMAre you serious? Where on earth to begin... Genesis 9:1-5? The Law with all its permissions on various meats, Levitical food prescribed for priests, etc.? Jesus eating fish and lamb? Peter's vision? Everything spoken about the blessings of eating game? And so much more.
I guess you did miss something!
@GaoLu said:
Please! Enlighten me! I don't know it all. Show me from the Word (Bible) that my statements are contradictory. Maybe, I missed something. CMAre you serious? Where on earth to begin... Genesis 9:1-5? The Law with all its permissions on various meats, Levitical food prescribed for priests, etc.? Jesus eating fish and lamb? Peter's vision? Everything spoken about the blessings of eating game? And so much more.
I guess you did miss something!
Thanks for your response. Come now, let's reason together.Much more can be said about each of the points raised. Here are just a few comments for each.
1. Let's start earlier in the Book of Genesis after God made man (Adam/Even). See Gen. 2:9. God gave the "plants of field" (heb. 'esev hassadeh), specifically designated as the food Adam will have to eat as a result of his sin and that they come about directly by man's "painful toil" and by the "sweat of [his] bow" (NIV). The "plants of field" are produced by the labor by which man was burdened because of his fall into sin. They didn't exist before. Only known to us until after Adam's transgression and it was in consequence of his fall they came into the world. Gen 3:19 said these plants were used to make bread (Wheat, barley, and other grains. The "plants of field" and the "Shrubs of field" are a part of the plant kingdom.
* * * Man created in Gen. 1:26-30 was not intended to work the ground. God wanted man to "rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and overall the creatures that move along the ground" (Gen1:26 NIV)
* ** The origin of animals that shed human blood violence in the Bible.God cares for his creatures: Ps. 104:20, 21, 27, 28, 147:9; Matt. 6:25-26; Luke 12:22-24.
- Genesis 9:1-5 -- Please note, after the flood, all the vegetation was destroyed. It was then that God endorses man to eat the "clean" flesh foods (See Lev 11 and Deut 14).
- Levitical food prescribed for priests -- This again was a part of Sanctuary Service to teach sacrifice, order, health, discipline, and holiness. With the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin." God was teaching His people a greater lesson of sin, forgiveness, and pointing to the coming of the Messiah.
- Jesus eating fish and lamb -- After the resurrection, Jesus ate fish to prove to the disciples he was not a ghost. He had a real body.
- Peter's vision -- found in Acts 10. Please carefully read, Acts 10:9-17.
- a). This was a vision and not an actual occurrence, food Peter didn't eat.
- b). Peter didn't understand the vision (vs 17)
- c). The vision was given to Peter to teach NO PERSON, NEITHER JEW NOR GENTILE should be considered unclean. Please read verse 28, the purpose of the vision was for Peter, "...NOT TO CALL ANY MAN COMMON OR UNCLEAN". God was NOT talking about food ("rise Peter, slay, and eat") at all when he gave the vision to Peter.
Beyond the vision of Peter, the Bible does teach, if meat were eaten, only a certain kind permitted (see Isa 66:15-17; See Lev 11 and Deut 14).
I would share more, but having trouble with my computer. CM
- Don't isolate Scripture, excluding all others or you end up with a mess such as you suggest. Your Scriptures are all good and describe how things may have been different at different times. They don't support your preferred view.
- Your other arguments are curious and unusual but offer nothing to support your ideas, but rather the opposite. God said to eat meat and said what kinds were good, He prescribed meat eating for His nation of people, especially leaders, Jesus ate meat and Peter almost certainly did--he had a vision clarifying it was fine to do so. So, yes, your points strongly demonstrate the error of your unusual idea.
- I hope you get your computer fixed. I really struggle to be patient with computer issues. I trust that you do better.
Please re-read my Posts: # 1,312, above (about the book). Remember, guns were made to kill. Love God creatures. In the woods watch and admire them, draw them, take pictures of them, ride them, feed them, wash them, own them, play with them and teach them to respond to your call, to come; whatever you do, do it without a gun. CM -
@C_M_ said:
Please re-read my Posts: # 1,312, above (about the book). Remember, guns were made to kill. Love God creatures. In the woods watch and admire them, draw them, take pictures of them, ride them, feed them, wash them, own them, play with them and teach them to respond to your call, to come; whatever you do, do it without a gun. CMDo not add to Scripture
> @C_M_ said:
> GaoLu,
> Please re-read my Posts: # 1,312, above (about the book). Remember, guns were made to kill. Love God creatures. In the woods watch and admire them, draw them, take pictures of them, ride them, feed them, wash them, own them, play with them and teach them to respond to your call, to come; whatever you do, do it without a gun. CM
There are kinds off ways to kill a lamb, a chicken, a fish or a cabbage. You have a most singular frenzied phobia about guns. I suspect insincerity or self-deceit. And, no, don’t blame it on liberal propaganda. If you are a man at all ( I’m.not sure) then you make your own personal choices. You own those choices yourself. I’m not too much of one to swallow many “victim” stories, though I suppose they happen.