Mark of the Beast: Past, present, future?

The Reformers saw the Antichrist in the papacy. Many others expect the Antichrist in the future. Some see him recurring time and again throughout history.
What do you believe and why?
I believe the book of Revelation recaps so history repeats itself. That is, Nero, the papacy, or any other totalitarian regime sitting in the temple of God (Christendom) that ever demanded worship (loyalty) to unscriptural practices at the expense of life or liberty would also be Antichrist.
I believe we see this now in the US. Where some Christian Bakery or wedding catering services can no longer buy or sell unless they receive the symbolic mark by obeying the State instead of God. This would also involve those who support these laws as wearing the Mark.
In this case the Mark is symbolic for placing sinful human law above God's law. Just as the Mark written in the foreheads of those who follow the Lamb are symbolic Revelation 14:1.