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We're just an ordinary bunch of Logos users here and talk (mostly) about faith related topics. This forum was created in the spirit of the late "Christian Discourse" forum that no longer exists.
We're still a small but very select group of people here, and would like to invite you to participate in the discussion, no matter whether you're a Logos user or not. If you just want to lurk, that's also fine. You will find a wide range of topics and opinions here.
I would also like to ask any existing and new forum members to give a short introduction in this thread, so that we get to know each other better
This thread will stay on top of the list for the next 30 days - as long as we keep the sponsored links running.
Here's my introduction. My name is Jan, and I'm 41 years old and originally from Germany (now living in the Netherlands).
I'm a maths graduate, worked as an IT consultant for some years after graduation, then went onto the mission field in Cambodia for almost six years, and now run my own business full-time. I'm considering seminary to start yet another new career.
My denominational background is quite varied, including Lutheran, Baptist, Church of Christ and Vineyard. (I consider denomination only secondary when looking for a church, after whether the church acts in love, has a desire to reach out to the lost, and teaches forgiveness of sin through faith and repentance).
Welcome to the forums!
My name is Mitchell.
I was born in the Americas but I have spent about half of my life living abroad. (I currently live in Japan).
I hold a B.A. in Biblical Text and other certification. I am neither a minister, evangelist(preacher), nor a missionary! I am just a friendly layman with some with some random(maybe particular?) interest. My interests include philology, Biblical exegesis, technology, foreign language acquisition, and cross-cultural communication.
Like the poster above me (Jan) my religious affiliation/background is quite varied.
Please join us on these forums from friendly and sometimes challenging Christian discussion.Post edited by Jan on -
Hi, I am GaoLu, happily married, father of wonderful children who range in occupation from farmer, to doctor to missionary. We also are blessed with a growing population of grandchildren. Like Mitchell, I was born in the US and have lived about half of my life abroad. My undergrad work was in biochemistry, but since then studies have been theology and a wide range of Bible topics.
My wife and I are missionaries traveling about 2/3 of the time working in most East Asian countries, even Cambodia where Jan served. We are gifted with the opportunity to work with and among people from a wide range of denominations and many who have no idea what denominations are.
My "name" is reformed. I am married and love politics and theology. I am currently a student pursuing a religion degree.
Thanks for checking out the forum. I'm Dave and I became a believer in Christ at 20 years old. I gave up my music career seeking a closer relationship with Christ. And began following Him according to the Sermon on the Mount. And trusting him to provide my needs as I sought first his kingdom (Matthew 6:24-34).
I began on the low wrung preaching Christ to the other dishwashers. And later to the other janitors and factory workers. And finally to those of the skilled trades I picked up along the way. As the Lord opened and closed doors behind me.
But he is faithful. Although trials and persecutions came and went in taking a stand for Christ, I retired early debt free on my own earnings. Happily married for nearly 50 years. I began studying theology in the 1970s. But in not becoming dedicated to any single creed, I have drawn from many throughout Christendom that Church membership would discourage.
So I think we can find a fuller truth, not so much in any creed or denomination, but throughout Christ’s body.
Post edited by Dave_L on -
I'm Bill Coley, an Iowa-born Illinois resident who has served in congregational pastoral ministry for nearly 36 years, the last 33 with the congregation I currently serve.
I consider myself to be both politically and theologically progressive, outlooks on life and faith rooted in my years as an undergraduate student at the University of Iowa, where I majored in political science and economics.
It's not much of a betrayal of common sense to expect that my political and theological views differ, at times considerably, from those of some of the other followers of Jesus who contribute to these forums. I encourage you to review the produce of those differences in the threads easily accessed from this site's home page.
If you, as I do, have strong/partisan/deeply held views on theological and/political matters, GREAT!!! Join the fray! My only guidance is that you comport all of your posts with one of this site's most critical tenets: Criticize ideas, not people. We have discovered time and again that when they abide by that dictum, forum exchanges can be brisk, sharp, and intense, but in intention and outcome remain respectful.
Bottom line: I invite you to join us. You won't agree with everyone on everything. You might not agree with me on anything!
But if your posts reflect your faith as they speak your mind and heart, christiandiscourse.net will be the better for it.