Biblical Angels: Real (good or evil), personification or figment of one's Imagination?

There are many questions on the topic of angels. They are from adults, children, and scholars. Can you answer some or all of the questions below for better understanding of angels in the Bible?
1. What are angels? How does one define them?
2. What are their sizes and purposes? How many are there?
3. Are they in heaven and on earth?
4. Can they be seen with the naked eyes or the common man?
5. Does the Bible say how many Angels there are?
6. What is the OT/NT view of angels?
7. Does it take faith to believe in Angels?
8. Is Jesus an angel?
9. Did sin begin with an angel or with a man?
10. How old are angels?
11. What are "ministering angels"?
12. Do angels have or plays a role in man's redemption?
13. Do angels have free will?
14. Are angels tied to genes or environment?
15. Are angels "gods"?
16. Are there angelic trolls?
17. Is there redemption for the "fallen angels"? If not, why not?
18. Does the Bible make a difference in how man and angels came into being?
I don't expect one person to answer all the questions, but the ones you attempt, consider substantive answers. This may include quality articles and/or books. Thanks. CM