Let's Talk About Guns -- Now is the Time

This is an old post, July 4th in response to should one own a shogun?
Here is how I will answer you in words, in your mind, I hope it would stay. You may call it what you may. You may call it poetry, a poem, or something underway. You can read it any time, anyway, any day.
Guns Were Made To Kill by CM
Guns Were Made To Kill, rather big, long or small if shot in the woods, malls or schools' halls.
Guns Were Made To Kill, although many say they collect them just for fun, even by the tons.
Guns Were Made To Kill, even if you like the feel, shape or sound;
Oh, into the air, you just like to get off a few rounds.
Guns Were Made To Kill, you love the smell of gunpowder and the power in your hands; ignoring the spent shells that litter the ground.
Guns Were Made To Kill, whether opened carried or concealed;
Once shot, what it hits is real.
Guns Were Made To Kill, rather in the home, churches or the battlefield;
they shatter hearts, knees, and windshields.
Guns Were Made To Kill, whether made long ago or today;
no fabrications would be acceptable from the NRA.
Guns Were Made To Kill, despite the lobbyists' passionate bifurcation;
"We need more guns" they cry, for recreation and protection.
Guns Were Made To Kill, regardless of the voluminous mendacious good they can do;
heartbreak comes when death takes a loved one close to you.
Guns Were Made To Kill, I am not saying anything new;
I am just reminding you of what hospitals, churches, policemen, and cemeteries long knew.
Guns Were Made To Kill, seven lives were taken not far from Capitol Hill.
Guns Were Made To Kill, and the shooter was not mentally ill.
Guns Were Made To Kill, don't try to say it's for something else;
everybody knows it's false because guns were made to kill. CM
Let's keep focused, Guns Kill. They kill small and large people, outside the womb and long afterward. Why would a Christian support to put guns into the hands of so many who don't fear God or man? A man of God should not support the NRA or any institution that manufacture guns or sell them. CM
Now, is the time to talk about guns before the next mass shooting. This way, we wouldn't be accused of the following:
- "Playing politics"
- "Knee-jerk reactions"
- "Exploiting people's grief"
- "It's not the time to discuss gun control or laws"
What's being done since the last mass shooting?
The truth be told, it's just a matter of time before the next mass shooting. No, I am not a prophet of doom. America is washed in guns with very weak and un-uniformed requirements for carrying and usage. Tell me:
- What happened to the Texas Governor's (Abbott) townhall report and recommendations?
- What are the current gun safety laws on the books?
- Can they be strengthened?
- What measures are in place to protect our children, schools, and students?
- What about the usage of guns in movies and television?
- A check on video games of gun violence?
- A ban on those with documented verifiable mental health issues?
- A special tag or detector attached to all guns.
- All bullets are, serially, marked like medicine or tablets.
"Come, now, let's reason together".
If America Must Have Guns -- CM's Proposal:
- Every gun (including collectors) must be registered and licensed (like cars/driving).
- Mandatory training for each type owned (users expense).
- No large magazines private citizens (only law enforcement).
- Mandatory lockbox or case (combination or key) monitored like the ADT Systems in homes.
- All guns must be insured ($ 100,000 per gun/ $ 1 million for AR-15s).
- Gun stolen, the owner is held liable for all damages, the cost of ownership.
Besides target practicing, shooting clay pigeons, and just collecting, what are the main purpose for guns? Answer: The undeniable truth-- To KILL! Any other non-lethal usage, guns are not required for man's survival. Manufacturers don't produce nor the NRA promotes gun ownership just for the above three uses. Killing is its heart, drive, and theme. Rather it's:
- At war (killing women, men, children, and families).
- Animals -- Food or sports--God's beautiful creatures of his creation are slaughtered.
- *"So-called" protection -- taking of a life.
The three main reasons for guns usage takes us back to the old post above-- Guns Were Made To Kill. CM
Guns are not the problem.
Gun control laws do not work.
Gun ban isn't going to and should not happen. -
@reformed said:
Guns are not the problem.
Gun control laws do not work.
Gun ban isn't going to and should not happen.This is nothing new. Please offer something more than your Republican talking points. Make some practical suggestions before the next mass shooting. Now is time to talk. CM
@C_M_ said:
@reformed said:
Guns are not the problem.
Gun control laws do not work.
Gun ban isn't going to and should not happen.This is nothing new. Please offer something more than your Republican talking points. Make some practical suggestions before the next mass shooting. Now is time to talk. CM
Why don't you offer more than liberal nonsense that is not based in facts or reality?
Young talent on Gun Violence. See the clip.
I am not a fan of Rap songs but listen to the words of the song by the little girl. Your child may appreciate it more than you do. CM
PS. Guns kill!
@reformed said:
Guns are not the problem.Surely you're right about this, reformed. And since guns aren't the problem, I'm perpetually perplexed by the fact that the number of people shot actually declines when guns aren't involved. Since guns aren't the problem, I keep thinking the number of people shot will remain constant, guns or no guns. But that's never the way it turns out. Sometimes life's a mystery.
Gun control laws do not work.
I disagree. Sometimes existing gun control laws enable investigators to track the ownership history of the weapons that are used to kill people, whether in mass shootings or small-casualty events. You DO agree that such information can be helpful to murder investigators, don't you? It IS better to know who bought the firearms that kill 11,000 people a year in the U.S. than it is not to know who bought them, yes?
Gun ban isn't going to and should not happen.
Of course bans aren't going to happen. Gun bans would only force guns and/or their users to travel from other jurisdictions, where guns weren't banned, and that would be SO inconvenient for the guns... and their owners. In our nation, with rights (e.g. to keep and bear arms) come conveniences (e.g. the ability to purchase the guns of your choice from the sellers of your choice without interference from discourteous gun laws whose only purpose is to reduce the number of people who get shot)
@Bill_Coley said: You DO agree that such information can be helpful to murder investigators, don't you?
It IS better to know who bought the firearms that kill 11,000 people a year in the U.S. than it is not to know who bought them, yes?Thanks, Bill for raising two important questions on guns that kill. It's unfortunate that some may be unwilling and unable to respond with reason and intelligent answers beyond Republican's talking points. Sad, but a reality. CM