The Holocaust: Truth, Fabrications or Exaggerations

One-Third of Americans Don't Believe 6 Million Jews Were Murdered During the Holocaust
One-third of Americans think “substantially less” than 6 million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust, according to a new survey that highlights a worrying lack of basic knowledge about the World War II-era genocide.
The Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, or Claims Conference, released the findings of its survey to coincide with Holocaust Remembrance Day. They show a notable lack of understanding among Americans, especially millennials, the group said.
The Claims Conference said there are “critical gaps both in awareness of basic facts as well as detailed knowledge of the Holocaust” in American society, stressing that U.S. schools must provide more comprehensive education on the crimes.
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The survey shows that 70 percent of Americans believe people care less about the Holocaust than they used to. A majority, 58 percent, said they believe something like the Holocaust could happen again.
A uniform of an Auschwitz survivor is displayed on December 9, 2004, at the Jewish Museum in London. A recent survey found that 66 percent of millennials do not know what Auschwitz was. Ian Waldie/Getty Images
Just under a third (31 percent) of those surveyed do not believe that 6 million Jews were killed during the Holocaust and think the real death toll is at least 2 million lower. This was true for 41 percent of millennials.
Adolf Hitler's fascist Nazi regime killed approximately 6 million Jews before and during World War II. The Nazis also murdered millions of Eastern European civilians, Soviet prisoners of war, disabled people, homosexuals and political prisoners. Estimates of the total death toll reach as high at 15 million to 20 million people.
Beyond your personal opinions, independent of the State of Israel, are there non-Jewish sources to verify the Holocaust? Is there any validity to justify an exaggeration to the number people who died during the Holocaust? Who or what's behind the Americans not believing 6 Million Jews died during the Holocaust? Could it be that many Americans feel the other people-group are not compared or reparations are sought? e.g. American Indians, Slaves (slave trade), Vietnamese, Japanese, etc. Mainly, what about the world's atrocities, who remembers these people? See below...
1 1914–1918: World War I
2 1923–1932: Pacification of Libya
3 1935–1941: Second Italo-Abyssinian War
4 1936–1939: Spanish Civil War
5 1939–1945: World War II
5.1 Axis powers
5.1.1 Crimes perpetrated by Germany
5.1.2 Crimes perpetrated by Hungary
5.1.3 Crimes perpetrated by Italy
5.1.4 Crimes perpetrated by the (first) Slovak Republic (1939–1945)
5.1.5 Crimes perpetrated by Japan
5.1.6 Crimes perpetrated by Romania
5.1.7 Crimes perpetrated by the Chetniks
5.1.8 Crimes perpetrated by the Ustashas
5.1.9 Crimes perpetrated by the Ukrainians
5.2 Allied powers
5.2.1 Crimes perpetrated by the Soviet Union
5.2.2 Crimes perpetrated by the United Kingdom
5.2.3 Crimes perpetrated by the United States
5.2.4 Crimes perpetrated by Canada
5.2.5 Crimes perpetrated by the Yugoslav Partisans
6 1946–1954: Indochina War
7 1947–1948: Malagasy Uprising
8 1948 Arab–Israeli War
9 1945–1949: Indonesian War of Independence
10 1948–1960: Malayan Emergency
11 1950–1953: Korean War
11.1 United States perpetrated crimes
11.2 North Korean and Chinese perpetrated crimes
11.3 South Korean perpetrated crimes
12 1952–1960: Mau Mau uprising
13 1954–1962: Algerian War
14 1955–1975: Vietnam War
14.1 United States perpetrated crimes
14.2 South Korean perpetrated crimes
14.3 North Vietnamese and Vietcong perpetrated crimes
15 Late 1960s–1998: The Troubles
16 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War
17 Bihari and pro Pakistanis massacre in Bangladesh
18 1970–1975: Cambodian civil war
19 Indonesian Invasion of East Timor
20 1975–1990: Lebanese Civil War
21 1978–present: Civil war in Afghanistan
22 1980–1988: Iran–Iraq War
23 1985–present: Uganda
24 1991–1999: Yugoslav wars
24.1 1991–1995: Croatian War of Independence
24.2 1992–1995: Bosnian War
24.3 1998–1999: Kosovo War
25 1990–2000: Liberia / Sierra Leone
26 1990: Invasion of Kuwait
27 1991–2000/2002: Algerian Civil War
28 1994–1996/1999–2009: Russia-Chechnya Wars
29 1998–2006: Second Congo War
30 2003–2011: Iraq War
31 2006 Lebanon War
32 2003–2009/2010: Darfur conflict; 2005–2010: Civil war in Chad
33 2008–2009 Gaza War
34 2009 Sri Lankan Civil War
35 2011–present: Syrian civil war
Is it a lack of knowledge or the "miseducation" of the "American population why One-Third of Americans Don't Believe 6 Million Jews Were Murdered During the Holocaust?" What say ye? CM
One could compare the number of people groups (population count) who were living at the beginning of a war period (as given in official records of a country) with the number of the group's population living after that war period .... After taking into account approximate numbers for birth, death of age, accidents, migration to other countries,
the difference would reflect an approximate number of those who possibly were killed.
Depending where the people were living during the time, estimations of which regime might be responsible for their death could be made.When looking at some figures and information given in the media from today's war scenarios and how they compare to what later turns out to be verified, oftentimes large exaggeration is seen for propaganda purposes. Applying some reasonable and logical thinking, such exaggerations and fake news may be discovered even as claims or accusations are made ... at least, highly doubtful things could be pointed out.
@Wolfgang said:
When looking at some figures and information given in the media from today's war scenarios and how they compare to what later turns out to be verified, oftentimes large exaggeration is seen for propaganda purposes. Applying some reasonable and logical thinking, such exaggerations and fake news may be discovered even as claims or accusations are made ... at least, highly doubtful things could be pointed out.
Wolfgang, in plain language (understandable in English), you believed the "Holocaust" to be...CM
Hi there,
I replied with what I said more in reference to the following that was mentioned in your original post:Beyond your personal opinions, independent of the State of Israel, are there non-Jewish sources to verify the Holocaust?
I would say it should obvious that the German regime committed terrible crimes to various people (not only, but mainly Jews) ... but, as the list of wars included in your original post mentions, there were also quite many wars since and terrible crimes were committed in the course of those wars .. and I would say, in some more recent cases, the number of victims even exceeds the number of 6 million of what is known as "the holocaust" ...
Interestingly, very little is said or published about those more recent "holocausts" (I put the word in "..." only as I am not sure if the term is solely reserved for the specific "Holocaust" and may not be used as part of a figure of speech of comparison; if that should be the case, I apologize)In case you are not aware of it, several years ago a crime of "denying the holocaust" was introduced in Germany for which one can be sentenced to prison if one does not agree with the official figure of "6 million" ...
We need to do as Jesus said, remove the log from our own eye before we can see clearly enough to remove the splinter from our foreign neighbor's eye. This is why I think good Nazis would have made good Americans and visa versa had their cradles been switched at birth.
We are all cut from the same cloth.
Too many deaths, in too many places, over too many years! Enough! Where is the road forward? The rearview mirrors are on occasional glances when moving forward. When one stares into it one will crash if moving forward or one is standing still to stare. Either way, one remains at the scene of the crime. Never again, as we move forward away from all mass deaths, at any time, anywhere. CM
@C_M_ said:
Too many deaths, in too many places, over too many years! Enough! Where is the road forward? The rearview mirrors are on occasional glances when moving forward. When one stares into it one will crash if moving forward or one is standing still to stare. Either way, one remains at the scene of the crime. Never again, as we move forward away from all mass deaths, at any time, anywhere. CM
One step in the right direction is to direct Christians away from the sword and towards the cross. A clear principle all should understand is, any doctrine that results in the death or destruction of life or of the family is from the Devil. Jesus came that people should have life, and have it more abundantly. And this is opposite of what many churches teach.
We need to ask if the doctrine promotes war? As in Dispensationalism and Dominion Postmillennialism. Or does it help break-up families? As in divorce and remarriage taught by most churches? Or membership with unbelievers in worldly organizations?
The "Holocaust" of the Jews and the mass deaths of the many are remembered in various ways, but CAN they be forgiven? Is it POSSIBLE to forgive them? In short, how can we remember without rehearsing the hurt? CM
Anybody have any idea why "chemical attack" with deaths of supposedly a few hundred people is declared to be the worst of the worst and countries supposedly having nothing to do with it must conduct a revenge military strike?
On the other hand, bombing a whole country back into the middle ages and causing the deaths of millions of people over the course of several years of a war inflicted upon their country by other countries who really have no business of attacking the country in the first place (cp. Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya) is no reason for anyone to call for revenge and condemnation of those aggressors ?
@C_M_ said:
The "Holocaust" of the Jews and the mass deaths of the many are remembered in various ways, but CAN they be forgiven? Is it POSSIBLE to forgive them? In short, how can we remember without rehearsing the hurt? CMI felt the same when Oprah called attention to the murder of thousands of innocent African Americans with the lynching article I posted earlier. It is easier for me to deal with the Holocaust because God placed the broken off unbelieving Jews under his wrath until the end of time. He just happened to use Hitler to carry it out.
@Dave_L said:
I felt the same when Oprah called attention to the murder of thousands of innocent African Americans with the lynching article I posted earlier. It is easier for me to deal with the Holocaust because God placed the broken off unbelieving Jews under his wrath until the end of time. He just happened to use Hitler to carry it out.
Your point of view on the above two matters may anger or upset many people. However, every man is entitled to his opinion. "You can smile when you can't say a word." CM -
I no doubt upset many but not as an end in itself. But it will place the fear of God in your heart if I'm right.
@Dave_L said:
I no doubt upset many but not as an end in itself. But it will place the fear of God in your heart if I'm right.Let truth speak with its thousand tongues and I am prepared to accept its single reality. CM