Headhunters: spread of Christianity ended the brutal tradition

The last headhunters: Tribe who used to tattoo their face after cutting of the heads of enemy warriors are now all in their seventies after spread of Christianity ended the brutal tradition

  • Severing the head of an enemy warrior was a rite of passage in the Konyak tribe, who live in Nagaland, India

  • The Konyaks, infamous for marauding nearby tribes, were the last of the Naga tribes to accept Christianity

  • Now, the last generation of Konyaks are over the age of 70 and are warm and hospitable to those who visit

Photographer Omar Reda took these pictures when he visited mountainous area in northeast India in March

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5581079/The-headhunters-Tribe-tattoo-face-decapitating-enemies.html#ixzz5BtTueNvN

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