Those who can do something about guns in America don't care. They are numbed to grieving families and funerals. They have mastered the empty phrase, "our prayers and thoughts are with you", after each mass slaughter of innocent people, especially children. Schoolhouses, students, human decency have been placed on the back burner of safety to the NRA, lobbyists, Second amendment, name-calling, and sold out Christians for the continuation of unchecked gun-sales, large bullet magazines, bum stocks, concealed and opened carrying of guns. Unlimited ownership of weapons of war (guns) have become a way of life and the NEW NORMAL **in America. To help with the routine responses and talking points one can set his or her clock to measure the intervals. The name and faces may be different, but the pretentious take will be the same. **THE COUNTDOWN HAS BEGUN TO THE NEXT MASS KILLING: It's not cruel. It happened many times before. It's just a matter of time. Why set the timer? The NRA doesn't like keeping records of gun-related incidents affecting mass killing of students. The really sad truth of it all, nothing is going to happen. CM
Is this like Harold Camping predicting the end of the world?
@reformed said:
Is this like Harold Camping predicting the end of the world?Mr. Reformed,
I don't know if you completely missed the point of my OP or your question, is your attempt to be humorous? If it's the latter, keep your day job (whatever it is).I have no desire to be a deceiver nor am I gullible to spiritual charlatans. I am not a prophet or a son of a prophet, but I can assure you, it's just a matter of time before the next mass shooting. What I am most certain, nothing will be done to reduce or register guns. This what the countdown clock is all about.
It appears that mass shootings are becoming the norms in America. Nothing will change until blockers of common sense laws are touched by loss (their family personally) before they consider anything of reason. I am reminded of Mr. Jim Brady (Press Secretary) for the late President Reagan. Look up the Brady Gun Bill. The Shooter, John W. Henkley Jr. (Google it).
It's sad to see how greed, cowardliness, indifference, and head-in-the-sand have become the order of the day. The NRA's money and lobbyists and unwise political ideologies work to keep it this way. To my chagrin, Christians support such behaviors against school children and the church. They seem to be more committed to the Second Amendment than to the Ten-commandments.
Reality says nothing will change for the better until society is deliberate/intentional in its actions. Things are going to get worse, if not more deadly. Am I predicting doom as a prophet? No, just pointing out a pattern in light of trend and history. The last prospect (shooter) had pipebombs. I posted sometimes earlier this is the coming trend.
America can use the name you use, even if you don't live up to it. CM
My purpose was to show the ridiculous nature of your original post.
@reformed said:
My purpose was to show the ridiculous nature of your original post.Reformed, why do you as a christian want a gun? Or want totally depraved people to have them?
Guns are useful for many things, defense, hunting, etc. Not to mention they are just fun to shoot.
@reformed said:
Guns are useful for many things, defense, hunting, etc. Not to mention they are just fun to shoot.
Why do you want people who murder people with them to own them?
Why do you assume that I do? Why do you think people who support the 2nd Amendment want people who murder people to own guns? Those two things are not tied together and you would do well to stop peddling that false premise.
Your resistance to others trying to call awareness to mass casualties and their attempts to lessen school shootings suggest more than you are letting on.
@reformed said:
My purpose was to show the ridiculous nature of your original post.Do tell, what specifically is so "ridiculous" about my "original post?"
@reformed said:
Guns are useful for many things, defense, hunting, etc. Not to mention they are just fun to shoot.
Mr. Reformed, are you a Christian? Are you currently a soldier or police officer? Why do you need a gun? As a Christian, is not God is your Protector? Is He not enough to keep you? What are you defending? In another post today, you said, "we don't do things out of fear." What are you fearing that you need a gun?
Are you one of those Christian that supports the NRA for teachers to have guns in the classrooms? Do you really know the purpose of a gun in general and AR-15, in particular? If you want to target practice, buy a dot-board set.
Why do you want to or enjoy killing God's beautiful creatures? In some cases, I assume you eat the animal's dead-flesh. Even if you don't eat flesh foods, you don't use an automatic rifle to kill the animal.
Reformed, you are free to answer questions and comment at will but failed to grasp the content of a post give one pause for concern. The last post mentioned the assault rifle band and trend in violence you missed it or choose not to comment?
When it comes to guns and being a Christian, it appears you are on the wrong side of the issue. You can eat plenty and healthy, live in peace and safety, without a gun, in your home or in your child's classroom. CM
@C_M_ said:
@reformed said:
My purpose was to show the ridiculous nature of your original post.Do tell, what specifically is so "ridiculous" about my "original post?"
@reformed said:
Guns are useful for many things, defense, hunting, etc. Not to mention they are just fun to shoot.
Mr. Reformed, are you a Christian? Are you currently a soldier or police officer? Why do you need a gun? As a Christian, is not God is your Protector? Is He not enough to keep you? What are you defending? In another post today, you said, "we don't do things out of fear." What are you fearing that you need a gun?
Yes I am a Christian and I am offended by the question. I am not a soldier or police officer. I do not currently own a gun.
Are you one of those Christian that supports the NRA for teachers to have guns in the classrooms? Do you really know the purpose of a gun in general and AR-15, in particular? If you want to target practice, buy a dot-board set.
Yes I support arming teachers. The rest of your paragraph is ridiculous. Have you ever seen or held an AR15? It's not this big scary gun people try to make it out to be. I shot one just a couple of weeks ago with a bunch of guys 11-18 years old and they loved it.
Why do you want to or enjoy killing God's beautiful creatures? In some cases, I assume you eat the animal's dead-flesh. Even if you don't eat flesh foods, you don't use an automatic rifle to kill the animal.
I don't hunt for sport.
Reformed, you are free to answer questions and comment at will but failed to grasp the content of a post give one pause for concern. The last post mentioned the assault rifle band and trend in violence you missed it or choose not to comment?
What is an assault rifle? What comment did I miss?
When it comes to guns and being a Christian, it appears you are on the wrong side of the issue. You can eat plenty and healthy, live in peace and safety, without a gun, in your home or in your child's classroom. CM
That doesn't determine what is the right or wrong side of an issue.
@reformed said:
@Dave_L said:
Why do you want people who murder people with them to own them?Why do you assume that I do? Why do you think people who support the 2nd Amendment want people who murder people to own guns? Those two things are not tied together and you would do well to stop peddling that false premise.
Reformed, get real! The sole purpose of the creation of a gun is to kill! This target practice thing was added to help one kill more accurately. CM
@C_M_ said:
@reformed said:
@Dave_L said:
Why do you want people who murder people with them to own them?Why do you assume that I do? Why do you think people who support the 2nd Amendment want people who murder people to own guns? Those two things are not tied together and you would do well to stop peddling that false premise.
Reformed, get real! The sole purpose of the creation of a gun is to kill! This target practice thing was added to help one kill more accurately. CM
Actually, between the two of us, I am the one actually being realistic and not hyperbolic.
@reformed said:
Actually, between the two of us, I am the one actually being realistic and not hyperbolic.What have I exaggerated? CM
Most of your OP:
Schoolhouses, students, human decency have been placed on the back burner of safety to the NRA, lobbyists, Second amendment, name-calling, and sold out Christians for the continuation of unchecked gun-sales, large bullet magazines, bum stocks, concealed and opened carrying of guns. Unlimited ownership of weapons of war (guns) have become a way of life and the NEW NORMAL **in America.
Reformed, have I not spoken the truth? A short survey on CD would agree with me. Sometimes, truth hurts. I am just holding up a mirror to America. If she is honest, she would clean up her act and do better. CM
@C_M_ said:
Reformed, have I not spoken the truth? A short survey on CD would agree with me. Sometimes, truth hurts. I am just holding up a mirror to America. If she is honest, she would clean up her act and do better. CMNo you have not spoken truth. You have spoken half-truths which aren't truths at all. You have twisted things and played on emotions rather than fact. You have also employed hyperbole to try and prove a point.
This is disappointing to hear. How do I know you are not using hyperbole to make my remarks hyperbolic? An independent view is needed. CM -
@C_M_ said:
This is disappointing to hear. How do I know you are not using hyperbole to make my remarks hyperbolic? An independent view is needed. CMNo, just a simple review of facts. Mass shootings are rare, you are more likely to die in a car crash. Nobody is calling for unchecked gun sales. Open carry actually deters violence, not invite it. It's not a new normal, it has always been a part of America.
@reformed said:
@C_M_ said:
This is disappointing to hear. How do I know you are not using hyperbole to make my remarks hyperbolic? An independent view is needed. CMNo, just a simple review of facts. Mass shootings are rare, you are more likely to die in a car crash. Nobody is calling for unchecked gun sales. Open carry actually deters violence, not invite it. It's not a new normal, it has always been a part of America.
This is why I said an independent person. Listen to the video clip on the recent Texas School school shooting: CM -
@C_M_ said:
@reformed said:
@C_M_ said:
This is disappointing to hear. How do I know you are not using hyperbole to make my remarks hyperbolic? An independent view is needed. CMNo, just a simple review of facts. Mass shootings are rare, you are more likely to die in a car crash. Nobody is calling for unchecked gun sales. Open carry actually deters violence, not invite it. It's not a new normal, it has always been a part of America.
This is why I said an independent person. Listen to the video clip on the recent Texas School school shooting: CMWhat exactly were we supposed to get out of that video?
What an expression of collective tears from blue eyes of future deaths. Or, is it Blue Blood? CM
@GaoLu said:
Looks to me like nothing more than a blue mess, like Democrat proposals.
Here is what is known and real. I predicted another school shooting. Well, so it is. Am I happy? No! Is something going to be done? No. Start the countdown clock again.
Noblesville shooting latest updates: Injured teacher identified, student detained. See for yourself: at Noblesville High School after an active shooter at the nearby Middle School, Friday, May 25, 2018. (Photo: Kelly Wilkinson/IndyStar)
Lilly Kempf, an eighth-grader at another middle school, Noblesville East, held back tears as she talked about the feelings she experienced as she learned the news."I was really nervous for my best friend and my family and..." she briefly trailed off.
"I wasn't really surprised because after everything had gone down, I had a feeling it would happen eventually, because, you know..." she said as she wiped a tear from her eye. "As soon as we got the code yellow, I knew that's what was going on."
Mayor John Ditslear was on his way to work when his assistant called him about the shooting.
He turned his car toward the middle school and arrived around 9:30 a.m., in time to see cops swarming the school, kids being loaded onto buses along Hague Road and some parents searching for their children.
“We’re praying for everyone involved,” he said. “Those kids were scared to death. It’s a tragic day here in the city of Noblesvsille. You never think it’s going to be at your school.”
Information on students: Here's where parents should go to get information on their children
Vice president, governor respond to Indiana school shooting
Elected officials have offered their prayers and support on Twitter.
Vice President Mike Pence released a statement to his home state: "To everyone in the Noblesville community – you are on our hearts and in our prayers. Thanks for the swift response by Hoosier law enforcement and first responders."
Who will the NRA blame and how much money will they raise from this shooting? It's a new low and norm in America. Guns Kill! Sad! CM
@C_M_ said:
Here is what is known and real. I predicted another school shooting. Well, so it is. Am I happy? No! Is something going to be done? No. Start the countdown clock again.Noblesville shooting latest updates: Injured teacher identified, student detained. See for yourself: at Noblesville High School after an active shooter at the nearby Middle School, Friday, May 25, 2018. (Photo: Kelly Wilkinson/IndyStar)
Lilly Kempf, an eighth-grader at another middle school, Noblesville East, held back tears as she talked about the feelings she experienced as she learned the news."I was really nervous for my best friend and my family and..." she briefly trailed off.
"I wasn't really surprised because after everything had gone down, I had a feeling it would happen eventually, because, you know..." she said as she wiped a tear from her eye. "As soon as we got the code yellow, I knew that's what was going on."
Mayor John Ditslear was on his way to work when his assistant called him about the shooting.
He turned his car toward the middle school and arrived around 9:30 a.m., in time to see cops swarming the school, kids being loaded onto buses along Hague Road and some parents searching for their children.
“We’re praying for everyone involved,” he said. “Those kids were scared to death. It’s a tragic day here in the city of Noblesvsille. You never think it’s going to be at your school.”
Information on students: Here's where parents should go to get information on their children
Vice president, governor respond to Indiana school shooting
Elected officials have offered their prayers and support on Twitter.
Vice President Mike Pence released a statement to his home state: "To everyone in the Noblesville community – you are on our hearts and in our prayers. Thanks for the swift response by Hoosier law enforcement and first responders."
Who will the NRA blame and how much money will they raise from this shooting? It's a new low and norm in America. Guns Kill! Sad! CM
The blame SHOULD go to the same place it should for every shooting. The SHOOTER not the NRA or anyone else.