Biblical Studies (Defined)

Here a few various ways in which 'Biblical Studies' be that an academic degree or a discipline have been defined:
(Disclaimer: the following are in no way exhaustive. If anyone disagrees or has any other definitions to offer please do so on this thread)
Biblical studies is the academic application of a set of diverse disciplines to the study of the Hebrew and Christian scriptures, the Bible. For its theory and methods, the field draws on disciplines ranging from archaeology, ancient history, cultural backgrounds, textual criticism, literary criticism, historical backgrounds, philology, and social science.
“Biblical studies” is primarily concerned with the foundational, base-level “meaning” of passages or sections of the biblical texts (known as “exegesis”), as well as the developments and circumstances regarding Judaism and early Christianity.
Biblical studies focuses on the canonical books of the Bible both within their historical and cultural worlds and in relation to their reception within the Christian and Jewish traditions.
@Mitchell said:
Here a few various ways in which 'Biblical Studies' be that an academic degree or a discipline have been defined:
(Disclaimer: the following are in no way exhaustive. If anyone disagrees or has any other definitions to offer please do so on this thread)Biblical studies is the academic application of a set of diverse disciplines to the study of the Hebrew and Christian scriptures, the Bible. For its theory and methods, the field draws on disciplines ranging from archaeology, ancient history, cultural backgrounds, textual criticism, literary criticism, historical backgrounds, philology, and social science.
“Biblical studies” is primarily concerned with the foundational, base-level “meaning” of passages or sections of the biblical texts (known as “exegesis”), as well as the developments and circumstances regarding Judaism and early Christianity.
Biblical studies focuses on the canonical books of the Bible both within their historical and cultural worlds and in relation to their reception within the Christian and Jewish traditions.
Biblical Studies seems to be a broader heading than your definitions allow for. They are no doubt included in it but the heading should not be limited to such a narrow definition.
@Dave_L said:
Biblical Studies seems to be a broader heading than your definitions allow for. They are no doubt included in it but the heading should not be limited to such a narrow definition.I agree the above three definitions I quoted are not meant to be exhaustive, authoritative, nor the last word on the subject. As I come across more definitions I will post them to this thread and I hope that you and others will post your own definitions as well.