Given the recent discussion on creation and origin in another thread, there are many views about how long it took to create the world and the length of day. What about another or other worlds? Can one make a case from a biblical perspective of other worlds and intelligent life? No, I am not talking little green men, with big eyes, long-heads and speak in gibberish. Sincerely, does the Bible support other worlds? If so, it speaks of the vastness of the universe, the might, and power of God and man's finiteness understanding the things and activities of God. Except He reveals and even then, "we see through a glass darkly."
Leave the Hollywood ET version of beings from another plant alone and let's mine the Bible for truth. What say ye on other worlds? CM
seems to me that the only other "world" or "place with intelligent life" spoken of in the Bible is the realm where God dwells, also called "heaven" (not to be confused with that "heaven" or "air" or "space" where clouds are located, birds fly and planets move in their orbits)
@C_M_ said:
Given the recent discussion on creation and origin in another thread, there are many views about how long it took to create the world and the length of day. What about another or other worlds? Can one make a case from a biblical perspective of other worlds and intelligent life? No, I am not talking little green men, with big eyes, long-heads and speak in gibberish. Sincerely, does the Bible support other worlds? If so, it speaks of the vastness of the universe, the might, and power of God and man's finiteness understanding the things and activities of God. Except He reveals and even then, "we see through a glass darkly."Leave the Hollywood ET version of beings from another plant alone and let's mine the Bible for truth. What say ye on other worlds? CM
In my view, it's significant that the Genesis 1 account proclaims God's creation of the heavens and the earth, testifies to the variety and sequence of life's beginning on earth, but does NOT constrict life to the earth's surface. Because the same life-creating God who created the earth also created the rest of the universe, I see no biblical objection to the existence of life in other parts of the universe, the observable part of which by now has an estimated diameter of 92 billion light years.
From a scientific perspective, given the size scope of the observed universe, I think it's almost a certainty that there is life elsewhere. Perhaps not carbon-based, as is life on earth, but life nonetheless.
The original post was asking about "From a Biblical perspective: ...." and not "from what the Biblical perspective does NOT do or say ..."
There is nothing to say there isn't but certainly no reason to believe there is.
Why base arguments or conclusions on "what is NOT said or NOT stated ..." ??
Perhaps because the Bible doesn't address the topic of extra-terrestrial life? And since the Bible doesn't address it, what Scripture does NOT say properly contributes to our understanding of the "biblical perspective" on the issue?
@Bill_Coley said:
@Wolfgang said:
Why base arguments or conclusions on "what is NOT said or NOT stated ..." ??Perhaps because the Bible doesn't address the topic of extra-terrestrial life? And since the Bible doesn't address it, what Scripture does NOT say properly contributes to our understanding of the "biblical perspective" on the issue?
Now, how does what I do NOT say contribute to your understanding of my perspective on something? Are you a "mind reader" and understand what people do NOT say or state?
The likelihood of having one planet that supports any form of life in this vast universe is so extremely low that more and more scientists struggle to explain our existence by natural means, and come up with fantastic theories such as an infinite number of parallel universes, one of which (ours) happens to support life; or the simulation hypothesis that we're existing in some sort of Matrix. 50 years ago this stuff was exclusive to sci-fi and fantasy stories! Even scientifically there's no case for other worlds. The question whether there's a Biblical case for it would be as meaningful as the question whether there's a Biblical case for Bigfoot, or for King Kong, or for Snow White and the seven dwarves.
Very surprisingly, there's quite a strong case for UFOs though. Filtering out the 99.9% of explainable UFO sightings, there remains a pattern of remarkably similar experiences around the world:
- Sightings are visible, but non-physical
- Sightings have physical effects on plants, animals and humans in the vicinity of the sightings, such as scorched soil and trees, physical trauma, up to severe injuries, and sometimes even death.
- Abductions by gray aliens, usually claiming to be coming from an area of space where humanity at that point in time was searching for intelligent life (the moon in the 19th century, mars in the early 20th century, and outer space these days).
- And countless other similarities in the sightings.
The most striking similarity though is a usual previous deep involvement in occult practices by those who have UFO encounters.
So the case for UFOs and "aliens" actually becomes a strong case for the existence demonic activity, and therefore indirectly for the existence of God, and the truthfulness of the Bible. So it is quite the other way around. Not the Bible makes a case for "otherworldly life", but the existence of "otherworldly life" makes a case for the truthfulness of the Bible.
Ross, H., Samples, K., & Clark, M. (2002). Lights in the sky & little green men: a rational Christian look at UFOs and extraterrestrials. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress.
(Which I gifted to myself with my Logos birthday credit last year).
@Jan said:
The likelihood of having one planet that supports any form of life in this vast universe is so extremely low that more and more scientists struggle to explain our existence by natural means, and come up with fantastic theories such as an infinite number of parallel universes, one of which (ours) happens to support life; or the simulation hypothesis that we're existing in some sort of Matrix. 50 years ago this stuff was exclusive to sci-fi and fantasy stories!Jan,
We are talking worlds and intelligent life, not UFOs= "Unidentified Flying Objects. Besides, UFOs could be meteorites or space junk.However, in the OP, may I encourage all to reflect upon the three Scriptural references below, starting *the author of Hebrews who states that "he [Creator-God] made the worlds" (Heb. 1:2). Whether these other worlds are inhabited is not stated specifically in the Scriptures, but it is implied in the gathering of the "sons of God" in Job 1 and in the Biblical concept of vindicating God's rule and justice before the universe in the judgment (Daniel 7). It is difficult to believe that ours is the only inhabited planet in God's great universe. Even evolutionary scientists speculate that intelligent life exists on other planets.
Also, consider the following:
1. How is the word,"world" defined in Hebrew and Greek? Is there any insight here?
2. Do we know all there is to know about God and what He has made?
3. When it comes to other worlds, because we can't see it and know it, but can't get there; does it means, it doesn't exist?OTHER WORLDS AND LIFE BEYOND PLANET EARTH? THIS IS THE QUESTION OF A FINITE MINE OF A INFINITE GOD. CM
We are talking worlds and intelligent life, not UFOs= "Unidentified Flying Objects. Besides, UFOs could be meteorites or space junk.Those would be Identified Flying Objects, after all explainable sightings have been filtered out.
I'm talking about RUFOs (Residual UFOs) that have no natural explanation.However, in the OP, may I encourage all to reflect upon the three Scriptural references below, starting *the author of Hebrews who states that "he [Creator-God] made the worlds" (Heb. 1:2). Whether these other worlds are inhabited is not stated specifically in the Scriptures, but it is implied in the gathering of the "sons of God" in Job 1 and in the Biblical concept of vindicating God's rule and justice before the universe in the judgment (Daniel 7). It is difficult to believe that ours is the only inhabited planet in God's great universe.
I've only just started looking into Dr. Heiser's "Divine Council" theory, but the few things I've read so far are a lot more convincing than your interpretation that the sons of God might be rulers over other worlds.
Even evolutionary scientists speculate that intelligent life exists on other planets.
Of course they do. They absolutely have to believe this in order to maintain their world view. If among trillions of trillions of stars there's only one of them that brought forth a planet with life, that'd be devastating to their theory that life can evolve naturally.
Also, consider the following:
1. How is the word,"world" defined in Hebrew and Greek? Is there any insight here?In Hebrews 1:2 the word Aion is used, same as in Mt 12:32. There are only two worlds in Biblical context: this one and the coming one.
- Do we know all there is to know about God and what He has made?
- When it comes to other worlds, because we can't see it and know it, but can't get there; does it means, it doesn't exist?
I've never said other worlds don't exist. I've said that the case for their existence is extremely weak.