On Earth, Two Living Beings Could Be Unified and Become One Living Being Only

KerimF Posts: 69

In our days, this fact/truth is well known by most humans around the world.

But our ancient primitive ancestors, kids of humanity, had no clue, at all, about it. It was out of question for them that it is possible for two living beings, on earth, to be unified and be one single living being only.

And if it happens that a today’s human has also no clue about it, it means he never heard that his own existence started from two tiny living cells: one from his genetic father and one from his genetic mother. When they reached each other, they combined to form his starting living cell which evolved for 9 months to become the human born baby he was.

Although educated humans now, the adults of humanity, know this truth in the material realm, many of them still find hard to also imagine it in the spiritual realm; that is two separate spirits can be unified by the Spirit of Love and have One Will only.

In other words, while humans now can believe in the earthly unifying process (by the chemical love), most of them cannot believe, even if they want to, in the existence of the Heavenly Unifying Spirit, the Holy Spirit, which is the core of Jesus’ message {Matthew 12:31-32}. The reason is simple. The former love is preprogrammed in their instincts already. The later one is not obvious, even to those who are given a living soul, besides their living flesh. True Love is strictly a personal matter based on a real free-will; it cannot be preprogrammed or commanded (imposed as a rule).

Anyway, by design, only the spirit of the unconditional unlimited love towards all others (good and evil) in one’s soul is eternal (how? this is another topic), anything else will return back to its raw state (the state of non-existence before birth).

A human only is given the freedom to oppose or not his robotic nature. But, by opposing it, such a human becomes no more of this world.

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