Cremation: How Should A Christian be dealt with after death?

Is there something inherently pagan about cremation? Can a cremated body be in the resurrection? Must all Christians be buried? Does the Bible provide any guidance on this sensitive subject? Does the Bible opposes the practice of cremation, in view that the prophet Amos said God is angered against Moab “‘because he burned as if to lime, the bones of Edom’s king’” (Amos 2:1 NIV)? How would you counsel a grieving Christian family with a sudden death and little money for funeral and burial? CM
I think of the martyrs burnt at the stake. Or the many who die from fire. Will this thwart God's plans for their resurrection?
Greetings CM
You have asked a really interesting question! This question is one I have never heard asked or answered before.
@C_M_ said:
How would you counsel a grieving Christian family with a sudden death and little money for funeral and burial? CMIn Japan, 99.81% of the deceased are cremated this, of course, includes Christian who make about 1% of the population. Embalmers are very hard to find (especially outside of Tokyo) and most people do not even know that Embalming is an option that exists. In other words, only a select few are buried.
So, if someone asked me this question like you are now, I would confess that have actually never thought about this question before. In fact, in never occurred to me that cremation might be a problem.
Here some Protestant/Evangelical Christian answers from Got Questions:
(2) said:
I think of the martyrs burnt at the stake. Or the many who die from fire. Will this thwart God's plans for their resurrection?I think David L gave a very astute yet concise answer to the question.
Personally, I do not have any answers, but I will be studying this question.
@C_M_ said:
Does the Bible opposes the practice of cremation, in view that the prophet Amos said God is angered against Moab “‘because he burned as if to lime, the bones of Edom’s king’” (Amos 2:1 NIV)?In my opinion, if cremation were the problem we should expect to see a command or injunction against in the Torah or literature written before the events ascribed in Amos. I would say that the greater context of Amos, as well as the wording, and the diacriticals in the Masoretic text provide insight as to what the real problem or issue is at least in Amos. But, this is just my opinion at the moment, and I can see how others might come away with a different understanding. I am not dogmatic about this issue or the interpretation of Amos so my viewpoint on this verse would change if I were presented with more and or better data than the cursory quick study I have done now.
Grace and Peace!
Dave's statement holds. However, let's build upon it and move the OP sightly. What is your take or attitude of donating your body or your loved-ones to science or medical school labs for students to practice surgeries? Is this a desecration or what? CM
Given the nature of the Coronavirus and the vast increase of deaths, can the U. S. Government make cremation mandatory? If not, why not? CM
The government can make just about any step mandatory ... they just declare a state of "emergency" (or - as the FRench president openly stated in his TV speech - a state of "war" and then implement whatever they like or are directed to do by the string pullers behind the scenes.
vast increase of deaths? You realize the flu has killed more people this year right?
"Increase" means to "become or make greater in size, amount, intensity, or degree." Let's not confuse this word with
"COMPARE" =on the other hand, means to "measure, or note the similarity or dissimilarity between."
So, to grow or enlarge the number of deaths by Coronavirus and not compare it with the number of death by flu is the general point. Please re-read and respond to the post above. Thanks. CM
So, to grow or enlarge the number of deaths by Coronavirus and not compare it with the number of death by flu is the general point. Please re-read and respond to the post above. Thanks. CM
?? do you have any clue how many of those claimed by the various "official" reports as being "deaths by Corona virus"?? Ever had a look at the small print (context) accompanying such lists and numbers ??
I suppose if you looked at the records of 100 deceased and notice that they had a cough, you would speak of "100 deaths by caugh" ?? Have you ignored that even in the mainstream propaganda media drumming up hysterics and panic do mention that by far most (or almost all) deaths were of persons quite old (many above 80) and rather severe previous health conditions??
When looking and evaluating measures taken by politicians and governments, should we not compare death rates of different diseases and those authorities' responses? If the numbers of deaths are indicative of the severity of epidemics, why do governments all of a sudden lock down cities, states and countries when number of deaths are no more than with some other quite contagious diseases when no such steps were taken nor are planned to be taken?
Wolfgang said:
"If the numbers of deaths are indicative of the severity of epidemics, why do governments all of a sudden lock down cities, states and countries when number of deaths are no more than with some other quite contagious diseases when no such steps were taken nor are planned to be taken"?
"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. CM
"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. CM
Let's see if the government will take similar prevention steps with other diseases .... One should expect a similar lock down from Nov20-Mar21 during the typical annual influenza season ....seeing how many deaths are linked to various types of influenza.
Wolfgang said:
I suppose if you looked at the records of 100 deceased and notice that they had a cough, you would speak of "100 deaths by caugh" ?? Have you ignored that even in the mainstream propaganda media drumming up hysterics and panic do mention that by far most (or almost all) deaths were of persons quite old (many above 80) and rather severe previous health conditions??
Are you trying to say the world is full of fear-mongers, hysterics, charlatans, buffoons, bag-men, recluses, psychotics, hypersensitive, hypocrites, hyperventilating, Munchausens, dementias, steroidal hypochondriacs, bifurcating fabricators? CM
Are you trying to say the world is full of fear-mongers, hysterics, charlatans, buffoons, bag-men, recluses, psychotics, hypersensitive, hypocrites, hyperventilating, Munchausens, dementias, steroidal hypochondriacs, bifurcating fabricators? CM
maybe not full of (since there are also folks who -- even in these days -- dare to point out the lunacy of those types you mention above, even though those few critical voices are not (yet?) propagated by the mainstream propaganda media ....
I thought I would never ask this in these forums. Since CD Users are so quiet on this matter, what are P. C. Roberts' views on the Coronavirus? Is he one of "those few critical voices are not (yet?)"? CM
I thought I would never ask this in these forums. Since CD Users are so quiet on this matter, what are P. C. Roberts' views on the Coronavirus? Is he one of "those few critical voices are not (yet?)"? CM
Actually, I don't know what P.C: Roberts has written on the current "corona virus" situation. Thee critical voices I have heard and read are published and concern the situation in Germany ....especially some medical professionals who use published figures and facts and do comparisons etc. in their attempts to evaluate the situation. Needless to say, their evaluations do not agree with the hysterics and propaganda and devastating ruining steps propagated by mainstream media with which the public at large is brainwashed by the political puppets of obviously other powers behind the scenes.
What P.C. Roberts writes, you can find at
@Wolfgang posted:
Needless to say, their evaluations do not agree with the hysterics and propaganda and devastating ruining steps propagated by mainstream media with which the public at large is brainwashed by the political puppets of obviously other powers behind the scenes.
So the "voices" you listen to disagree with "the hysterics and propaganda... propagated by mainstream media" which "political puppets" use to "[brainwash]" the public at large. Sounds like the right choice... assuming those voices survive the pandemic.
So the "voices" you listen to disagree with "the hysterics and propaganda... propagated by mainstream media" which "political puppets" use to "[brainwash]" the public at large. Sounds like the right choice... assuming those voices survive the pandemic.
The overall figures will tell the story ... you can have a look at what the weekly published mortality figures for Europe are at the official site
You will notice that there has been NO increase of overall mortality even since the outbreak of corona virus and even in countries like Italy and Spain where reported virus deaths were the highest.
Does the Coronavirus remains in the ashes of one who was cremated? Should families be given the ashes of their loved-ones who "died of the Coronavirus"? Is the spreading of the cremation ashes reinfecting the air, land, and water with the Coronavirus? What say ye? CM
Process of cremation (about 1.5 hours at 1800 degrees) should sterlize bone fragment ashes of dearly departed one. If coronavirus is in the funeral home, ash container can become contaminated with coronavirus on the outside of container (as can breathable air in the funeral home).
Reading stories with tears weeping for many families worldwide. Praying for hearts of people to repent & turn to God during this pandemic.
Keep Smiling 😊
Have you forgotten the origin of man? Have you forgotten what happened on the sixth day of creation?
God created: The Heavens/earth, Gen. 1:26-27; Man Gen. 2:7; and Woman Gen. 2:18-24.
The God who created and can resurrect. Need more? Be encouraged. CM
Things remain, for the most parts, shut down. Would you now admit you were wrong then, and even, now? CM